Eeveelutions Assemble

Screaming came from the kitchen and anyone who was nearby rush to the kitchen to see what all the commotion about. Except the only ones nearby were Vaporeon and Leafeon.

Apparently the two of them had fallen asleep in the living room together last night and were now rubbing there eyes, yawn and stretch there bodys.

"Ow" Jolteon whimper rubbing his face and clutching his head before getting up off the floor.

He look over at Glaceon whose back turn to him.

"Why did you punch me in the face?" He asked ears flatten on his head wondering why she would do that.

"Why were you laying on top of me on the kitchen floor and...have our lips connected together" Glaceon replied back as her muzzle turn a tint red.

"I wasn't...all I remember was you pulling my head out of the cookie jar when I tried to stop Eevee from getting into the cookies...and we both woke up seeing our lips 'connected" Jolteon said going over too her and pets a paw on her shoulder.

Feeling that paw on her shoulder, her muzzle turn a darker shaded red and she brush Jolteon paw away remembering the events earlier despite having a headache from falling off the counter.

"Wait...Glaceon and You...kiss each other?" Leafeon replied in shock and abit of happiness

"Um from just waking up...not an actual real kiss...i-I mean it's not what you think it is Leafeon" Jolteon replied waving his paws defending himself trying not to make it sound very serious.

"But her lips did taste a little sweet"

He facepaw himself ignoring the random voice in his head while Glaceon ignore them in the kitchen and ran upstairs to her bedroom completely embarrassed.

"My first kiss was Jolteon, why me?"

Vaporeon heard Glaceon slam the bedroom door and goes to Jolteon side patting his back smiling at him.

"Wouldn't hurt to try Jolteon"

"Try what?" He ask complete confuse what Vaporeon meant.

"Kiss her, hug her, take Glaceon out on a date, hug her some more, kiss her some more, make her dinner, sleep with her" Leafeon chirp happily wagging her tail.

Jolteon muzzle turn really red not knowing what to say on those things Leafeon mention, in fact what could he say. Never before in his whole life has he ever been kissed before on the lips.

"Except smooching attacks from Espeon, Sylveon and even Leafeon"

He facepaws himself again and sighs.


"Why do we have to do this again?" Vaporeon ask looking at Leafeon since the two of them were in the closet and the doors open leading to the living room.

"It's Eevee idea, just let him have his fun moments" Leafeon replied pawing Vaporeon face.

"Once of us might get hurt you know"

"I know"

"And your okay with this?"


He facepaws himself not liking this.


"How did we end up in this mess?" Umbreon ask looking at Glaceon since the two of them were on the front step waiting for the signal to be given.

"Blame Espeon...s-she coaxes all into this?" Glaceon replies looking away still blushing from what happen earlier.

"Hey you okay?"

Umbreon moves his head over to see Glaceon blushing very red and he reach over with a paw tapping her shoulder only for her to look at him showing off her red face.

"You okay Glaceon?"

"No...I'm not okay...I'm...just not okay"


"Ready Flareon, bet I'll become the king of the hill" Jolteon dare him with a light paw punch to the leg.

Flareon narrows his eyes and hits Jolteon back with his paw.

"Bet ya you won't" Flareon replied smirking back

"What should we bet on?"

Flareon thought for a moment as the two of them were in the kitchen waiting for the signal to be given.

"Tell ya what if you get to the top first I'll give you my dessert for one full month"

He like that idea, eating Flareon desert to good of a opportunity to pass up.

"Alright but if you get too the top first, I'll take Glaceon out on a date" Jolteon said not realizing what he said as the two of them shook paws.


"...wait I take that back"

"Too late Jolteon, no take backs" Flareon said more determine to get too the top now while ignoring Jolteon groans.

He had to win this one to make the bet a reality.


"Sylvia, you okay?" Espeon asked her checking to make sure the fairy eeveelution okay and ready for this.

"Y-Yup I'm okay E-Espy" Sylveon stutter trying to avoid eye contact with Espeon.

"Why did Eevee had to place Espeon and me in the hallway's not like he knows anything...r-right?"

"You never know"

Her eyes widen abit in surprise while she blushes as she looks at Espeon who was brushing her fur with her paws. They certainly felt very soft and smooth.

She shakes her head ignoring that sentence and gently hits Espeon paw to get her attention but Espeon hits back with her own paw.

"You hit me i hit you back Sylvia"

"I-I d-didn't mean too I-I uhhh...just w-was w-wondering if-!"

"EVERYONE READY?" a cheerful voice shouted from upstairs.

"Hold that thought Sylvia, Eevee ready" Espeon replied with a wink and smile too Sylveon.

She look away completely blushing a more darker shaded red on her muzzles as she facepaws herself.

"Wonder how Umbre holding up...."


Upstairs Eevee sat on the top step wagging his tail very happily, today would be his big moment and everyone had agreed to this thanks to a little help from Espeon.

"I SAID ARE YOU ALL READY?" Eevee shouted again wanting to hear a response.

"YES" all the Eeveelutions shout back from there positions downstairs


The time for Action is now.

"EEVEELUTIONS ASSEMBLLLLLLLE" the furball scream at the top of his lungs and that was the signal.

All the Eeveelutions ran towards to the living room at full speed.

Vaporeon and Leafeon ran from the closet

Glaceon and Umbreon ran inside from the from the front step outside

Flareon and Jolteon ran from the kitchen

Espeon and Sylveon ran from the hallway.

All the Eeveelutions sped as fast as they could towards each other creating a chain reaction as they colliding into each other into a big eeveelution pile.

Vaporeon on the bottom with Leafeon on top of him, Umbreon belly on Leafeon back as Jolteon had landed on top of him.


Espeon lands on her back on top of Jolteon with Sylveon landing on top of her and she smirks wrapping her paws around Sylveon neck.

"Espeon please don't.." Sylveon plead for her blushing even more.

"I just wanna hug you"


Glaceon grunts landing on top of Sylveon head which accidentally pressed down towards Espeon face.

The ice eeveelution rubs her head and glares up at Flareon landing his furry butt on her back in a sitting position for he had done it.

"Get your big butt off my back Flareon" She growled putting a paw on Sylveon head and pushing it down some more ignoring the muffle whine from the fairy Eeveelution

She didn't even see Espeon tail wag very happily at that moment while a soft but quiet purr escape the psychic eeveelution lips.

"No can do Glaceon cause at last," he took a deep breath ready to shout it out, for it became a reality "I'M KING OF THE HILL"

"NO I AM" a voice shouted happily jumping through the air from the stairs towards Flareon.


Flareon screams as Eevee lands on the fire eeveelution head who pretends to faint putting pressure onto Glaceon back that also puts pressure onto Sylveon.

"I'm king of the hill" Eevee stated proudly before Flareon opens up one eye grinning and pets him behind the ears.

"Yes you are aaaand Jolteon don't forget our little bet" Flareon grinned wagging his tail looking over to see Jolteon scrambling to get free.

"What bet?" Glaceon asked trying to get up and push Flareon off of her.

"We made a little bet and since I made it too the top," he was so ready to say the next part "Jolteon gotta take you out on a date"




Silence filled the room as Glaceon eyes widen along with her muzzle blushing really red now.

"A-A d-date?"

He nods his head.


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