The Main Road

Fat raindrops rolled down the glass panes of the jeep in singular trails, gradually moving in an identical descent until they suddenly swerved and would crash together two, sometimes even three at a time and would form one great bar that trickled down. Rose turned her head away from the mundane sight and looked to the front of the jeep where Dr. Grant and Malcolm were sat silently. Neither of the men seemed to share any interests beyond a mutual aversion to one another. It made the long drive back to the visitor's centre under the darkness of a stormy night sky and brew of clouds all the more uncomfortable. She glanced once more to the window and at the raindrops still rolling across the glass; she found that she could mostly predict which of them would eventually veer off and collide with another to form a greater, wider streak. "So, Dr. Malcolm, you specialise in chaos theory?"

"Hm?" Malcolm barely turned his head, although Rose was already beginning to speak again before she could notice his adversity.

"I noticed that you were demonstrating the basis of it to Dr. Sattler earlier. I wondered if there were instances where chaos theory, like a species, could develop with evolution? Say if at one point chaos is not inevitable due to the likes of an unchanging, flat surface if we use your analogy with water, but over time with erosion or say even scratches to that surface we could then begin to-" 

"The principle you are discussing, uh, is the essence of the theory. Small changes to the initial surface, to the very beginning of a, uh, complex system that is where we find the theory of chaos or, what is most well known as the butterfly effect." Malcolm still hadn't turned his head, and Rose's ambitious attempt to entertain at least two of the passengers of the jeep fell flat. 

"That's really quite something. We don't really deal with non-linear equations in the labs I work in, mostly the more what you see is what you get." 

"Uh huh." 

Rose's polite smile fell flat as she was forced to stare at the side of Malcolm's dark head of curls. With an unimpressed cross of her arms, she theorised to herself that he only really enjoyed the sound of his own voice when in the company of long-legged blonde's. The uncomfortable silence hung thick in the limited air of the jeep, as scratching sounds of thick palm leaves scraped across the sides of the vechiles occasionally. Otherwise the only white noise was that of the heavy raindrops hitting the roof in a strangely nostalgic feeling, it had turned Rose very sleepy; as if she was being driven home in the late hours by someone safe and loving. 

"You got any kids?" Alan had asked, though Rose was no longer in the mood for conversation. 

"Me?" Malcolm glanced to his left and began to grin, "Oh, oh hell yeah. Three. I love kids. Anything at all can and does happen." Through the rear view mirror, Rose caught a flash of his dark eyes through the pair of shades he was still wearing. Cynically, she wondered if he would like his chaos theory so much if he blindly tried to walk in a storm like this and stumbled into a ditch. When she begrudgingly looked to the front again, she noticed that he was still looking at her through the mirror, with a grin spread across his tanned face, "Same with wives, for that matter." 

"You're married?" Rose asked in a sense of disbelief. Malcolm grinned right on back at her reflection.

"Occasionally. Uh, yeah. I'm always on the look-out for a future ex-Mrs Malcolm." As his white teeth flashed through the thin gap of his smirk, Rose resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she turned her face back to the window. A stark white flash of lightning lit up the dense jungle. Something darted into the trees just ten feet from the jeep. Frowning, Rose sat herself up immediately and looked for the creature, but the three foot tall, green and brown-striped lizard she'd sworn to have seen had disappeared entirely. Maybe they'd been inspired by the diverse wildlife of Costa Rica, only 80 odd miles across the sea from here. In the front, Malcolm was still chuckling and sending glances to Alan who seemed less than impressed. She didn't doubt that they were both eagerly awaiting the return to the initial silence, save for the pattering of the rain on the rooftop. 

"By the way," Malcolm started, eyes on his lap, "Dr. Sattler... She's not like, available, is she?" 

"Why?" Alan quickly retorted.

"...Yeah, I'm sorry. You two are?... uh"


Although Rose doubted that Alan had told Dr. Sattler how he felt, or that the latter had explicitly told Alan how she felt, she reckoned that the paleobotanist had dodged a huge bullet just now. With a proud little smile working its way onto her lips, Rose was just about to look back to her riveting window when the jeep rolled to a stop. At the front of the jeep, Alan threw his hands up like he was pleading his innocence in court, "Hey, what did I touch?" However through the front window, it was clear that the first jeep with Gennaro and the kids had come to a similar halt, "Uh, nothing we... stopped." Still staring out of her window, Rose realised something though, there was a mass jungle to their left which had a steep ridge just visible, even in the darkness for its sheer drop. And if she remembered correctly, that ridge was the same land opposite the tyrannasouras pen. 

Rose had shuffled over to the seat behind Malcolm and was staring through the fogged up, rain splattered glass at the unnervingly tall electric fences. They hadn't caught a glimpse of the t-rex earlier in the tour, she was starting to hope it remained that way for their return trip too. It was an irrational worry though- so what if Rexy came out to feed on the still uneaten goat? These fences were 10,000 volts and the dinosaurs were pretty aware of that by this point. It was just Malcolm and his theories plaguing her mind, like when you convince yourself as a child that there's something in the dark that wasn't there two seconds earlier when the light was on. She didn't doubt that Ian Malcolm's response to that would be: if there's nothing ever in the dark, why are all humans scared of what could be lurking in there?" A cold chill shuddered along her spine as she pulled herself back into her seat. 

"I'm going to go and check on the kids." Alan glanced between them and adjusted his hat. For a man who claimed he wanted nothing to do with children, Rose shamefully reasoned that he'd thought of them before either her or Malcolm had. He had the care to shut the door behind him with a thud louder than Rose liked. They were left with just the soft pitter-patter of rain hitting the jeeps roof, at least for all of fifteen seconds. 

"So, paleo-anthropology, what do you, uh, specialise in digging up dino... dino bones too?" Malcolm turned his head to look into the back seats of the jeep. He looked almost triumphant when his dark eyes found her's, like he'd expected he'd manage to as quickly as he had. Rose's nose scrunched up at the end as she scrutinised his expression that remained in a handsome state of grinning.

"You really want to know?"

"Desperately. Particularly if you, uh, fancy keeping that little expression on your face." Ian's smirk widened, his dimples looked extremely delightful for it too.

"Well, more recently my field of study has deterred to the investigation of the evolution and extinction of dinosaurs by comparison and evaluation of its closest relatives in the animal kingdom. Studies suggest that dinosaurs and their ancestors are not cold-blooded as thought in initial discoveries of their bones, but in the aviary families. They were mammals." Rose feebly smiled, "But I have spent most of my life studying the biological and behavioural aspects of humans and their common ancestors in primates."

"Oh, yeah? Well, human biology has always fascinated me. Take, uh, the anatomy of the human body, all of its broader similarities but infinite variations. Then we separate that by sex, course, the, uh, female anatomy is by far the more impressive and, dare I say alluring even from an academic perspective, so I have to ask why you gave it up for the uh, 'giant birds'." Malcolm's smirk had crawled back onto his face as his gaze darted up and down her figure, yet Rose's lips remained in a tight line of indifference. 

"Well, you see Dr. Malcolm I learned more about human behaviour with my male colleagues and peers than I did reading books. Ultimately I decided to drop out when I'd succeeded in informing every one of those men who, very much like you, enjoyed the female anatomy. You see, a single sperm cell has approximately 37.5MB of DNA information," Malcolm uncomfortably shifted in his seat, despite this, the corners of his lips remained firmly upright.

"Aha, uh, beg your pardon?"

Rose only dismissively waved her hand to shush him,

"So, we can approximate that a general ejaculation represents roughly 1,587GB of data. All in about three seconds. Now this wasn't exactly on my syllabus but I found it very vital information to know. It led to my analogy that women's reproductive organs are like a great, very important and impressive computer." When Rose paused, Malcolm seemed to shift again in his seat although he now dared to lean forward,

"Your analogy, uh, being that women need this great big lot of data to, well, complete them in a sense?" 

"Oh, not at all!" Rose smiled back at him, "My analogy is that no matter how many GB of sperm a man tries to offer to a women, who in this scenario we are referencing is similar to that of a computer, the rarity of intelligent computers responding effectively to mass data uploads is comparable to the rarity of female orgasms from their sexual encounters with men. Still, three seconds surely is just the goal for most men ejaculating during sexual encounters. I'm sure that you, Dr. Malcolm, are more than capable of transferring 1,587GB of data in less than that while still not providing female satisfaction." 

Malcolm was very quiet, for a long few seconds, before he started to awkwardly chuckle and retreat back into his seat, "Aha, you uh, much popular at college?" The door to the jeep opened in that moment, letting in the heavier sounds of rainfall that turned the mud to a goopy substance below Alan's feet as he climbed back in. "Their radio is out too! Gennaro said to stay put." He announced as he shut the door after himself with yet another louder slam than Rose liked. It drew too much attention. 

"The kids okay?" Malcolm immediately asked, eyes briefly finding the rear view mirror before they darted back to staring out the front window again. 

"I didn't ask, why wouldn't they be?"

"Kids get scared."

"What's to be scared about?" Alan asked, yet Rose noticed the way his eyes briefly slid across to the tyrannasouras pen, "Its just a little hiccup in the power is all-"

"I didn't say I was scared."

There was another pause. Rose hid her smile behind her sleeve as she turned to look out the window, although her concentration was lost to the rolling raindrops.

"I didn't say you were scared."

"I know." 

Rose looked up as she heard the quiet swill of water. Alan had a flask he had filled with the rain and was taking a swig of what she could already taste on her tongue as cold and clean, "Dr. Grant, would you mind?" She retrieved her clear bottle from the little pocket in the door and held it out as he poured in about a quarter. "Call me Alan. 'Dr. Grant' makes it seem like you're my student." He murmured jokingly as he pulled the flask away again.

"So Dr. Sattler calls you 'Dr. Grant' in private? How interesting." Rose began to sip at her bottle to hide her smirk, noticing that she wasn't the only one trying to hide an amused smile from poor Alan who looked like he regretted being so generous. As she set the bottle onto the seat beside her, she sighed softly and looked up at the ceiling. It was grey, like the rest of the interior save for the cream seats. Rose was just reaching for bottle again when she heard the tinkle of the water splashing against the sides of the cup. It was only light, barely a ripple, but when she looked down at the surface of the cup she noticed it do it again. And again. Until she could hear quiet, distant thuds accompanying each shudder of the water's surface. But a power generator wouldn't cause a ground tremor-

From the first jeep, Gennaro had suddenly sprinted out and through the rain, all the way to the little wooden shacks that were small rest stop toilets. 

"And where does he think he's going?" Alan curiously asked, his blue eyes had tracked the man from the jeep to the little shack that he'd nervously scrambled into.

"When you gotta go, you gotta go." Malcolm murmured in reply, although he looked no more certain than the palaeontologist sat beside him. It was unnerving how quiet it was... then came a series of low whines. Both of the turned their heads, finding Rose had leant forward and was staring out of the front with them. She could hear the blood pounding in her ears, each thud of her heart against her ribcage was like the echoing of a drum. The wires of the fence had been torn away and were swinging in the storm outwards in a chaotic tangle, like dismembered limbs. "Oh my God..."

Through the torn wires was a tall, looming shape that was beginning to walk through the open tear in the fence. It's head was long, scaled and brown, Rose could see the long fangs from where she'd leant over the gearstick, glinting white in the flash of lightning that briefly illuminated the tyrannasouras. "Oh my God!" She repeated in a petrified whisper. As the carnivore took a large step forward and ducked its head, a long and loud roar left its opened mouth. 

"Boy, do I hate being right all of the time." Ian murmured next to her. Like Alan and Rose, he was staring right out at the creature stood on two muscular, strong hind legs that trailed down to great big feet with three long, sharp talons that were half sunk into the wet mud. As the tyrannosaurus began to move, Rose realised she was squeezing hard on something that had begun to squeeze on back. Looking down she saw it was Dr. Malcolm's left hand. His long fingers were wrapped around her palm and wrist, hooking her thumb into his hold while she must have grabbed his sometime when she'd leant over to the front.

"Keep absolutely still." Alan warned them quietly as he pressed his back to the chair, "Its vision is based on movement." Two minutes ago Rose would have been looking for hand sanitiser if she'd barely touched either of Malcolm's hands, but in that lone petrifying moment she just sat very, very still and watched as a bright beam of torchlight suddenly flicked to life in the front jeep.


Within only two short minutes, the tyrannasouras had ripped through the top of the jeep and broken through the glass. It's giant jaws hadn't been big enough to completely fit through the gap, nor had it broken the glass entirely. So, the great creature had flipped the jeep and brought up one great hind leg and pushed her weight down onto the vechile. As Rose stared, mouth agape in horror, Alan had finally swung himself round. He gently yet firmly pushed Rose into the back seat where her hand slipped from Malcolm's. Pulling himself forward he ripped away the plastic covering what was stored in the trunk and sifted through a box until he found a selection of flares. "Dr. Grant- Alan! What are you doing? You'll get yourself killed!" Rose protested as he pulled himself back to the front and threw open the door. She quickly followed him into the front of the car but stopped short as she landed in his seat, staring out as the palaeontologist lit up the flare and yelled out to the tyrannasouras. In a mesmerising moment of courage, Alan fixed himself into a perfectly still position, only moving his arm to wave the flare, keeping the dinosaurs attention on the bright red light alone. He had its attention, but only with the light! It was working! The hiss of a spark came from her right.

Rose whipped her head round, basking her face in the red glow as she stared at Malcolm who had fetched another flare and was already gripping the door handle. "Wait! Ian, he has it sorted don't do something stupid!" But he had already made up his mind and charged out of the door. "Hey! Hey!" Ian began to frantically wave the flare, not at all keeping his body still despite Alan's cry. 

"Ian, freeze!"

"Get the kids!" 

Rose watched as the tyrannasouras charged for Ian, her tail knocked the passenger door shut again with a horrifying slam and the anthropologist barely had the nerve to struggle to open the driver's side again and look out into the darkness. Malcolm was sprinting down the trail, but the tyrannasouras needn't take two steps to close the distance. She felt frozen. Her feet nor her hands would move, she couldn't scream although her mouth was wide open and her heart was hammering. 

"Ian drop the flare!" Alan yelled out into the dark. The flare. The flare! Rose ducked back into the jeep and pulled out the third flare, she gripped it as tightly as her trembling hands would allow but as she stepped away from the vechile with her new determination she already knew that it was too late. The tyrannasouras had picked Ian Malcolm up in her mouth, she could see his legs hanging out awkwardly from one side of the giant teeth as she proceeded to toss him into the restroom shack. It was too dark, too far away for Rose to see where Ian was... but she saw Gennaro. He was sat atop a toilet, with nothing short of a petrified look on his face. Maybe it was too late for Malcolm but for Gennaro she could try. Rose struck the end of the flare and a red light cast across her figure and the mud at her feet, "Hey!" But it wasn't loud enough, not with Gennaro's screams. The tyrannasouras ducked its head, lifted him up and Rose watched as the lawyer's legs separated from his torso in the dinosaurs jaws. 

From somewhere behind her, Alan shouted out to Rose, most likely telling her to hide now or to keep herself very still. He still needed time though. "You heard, Ian. Get the kids!" Rose stepped away from the jeep and raised her hand that held the flare, quickly attracting the attention of the tyrannasouras who gave one final, sickening crunch to her legal meal. She stared right at the anthropologist in the glow of the red flare, ducked her head and belted a roar... then the t-rex started to charge.

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