Chapter 2: a message to the animals

A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story. now let's get this chapter started.

3rd pov

after Noah sold his house to Farfan for a handful of pigeons that Noah can use to send the letters to the animals. right now Noah is getting the pigeons ready to send them off to the animals.

Noah: hmm, my little doves. it's almost time.

while Noah was about to release the pigeons one of his sons wives couldn't believe that he traded their home for birds. while Y/n was helping his Uncle with the boat just after placing a log down and whipping some sweat away.

Y/n: man, this is a lot more harder than building a house. but at least I'm getting some work out in.

Y/n then turns to see his Uncle Noah releasing the pigeons from their cage as they fly off towards the forest. while the pigeons were flying one was celebrating that their finally free.

pigeon1: free! finally we're free!

pigeon2: this we have to celebrate!

as some of them went off course into another direction one pure white pigeon was still continuing on with his course and notices his "friends" going into another direction.

white Pigeon: excuse me! but isn't the jungle *points the opposite direction* that way?

Pigeon3: come on! stop worrying.

the white pigeon reluctantly followed his "friends" to what seemed like a bar for birds. once in the bar the pigeons got drunk except for the white pigeon who really didn't feel good about not deliver the letter. at this time the other pigeons were making fun of Noah's warning as one had ripped up one of the letters while the white pigeon brought up about the flood.

white pigeon: what if the flood thing is for real?

the only thing that the other pigeons did was laugh and brushed it off as one man not right in the head.

white pigeon: honestly guys. have you seen clouds like these? *gets spooked by thunder* or heard thunder like like that?

pigeon1: wait a second! here comes the thunder!

he then farts making his fellow pigeons laugh minus the white pigeon as another one did it as well. but accidently craps himself which the others minus the white pigeon laughed at the embarrassed pigeon who then leaves the table. as the white pigeon had enough of the other pigeons attitude he takes the remaining letters and leaves the bar to the jungle.

-timeskip brought to you by the white pigeon tries to avoid hungry predators trying to eat him-

as the pigeon keeps flying after avoiding a pack of predators he sees a hole to fly into making him pick up speed to get inside. but the hole get's covered by a wood plank making the pigeon hit the said wood plank then fall to the ground while a letter gets stuck between the wooden plank. inside the place was a male anthropomorphic lion with a black mane laying down on his front side with a towel over head.

black maned lion: what's that noise?

????: oh, there's someone at the window.

the voice came from a orange orangutan climbs down the near the window to see one end of the letter sticking out of the window which the orangutan grabs, but accidently rips it in half in the process.

orangutan: oh, what's this? looks like a letter. *reads it* oh no, it's more like junk mail. they just don't know what to do to get people's attention.

he climbs down just to be above of the male lion after placing the ripped letter aside.

orangutan: but don't you worry about a thing. just relax your muscles. relax. *starts to messages the lion's mid section of the body*

black maned lion: right...

orangutan: we'll get rid of those nods.

-meanwhile outside of the room-

the pigeon is on the ground dazed from the impact of running into the window cover while a female anthropomorphic lion with noticeable curves walks passed the hurt pigeon going through her list of work.

female lion: I won't forget what Queen Oriana said and-

she stops in place as she now notices the wounded bird on the ground which she gently picks up for a better look.

female lion: oh who are you? * sees how hurt the pigeon is* what happen to you? what have they done to you. *sees a letter sticking out of a purse* what's this?

abirdged Meliodas: IT'S A SACHEL!!!!


the female lion then looks at the letter carefully, but then her eyes widen from what the letter says. she then looks up at the sky then towards the incoming clouds. meanwhile back inside the male black maned lion that was getting a message from the orangutan helping the lion relax.

orangutan: that's good. now just let yourself relax. relax and let go so the natural oils can do their work.

the orangutan then moves away towards a door with a curtain that leads what looks to be another room.

orangutan: I'll be back in a minute. *enters the room, but stick his head back out of the door way* darling.

the male lion then lift his head up feeling relaxed and with curlers in his mane then lays his head on his arms, but then sees the one half of the letter on the table next to him. feeling curious he picks it up and begins to read half of it's contents.

male lion: for 40 days...a great opportunity!

-with the female lion that is with other lions-

in a different room the female lion gave the letter from Noah to her king and Queen with other older lions reading the letter.

king lion: a great rain will fall upon the Earth for 40 days. God is giving us one last great opportunity. he asked me to build an ark where we shall all travel with my family together with pairs of animals to accomplish the divine design.

the queen and the female lion ins the room gave some worrying expressions while the older lions had some suspicious expressions.

king lion: learn to love each other, respect one another. *looks closer* be just, practiced solidarity and multiply.

-back with the male lion that was getting a message-

male lion: an ark! to learn to love each other and multilply!

the male lion celebrates while doing a little dance from reading the letter while back to the king lion and the other lions in the room were finishing up reading the letter.

king lion: to those chosen to fulfil the Lord's will. we will meet you in the Jasira desert past the forest. signed Noah.

????: I wanna go!

the lions in the room turn to see the same male lion that was getting a message with a smile on his face as well the curlers in his mane as one of the curlers come off the said mane.

male lion: listen to me if I'm not on that ark when it set sails I swear dad I shall never forgive you.

king lion: well, um... *looks at his wife/queen who looks back with a curious expression* are you sure of what your saying? this isn't just another whim?

male lion: no, dad I've thought about it. this is what I want to do. it's time that I fly the coop and take on new challenges, don't you think? I'm the son of the king and the heir to the throne.

the king and queen seemed convinced to their son's words while the female lion in the room was moved with dreamy eyes.

king lion: well does anyone have anything else to add?

old lion1: well something is not right.

old lion2: since the day he was born.

old lion1: aren't those my curlers?

male lion: well I'm off to tell Bombay the news.

king Lion: and now we must tell all the other animals. *to his wife* you Oriana your in charge of getting him a...a mate for the trip.

as the king said that the female lion was then brought out of her thoughts and getting the idea that she might be the one to be their son's mate.

Oriana: Kairel.

the female lion now known as Kairel turns to her king and queen thinking that they might choose her.

Kairel: it would be my honor-

Oriana: prepare an audition with all of Xiro's girlfriends.

Kairel: huh?

-timeskip to the animals meeting- 

as the animals gather for the meeting the son of the king and queen lions was in his room gathering his things while talking to the same orangutan that gave him a message. Kairel was welcoming the animals that arrived to the meeting which she motioned the two white bars to their seat. as they entered they see scores of animals all gathered in the same rom waiting for the king's meeting to start. while the old king lion was trying to stay awake until his queen helps him do so.

Oriana: Sabu.

Sabu: oh uh...attention. for years now we have been waiting to hear from the only animal...who never has attended to one of our meetings....Man.

this got some murmurs from the other animals as some have turned to an empty stone seat with a stone tablet with the word man on it.

Sabu: of them. one named...

white pigeon: *whispers to Sabu* Noah. 

Sabu: Noah! has gotten in touch with us. he is inviting us he has inviting us to board his ark. *coughs* an ark constructed to save us from a flood. you are now chosen ones to begin a new era. those of us who have reached the end of our journey *coughs* send you forth with the hope that you will build a better world.

????: well I'm against it!

the whole room turn towards three mythical like animals in the room consisting of a unicorn, a tall hairy animal with big feet and a large purple dragon with a green underbelly.

unicorn: I think this is no more than a trap to hunt all of us down.

random animal: what do you now?! stop living in a fantasy world!

Sabu: silent! please! our friend the unicorn has the floor.

unicorn: Man has always been out natural enemy. let's not be naïve, if you respond to this call you will surely find your heads hung over a mantlepiece next winter.

crocodile: shut up and take off that ridiculous party hat.

wolf: *chuckles* yeah where's the birthday party?

unicorn: it's a bone overgrowth!

bigfoot animal: *comforts his friend* don't pay any attention to them Philip.

Sabu: *coughs getting everyone's attention* no one is being forced to take this trip against their will. it is possible that this maybe one of Man's tricks, but if it isn't you will only survive by helping each other and following a strong leader. the time to make a decision is now.

during Sabu's speech a large looking male tiger was stroking his chin getting an idea while other animals were worried on their leader as to Kairel. then some of the animals are chanting "to the ark" while the three other animals were still not buying it. as King Sabu and Queen Oriana walk down the pedestal they were met with the same male tiger that was stroking his chin.

male tiger: wise words my king.

Sabu: Dagnino it's a pleasure to see you again.

Dagnino: same here king Sabu. excuse my interrupting, but I just want to know who will be chosen to guide all the animals on such a dangerous mission?

the two lions open the doors to reveal their son sitting on a chair waiting for his parents with a flower necklace around him and with his mane in natural position.

Xiro: explain to me how none of my choices qualifies a partner for me on this trip. whose responsible for the selections?

Sabu was a "really" look while Oriana was pinching the bridge of her muzzle while Dagnino has a curious one while stroking his chin.

Xiro: I want one of my choices. I want one now! *sees Dagnino* oh hey! Dagnino! you are quite a tiger. stripes really suit you. you know?

Dagnino: hmm.. it'll be a great trip. maybe a new beginning can also mean a new King.

To be continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter please let me know what you guys think in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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