The Princess and her Prince

S/m/n [step mom name]

F/N's life
*dream world*
When I born with aphmau till mother pass away.Dad remarried new mom and move in our new mom and sisters.Step sister name is Ivy and lily AND We clean whole house

"Wake up girls start clean the house and make breakfast"our s/m/n shouted
"Okay s/m/n"Aphmau accepted "come on f/n let start make breakfast and cleaning"
"*groan* okay okay okay I'm get up now"
We start making breakfast and cleaning.
Let me skip couple more you won't get bored so you probably wondering where ein well keep going

Ein's life
My dad told find lovely girl I can be become a king but even Aaron too.well I asked mother when I was born but mother say "you wasn't was little baby in basket at our castle when I open I look around who was there suddenly you started crying then I look down and took you inside castle. Me and Derek decide we add you our family member "
I was surprise I was little baby in basket. it must someone drop off at the castle.well aaron and I need make party so we can find lovely women our true love.
Time skip make plan for party
We told mail men send whole village will come our royal ball till next Monday.I hide werewolf keep hidden our family is secret.

F/N's life
We kept clean until aph and I heard knock on door
"I open door and you answer that person"Aphmau planed
I nodded so Aphmau open the door
"Hello sir"I greeted
"Hello miss you got mail"mail man greeted
He hand over to me
"Oh thank you"I smiled
" you're welcome miss have nice day"mail man weave good bye to me
"And you too sir!"I shouted and weave good bye to mail man
Aphmau close the door
"Aph we got mail I'm wonder could be in mail"I told aph
"We should hand over to our step mother"Aphmau suggested
"Your alright wellll what we waiting for let go"I cheered
Aphmau and I went up stair and enter room
"You got mail"aphmau spoke and hand over s/m/n
S/m/n grab mail and open it
"The royal kingdom having royal ball so you get marry by Prince till next monday"s/m/n shocked
"We going royal ball"ivy cheered
But my mind I want go royal ball so I want get ready till next Monday
"Can I go royal ball please"I asked sound pleasing
"Me too"aphmau begging
"Okay you two, you have to do all your chore and start making your own dress"s/m/n told us
"We understood"Aphmau smiled
I nodded and smiled
Our step mother accepted aphmau and I go royal ball till next Monday.I better start cleaning and cooking

Week later till Monday Aphmau and you work hard cleaning and cooking food but you and Aphmau work on your step sister and your too
Night time
I've been working so hard on this dress and even help other too.I put on cute dress
( you can change dress color)

"Hey Aphmau can I see your dress"I asked
"Sure.."Aphmau answered
Aphmau walk out and show me her dress it was so pretty

"What you think"Aphmau asked
"You look great with your dress"
Aphmau and I walk down stair.
"I'm ready go royal ball"I smiled
"Same thing"Aphmau cheered
Ivy rip my dress even lily too.they rip our dress into rag
"Aphmau and f/n your NOT going royal ball"s/m/n shouted at us
Everything ruin even my dress especially Aphmau's dress too.I'm so upset. Aph and I run to Garden and we cry.
"Can you give me water.."old lady asked
I nodded so I head inside grab cup of water and back outside. I pass over to Aph and Aphmau give cup of water to old lady. Suddenly the old lady transform something
"Ahh much better thank you girls"lady smiled
"Who are you?"I asked
"Ah I'm your fairy godmother"fairy godmother told us
"Oh it nice to meet you fairy good mother"Aphmau smiled
"I want you two go royal but first  I need carriage, a horse and a person"fairy godmother told us
"But how you that?"I asked
"F/N It magic silly hehe"Aphmau spoke
I was completely dumbfounded it is magic duh silly me.
"Well start making magical"fairy godmother cheered
"How about that pumpkin"I pointed
Fairy godmother nodded and weave her wand suddenly the pumpkin it turn to carriage.
"Oh how about the cutie mouse"Aphmau spoke
She weave her wand hit mouse to turn horse.
"Fairy godmother I found lizzard"I told her
Fairy godmother weave her wand third time the lizzard turn to human.
"One more is you I make your dress very pretty"Fairy godmother smiled
Fairy godmother weave her wand at us
My dress very pretty and Aphmau's dress lookl very cute 

[This your dress oh you can the color if you want to change the color]

[This Aphmau dress]

"Now go on carriage"fairy godmother open the door
Aphmau and I went inside the carriage.
"I need you tell girls when it hit 12 o'clock the magic change back normal"fairy godmother told us
"I understand"I said
"Me too"
"Well have fun at royal ball" fairy godmother smiled and weave goodbye us
Aphmau and I weave goodbye to her while carriage going head to royal ball

Time skip when you get out the carriage

We made it the royal ball.I walk out carriage even aphmau too.
"Aphmau let's go head inside"I cheered
Aphmau nodded
Aphmau and I enter the castle head to royal ball when we walk to royal ball I saw people look at us. One of prince walk to me.he bow to me and ask me
"Do want dance with me"the Prince smiled
"Sure"I accepted
I let him take my hand go into dance
We dance little bit
"Well let go outside" The Prince said
"You meant the garden right?"I kinded
He nodded
"Okay let go to garden"I smiled at Prince
When we got there to the garden.I notice I don't know what his name
"Where my manner I'm Ein"Ein greeted
"It nice to meet you"I welcomed and I bow at Prince Ein
"Well do want dance more?"Ein asked
I nodded as we continue more dance I ever never forget that memory.Ein and I take break the dance so we walk over to the garden
"I'm uncomfortable something"Ein frown
"What do mean?"I asked
"I......"Ein shocked
"Well I'm sorry being rude to you"I apologize
"No there need a apologize to me well I reveal to you"Ein smiled
I look at ein what he going do suddenly the ear and tail pop out
"So your werewolf"I said
" yeah I'm werewolf well don't tell someone wait are you okay with werewolf"Ein asked
"I'm okay with werewolf"I told him
"Well I leave it my ear and tail on"Ein smiled
when Ein and I going about kiss suddenly the time hit 12 o'clock.
"I'm sorry I got go yeah bye "I quickly talked
"Wait princess uh..." ein spoke
I run and I look back behind me,I saw Prince Ein chase after me.I went down stairs when my one glass slipper.I try get it but I had get out. I saw Aphmau drop her a glass slipper too so Aphmau and I kept run and we on carriage.I tell them to go.The person drove us every far when the magic disappear Aph and I fall to ground
"Wait minute why glass slipper have on me and you"Aphmau shouted
"We find out well we got go home"I said
We walk to get home.
Ein's life
I was about kiss her when she say sorry and she run out so I chase after her.she lost one glass slipper.I saw Aaron pick up the glass slipper so I pick up.
"Aaron.."I spoke
"I must find her! "Aaron shouted
In mind I want her well I decide I want find. I want her be my future princess or queen.
"Well Aaron tomorrow we going find her"I said
Aaron nodded
So we ended the party

(F/N)'s life
Aphmau and I got home so we hide the glass slipper.I put back maiden clothes till our step mother and step sisters
We head to sleep
Next day
Ein's life
Aaron and I went to houses who fit the glass slippers to women. Lisa try glass slipper her feet big and Rae try glass slipper her feet is small. Aaron and I kept searching our princess.

F/N's life
Aphmau and I doing chores step mother waking up the girls.
"Do remember last night that girls dance with Princes"S/m/n said
When I stop even aphmau drop the tray. S/m/n turn around and look at us
I walk over Aphmau to help her.
"Lily and Ivy must clean up your clothes or I won't get any thing for you"
Lily and Ivy nodded and they pick all the clothes.They hand Aphmau and me. I smiled at my step sisters so I hand to back even aphmau smiled and hand back to them. Aphmau and I walk out so i dance nicely.Aph and I head to up stairs.when made it our room
"Well well girls you just dance along"S/M/N mock at us
Our step mother close the door and lock it up .I hiting door so I started crying when Aph started sing a song.I stop crying so I join with aph
[Play the song]
This is Garnet[Aphmau](I know it funny Lol😄😄)
Back together
And I'm never going down at the hands of the likes of you
Because I'm so much better
And every part of me is saying "Go get 'er."
The two of us ain't gonna follow your rules.
Come at me without any of your fancy tools.
Let's go, just me and you.
Let's go, just one on two.

Go ahead and try to hit me if you're able.
Can't you see that my relationship is stable?
I can see you hate the way we intermingle.
But I think you're just mad 'cause you're single.

You're not gonna stop what we've made together.
We are gonna stay like this forever.
If you break us apart we'll just come back newer.
And we'll always be twice the gem that you are.
I am made o-o-o-o-of
Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of

Mm mm mm mm mm.

This is who we are.
This is who I am.
And if you think you can stop me
Then you need to think again.
'Cause I am a feeling
And I will never end.
And I won't let you hurt my planet,
I won't let you hurt my friends.

Go ahead and try to hit me if you're able.
Can't you see that my relationship is stable?
I know you think I'm not somethin' you're afraid of.
'Cause you think that you've seen what I'm made of.

But I am even more than the two of them.
Everything they care about is what I am.
I am their fury.
I am their patience.
I am a conversation.

I am made
Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of
And it's stronger than you.
Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of
And it's stronger than you.
Lo-o-o-o-ove o-o-o-o-of
And it's stronger than you.
Lo-o-o-o-ove lo-o-o-o-ove


Ein's life
Aaron and I stop at really nice house.I knock on door so we wait to open but no one open the door.
"I knock on door loud again "I said
I knock on door even more loud then the old lady open the door.
"Hello lady I'm wondering if there young women in your home?"Aaron asked
"Yes I have two girls"Old lady smiled
"Oh great can we came in your home"I asked
She nodded
Aaron and I enter the house.I heard the mother shouted
"LILY AND IVY COME WE HAD GUEST"the mother shouted
The girls came down from their room
I weave at girls
"Hello Prince Aaron and Prince Ein,my name is Lily"Lily greeted
"Same,My name is Ivy"
"Well nice meet you girls so we are finding the princess who lost the glass slippers"I spoke
"Lily and Ivy have a sit,we going try put on the glass slippers"Aaron ordered
Lily and Ivy take sit.I try put on Ivy but it doesn't fit the glass slippers
"Any luck Aaron?"I asked
"No..."Aaron answered
So Aaron and I switch the girl
I try put on Lily same it doesn't fit too so I look at Aaron.he shake his head a no suddenly Aaron and I heard someone sing.
"Excuse me miss can you tell them come here"I smiled
"No they are busy"the mother said
"I want you get them to come down or you go jail"Aaron demanded
She nodded and went up

F/N's life
Aphmau and I look at each other we started laughing suddenly I heard the door knob is someone going enter this
"Aph and f/n come with me"s/m/n told us
Aphmau and I follow our step mother
When I saw Prince Ein.
"Hello ladies have a sit"Ein smiled
I took a sit
Ein put on glass slipper my foot
"Aaron I found her, she one"Ein told Aaron
When step mother grab from Aarron she throw the glass slipper.The glass slipper is broken.
"Don't worry have another one glass slipper"Aphmau said
Aph went up to get another glass slipper when she came back.she hand to Aaron.Aaron put glass slipper on Aphmau's foot.
"She is lost her glass what your name i didn't catch your name"Aaron muttered
"My name is Aphmau"Aphmau greeted
"what name your?"Ein asked
"My name is f/n"
"That lovely name princess f/n"Ein smile
You and Aphmau end up getting married. You and Ein ruled kingdom even Aaron and Aph too 😄😄😄😄😄💜💜💜

The winner is .....

So I work hard on I got plan next story so this Cinderella story if heard the story so graduation to wasted_Aphmau_Trash.well I got 2.49k so thank so much you guy are SWEETHEARTS.I love you guys💜💜💜💜💜

Kittyart is out~🐱💜

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