Dinner pt. 2

Smooth brushing was felt on Espeon fuzzy face as she slowly opens her eyes to see Eevee with a marker. He was drawing on her face again

She clears her throat to get his attention which Eevee quickly notices as he drops the marker before nuzzling Espeon.

"Hi Espeon" he said nuzzling her happily

She sighs as she slowly got up before looking over at the couch to see Umbreon and Sylveon weren't there anymore before she looks at Eevee.

"Where's Sylveon And Umbreon?" Espeon asked Eevee as she tilt her head at him

"They're at the table waiting for Leafeon to finish making dinner" Eevee said

"I see" Espeon simply said as she gets up and picks Eevee up by the scruff of his neck carrying him to the kitchen as she sets him up into his seat at the table before going to the kitchen sink to wash the marker off her face again.

"Dinners Ready" Leafeon chirped bringing the pan of lasagna to the table and sets it down in the middle of the table before putting the oven mitts on the counter and sits down in her chair

Espeon sits down in her chair next to Eevee as she looks over at Umbreon being fed by Sylveon. Her ears flatten a little before she looks over at Eevee and smiles a little.

He was trying to reach for the pasta but couldn't since his paw arms were too small so he hops onto the table but Espeon uses psychic to set him back down in his chair and brings the food over to Eevee.

Leafeon was Eating her salad she had made while looking over at Espeon and Eevee then over at Umbreon and Sylveon.

"Uh Sylveon why are you feeding Umbreon?" She asked her tilting her head

"Cause I want too" Sylveon replied back looking over at her


"Cause I want too, how's that for an answer"

"What's your reason though?"

"Third time now Leafeon, Cause I want too"

"Why though"

Sylveon grits her teeth setting the silverware on the table and fully turns her attention to Leafeon.

"What I do is none of your business Leafeon"

"I'm just asking that's all"

"I asked her if she could feed me today since my paws are a little sore" Umbreon butted in seeing Sylveon glare at him

"Umbre, shhhh don't tell her that"

"I just did"

Sighing to herself, Espeon uses telekinesis again this time on Sylveon feelers and moves them over too Leafeon wrapping them around her and lifts Sylveon feelers to lift Sylveon in the air along with Leafeon.

"Hey let me down Espeon" Sylveon growled trying to move to get her feelers away from Leafeon


She looked over at Leafeon who was holding Sylveon feelers as her friend looked very happily.

"Your feelers feel so soft Sylveon" Leafeon purred holding them as she nuzzles them.

"Stop please Leafeon, I'm a little sensitive on my ribbons being stretch out like that and your making it worse by holding them"

"But their so soft"

"Umbre help me please"

He chuckles enjoying the entertainment that was going and eats some of the food that was on his plate.

"Espeon can you make this more entertain" He asked while looking over at her with a smile.

Espeon nods her head and sends Sylveon over close to Leafeon focusing very hard to get Leafeon forearms to let go of Sylveon ribbons and wrapped them around around her neck.

"Hey Espeon w-what Are y-you doing?" Leafeon asked panicking a little as she had no control over her arms since they were wrapped around Sylveon neck.


"Espeon what on Arceus name are you doing?" Sylveon asked demanding answer from her as Espeon telekinesis got Sylveon forearms wrapped around Leafeon back

"Nothing Sylveon" Espeon smirked while her eyes were closed.

She begins to struggle a little in a panic not wanting to get involved what Espeon was planning, she looks at Leafeon and blushes a little since she had turned her head to face and both girls had made eye contact with each other.

Leafeon muzzle turned a little red while looking into Sylveon eyes seeing how adorable they were.

Sylveon muzzle also turned a darker red while looking into Leafeon eyes seeing how cute they were.

It was beginning to turn a little awkward for the both of them but they seem to both like hugging each other since the other was gently stroking the other ones ears.

Eevee tilted his head not even knowing what was going on and reaches over pawing Espeon shoulder for attention

"Um Espeon, why are they hugging each other in the air?" Eevee asked

Reality snapped backed into Espeon as she had completely forgotten that Eevee was at the table and lost focus on her telekinesis causing Leafeon and Sylveon to fall to the floor. Leafeon Landing on her back and Sylveon landing on top of her.

"Oh Eevee I-I forgot your still here a-at the t-table" Espeon stuttered as she nuzzles him while hearing Umbreon chuckle before using telekinesis to throw the bowl of salad into his face since she could hear the groaning of Leafeon and Sylveon getting up from the floor.

Both of them looked at each other before turning away as Sylveon glared at Espeon before running out of the kitchen blushing while Leafeon was blushing a darker shaded red.

"Sylveon fur felt really nice and soft" she thought to herself still feeling her cheeks all red then looks over at Espeon with a glare too before she too runs out of the room to her bedroom.

The only ones at the table now we're: Eevee, Espeon and Umbreon.

"Maybe now I finally get a chance too talk to Umbreon" she thought to herself before getting out of her chair and going over to Umbreon to get the salad bowl out of his face.

Eevee watches her before letting out a small whimper as he gets out of his chair and goes for the exit.

"Eevee Get back we need to talk too you about something"


"Eevee Get back in here now" Umbreon said sternly joining with Espeon who finally got the bowl off of his face and used his own telekinesis to bring Eevee back to the table.

"NO I DON'T WANT UMBREON TO HURT ME" Eevee scream trying to grab a hold of something but couldn't as he was plopped down in the chair.

Espeon sighs as she rolled her eyes while Umbreon facepawd himself.

"Eevee I'm not going to hurt you" Umbreon said still a little sternly trying to sound calming and soothingly

He wasn't having any of it and closes his eyes and burys his face on the table.

"I'm sorry for drawing on your face Umbreon please don't hurt me please, " Eevee begged as he was beginning to panic or more like starting to sob cause he knows Umbreon was going punish him somehow.


"I'm sorry Umbreon

"Eevee there's nothing to worry about, you are still going to be in big trouble, more like grounded for a several days"

"I said I was sorry Umbreon"

"It's not that easy this time, you've given everyone a headache today Eevee" Espeon joined in the conversation while looking over at Umbreon then Eevee

"W-what d-do you mean?"

"You've drawn on my face and Sylveon face today" Umbreon stated with a sigh as he kept his eyes on Eevee

"You've drawn on my face too Eevee twice, got Flareon all upset over a video game and bugged Leafeon making her think the kitchen was haunted even though she still doesn't know it was you" Espeon said sounding a little impressed with Eevee stealth skills on that last part.

"S-So I'm not grounded then?" Eevee sniffed a little bit not looking up at them as he was starting to shake a little

"You are"

"I said I was sorry" he sniffed wiping more tears away from his eyes.

"Sorry won't cut it"


"No buts" Umbreon joined in sternly

He didn't look up at Umbreon and Espeon while sniffing a little.

"Eevee can you please look at us"

"No I won't Umbreon"

"Eevee please"

"No Espeon, there's nothing you two can do to make me look at you"

If Eevee was going to rebel like that Espeon and Umbreon would have to force him too look at them, the sun and moon Eeveelutions closed their eyes and focus all their telekinesis into Eevee as an aura begins to surround him before their eyes open glowing a turquoise color.

A burning invincible force begins to put pressure on Eevee head as the young kit puts both of his paws on his head letting out a scream in pain feeling his head slowly being lifted up by itself and his eyes slowly opening themselves as more tears flowed down his eyes.

It was like his head and eyes didn't want work with him and he got a good look at Espeon and Umbreon eyes glowing.

"W-Why are y-you doing this t-to m-me," Eevee whimpered as his eyes had more tears flowing down his cheeks feeling more pressure that he begins to cry "please, I'm sorry...M-Mommy, I'm sorry...please h-help me" he cried wanting the pain to stop

Reality once more snapped backed into Espeon as the glow on her eyes faded away, she blinked a few times from feeling a bit dazed shaking her head and goes over to Eevee.

"Umbreon Stop, this is no reason to treat him, he just a young kit" Espeon said to Umbreon while looking at Eevee  Whose eyes closes and head faceplant on the table.

Umbreon sighs as he closes his eyes before opening them and gets out of his chair "Well he needs to be disciplined somehow"

The burning pressure on his head faded away. He slowly lifted his head somehow feeling all drained of his energy and looked at Espeon before his eyes widen causing him to back away and fall out of his chair.

"Eevee, are you okay?" Espeon asked going over to help him up but Eevee paw batted her paw away as their was fear in his eyes now with them being all red.

"DON'T HURT ME" Eevee cried as he hops out of his chair and runs upstairs to his bedroom.

The door slams and Espeon ears droop sadly while clutching her own chest with one of her paws completely regretting what she has done too Eevee.

"Not again"

She turned to glare at Umbreon and growls at him.

"Why did you make me do that to him"

"Espeon, calm down, he's okay isn't he" Umbreon said walking over to her as heard her breathing.

"No He's not Umbreon, he's hurt and you know"

"Take a deep breath Espeon your getting worked up over something small"

She tried to keep calm but just hearing Umbreon say that to her just made her more angry.


Umbreon reaches Espeon and gives her a hug slowly nuzzling her neck

"Shhhh he's okay I'll go talk to him"

"No you won't" Espeon growled louder pushing Umbreon away.

He stumbled backwards and falls to the floor on his back as he lifts his head up seeing Espeon heading towards the stairs.

"Espeon Wait mmmph"

She threw the whole bowl of pasta at Umbreon head covering his whole face and stomps up the stairs.

"So much for a nice dinner"

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