Chapter 4
I never had an Issue with Snape's class; it was actually my favorite, but I did have an issue with them merging us with the Gryffindor. Not only do we have to learn with them if we don't partner with one of them on the floor our house loses points. But of course of all the Gryffindors I was paired with Hermione the most know it all never shut up mudblood.
Snape had asked about about one of the questions from the OWLS and now all im hearing is her stupid voice going on and on about absolutly nothing important I swear If she open he mouth again I was going to scream.
"And the fusion of the wormwood." She was cut off by my groan that slipped out. The class got quite I dont think people expected for me to express my annoicance but this year I'm so sick of these stupid Gryiffindors esspecily the "core three" as ive heard people call them throughout the years.
"Is there something you'd like to say Ms. Wayne? Snape said looking bored as ever I would be too if I had to listen to Hermione babble on for what felt like forever. Tilting my head I look in Hermione's direction. Draco touched my arm looking at me confused not knowing what i'm getting at having never acted like this so publicly.
"Actually yes. Hermione question. is it because you're a mudblood you feel the need to prove yourself to the entirety of Hogwarts knowing everyone will look down on you once you graduate since you never grew up with experience. Is that why you hand off the back of your red headed boyfriend's family so you would at least feel like a true wizard." I lay my hand on my cheek never breaking my eye contact with the girl who looks to be on the brink of tears. The entire class's eyes were on me.
"Ms. Wayne!" Snape yells but my eyes never leave Grangers.
"You know I'm right snape. My father even told me."
"Class Dismissed!" Snape quickly dismissed but the class didn't move. I threw my books in my bag getting up Draco following behind me. Halfway towards the door I hear footsteps drawing faster towards me. Turning around I'm face to face with Hermione, Harry, Ron.
"You Daft girl. I thought you would be different but it seems Malfoy rubbed off on you. What happened to you? You were the better part of Slytherin." She was near tears and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. People always think I'm the better half.
"You know what, I'm sorry Hermoione." She seemed confused, everyone did.
"Sorry you couldn't handle the truth. If i were you i'd go back to the muggle world and pretend it didn't exist." Her hand swung to hit me before I grabbed her hand, my sleeve slightly falling down as I pulled her closer to me. She glances down my sleeve, her eyes widening.
"Don't ever try to touch me again you filthy mudblood." Letting go, I take my bag away from Draco, grabbing his hand for us to leave for the common room. The rest of the class scrambled to leave. I know I'm going to hear a handful from Snape at some point.
"That was reckless Y/N." Draco stopped at the entrance to the common room.
"I know but i've been wanting to say that to her since first year. I'm so sick of me always being 'the girl the sorting hat got wrong' let them see my colors I don't care anymore." Draco put his hand on my shoulder smirking.
"I have to admit it was sexy seeing you talk down on those Gryffindor knocks them off a peg or two. But the plan.' Cutting him off pressing my lips with his.
"Their plan for me was to help recruit some first years. I can either scare them or be nice to them. No first years were present it will all be a rumor, by the end of the day and the slytherins in there won't confirm it happened they rather people beg.
"Showing your mark was risky." Walking into the entrance he whispered so others won't hear.
"Not if I do this." moving my hand over the mark it transforms into a snake tattoo covering the dark mark.
"You thought of everything didn't you." I nodded. Draco and I walked into the common room in complete silence. Eyes looking at us I didn't know what was going on until Blaise stood up slowly clapping and the rest of Slythrin burst into applause. My cheeks felt so hot from the embarrassment.
"Who would've thought you would have it in you to keep Granger in her place." Pansy said, pulling me into a hug.
"OUR SLYTHERIN PRINCE AND PRINCESS EVERYONE CUNNING AS EVER." Blaise shouted, sending the house into loud cheers.
"She deserved it." Draco muttered under his breath but not soft enough hearing our fellow Slytherin agreeing.
Looking around I saw some 1st years huddled in a group of lost puppies. Draco nodded towards me, seeing where I looked. Walking closer to the group they look up at me confused.
"Hello. I know all the craziness is new and all but you'll get used to it, us Slytherin celebrate our wins."
"We heard what you said to one of the Gryffindors. It's all everyones talking about alot or the first years from the other houses want to know. They wanted us to ask why would you call her that." One of the first years shyly asked.
'Well sometimes people from other houses get on your nerves so much to the point you just snap at Hermione, well she just talked too much and someone had to get her to be quiet. Also I thought she was cheating the honor system after all the nights she spent with Harry Potter." I cut myself off faking worry. The first years chuckled and whispered among themselves.
"I'm sorry that wasn't supposed to slip out."
By morning rise the rumors not only in the first years but the entire school talked about Hermione shagging Harry. When I walked around the halls I saw the "core three" no long all together and if they were they either looked uncomfortable or were looking deep into an argument at least that's what their faces and other rumors said. Their arguments soon became boring to me but it was satisfying seeing how one little rumor could divide people so much.
Its fun watching the world burn
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