[Epic rap battle of PDH]Gene vs Ein

Kittyart note
I drew it Ein and Gene. Sorry about gene arm look werid.[Lol]

This video have bad word so don't watch it just skip the song okay.if all ready seen it that good.

Gene's life
How I'm going do this I'm dead oh no wait.I should make ein to join my shadow Knight that it.I'm ready haha hahahahahaha

Ein's life
I was getting ready for school I decide not pick up F/n so I head off to school
I waiting Gene but I decided read my book sitting on fountain. Someone came my rap battle but Gene asked me really dumb question

[Play song please]

Gene: Hey Ein, I have to ask you somethin'

Ein: Huh? um.. Sure, what is it?

Gene: Do you do ANYTHING other than sit there and read?

Ein: Well... I--

Gene: Look, i won't dance around the issue, so i'll get to the point.. Why don't you join the shadow knight club?

Ein: What?? Why??

Gene: Because it's beneficial! You'll learn self-defense, workout, and--

Ein: Sorry,Gene, but i have to say no..

Gene: W-Why!? What is it with you and turning down every club that approaches you?

Ein: Well, I--

Gene: You know what? I have a better idea. How 'bout I show you, AND THE ENTIRE SCHOOL, why you should stop loitering around and join a club?

Ein: Wha??..


Gene: So let me get this straight; you just sit there and read? Without a care in the world, or a want or a need..? Would you call that living? I call that being a bum. You'll be begging to join my club when this rap battle is done. Ein, you blend into the crowd with some friends here, or therebut what you really need is a purpose, not just sweet fresh air. How bout' i show you how to defend yourself so you can survive? After that, you'll finally know the meaning of being alive!

Ein: .....

Gene: You've got nothing to say? Come on, show me what you can do! I know a million ways to fight and a hundred ways to block you. Ein, say something! You really have nothing to say?? If you don't then why the heck won't you see things my way?

Ein: *sighs and shuts book* Look, Gene, I'm just not interested, alright? Why would i join a club like yours, unless i'm looking for a fight? U just want to read in peace, but just had to open your mouth. So let me shut you up and tell you what this Yamada's all about. I'm an average teenage guy trying to get by in school. Without anyone's approval and not looking like a fool, unlike you. I mean c'mon. You walk around like Bruce Lee, telling people "Hey! join my club! We do ditch class!" But let's face it, why learn about fighting unless you plan to use it any time you want? What's your thoughts on that, then? If you can't defend that, then you've already lost. Now pardon my English, but can you kindly.. FUCK OFF!?

Gene: There's no need to get hostile, buddy, i just wanted to convince you, that there's more to life than reading what fictional characters will do. You can laugh all you want, but you might not regret joining me, if someone goes beserk and starts a random killing spree

*Rylan and Daniel try dragging a Dottie in the background*

Ein: Now see that logic just doesn't make sense. If no one here's a psycho then why should i learn defense? Unless you're planning something, Gene. Wannna spill what that's about? Why learn defense unless you plan to knock someone out?

Gene: You're putting words in my mouth!!

Ein: Then stop trying to judge me, okay?! I like reading, get over it!

Gene: But how is that okay!? Like, all you do is read!! What kind of girl finds that attractive??

Ein: What? Is THAT what this is about? What about being active??

Gene: YOU DENSE MOTHER FUCKER! Would you look up for once?! There's a bunch of girls that think you're the cutest of the bunch!! How can you be so blind despite the reading you keep doing?! Gah, what am i saying? Heck, who am i fooling?--

Ein: Now see, unlike you, i don't care about someone's looks. I just want them to be kind and maybe like some of my books. If you want a girl that badly, read and see how far that goes. You've made an ass of yourself, and now EVERYBODY knows!

Dottie: WHO WON???? Umm... I'm not sure... SOMEONE TELL ME!! This is too tough! JUST WHO WON?!!

Ein&Gene: Dottie!!

Dottie: Sorry! Sorry! I guess you decide??? EPIC! RAP (RAP)

Rylan: Dottie~



All students had phone up and record us whole thing.
"Oh my gosh that was.....Awesome!!"all Students shouted
"Uh...we are so dead"I said
"Yea...Ein do want ditch your school"Gene whispered
In mind. I should ditch school only one day
I nodded
"Follow me"Gene whispered
As I follow gene when Aphmau and f/n arrvie at school
"Gene hurry up,F/n is here!"I shouted
"Dude if you don't complain I won't help you"Gene snapped
Without look back there no way to around.I'm sorry f/n
"Gene where we going?"I asked
"We are going mall I work at hot topic"Gene answered

F/n's life
Aphmau and I saw all students had phone up and cheer by someone
I must ask them why everyone had there phone up
"Hello,I have a question"
"Sure"male student accepted
"Why everyone had there phone up"
"Well they did epic rap battle so we record it whole thing"
"Can I see it please?"
"No"Male student
"What come on please"
"No,if you had a phone to record the rap battle"male bossy
I better text Ein what happened but suddenly the ringed
"Well I got go to class"

Ein's life
"So I'm work at hot topic so ya later"Gene weave at me
I back weave so I'm planning buy plush for f/n so I head to hot topic to get plushie.I found really cute pusheen plushie and t-shirts

"What are you doing here"Gene asked
"I'm buy pusheen, see?"I showed
"Okay ugh"Gene groaned
As I waited Gene scan my item
"That cost is 15.99"Gene awswered
I pay it to get pusheen as a apology for f/n

"Here enjoy"Gene groaned

"Thx"I smiled
Gene roll his eyes
I walk out from hot topic and I take a sit

F/n's life
It lunch time so I can text Ein on my phone.I grab my phone and start texting
Text message
(You-Y Ein-E)
Y-it lunch time so I'm worry about you, where are you?
E-I'm at dentist
Y-okay when I finish my school can you meet at Halloween store the time at 5
E-Yes,I see you at Halloween store
Y-hey,What happen at school oh wait your not at school your at denist

Ein's life
I look at my phone I must stop lying,I tell the truth. I feel shame.
Text message
E- f/n I'm sorry cannot stop lying on text messages okay the truth is Gene and I had rap battle so..the Students had there phone up and record us the whole thing.Gene and I at mall now

Y-YOU DID WHAT,you guys need Chill can not you believe had a rap battle at school
E-I'm sorry but I got a girt
Y-hey don't change the subject.I want know what happened yesterday
E-I will tell you at Halloween store okay
E-I got to go ya later
Text message end
I tell her the truth that good side.however I starving now I should buy food.
Time skip
I got my food but I started dig in.Speaking of f/n gift. I need proper bag for her and a apologies card too so.I head to craft store I purchased a bug,a tissue paper and apologies card so I put all pusheen item inside bag and sorry card too.I check what time it 4:49.I better get going.

F/n's life
Since school over now I'm going Halloween store.
Time skip
"Hello princess"Ein greeted
"Hey Ein"
"Here a gift for you"Ein handed to me
There bag with tissue paper so I open it.I show pusheen stuff and two card for me

That bag look like


I accepted this apologies"I smiled
"Thank you my princess"Ein smiled back to me
"No problem"
"Shall we get our Halloween costumes"Ein said
Ein and I walk to aisle of overwatch(I know there no overwatch costumes at store but you can craft your mercy costume)
"What are you going be Halloween?"Ein asked
"I'm going be Mercy and you?"

"I'm going be Genji"Ein asked
"Cool"I commented
Ein and I grab our costumes and buy it.
Ein drove me to home.

"Thank you"I smirked
Ein and I was blushing so hard well we end up kissing on our lip. it long kiss such great passion. I pull away from kiss
"Bye Ein~"I smirked
"Bye my princess"Ein weaved it me
I went my house I remember I had no homework today yay for me it get late I should go bed.As I getting ready for bed when my phone ringed so I answered the phone
"Hi dad "
"Hi sweetheart how are you ?"
"I'm do good"
Suddenly someone pull out my charger so phone die again when I look at mom
"Hi sweetie"Mom smiled
"Time go sleep"
"Okay mom"
"Goodnight sweetie"
"G-night mom"
I slowly drift to sleep

Sylvana's life
F/n was talking his father.I must call Zack.
"Hi Zack do remember me"
"Yes I'm remember you"
"I had your daughter"I asked
"WHAT You had my daughter"
" yes I have my two girls"
" Zack! "
" your daughter kept turning werewolf"
"But how?"
"Well by potion"
"Very interesting is she dating by werewolf?"
"She NOT Dating werewolf even Aphmau not dating too"
"I can tell your lying tell me the truth"
"Good Bye"
I end the my call.I need cool down and go to bed

Hi guys
Halloween is coming if you don't celebrate Halloween that completely fine.so you and Ein going Mercy and Genji on Halloween it almost cosplay. Next story going Halloween special
So yeah
Kittyart is out~🐱💜

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