LVII. Magic Madness pt. 2

Ludwig ran his hand through his blonde hair, walking down the hallway to the living room, looking down at his watch. He was about to go shopping for groceries. Usually, Switzerland was responsible for that, because he always kept them under budget, but he was out with Liechtenstein and Hungary, getting his little sister a new dress, and Germany wanted to get out of the house before Austria finished his piano practice, worry that he might try to tag along, or worst, offer to do it himself. The brunette had a habit of buying unnecessarily expensive food to appear classy, and Germany didn't want to spend an excessive amount of Euros today.

He entered the living room, where he assumed Prussia was stationed. "Hey, I am going to the store. I should be back around-" He paused, however, when he saw the scene unfolding, and sighed, "What are you doing to Dreamz, Gilbert?"

Gilbert stood above the mortal, his foot placed on her side, weighing her down as she thrashed about, attempting to escape both the albino and the rope that surrounded her entire chest and forearms, as well as holding together her wrists and ankles.

"Oh, hallo bruder." Prussia greeted with a casual smile.

"Germany, finally, a practical country! Tell Prussia to untie me this instant!" Dreamz demanded, her accent sounding a bit more posh than usual.

"Luddy, Dreamzie is not acting normal. I asked her if she wanted to go prank Russia again, and she said that was a ridiculously immature idea, and she would have no part." Prussia recited.

Ludwig blinked. "What do you mean 'again'?"

"Focus, West. Anyways, das ist not something Dreamz would say. Dreamz would tell me to that she didn't want to die today, or just flip me off and close the door." Prussia explained.

"For the last time, I am not Dreamz!" The redhead shouted furiously.

Prussia leaned down slightly to address the trapped individual. "Of course you are not Dreamz. I am not stupid, I am awesome. And when you're awesome, there is no room for stupid." Prussia looked back up at Germany. "But if this isn't Dreamz, then what happened to my Bunny?"

Ludwig let out a flustered groan, removing his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose. "Have you maybe thought to ask them who they are?"

Gilbert blinked. "Oh, they already told me they were England. But I was thinking we could maybe make sure by subjecting them to Chinese water torture or something like that. I thought that would be a lot more entertaining."

"You're off your rocker!" 'England' snapped.

"You know exactly why we can't do that." Germany snapped, glaring down his older brother. The unspoken reality, the fact that Dreamz's body was still mortal, and would possibly die during the torture, passed silently between the two Germanic countries.

Prussia shrugged, "Fine, fine, we will not do the water torture. That is sehr cliché anyways. Everyone does water torture, especially the Chinese kind." With that, he stooped down and began untying England.

"Finally. I should say, Prussia, you are a rather undignified individual. You should learn the concepts of common curtesy and manners." He scolded, standing up and rubbing his wrists where the rope had rubbed the skin raw.

"You should learn the concepts of shutting the mouth and not being such a whiny little baby." Prussia smiled.

"Why you-" Before England could retort, Germany's phone began to ring, catching everyone in the room's attention. Quickly, he accepted the call and held it to his ear. "Hallo, this is Germany speaking."

"Hi, Germany, this is New Zealand speaking."

"Cooper." England seethed.

"Listen, I don't know if you've noticed, but Dreamz isn't really Dreamz right now."

"Ja, we've noticed. She is England." Germany stated.

"Listen, I need you to get him back to his house as soon as possible so we can get them back in their own bodies."

"Ohhhh, road trip!" Prussia chanted.

"My house is in London, you ninny. We're going to have to fly." England stated.

"You are going somewhere?" A nasally voice stated from the doorway of the living room, and the three glanced over to see Austria. Germany held back a growl; he had failed to notice that the piano music had ceased. "Hm. Guess I will just have to shop then. Have fun you three!" He waved, before heading towards the front door.

Germany let out an exasperated sigh. "Wunderbar."

China laid in his bed, his chest raising and falling gently as he slept, his hair down and surrounding his head like a silky brown cushion. It was peaceful, quiet.

Until the door creaked open, revealing a small figure peering inside.

Sammi smiled deviously, sliding inside silently and crouching to the floor in an effort to remain unseen, should Yào wake up. She crept forward, somehow able to keep the floor from creaking as she distributed her weight perfectly. Once at the edge of the bed, she bent forward, her lips just brushing the country's ear as she spoke.

"N- am știut că ai avut o mică prietenă, China." She whispered, and China's eyes opened. On instinct, he lurched up and threw himself against the wall, before realizing it was only Sammi.

"Ai ya, Sammi! Why would you wake me up in such a manner?" Yào demanded, taking a breath to settle his heartbeat.

Sammi let out an unnerving laugh. "Oh, I not Sammi, friend. Although it might be fun to pretend so. Do you want to play that game?" She asked in a strange Slavic accent that reminded China of those cheap Dracula movies America once showed him.

"Sammi, why are you talking like that? Stop being weird, aru." China directed, furrowing his thin brows.

Sammi tilted her head. "You call me weird when you end your sentences with 'aru'? What does 'aru' even mean, ancient one? I and Bulgaria have always wanted to ask."

"Bulgaria?" China echoed, but paused his train of thought as Hong Kong appeared in the doorway, his face completely neutral despite the tired look in his eyes.

"Hey, old man, New Zealand's on the phone for you." He stated, walking forward and handing his brother the phone. He flashed a peace sign at Sam. "Hey, Romania."

Sammi beamed at the greeting, "Buma, friend!"

Yào held the phone to his ear. "Hello?"

"Hey, sorry to wake you, China, but this is New Zealand. Is Sammi around?"

"I am not so sure. She is acting too weird to be Sammi." China explained.

"I prefer eccentric. It makes me sound good at English, yes?" Sammi stated.

"Well, that's because I accidentally body swapped Sam and Romania. You guys need to come to London as soon as possible so we can switch them back." Cooper directed.

"That is quite a flight, but I will try my best, aru." China promised, before hanging up and turning to Hong Kong. "Do you want to come with us?"

"Yeah, this could be entertaining." He responded.

Alfred sat on the couch, sprawled out freely as he watched some of the Olympic Games in Rio. He was sort of surprised that Shelby wasn't out here watching it yet. She loved watching people compete. She liked seeing all the countries going up against each other without trying to dominate the others' politics and policies. It was a nice change of pace.

"Shelbs, are you coming? I think Water Polo's about to come on. I know you like watching them try to drown each other." Alfred called, assuming the brunette could hear him. A few moments later, she appeared in the doorway of the livingroom, but only stood there, her face void of emotions, her hands holding her chest.

"Ummm, dude, what the hell are you doing?" America inquired, lifting a brow.

"I have boobs now." She stated, her voice imitating a strange accent that America had heard, though he couldn't pinpoint what it was.

"Uh, yeah, I'm pretty sure you've had those for a while now." Alfred pointed out.

"I've never really been into boobs, but it sure is interesting to have them. And this hair." Shelby reached up and pulled some of her hair into her field of vision. "It's never been this long. Or curly. Or black."

"Are you stoned or something, Shelby? You're not acting like yourself." America ventured.

"I am not Shelby. I am Norway. I've never met this Shelby, but I feel like I've heard this voice before. Weird." Shelby, or rather, Norway, commented. "Am I stuck in this body forever? That would be nice. Then Shelby would have to deal with Denmark, and not me."

Alfred's eyebrows furrowed. "Don't you guys, like, do each other though?"

Norway's eyes hardened dangerously. "Where did you that from?" He questioned, his tone heavy.

Alfred's eyes widened, but before he had time to really start panicking, his phone began ringing, and he grabbed it off the corner table, seeing it was one of his younger brothers, New Zealand. "Oh, this explains it." He muttered, before answering the phone. "Dude, this is so not cool. Shelby is Norway now, and I'm assuming Norway is Shelby? Unless this was a three way." He snorted, muttering 'three way' quietly to himself, though it was audible to both Norway and New Zealand.

"I'm doing my best to fix it, I promise. Just have Norway here in London as soon as possible so we can switch them back." Cooper directed on the other end.

"Awww, man, I hate going to England! It's alway raining there." He complained. "Fine, whatever, just, do me a favor and not let Shelby within a block of Denmark."

"Um, okay, whatever you say."

"Good plan." Norway commented, flashing a thumbs up, although America couldn't decide if that was sarcasm or not.


- German: Hallo bruder
English: Hello brother

- German: Das ist
English: That is

- German: Sehr
English: Very

- German: Ja
English: Yes

- German: Wunderbar
English: Wonderful

- Romanian: N- am știut că ai avut o mică prietenă, China.
English: I never knew that you had a little girlfriend, China.

- Romanian: Buma
English: Hello

So, I'm pretty sure everyone knew all the German words, but whatever.

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