Chapter 2
It's been 3 month since Lyra left with Voldemort. The last time I saw her was when I got my dark mark 2 weeks after she left. She looked tired from the dark circles under her eyes and the bruises from her training and overusing her magic. When her and Voldemort appeared she was surrounded by all the adults asking her to show them what she had learned so far. After about 5 new spells she learned including the killing curse on a random bird outside she had an obvious look of annoyance on her face she flashed out of the room surprising everyone at the sudden flash. I wasn't surprised she did it. She never was much of a people person unless it was at Hogwarts where she had to be. She didn't use her because in the 3 months I didn't blame her she was busy. During the time I went through my own training with Bellatrix I felt worn out with every spell thrown at me. I was expected to do what my father couldn't. I held the Malfoy name and legacy on my back. How was I supposed to do this?
My mothers hands rested on my shoulder as I was hunched over in the chair. Opening my eyes my mother sat below me looking up at me removing my hands from my face.
"Draco my Draco, my beautiful boy I see the turmoil going on in your beautiful eyes." She looked up at me with worried eyes
"Mother I don't think I can do this. I know I have to but what if I can. I'll be on my own. What if I get caught? I cannot go to Azkaban, he will kill me. This wasn't supposed to happen till after Lyra and I... we were supposed to marry."
"And It can still happen too Draco. Lyra just has a bigger play in life sooner than we expected but so do you. How do you think Lyra would react to seeing you this way." She would probably tell me that I'm better than this that I was "The Draco Malfoy" and could do anything with or without her. She was dreadfully silly around me different than what anyone whether it be a death eater or schoolmate she was just my Lyra not "Lyra Roth" or "The Cursed Godchild" just Lyra.
"Draco If you need me I will be here and even if she isn't here you know Lyra would be here helping you. Trust me you'll see her soon just focus on what has to be done now." Draco inhaled.
It's been three months. Three months since I last spoke to her. Our 6th year of Hogwarts is supposed to start. My bags were already on the train. My mother and Estrella stood on the platform waiting for me to say goodbye. It was a tradition for them to send us off but today, this year of all years we needed them to be here. I needed her to be here.
"Watch where you're going." Someone bumped into me almost knocking me off my balance.
"Sorry love I've just been so dazed my summer has been crazy." That voice sounds so familiar. Looking down at the short black haired girl I haven't seen the entire vacation in her Slytherin robes but, how? She couldn't be done with training.
"Bloody Hell" I pull her body into mine holding her close in the hug.
"Hello darling I've missed you. Summer has been one hell of a ride." She looks up at me smirking.
"Beautiful you have no idea." I pressed my lips onto her forehead pulling her further into me. Months felt like years after not seeing her. She moved from under my lips looking up at me, she wraps her arms around my neck pulling me closer to her.
"I've been wanting to do this for a while now." Our lips meet melting into each other. If the train had not blown its horn we might have missed it.
"They knew by the way." She whispered after pulling away looking at our parents.
"I finished my training and my mother had already packed my bags so I came early and saved us a seat but we should really go before they leave without us. The faster we get to Hogwarts the faster we can be alone." She whispers the last line for only me to hear. We wave to our parents running into the train at the final bell of the train. No one knew what we really went through this summer but they will know after what's coming this year.
(blah blah blah pov switch)
Walking into the cart we walked into the booth with our stuff Pansy and Blaise sitting opposite of where we would sit. Slipping into the booth I link my hands with Draco, I have so much to tell him, to show him. Godfather has shown me things, things near muggles couldn't fathom.
" How was your summer?" Parkinson asked, looking down and Dracos and I linked hands. She's always had a crush on Draco. I knew she felt threatened by me, always asking me if Draco and I were together? Why did we spend so much time together? What part of us being childhood friends did she not understand? This was meant to happen, sad she had so much hope. Kinda pathetic really.
"Well it wasn't really that eventful. We took some trips together with both our families. It was a shame our fathers couldn't be there but besides for that nothing much happened." I kept eye contact with Pansy smiling as I brushed my thumb on Draco's. He breaks away from his conversation with Blaise looking in my direction he leans close to my ear
"You know you're making it obvious." I smirked against his ear, glancing over at Pansy who looked annoyed and uncomfortable.
" I know, that's the point" Pulling away I put a small peck on his lips before leaning my head onto his shoulder.
"Oh yeah and that too."I shrug. Pansy thinks everything outside the window looks more interesting than looking at us, Blaise just looked at smirking at Draco continuing their conversation, Draco wraps his arm around my waist. I unintentionally fell asleep on his shoulder.
"What just happened? Blaise? " My eyes quickly fluttered open hearing Draco who was looking around the cart
"Don't know," Blaise responded. Just then, a small bag teeters, then tumbles from a luggage rack. It was Draco's wheels.
"Relax guys. The lights went out is all. Come on Draco we'll be at Hogwarts before you know it." She bats her non-existent eye lashes at her. Her flirting couldn't be anymore obvious its getting desperate at this point.
Draco eyes the bag, slinging it back onto the luggage rack and plops down. I run my hands through his hair looking up at the bag, It's never happened before.
"Hogwarts. What a pathetic excuse for a school. I think I'd pitch myself off the Astronomy Tower if I thought I had to continue on for another two years." I continue twisting my fingers through his hair. It truly was pathetic it could've been a great school centuries ago.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Pansy asked.
"Let's just say I don't think you'll be seeing Lyra and I, wasting our time in Charms Class next year." Pansy Glances over at Blaise who just snorts. Looking over at me I just shrug agreeing with what Draco said.
"Are you amused Blaise? We'll see just who's laughing in the end." I chuckled to myself, if things were different maybe he would tell Blaise, I could care less about Pansy and her wondering little hands. I saw how she reached out for Darco when she thought I was asleep.
Blaise shakes his head, smiling as he looks out the window at the darkness of the tunnel. Just then the small bag in the upper rack shifts. Dracos and I look up to it. Draco reached for his wand still looking up to the bag, I have a clue to what or who might be in the rack and I think Draco does as well. I reached for his hand shaking my head 'no' now wasn't the time with all these people around.
"Later." I whispered, not moving my head from his shoulder. If Potter wasn't so obvious he might have heard. The rest of the ride was met in silence as Draco refused to say anything unless it was small talk.
As the Hogwarts express pulled into the station Draco and I stayed behind. Draco pulled down our bags gripping onto the handle.
"Go guys, we'll meet up in a bit. I think I left something in the bathroom." I shooed Pansy and Blaise away. They know Draco and I are like glue so they didn't expect him to leave me alone. Walking out the train cart Draco lets the blinds down with a spell closing the door in the process.
"Didn't mummy ever tell you it's bad manners to eavesdrop, Potter? Petrificus Totalus!" Draco points his wand to the luggage rack. Harry hits the floor with a thump. I moved Harry's Invisibility cloak revealing him paralized to the floor.
"She can't remember she's been dead before he could wipe the drool off his face." I smirk looking bored at Harry's shocked expression at my response. Unusually I would just watch 'helplessly' as Draco made fun of him but never participated.
Draco brought his foot down onto Harry's face snapping his nose blood pooling from it. I move the invisibility cloak onto Harry faking a pout.
"Enjoy the ride back to London." Draco spat.
"Goodbye Harry" I fully covered his face, Draco already at the door with the rest of our bags to the carriages. Walking up you our carriage of course there needed to be an issue
"It's not a cane, you cretin.It's a walking stick." Flinched passed a metal detector over the stick in question. If I could I would flash us into hogwart by now but 'no' that's gonna raise suspicion.
"And what exactly would you be wanting with a walking stick?" Aren't these muggle lovers supposed to be sensitive?
"It's his Fathers you insensitive bastard." I sneered leaning on the carriage.
"Was his fathers." Snape separated himself from the shadows. Draco, eyeing him warily, snatching the stick from Filch.
"Is my father's. He's not dead." He was sent to Alatraz and all of a sudden they don't even mention him in the present no wonder Draco hates it here. Draco carefully wraps the stick in felt, laying it back inside his trunk.
"It's alright, Mr. Filch. I can vouch for Mr. Malfoy and Mrs. Roth." Snape says putting the last of the things into the carriage. Instead of coming in with me Snape and Draco walked besides it while it moved. Turning around Draco caught Harry looking at him. I followed his gaze at Potter with a crooked nose.
"Nice face, Potter." Draco called out as Potter was no longer in sight.
"My mother told me what you're doing for Draco. She also told me what you know. Are you sure you're willing to leave all of this. Betray the people you call your friends for the dark lord." I turned my attention to snape. Is it really wise to have someone willing to betray the people he was around for so long.
"These people were never my friends, merely a cover until you godfather came back to make his claim." I didn't want to question him too much in fear of others hearing but for now it satisfied my curiosity. Good to know someone on the inside was watching. Glancing ast Draco who looked deep in thought I snapped my fingers at him.
"What are you thinking about, ferret?" I chuckled at the name given to him after he was changed to one a year ago. He wasn't too fond of it but I couldn't care.
"You know I hate when you call me that." he snapped.
"Just answer." I chuckled.
"Just thinking about father. Do you think that he will get out." I hadn't even thought about it, both of our fathers were locked up. I hadn't had the time to really think about it. It was the first summer my father, both our fathers were not home when we returned from Hogwarts. We hadn't been able to go on our family trip. Everything changed this summer.
"Draco, you don't trust godfather, trust me. I will do everything I can to get them out I swear." He smiled up at me. I stepped out of the carriage wanting to walk with him. He pulled me close to him kissing the ring he gave to me during the triwizard games. Hogwarts was in our sights looking up. I let out a breath. Being here again made me realize this yeari will finally be doing something important and worthy rather than having these people suck up to me for my name.
"Are you ready." Draco asked. Looking back Snape let out a breath looking like he's over this already.
"Born ready."
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