Efflorescence Two

Stretching slowly and carefully, I reach for my phone off the dark oak bedside table, switching the alarm off about a minute before it's due to ring. I've become accustomed to waking up early, at least 8:00 every morning. Alexander sleeps in, often drained from out-performing himself every night.

And like every morning, the pale sunrise filters through the curtains that I've purposely left partially open. The sleepy rays melt onto Alec's skin, swimming in the dimples on his spine and pooling in the deep cavern of his collarbone. The blanket cascades around his hips and I prop my head up on my arm, admiring him.

When I first met Alec, he was afraid. He was afraid of betraying his mother, his family name, his lifestyle. He was terrified to be a disappointment, a failure. All I'd ever seen in him was beauty, and the poor boy had no idea what beautiful things even looked like. Alexander was terrified to live, and I was going to be damned if I let all his potential go to waste.

Sighing, I force myself out of bed, careful not to wake my boyfriend, and pad into the kitchen, tugging a tee over my head in the process. The flat is comfortably warm, the air of spring fresh and soft around me as I get started on a pot of coffee and breakfast. Pulling a carton of eggs from the fridge and rifling around for a few minutes to find some utensils, I start making omelettes for when Alec finally drags himself out of bed.

By the time I'm plating the steaming food and pouring the coffee, he comes shuffling out of the bedroom, one eye half closed, pushing his unruly curls out of his face.

"Morning, love," I greet softly, warmth and love tugging at my heart as I pull him close to me. He nudges my chin up with his nose before burying his face in the hollow of my neck, strong arms winding around me like the walls of a home I've come to love.

"What'd you make?" He mumbles into my skin, breath warm, making my very bones tingle.

"Omelettes. We should eat before they get cold," I suggest reluctantly, knowing damn well if I had my way I'd stay like this with him in our kitchen forever. Stretching, he lets go of me, placing a smooth kiss on the corner of my mouth before he perches himself against the counter and digs in, staring out at the Brooklyn skyline in front of us.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask, forever concerned for his health. His job takes a heavy toll on him, and I wouldn't be his other half if I didn't look out for him, especially when he forgets to look out for himself.

"Alright, I guess. I was tense after dinner with my parents." He confesses, spearing a piece of egg with his fork and chewing thoughtfully.

"Well, we won't have to see them until the summer hopefully," I reply, eating my own breakfast. Alec sighs and shakes his head, setting his fork on his plate and sliding his cell phone across the counter to me. Setting my plate on the counter behind me, I pick up his phone and read the message on the screen from his sister, Isabelle.

"...come to celebrate my 21st...too long since you've come home..." I mutter to myself as my eyes scan the words. "When is her birthday?"

"Next week," he replies, taking a sip of his coffee and twisting slightly until his back cracks.

"What's your schedule like?" I finish eating and scoop both of our plates into my hand, turning to the sink. He hums to himself for a moment and finally concedes, grabbing the brown leather planner I got him off of the counter and sifting through it.

"Looks like I have a show on Tuesday, and then I have a bit of time off until we leave for the shows in Italy," his dark eyes flicker across the pages before he sets it back on the counter.

"We should go," I chime in, setting the wet plates on the dish rack to dry. Alec raises a brow and looks at me as if I've gone mad. "What?" I ask, feigning being offended.

"You're suggesting we go back home to visit my family. After what my mother pulled last night?" His incredulous look almost makes me laugh if the situation weren't so real.

"Alec, you can't hide from her forever. She's your mom. And we're not going there for her. We're going there for Izzy. Your dad was right last night when he said you don't go home enough. And your siblings are all heading home, too." I argue calmly, crossing my arms over my chest and leaning against the dining table across from him. Tugging at his curls, he sighs in defeat and glances up at me under his lashes.

"You're right," he murmurs defeatedly.

"You wouldn't keep me around if I was wrong all the time," I remind him with a grin, leaning forward to capture his lips in a sweet kiss. It's short, but it's warm and loving, and all I could ever want.


Days pass quickly, and soon enough, I'm loading the last bag into the trunk of our car.

"Got everything?" I ask Alec as I shut the trunk. He looks stunning in his black tight fitting jeans and a cream coloured v-neck that hugs him perfectly, ray bans perched on his perfect nose.

"Think so. Come on, we should hit the road before traffic picks up. Thank heavens it isn't a long drive."

Sliding into the driver's seat, I nod sympathetically and turn the key until the engine purrs softly beneath us. "Damn rights. New York traffic is unforgiving."

It's barely 9 in the morning when we begin driving on familiar streets from our childhood. Buildings pass by that I recognize from lazy drives with Alec during our last summer as teenagers before we packed up and left for Brooklyn. It feels like yesterday, but already, over two years have passed since we've lived in this town. Two years full of schooling and busy lifestyle that has finally settled into something perfect.

"Can we make a stop before we go to your parents' house?" I ask, turning the radio down and glancing at my boyfriend as he lifts his gaze from the sheet music in his lap.

"Yeah, of course. What do you have in mind?" Closing the folder, he stretches in the confinements of the car and yawns.

"I want to stop at my mom's flower shop," Alec reacts with a warm smile that I don't see nearly enough.

"I'd like that."

Pulling up to the curb, I cut the engine and slide out of my seat, shutting the car door behind me. I feel 17 again, feel the pull of this city that was my home for so long, feel the ache and longing for the wooden floors and the strong floral scent that would wrap me up so early in the mornings and make me feel like somewhere in this hectic world, I belonged.

Alec slides his sunglasses up until they're perched on top of his head, leaning back against the car to look at the sign above the door. It's the same as it always was, and a pang of nostalgia hits me full force in the chest.

"Let's go inside," he offers, smiling at me and tugging at my heartstrings like only he can. Smiling back, I walk around the car, letting him slide his arm around my waist and guide me through the door. The bell chimes above our heads, the sound so familiar that I can almost see the day that Alec walked through this same door for the first time, so different than the man standing next to me now, but still holding all the parts I loved so much about him back then.

"Hello, welcome to-" my mother's voice stops mid-sentence as she comes through the back curtain into the front of the store. Seeing her reminds me that it really has been too long since I've been home. Since both of us have dared to come back here. She looks as if she hasn't aged a day, but that's just my mother. Good genes have always run in our family.

Alec pats my hip with his hand before letting me go, a direction to go greet my mother. Wrapping her up in my arms, my heart thumps erratically against my chest. I feel like a child, in the best way possible as she brushes her hand over the top of my head.

"You two have been away so long, I haven't seen you in months," she scolds, dropping her arms from around me and skirting to go welcome Alec. She envelopes him in a hug, which makes me wince, knowing how uncomfortable Alexander can get with personal contact. It's not something he grew up with. To my surprise, though, his arms wind around my mother and he kisses her cheek in greeting, smiling and telling her how much he's missed her.

Two words come to mind.

Suck. Up.

Rolling my eyes, I watch as they pull apart and my mother practically swoons over my boyfriend.

"Hands off, momma, he's taken," I chime, jealously hitting me the wrong way. Alec laughs and pats my mom's arm before reaching out to me. I gladly take his hand, letting him pull me in.

"Don't worry, I'm all yours," he reminds me, and though I know it, it feels amazing to hear. Knowing that I'm lucky enough to love and be loved by Alexander Lightwood. I lean over, pressing my lips to his jawline briefly.

"We were just heading to the Lightwood's house. We came to visit for Isabelle's birthday," I explain to my mother as she leans against the counter.

"Well, make sure you make some time for your father and I," she reminds me, but hearing my father being brought into this makes my stomach turn. Much like Maryse, Alec's mother, my father didn't take well to Alec and I getting back together in high school. He especially didn't agree with the two of us packing up and leaving for Brooklyn together the second we could, and I doubt seeing him will be good for anyone, but it's something I can't avoid.

"Of course," I reply, faking a smile that tugs at my chest a bit. My mother has worry in her deep eyes, but she smiles back and pats my cheek.

"You two get going now, but call me later." I nod, guiding Alec out of the shop, hearing the bell chime above us and feeling so much more burdened than I had before.


Pulling into the wide driveway at the Lightwood's comes with mixed feelings. It feels like sneaking around as a teen, parking my car up the road and cutting through the backyard to the vines that would stretch down from the back window. Alec, waiting at the top with a grin that could light up the entire night sky better than any star, there to help me sneak in through the window. It reminds me of all the time that has passed, and how much has changed.

Sighing, Alec unbuckles his seatbelt and looks at the front door wearily.

"Don't stress too much, love," I caution, reaching over and smoothing my fingertips over the back of his hand. "We're adults, right? We can handle this."

"Yeah, we can. I just really wish we didn't have to," he mumbles, flipping his hand over and capturing my fingers with his own. I smile, kissing him softly, letting myself relax before we slide out of the car and head toward the front door.

Izzy opens the door before we can and greets us with a vibrant smile, lips painted a deep red. Her hair is longer than the last time we saw her, flowing over her shoulders like a black waterfall, soaking up the spring sunlight in its strands. She wears cut-off worn denim shorts that reach her mid-thigh and a white tee shirt under her blue jacket. Her black boots come up to her knees, the heels like spikes.

"Brother!" She calls, wrapping her long arms around Alec and tugging him closer. Chuckling, he hugs her back, swaying his little sister back and forth. When she pulls back, she turns to me, opening her arms. I accept the offer, tucking her against me and smiling.

"Isabelle, it's so good to see you," I offer honestly, pulling back to smile at her.

"I'm so glad you two could make it. Shocked, actually. You both are always so busy," she notes, backing into the house and gesturing for us to follow. It's been awhile since all of the Lightwood children have been back home, and for good reason. The Lightwood's never get along.

"We wouldn't miss it," I reply, smiling and watching as Jace and Max come down the stairs, smiling at us. Jace hugs his brother, quickly getting intercepted by Max as he tugs at Alec's sleeve for attention. The two are strikingly similar with their dark eyes and inky hair, even their facial shape is similar.

I watch fondly as they reunite, smiling at Jace as he comes over and embraces me briefly.

"Good to see you. I heard that Maryse and Robert surprised the two of you at one of Alec's shows last week," Jace comments, a smirk playing on his lips. Rolling my eyes, I nod, sighing.

"It was a surprise, alright," I complain, earning a chuckle from Jace as he grins at his brother's.

"It's nice that everyone came home. Let's hope it stays that way." I couldn't have said it better myself.

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