Aphmau need help
F/F/IC (what your favorite ice cream flavor)
I woke up from morning it was sunny day i think should go park but I need eat breakfast first also watch tv too.I went grab some breakfast and watching tv.when i saw aphmau came down stairs
“Hey Aph”
“Hi sis..”Aphmau said
Hmm there something wrong about aphmau
“Aph are you okay?”
“Huh? Oh I'm fine!”Aphmau smiled
“Okay if you say so now I’m going to park have walk”
“Alright sis be safe”
I walk back my room pick up my phone
“Hmm i should invite Ein came along too”
Ein’s life
I was in my room suddenly notification from my princess
Text message start
Y-hey Ein
E-hello my princess
Y-I was wondering if you want come at park
E- sure
Text message end
“The park? That sound perfect”
“Ein! can I come with you pretty please!”Luna begged
“No you can’t you need a permission from mom or dad”
“aww …..Mommy!”Luna shouted
“Oh no”
“Yes sweetie?” Gina asked
“Ein don’t let me go to the park”Luna whined
“Ein.. please let her since Luna need play outside also ein take care of her”
“....*Sigh* alright mom well Luna come on”
“yay!”Luna cheered
I can not believe this Luna want join with me and now that even more greater.Luna and I was at park
F/n's life
I saw Ein and….Luna? At the park,huh that weird
“Hey Ein and hi Luna”
“Hi princess I'm sorry well let's me explained”
“hi f/n”Luna cheered
“ *Ahem* I accidentally say it out loud so Luna heard then Luna was pleasing she can go to the park but I say no sooo Luna called mom and tell her.my mother told me take Luna with me.if you don't mind Luna join with us”Ein explained
“ah see well I don't mind so yeah”
“Luna why don’t you go play on playground”Ein smiled
“okay!”Luna shouted
“Wait Ei,you keep eye on her also me too”
“I know what i'm doing now can we walk”Ein complained
“That it now your complain not you stop complain young mister hehe”
“But!” Ein yelled
“No but,why don’t play with your sister”
“fine”Ein accepted
“Good be nice too Luna, I gonna keep on you two”
“Princess you know that I’m not a kid” Ein smirked
“Uhh…..um I’m sorry!”
I feel embarrass omg i can't believe treating him like a child
“hahahaha”Ein laughed
“Omg im sooo sorry”
“It fine”Ein smiled
“How was baby iris going?”
“She is pretty good but she alway cries in middle the night that made me little bit tired”Ein responded
“Aww hahaha poor Ein but you had to take the baby ”
“Well yeah Jacob and I had take care luna and baby Iris even my parent too”Ein explained
“That right”Ein smiled
“Wait Ein?! Where luna?!”
“Oh no! We must call her”Ein stammered
We split up and try find luna
“Luna! Where are you Luna!”
She must not here in the playground we can’t believe lost her
“sweetie come on out!"
"Boo!"Luna shouted
Luna jumped from bushes
"oh Luna you scare also thank goodness your safe too"
"Hahaha you have seen your face"Luna laughed
"Ein I found Luna!"
Ein walk over to me
"Luna! You make us worry"Ein frowned
"Sorry...brother I just want have fun"Luna apologized
"It fine Luna however Princes-"Ein spokes
Suddenly ice cream truck came park and music song
"Ice cream truck ! Ein can I have ice cream pretty please!"Luna shouted
"Luna let me finish the sentence"
"BUT THE ICE CREAM!"Luna yelled
"No,not till I finish the sentence!"ein snapped
"I want ice cream ice cream!"Luna screamed
“Ein let’s her have a ice cream well i think should get ice cream too”
Ein sighed
“Alright let get some Ice cream”Ein said
Ein,Luna and I walk up too ice cream truck
“Hello there! What would you like?”Male smiled
“Luna what you want”
“I can have… chocolate ice cream!”Luna cheered
“Luna you can’t have that Werewolf can’t eat chocolate!”Ein yelled
“BUT I DON’T care just want chocolate”
“Sir can I get the Vanilla ice cream for Luna and get the strawberry Ice cream for me”
“Sure,what about you miss?”
“Oh I have f/f/ic please ? how much it costs?”
“It will cost $5.10” Male cheered
“ okay,here it g-”
“Princess let me pay it”Ein smiled
“Just don’t argue with me I’m gonna pay it”
I handed my money to guy
“Thank you very much let me get your ice cream for you”
The male went get our Ice cream
“Swear you two kept argue each other you need stop im sick of you”
“We not fighting”Luna frowned
“YES! You are luna”
“Princess we are tell truth we not argue”
“No wait!”Luna cried
“I said I’M DONE"
“You mean your gonna break up with my brother?”Luna asked
“Uhhhhhhh…..oh my gosh i need go so bad bye!”
I run fast as I can without look back.Luna and Ein need stop fight i want getting these two get along.when I got home the first thing I check on aphmau
No answer
“Aphmau where are you?”
No respond
“Aphma- oh a note?”
As I pick up the note from the table
Dear f/n
I’m at beach,im gonna….be ..okay now i need get out my head get out my head
get out my head get out my head get out my head get out my head
But I can’t get out my head I had hard timing.ivy and her friend been bullying me.there no way to stop to them.every single day they bully me.sis don’t need help I’m fine
From Aphmau
That weird I should help her. I went back outside and go to beach
Skip time
“Well well isn’t aphmau little twin sister”Ivy smirked
“You need stop bullying my sister”
“Never she in love garroth right girls ”Ivy asked
“Oh yeah true”Alex nodded
“Yes she does”lily agreed
“First all you did not pronounce his name right second all why you had bully aphmau”
“Well from last year she was dooling on garroth from first day of school.I told her warning but she did not listen”Ivy explained
“ ah see why don’t you back off my sister and leave her alone!”
“F/n….”Aphmau frowned
“Aph it okay im gonna be fine trust me”
I gave a smiled
“You know what! Why don’t you fight with me at school that sound good HUH!”Ivy yelled
“IT A DEAL”Ivy roared
Ivy and i shake our hand we made a deal
“Aph let’s go home”
Aphmau is scare and nodded
As we went back home suddenly aphmau grab my hand
“You’re not doing this….”aphmau frowned
“No I’m doing this for you”
“I...i don’t want someone get fight like you….”
“ *sigh* Ivy and I made deal remember now I going my room”
I walked up stair and enter my room.
Ein’s life
Luna and I just went back home however i just went my room and salm my door so loud
“Ein? Are you okay sweetie?”Gina asked
“Mom I’m fine”
“Are you sure?”Gina asked
“Yes mom”
I was in my bed I just mad or sad
Couple continues later
Finally calm down myself soo I went backyard and lay down. I was looking at star.
Luna’s life (WOAH this new yep I add another life)
I was in my room playing all by myself.I feel lonely but I remember Ein and I alway play together when I was little my brother, he alway called me princess but he called her princess I’m guessing I’m not princess anymore I don’t understand why Ein stop called me princess,I like be a princess and treat me, proper manner also respectful to me.i should go tell Ein,I went Ein’s room but Ein wasn’t here but one thing his phone. I took Ein’s phone went my room.I turn on the phone there no lock just swipe the screen now I tap on text message.I started text her
(Luna is gonna pretend be Ein soo yeah)
Start text messagel
L-hello princess
Y-hi Ein
L-well I want apologize about Luna and I argue right now we are getting along good
Y-Good so Ein about Luna you should treat her better than me after all she is your sister.If luna were my sister I treat her and your still my boyfriend will treat you same like Luna.
L-alright i need go bed,so bye
Y-okay, bye
End text message
She was right but Ein had change little bit not caring about me he only care about his girlfriend.I think should runaway from home so he don't love me anymore.I packed up my backpack things I need.I head to the door and ran away from my home
Ein’s life
I been stargazing a while.I went back my room I feel thing not right.my phone wasn't here in my room so I'm finding my phone but i could not find my phone any room but the last room is luna's room so I found my phone on luna's bed however I checked my phone Luna texted my girlfriend right now I feel mad but I need find Luna
No respond
"Luna!! Come here!"
No answer
"Grr Luna!!!"
Again nothing
"Ugh I guess I had find"
"Woah Ein, what is the your problem"Jacob asked
" well Luna is not responding me I kept calling her but nothing"
"Okay why not we find her in the house"Jacob told me
I nodded Jacob and I tried to find Luna but nothing and she wasn't in any room. Luna was missing I don't think so she not missing she been with us the whole time. Even Luna was a little child but I had changed a little bit.I have a girlfriend and I do care about her but I don't think I'm not giving her attention for Luna. If Mom and Dad come back home we're dead also get grounded something like that.
" Ian why don't you check Luna's room again"Jocab told me
" wait Jacob, before I go Luna's room... Luna was texting my girlfriend before me. I come back my room"
" why did you tell me the first place! we supposed to be taking care of Luna and give her attention! she is a child do you know what you did to her!" Jacob yelled
" well Luna and I were arguing about ice cream and she want to go park.I like literally I'm not going to lie but she is almost like a toddler complaining like a throwing tantrum I know she is a child but I can't take it anymore...."
Suddenly we heard the door open
"Jacob Ein and Luna we are home"Mom called
"Hi mom hi dad"Jacob smiled
" Jacob are you okay I feel like something wrong with you?"Andy asked
" oh yeah I'm fine totally I'm fine yeah I'm fine"Jacob smiled
" honey where is Luna?"Gina frowned
" well....uhh"
" yeah! why don't you tell them Ein"Jacob snaped
" son tell me spit out already"Andy told me
" Luna is with us well she ran away guessing from our home"
" no not my sweet Luna.... Ein how could you??"Gina cried
" Ein is it true?"Andy asked
" yes it is true"
My mom is crying so hard I feel guilty I'm the worst brother ever It was my fault I don't think so I don't give myself I don't deserve anything.
" mom dad just ground me or punishment"
".....I'm gonna call cop"Jacob said
"Jacob....do that"Andy frowned
Jacob called the cop when the police arrive at my home.Officer Anderson try help us but he gonna find soon
"Don't worry we gonna find Luna"
My dad nodded I wasn't pay attention I was look at officer Anderson's hand.he had ring must be marry with someone.
Officer Anderson left us however my parents told me go bed expect Jacob so I want to bed.
Hi guys
this story took a another places but I have been thinking alots drama not to much soo some drama. Well you see Ein and Luna are not getting along however Luna ran way from home.btw I had own discord,please do not ask me be my special guest,my answer is a no if you want my mod well there certainly a way.Number 1 who people are work with me Number 2 If I can trust you being mod however just follow the rules and One more thing for someone. Who had been really long well you guys know It is xXThatShipperXx. Guys give some for her also nerdyparis too.they need some love. For now the letter
Kittyart:hm I should ask damien and Erik can do the letter for my other friends
Kittyart:welp im call their real names hehehe Izroul! Uzaeris!
*Light flash*
Kittyart:guys i need you write a letter for my another friends
Erik: tell me what her name
Kittyart:well my sweet friend is xXthatshipperXx, I texted her well she told me she really like you guys
Erik:oh really? Sure thing i make her happy
Damien:hmm xXthatshipperXx really like sam too
Damien:I'm sorry
Kittyart:no it fine
Kittyart’s phone ring the ringtone is “chained the monster”
Kittyart:*ahem* I got call by sam now excuse me
Kittyart left in the room
Erik:Damien why don’t you start first then me
Damien grabbed a pencil and a paper
Dear xXthatshipperXx
You have been so sweet for me i cannot help myself.when I see you your clothe sooo adorable i can’t hardy myself.No matter what i alway be with you.I’m planning something for you hehe it surprise,don’t worry it not a prank just trust me.I want thank you made me human that i wanted i be human want i thank you again soo much. <3
Damien:alright well I'm gonna work on children story
Erik:right damien take your self
Damien nodded then he left the room
Dear xXThatshipperXx
You have been so lovely however I made new clothes for you it surprise hehehe well I don’t mind you just with you. I would never forget you,you alway in my heart and I will not stop lovely you.I wondering if you like do with me? Whatever you want to do for now i can give you some chocolate im worry if your allergic of chocolate well i can gives you flower for you. Now i need make more clothes soo i love you❤
Erik:my princess gonna love it
Kittyart came back
Kittyart:hey erik did Damien and you wrote for xXthatshipperXx?
Erik nodded
Kittyart:okay thank you so much
Erik:no problem 😉
Erik left the room
Alright guys I'm gonna end it soo I say it again please follow the rules also be nice to everyone even mod and my special guests. However that I had say too you
Kittyart is out~😺
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