LIV. Full Disclosure [Steven Universe Crossover]


For real though I'll try to make this one that last one for a bit because I know it's annoying to those who don't watch Steven Universe.

This takes place directly after Jailbreak. Warning: A bit of Shelbmerica ahead

Original storyboard written by Raven M. Moline and Paul Villleco

Steven Universe belongs to Cartoon Network and Rebecca Sugar

Madeline, Sakura, Alfred, Isabel, and Lion all stared ahead at the ocean, where the fusion of Julchen and Elisabeta had disappeared, as green fire from the crashed Homeworld ship burned around them.

"That could have gone... A lot worse." Sakura commented as she held onto Maddie's right arm.

Madeline looked around at the wrecked beach. "It could have gone a lot better too."

"Alfred, I got your message. Alfred? What happened?" Shelby said through the phone that Alfred held to his ear. He didn't speak, however, only watched the waves of the water lap the sand at his feet.

"WE WON!" Isabel laughed, grabbing Alfred and spinning him around happily.

"Is that Isabel?" Shelby spoke as the wavy haired brunette let go of Alfred and set him in front of Lion, who grunted and leaned forward, rubbing his forehead to Alfred's. "Uh, what's going on? You said there was some kind of giant space hand and you all might die?"

"Woooohoooo! Yeah-hah-ah!" Isabel rubbed Alfred's hair roughly, causing him to laugh.

"Shelby! You're not gonna believe what happened! Where do I even start? It's been a mad house over here!" Alfred explained as Isabel continued to celebrate, picking Sakura up and shaking her.

"Isabel, that's enough celebrating!" Sakura yelled in protest, trying to escape the shorter gem's grip.

Before Alfred could continue, a horn sounded in the distance, and Dennis's van whipped around the rocks and pulled up in the wreckage. "Alfred!" Dennis shouted from the front seat, his voice filled with relief.

"Dad!" Alfred smiled, before his attention snapped back to his phone, "Shelby, I have to go. I promise I'll call you back." He stated, hanging up and running forward. "Dad's back! Dad's back!"

"Oh, thank goodness you're okay!" Dennis exclaimed, meeting him half way and scooping him up for a hug, squeezing him fiercely before setting him back down. "I saw the space ship start to leave, and then it crashed, and then I came back-" His ramble was cut off when he noticed his son's vicious looking black eye. "Egh, you're eye... But you're okay!" He exclaimed. "I guess those jerks were no match for the Crystal Gems!"

"No way, they were super strong!" Alfred commented.

"But, you were able to beat them back?" Dennis asked, clenching his fists anxiously.

"No, they totally stomped us!" Alfred stated. Dennis's face drooped, his expression that of worry. "This warrior Julchen was super beefy, and knocked me unconscious! Then they abducted me onto the ship and wanted to take me away forever." Dennis gripped his chest as if his heart had stopped. "And then we crashed the ship and I almost died!"

Dennis's hands flew up to hold the sides of his head. "Well what did they want with you?" He demanded.

"They think I'm mom." Alfred explained.

"Ar-are more Homeworld gems gonna come after you?" Dennis squeaked, now physically shaking.

"I- uh, I don't know." Alfred admitted. "Maybe?"

"Alfred, I'm supportive, and very proud of you, and I'll be right back." Dennis smiled, before running to his van and sliding into the driver's seat. "Gotta calm down! Where's my-" he reached into the back, grabbing a pile of CDs and setting them on the seat next to him, "where's my relaxing music CD? This one?" He panicked, grabbing one and sliding it into the van's CD player. It blasted heavy metal music, and Dennis's eyes bugged out even further, repeatedly pressing the eject button. "WRONG ONE WRONG ONE!" When that failed to work, he started slamming his fist on the stop of the radio. "STOP! STOP! EJECT!" Eventually, he sighed, leaning back and holding his chest again, trying to take deep breaths.

Alfred watched all this from the passenger side, where there was no longer a door, so he could see everything. His phone began ringing, and he lifted it out of his pocket, seeing it was Shelby calling again. He glanced back at his dad, who's eyes were now bloodshot from anxiety, and the music shaking the van caused one of the tires to break off and roll away. Alfred's frown deepened.

"Now, Shelby, please don't freak out. The giant laser hand tried to steal me into space." Alfred walked into town, practicing exactly what he would say to Shelby as he stared at his phone screen, which displayed the options to call, email, or text Shelby."But it didn't, it didn't. I'm back and everything is fine now..." Alfred trailed off as he attempted to push the glass door open to enter the Big Donut, only to discover that his hand wasn't meeting the door where it should. His head lifted up to see that the glass of the windows and door where shattered. The lights were off and no one was working the counter, or even inside, for that matter.

He ran away from the building as his phone began ringing again, "Um, Shelby, funny story," he began practicing again, "as it turns out, there's a lot more gems out there than we thought. And I think they wanna... Kill me?" As he walked, he tripped over a green tube that had one belonged to the ship, electricity sizzling at the end where the wires were exposed. Alfred looked around to see his empty surroundings, the only sounds besides the sizzling of the wires being a bird in the distance.

He jumped again as his phone started back up, and laughed. "Haha, hey Shelby! That, that message I left you, was just a dream!" He exclaimed to an imaginary ear, before groaning and walking again. "No, she's too smart for that."

He walked around town, which lead him up to a hill. All the while, his phone continued ringing. He cried out in frustration as he covered his ears, panting, before sighing as in defeat as the sound stopped. He looked sadly out into the horizon, where all of Beach City was visible, including the still smoking body... Or palm, of the space ship.

"Yo!" A voice called behind him, and Alfred turned to see a blonde teenager with a flamed patterned shirt and khaki shorts approaching. He had bright blue, pale eyes, and slightly wavy, blonde locks that rustled in the wind, which was a bit stronger on the higher point.

"Oh. Hey, Andrew." Alfred greeting solemnly.

"Didn't you hear? Mayor Dewey is calling everyone back into the city. We can go home now." Andrew stated. Alfred only responded with looking up at the teen sadly. His eyes widened in realization. "Oh, I see. You come here to brood too!"

"Brood?" Alfred questioned, his expression lifting only slightly.

"Yes, Alfred. That's exactly what people like us do. Suffer quietly, shouldering the knowledge no one else can bare." Alfred nodded as he listened. "As an aficionado of weird yourself, you've probably noticed ordinary people fear the cold, leaded angry of the truth. The abyss is no Sunday swan ride." Andrew commented.

"I know! My dad flipped out when I told him!" Alfred exclaimed.

"Sounds typical." Andrew exhaled. "But it's a good reminder. This is no easy path we've chosen here. There are sacrifices. Look at them all down there, Alfred," Andrew gestured to Beach City, and Alfred peered over nervously, "it's our duty to let those simple people live out their simple lives. Without ever knowing the burden of being friends with us."

Alfred smiled slightly. "At least we can be there for each other."

Andrew's eyes widened. "Is that giant hand from the sky sitting right in the middle of the beach?" He demanded in excitement, causing Alfred to flinch. The older boy turned and ran down the hill. "I gotta get some of this for my blog!"

Alfred sighed, looking back out into the distances, the waves hitting the rocks below. "Everybody told me gem stuff's dangerous. I guess I didn't believe it, until now. Dad always seemed apprehensive, and now he's really freaking out. What do I do? I don't want that for you." He flinched as Shelby began calling him again, and he sat down, taking his phone out and setting it next to him. He curled up and plugged his ears, squeezing his eyes shut until the call dropped by itself.

He glanced at the phone sadly, before laying on the ground. "Everybody tells me life is precious," he turned and picked up his phone, clicking on the photos section instead of answering the call. He began sliding through different photos of Shelby and him, "on the planet Earth, and that means you." The first picture was them with their cheeks pressed together, Alfred making a funny face as Shelby smiled in amusement. "When I have to protect you," the next picture was them at a restaurant, Shelby admiring a cow's head that was propped on the wall while Alfred coward from it slightly. The next one was Shelby sitting at the end of a pier, reading, "what if somehow you get hurt?" The next one was Shelby glancing back, discovering the Alfred was taking pictures. "What do I do?" The next one is a close up of Shelby going cross-eyed, sticking her tongue out playfully. His joyful smile dropped from his face, replaced by a frown. "I don't want that for you."

The phone began ringing again, and Alfred set it down, singing to the melody of the ringtone as he curled further and further from the phone. "Ohh-ohh-ohh-ohh, ohh-ohh-ohh-ohh, ohh-ohh-ohh-ohh, ohh-ohh-ohh-ohh." Finally, the phone stopped, and Alfred glanced up.

"What am I going to tell you?" He sang as he began to remember yesterday's terrifying events. "You're better off not knowing the trouble I'm in. I don't want you to worry, about what I've just seen, about where I've just been. You don't have to be a part of this- I don't think I want you to be. You don't need this... You don't need me. Ohh-ohh-ohh-ohh, ohh-ohh-ohh-ohh, ohh-ohh-ohh-ohh," He snapped out of his train of thought as the phone began ringing again, "ohh-ohh-ohh-oh, ohh-ohh-ohh-ohh," he picked it up hesitantly, before looking out at Beach City, "ohh-ohh-ohh-ohh, ohh-ohh-ohh-ohh," he looked sadly at his phone, "ohh-ohh-ohh-ohh," he squeezed his eyes shut, "ohh-ohh-ohh-ohh." Finally, he slid the ignore option, sending Shelby to voicemail.

He took a deep breath, turning and looking off with narrowed eyes towards the ocean, before walking back down the hill.

"Aww, come on." Isabel complained as the gems stood in the main room of the base, while Alfred stared out the window, his fist clenched.

"No complaining. We need to start cleaning up the debris." Madeline stated.

"Maddie's right. People are already coming back into town." Sakura pointed out.

"We have to keep them off the beach." Alfred added, his brow set in determination. "If any humans got access to gem technology, they could really hurt themselves." He commented, before rolling the blinds down to block the outside world. "Maybe we should shut them out for good."

"You know, we did once have a fence. Let's get a new one." Sakura smiled eagerly. "With barbed wire."

"This time, let's build a moat! I could be," Isabel covered her face, before revealing her shapeshifted, reptilian face, "THE CROCODILE! Jazz hands." She exclaimed with a throaty voice, and Sakura rolled her eyes, crossing her arms in irritation.

"No." Maddie said.

"Why not?" Isabel whined.

"You always say you'll be the crocodile, but you never commit." Sakura pointed out, and Isabel's face returned to normal.

"No fence either." Madeline directed.

"Maddie!" Both of the other gems exclaimed in exasperation.

"Alfred needs to see his father and his friends." Madeline stated.

"No, I don't." Alfred paced away from the window, his hands behind his back. "I can't keep clinging to the vestiges of my humanity. It's time I got serious." He grumbled, before shivering and cringing when his phone began to ring again.

"Alfred, why is your communication device playing that song?" Sakura questioned.

"It's Shelby trying to call me." He explained, before his face darkened as he glared at the floor. "But I can't face her any more"

"So... You're just going to ignore her forever?" Sakura inquired.

Alfred crossed his arms, "It's the responsible thing to do."

"That's gonna be hard, cause she's coming up the stairs right now." Isabel informed her as she peered out of the blinds.

Alfred gasped in fear. "What?"

A few moments later, Shelby knocked on the door, and Sakura answered it, Madeline standing expressionless behind her. "Ohhhh, hello, Shelby." Sakura said with an awkward, fake smile.

"Is Alfred home?" Shelby questioned, her grey-blue eyes glinting with worry.

Sakura glanced behind her as one of the windows opened, Alfred climbing out. Shelby was so focused on Sakura, however, that she didn't see him. "Noooo..."

"He is okay? I'm just really worried!" She explained as Alfred slid past her and began down the steps. "He hasn't been answering his phone. What's going on?" She begged for an answer.

"Errrrr, I-I don't know. I don't understand your human relationships. Sooo, ummm, goodbye!" Sakura smiled, closing the door, where she and Maddie where smile visible through the screen. Maddie held up a hand, waving goodbye.

Shelby groaned with anxiety, walking to the edge of the balcony, where she looked out onto the beach and spotted Alfred racing across the sand. "Alfred!" She yelled, running down the steps and chasing after him. "Alfred!" She repeated as he ran through a part of the green hand ship. She followed, her brown curls bouncing behind her as her footsteps echoed in the strange structure. When she emerged, Alfred was no where in sight. "Alfred?" She called in desperation.

About 10 feet away, Alfred panted to catch his behind a finger of the ship. "Alfred? Are you in trouble? Is something wrong? Did I do something wrong?" Shelby asked, and Alfred slumped against the structure, groaning softly. "Why you avoiding me?" When the blonde didn't answer her, she got out her phone and called him. It only got the chance to ring once before he managed to choose ignore, despite fumbling with the device. He held it to his chest, nervous that she had heard it, but the brunette still looked around.

Her eyebrows furrowed. "Alfred, I know you're here! Why are you hiding from me?" She demanded.

Alfred took deep breath, before typing into his phone. Within seconds, Shelby got a text message from Alfred, and she read it out loud to herself. "'I don't want to be friends anymore'?" She sniffed, looking around again as her eyes filled with moisture. She attempted to call him again, and this time, he begrudgingly answered.


"I can't be with you anymore. I have a destiny." Alfred stated simply.

"Say it to my face!" She shouted. "Say you don't wanna be friends anymore! If you can do that..." She took the phone away from her mouth, knowing Alfred was somewhere near by. "If you can do that, I'll leave you alone, and I'll just go back to having no friends! But I won't believe it until you say it to my face!" She yelled, tears brimming at the edge of her eyes.

Suddenly, a figure appeared at the top of the finger, and Shelby looked up to it, seeing it was Alfred. He jumped down to the sand, his head facing the ground.

"Well?" She demanded, her tone as sharp as a dagger.

Alfred lifted his head, his shoulders shaking as he sobbed, his face completely wet with a river of tears. "I STILL WANNA BE FRIENDS!" He cried.

Shelby gasped, her eyes widening as she ran forward, grabbing Alfred's shoulders as he looked away. "Alfred, your eye! What happened to you?" She asked.

"I didn't want you to worry about it." He explained with a shaky voice.

"I've been worried sick all day, what'd you think I'm doing here?" She snapped, although he face softened at the end. 

"I just wanted to protect you!" The blonde urged.

"Stop. Just tell me everything." She smiled nervously, before they embraced each other in a hug.

"So, Elisabeta and Julchen are somewhere under water." Shelby recapped as she and Alfred watched the water roll on the sand as they sat to talk.

"Yeah. And Lovina escaped while the ship was coming down. She could be anywhere." Alfred admitted.

"That is a lot to take in." Shelby said in a unsteady voice.

"Are you okay?" Alfred questioned with concern.

"Are you okay? You're the one that's been through everything. The least I could do is just listen." She flashed a gentle smile.

"I can't ask you to do that." Alfred sighed sadly.

"I want to, Alfred." He looked at her in surprise. "I want to be a part of your universe." Before anyone could continue, however, Dennis's van pulled up, and he looked out to the kids through the opened passenger side.

"Kiddo! There you are! Oh, hey Shelby. Do you need a ride home?" The red head questioned.

"Oh, dad. Are you doing okay?" Alfred asked nervously.

"I got it out of my system." He smiled, swiping back his hair. "I'm back to being your cool dad!"

At that, Shelby took the offer for a ride, Alfred tagged along. They drove through the city, where the townspeople were already moving in and settling back down into routine, no matter what the changes around them happened to be.

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