Little something about me
Gina’s life
“I’m sorry miss we found your daughter, she is dead”Officer Anderson
“*breathe in and out fast* nonono She can’t be dead!! She can’t be dead but how?”
“Miss, we don’t know how she die”Officer Anderson
“What! I want know ”
“ Again we don’t know” Officer Anderson
~dream end ~
I woke up from my very bad nightmare
This can be real,I need go outside and get some fresh air
I change my clothes and head to park however i started singing
(play the song plz)
Little do you know
How I’m breaking while you fall asleep
Little do you know
I’m still haunted by the memory
Little do you know
I’m trying to pick myself from piece by piece
Little do you know
I need a little more time
Underneath it all I’m held captive by the hole inside
I’ve been holding back
For the fear that you might change your mind
I’m ready to forgive you but forgetting is a harder fight
Little do you know
I need a little more time
Away, away
I love you like you've never felt the pain, away
I promise you don’t have to be afraid, away
The love you see right here stays so lay your head on me
Little do you know
I know you’re hurt while I'm sound asleep
Little do you know
All my mistakes are solely drowning me
Little do you know
I’m trying to make it better piece by piece
Little do you know
I, I love you till the sun dies
Away, just wait
I love you like I've never felt the pain, just wait
I love you like I’ve never been afraid, just wait
Our love we see right here stays so lay your head on me
Away, away
I love you like you've never felt the pain, away
I promise you don’t have to be afraid, away
The love you see right here stays so lay your head on me
Lay your head on me
So lay your head on me
'Cause little do you know
I love you till the sun dies
My husband came here and comfort for me
“Are you okay?”Andy asked
“Yeah I’m okay”
“Are you sure?”Andy gulped
“Yeah i think i should move on”
“That good however we need head home right now” Andy told
“however we can go to picnic”Gina
“That good idea!”
As my husband lift me up and round then he put me down. I’m glad met him,andy is been my life.right now we are married and have four kids. I love my kids.i hope my kids find their love one.
“Gina let go”Andy smiled
I nodded at him
As we came back in our house suddenly someone woke up
“Mom? Dad? What are you doing in early morning?”Jake asked
“Oh jake uh your dad and I wanna have nice walk for today also Jake you should go back too bed, you must be tired”
“Okay i see however I’m going back to bed.”
Jake walk back to his room however we go to sleep.
Luna’s life
I live in this island it best thing ever in my life.
“Hey luna! I wanna meet another person”Jade Smiled
“oh another I’m excited!”
“Paris come out”
“....hewo?”Paris whispered
“luna ,Paris is too shy to meet another person”
“Ah i see that why she talking very low”
“Paris this Luna. Luna this paris” Jade told us
“Hi paris,it nice to meet you, I hope we become great friend”
“ nice to meet you”Paris Agreed
“Awesome! We should go swim with mermaid!”Jade cheered
Jade drag us and jade push paris then only one I can’t swim because my mom never ever teach me how to swim.
“Jade,I can’t swim”
“Luna you're gonna miss out with the mermaids”
All the suddenly Jade try get me in water well I end up going in water with them
However speak of paris,Paris turn into something her legs was GONE it just tail on her.
Is she ok?!?
“Paris? Are you okay?”
“Uh luna let me tell you Paris can turn into mermaid that all just don’t freak out”Jade explained
“Oh……..also where the other mermaids?”
“Oh yeah the other mermaids will be coming soon”
Other mermaids came in
“Hi Paris,jade and….”Female mermaid 1
“Ah Audrey this Luna”
“Oh she look pretty!” female mermaid 2
“Oh she does also she look cute” Merman smiled
“Oh…..thank you”
I was blushing hard wow they soo nice to me.
“Guys listen up you need introduce yourself first”
“Right we forgot that well! Hi luna my name is Audrey”
“Hello,my name is Rae”
“Hey luna,My name is James”
I met James,Audrey and Rae however they are mermaid.
But James look soo handsome also with glasses I bet he look so smart than me.
“Let go swim”
1 hour later
I have been look at james, since i crush on him right now
I went back to secret hideout
Y/n’s life
My dad show me picture of me well it quite embarrassing seeing when i was little.
“Dad I think we should have walk together?”
“Sure,let me put this away first ”Zack agreed
Zack just put the book away
“Alight let go also sweetie can you grab for me please?”Zack
I quirky grab dad’s key and gave him
“Thank you” Zack smiledl
“No problem dad “
As dad and I walk outside it took hour but all the sudden Dad saw this girl.I was shock like in my mind “what going on?!”
“Hi zack and who this person?” she asked
“Oh hello Elizabeth,also this my daughter”
“Hmm she look pretty”
“Oh? Thank you well my name is Y/n”
I gave her a smile and raise my hand giving her too shake my hand
“It nice meet name Elizabeth” Elizabeth said
She give smile back to me and shaked my hand
“Hey elizabeth i’m wondering if we can go on restaurant”
“Hm sure why i want get know more her”Elizabeth smiled
“Dad yeah since i'm starving”
“Alright let’s go in my car”
As we walk back my dad’s house however we hop on in the car and drove to olive garden
Skip time (kittyart don’t know about olive garden im sorry! ^^;;)
The food was soo yummy i can't’ help myself
Ein’s life
Our parents wanted have nice picnic today with us however I runaway from my family soo now i can tell you what happen
I was sleeping in my bed but someone barge in my room.
“Ein wake up”Gina told me
“ stop im sleeping”
“We are take you and your sibling too”Dad explained
“Um where are going”
“We gonna have nice picnic today”
Great,our parents gonna take us on picnic but I remember we did on picnic it was disaster. Let...stay positive for today.
“Good well.. go dress right now alright?”Gina smiled
“Yes mom now can you leave my room please?”
“sure son”Andy said
As I was changing my clothes but Jake came in my room also he didn't knock on door
“Uh…..GET OUT”
“Greez….okay I'm getting out”Jake shouted
Jake slam the door really loud however Baby iris woke up with a cry.i need be fast right now!
I came out
“Son why don’t you help with mom”
“Okay dad”
Today well i mean I’m getting little cranky ugh i hate someone wake me up really early
“Ein wake up there snow outside”Jake cheered
“Can you let me alone..”
“ no look at window! it snowing!”Jake told me
“Gah!”Jake screamed
“That what i thought let me sleep more!”
Jake ran out my room
Since jake learned his lesson never ever wake up me.right now Jake don’t knock at my door which I had yell at him.
Today my plan is hangout with f/n but my parents sometimes like take us somewhere. Today we going on picnic…….that not make me happy.
“I wanted hangout with girlfriend only one day…..”
“Wait I can call my girlfriend!”
I quickly grab my phone and call my my phone ringed but she didn't pick up her call.
“Maybe I try again later “
“Son can you help me with the change iris’s diaper”Andy told
Well I had no choices….
“Yes Dad…”
Skip time
Ugh change diaper is nasty …...that smell ugh….I wish jacob can change diaper not me I hated change her diapers.
“Are we ready kids?”Gina cheered
“Ein where your cheering?”Gina smiled
“Mom! Really you just wake me you guys just drag me anywhere place but me had plan too spend with my girlfriend! HOWEVER YOU ALWAYS DRAG ME SOMEWHERE!”
“Darn ein that pretty hard” Jacob shocked
“e..ein…..”Gina cried
“Son i….i’m sorry we didn’t know”
“Woah Ein calm down”Jacob told me
“.......i’m not gonna calm down”
What i am doing?!?! I am yelling at my parent and jacob,What have i done! This my fault!
You know what I should run away this for Luna! As I run out outside without looking back
“EIN!! WHERE ARE YOU GOING!!” Gina,Andy and jacob shouted
9 minutes from running
“Greez I ran soo much maybe later i come back my home however i should visit F/n’s house”
I went F/n’s house as i knock on door then someone.she just opened the door…
“Hey??”she said
“Hi, do you know f/n”
“Ah yes! We don’t know where she” she told me
“Yea….what your name but i seen you at my school”
“Oh i’m f/n’s girlfriend and my name is Ein”
“Ahh your f/n’s girlfriend.sweet well my name is Aphmau”
“Right i do remembered your name well we can spend together today when f/n come back”
“Ein again she haven’t came back like 1 day ago”
“She haven’t came back like 1 ago? Is that true?”
Aphmau nodded
“This crazy why are we loose in our life,hey i can come in ??”
“Sure please come inside”
As i came in house,we sat in couch
“Yes?”aphmau said
“This insane oh my goodness let me tell you, my sister run away from my home however i felt this all my fault then NOW your sister have BEEN missing.I can’t help myself”
“Ein...,I truly care about my twin sister…..”Aphmau start crying .
I was shock all sudden aphmau start crying litterty right now I’m shaking hard this world was upside down.
“I had no idea where f/n, i’m worry about her” aphmau cried
F/n’s life
Dad and I came back home from hanging out with Elizabeth. I checked on my phone but I saw i miss a call from ein oh no I kinda feel….miss someone in my life
“Yes sweetie?”
“I’m kinda feel home sick…..”
“Aww sweetie this your real home and grew up here”Dad told me
“Dad i know….but I really miss my sister,she must be worry about me”
My dad didn’t say anything.I feel scare how dad feel…
Hey guys
Im sorry i haven’t update the story but IT HERE you are happy ??? I will be working more story still the end, that it all i s-
Matthew: hey kittyart! ^-^
Kittyart: hi matthew and damien,what you need ?
Damien: I was think I should make letter for ShingekiNoAnim3
Matthew: same ^-^ for trashcan_chan
Kittyart:oh okay??
Diana: *knock* um dear,I’m sorry barge in your home
Kittyart: hi diana,what you need?
Diana i kinda want letter for SolarChaos
Kittyart: okay okay guys you're acting weird what going on?
Matthew: Kittyart we not weird,we are here to write letter for them
Kittyart: okay just write letter for them alright now i’m leave because you guys are getting weird
Diana: wait! Kittyart want tell you something
Diana lean in and whisper too kittyart
Diana:Please do it also i will pay for you ;)
Kittyart:okay and tell me why?
Diana:you see....we should talk it later okay dear
Matthew:Kitty can you forgive me ?
Kittyart:huh? Uh what? Okay I accepted your forgiveness
Matthew:THANK YOU *ran at kittyart and hug attack for kittyart*
KIttyart:No problem Matthew
Damien:Kittyart you should chill back alright?
Kittyart: okay, guys! You are acting weird i’m sorry yelling at you
Damien:Nonononono your fine i know your confuse what is going well you see we wanted make a letter for them that all
All the sudden someone barge in room
James:ah miss there you are,Erik and I made a dinner for you if you wanna grab it
Erik:after that when you finish eating your dinner. My brothers and I was thinking we should play game broad together today but I know your kinda busy with art and writing
Kittyart:Nah i'm not busy, sure ! I will play game board with you guys
James: that wonderful miss we will get ready for game broad tonight if you like invite some your friends
Kittyart:alright :D
Diana:dear uhhh please do it for me?
KIttyart:i will i cannot break you promise from you diana
Diana:thank you dear
Sam:Uh hello!?!
Kittyart:ah sam hey
Sam: Hey *Ahem* I wanna tell you about something but later alright
Matthew:I need writing a letter right now!
Damien:we completely loss our times
Diana: same for me!
Kittyart:calm down don’t freaking out okay you got some time
Matthew:yea your right kittyart
Sam:I’m gonna head get some food for my dinner
Kittyart:hmm same i’m really hungry soo guys take your times okay?
Diana,Matthew and Damien:I understand
Matthew:Now! It time write a letter!!
Dear kassidy
I’m wondering if you can go have some REALLY SOME FUN on week with ME !!
I’m looking forward get some sweet treat for you and me ^-^
However simon and I are getting along really little bit but anyway I really love you so much hmm i was thinking i should ask on kittyart something you don’t need worry about it now i made something really good yummy food for you ^-^ well I will be waiting for you <3
Dear ShingekiNoAnim3
ShingekiNoAnim3i wanna say something really good news,I had weeks off on my works soo that mean we can have summer vacation together. Maybe we can go beach,camping, or something!! Just for now we can chill relax for day but we can talk about that later. I was thinking about baby…..I’m sorry It weird ^^;; well I like making children book for them. Hey listen up can you meet me there my office please shin ?? I want you <3
p.s. I love you shin
Dear T2drxeem
Well honey you have notice what i was whispering to kittyart.please you don’t want ask kittyart however I was planning having break on my duties work soo i can spend times more with you honey. I miss you soo much while i working on my duties work on my kingdom long days. Right now I’m told everyone i’m taking a break off from my duties but don’t worry the rebel leader is take care everything my work. I’m excited spend time with you. I wnat ask you something. How much you really love me? If you ask me same question well here my answer I love you soo much
Diana 💜💜💜💜
Damien:I'm gonna go my office soo cya
Diana:same I'm go head off somewhere
Matthew:alright then I can do
Male kittyart:matthew! Make me do you can't
Male kittyart:EH! WHAT COME ON PLZ
Matthew:no! I'm gonna do it
Male kittyart:ugh fine then I'm leaving
Matthew:okay Guys! I LOVE YOU EVERYONE HAVE READING ON KITTYART'S BOOK WOW YOUR AMAZING!!! LOOK AT YOU IM SOOO PROUD AT YOU GUYS.well....... I took sneak peak on kittyart works.....well I had get ready for something sooo wait I forgot kittyart outro......uh....oh nuuuuu I'm gonna get trouble ! Uh! Oh I know I can check on her wattpad book
*checking on her book*
Oh okay alright guys ! Kittyart is out~😸
Matthew:uhhhh....hmmm well change it lol MATTEW IS OUT BOI! 💙💙
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