3 months earlier...
Chan groaned and pushed himself closer to the strong body beneath him. He pressed his lips gently against his favourite jawline before grazing his lips over the warm skin until he reached his favourite spot. He kissed the spot on the neck softly, smirking as he felt the other boy shiver. The blond began to suck on the spot eagerly with the intent to mark, eliciting a breathy moan from his favourite person. He dragged his hand down the exposed body, tracing the slight definition of abs before trailing dangerously close to the low waistband of the pants obstructing his journey. With a growl he detached from his lover's neck and removed the unwelcome articles of clothing.
The brunette inhaled sharply as Chan dove downward and pressed open mouthed kisses along his hip bones, slowly moving closer to his already hard member. He whined when the blond skirted around the sensitive area in favour for leaving a trail of hickeys on his thighs. Chan smirked at the brunette's reaction to his actions and decided to stop teasing his lover.
He met the trusting brown eyes he always found himself falling into and leant forward to capture his favourite pair of lips. Chan moved to position himself over the brunette's groin, eager to continue, but as he went to reach back, the boy beneath him grabbed his arm and stared up at him with concern. "Wait, Channie. Are you sure you want to do this now? I barely prepped you," Chan rolled his eyes affectionately at his lover's concern, a tremor of lust vibrating through his veins. This was why he loved him. This is why he loved Woojin. He always knew when Chan needed something before Chan himself knew. He always put Chan before himself in these situations- which although frustrating sometimes, was endearing and somehow turned Chan on even more.
"Woojinnie," the blond pecked the brunette's lips. "It's fine."
"But-" Chan sighed before consuming his lover's lips once more. He pulled away slightly before speaking against Woojin's lips.
"I want you now, Woojinnie. Please," Chan begged breathlessly as he rocked backwards to initiate friction between his body and Woojin's dick. The brunette moan softly before growling and flipping them over so that Chan was pinned beneath him. This, this was what Chan loved the most about Woojin. When he dominated him.
Woojin kissed and sucked Chan's neck roughly before nibbling on the blond's collar bone. Chan's back arched as the brunette gently licked at his nipple before sucking on it.
Chan met Woojin's heavy gaze with a slow bite to his lower lip. The blond smirked as the brunette let go of any previous reservations and captured his lips roughly between his own before nibbling on Chan's lower lip. Chan willingly answered Woojin's fire with his own and ground upwards against the brunette's groin impatiently.
His lover growled into his mouth before aligning himself and pushing in slowly. Their groans and pants mingled together as Woojin thrusted in fully with a sharp snap of his hips. The older set a fast and rough pace that had Chan a moaning mess in seconds. He trembled with pleasure as he focused on the feeling of Woojin's length sliding inside of him, filling him up before retracting almost all of the way out before he can completely chase after that satisfying full feeling.
The blond's pitched moans and shallow pants set Woojin's body alight with desire to extract more delicious sounds from his lover. He sucked and nibbled on Chan's neck, teasing around his sweet spot, just barely brushing against it with his lips before suckling on pale skin beside it. He moaned loudly as he angled his thrust slightly and Chan clenched around him in shocked pleasure. The feeling of Chan's walls swallowing Woojin and trying to keep him pressed against that small bundle of nerves was overwhelming and the brunette's hips stuttered. If they kept this up, it would end too quickly.
He gripped Chan's waist carefully as he pulled out and changed their position. The blond whined at the absence of Woojin inside him but the brunette simply swallowed up the pitiful sound with his mouth as he kissed Chan. He licked at Chan's lips, asking for permission which he was eagerly given.
Chan shuddered as lust coarsed through him. He absently fought Woojin for dominance, their tongues pushing and swirling at each other hungrily. He didn't wish to be in control, he wanted to be dominated, but he knew Woojin liked to be challenged when he was in command. He gasped when he felt two fingers slip into him without warning, the digits immediately pumping in and out of him at a steady pace.
All too soon, the digits were slipping out of him and Woojin was pulling away from him. Chan pouted at his teasing lover. He didn't have to wait too long before getting what he wanted, however, because the brunette guided the blond to be on all fours swiftly before entering him again.
Chan cried out as Woojin aimed for his prostate and thrust into it repeatedly with varying pressures. Chan hissed in annoyance at the teasing alternating changes while Woojin chuckled, although somewhat breathlessly.
Woojin pound into Chan seriously when the latter rocked back into him to meet his thrusts half way. The moan that tumbled passed the blond's lips at this simple movement was eniugh to snap Woojin's tether and leave him mercilessly chasing after the boy's prostate with every well aimed and powerful trust.
Woojin could tell when Chan was getting close because the blond fell to his elbows and his moans became obscene and drawn out. Chan could tell by Woojin's faltering thrusts that he was about to cum, so he clenched around him, gasping out his lover's name wantonly as this action drew Woojin flush against his prostate and left him cumming at the same time as he was filled with Woojin and his own cum.
Woojin waited a moment before pulling out and collapsing beside Chan with a contended sigh. "I love you, Channie." He whispered, adoration decorating his brown eyes with shining stars as he gazed at the blond like he was his whole world. Chan smiled happily and snuggled closer to the brunette.
"I love you more," he sighed into Woojin's neck, swallowing his own sappy words with a gentle kiss against his lover's pulse.
Felix was glaring at them with an undying fury as he sat opposite the stiff ravenette. He was clearly unimpressed that they had lied to him and were now forcing him to be in the same room as the one who had hurt him and invaded his privacy. The red haired boy was impossibly tense, muscles drawn taut over his bones like an elastic band stretched to its limit, stretched until its release would yield sharp burning pain to its target, refusing to relax even as Seungmin massaged his shoulders comfortingly and Jisung curled protectively around the boy. But Chan could understand it. They had failed to protect him that day. It would be a long while before they could earn back Felix's trust. Perhaps even longer before he would readily depend on them for support like he used to.
Woojin subtly rubbed small comforting circles with his fingers near Chan's lower spine. The blond sent the brunette a grateful glance before meeting Felix's glare sternly, putting on a front of the confident leader role he often found himself falling into to keep the group together.
"Felix, I am sorry we lied to you, but you aren't the only one. We lied to Minho as well," he inhaled slowly, giving himself a few seconds of calm before chaos erupted. "We all need to talk."
Voices battled each other violently. Viciously tearing at each other, ripping their foe apart in an effort to be the last one standing, to be heard. Chan schooled his expression into one of neutrality as several voices clashed and snapped simultaneously, creating a cacophonous, disjointed melody of discord. Woojin's comforting fingers paused as the older winced at the abrasive sound.
"SHUT UP!" The loud scream startled the room into silence. The owner of the voice blinked, seemingly surprised by his own power before he stood and met everyone's confused and expectant stares. "Just shut up," the boy's voice was weaker now, wobbling and teetering over the edge of his words. The usual ringtone of the boy's phone filled the room with foreboding. Felix glanced at Seungmin apologetically before hurrying away, ringing phone in his hand. The loud slam of his bedroom door the telltale sign of his terror.
No one spoke. Each person too afraid to shatter the fragile layer of silence which had frozen around them. Chan leaned heavily against Woojin for support while he waited for Felix to return. He knew the red haired boy would. Whether it was after his phone call, or once his anxiety had settled down, or even after everyone else had left except for Chan, Felix would come back. So, he waited, and with him remained his eight friends.
Half an hour ticked by before the red strands of hair and constellations of freckles cautiously returned to the living room. Felix stared at the floor with an expression that had Chan siting on the edge of his seat in a heart beat, his body tensed, ready to jump into whatever action was required.
When Felix spoke, it was accompanied by a strange strangled sob. "They said I should forgive you," Teary brown orbs stared at Minho as a shaky exhale blanketed the room with relief. "T-that I should try to fix things, if you are willing to meet me half-way."
Minho stood uncertainly, his movements wary and slow, his face contorted by the effort to hide his jealousy, relief, regret. "I want to fix this, Lix-Felix," the red haired boy tensed and Chan winced at the ravenette's slip up. "I never meant for any of it to happen. I am so- you don't understand how sorry I am that I hurt you, Felix."
"Not sorry enough," the red head's harsh tone and stony glare was enough to send a rush of sharp inhales around the room and for the usually confident and dominant Minho to pull into himself, shoulders drawing inwards, arms crossing around himself uncertainly while his face paled and his mouth opened and closed as words refused to make their way passed his lips.
The silence that had fallen over the room was deafening. It screeched and screamed until its voice was hoarse and faint. But still it persisted.
Woojin made eye contact with chan, a certain sadness, which Chan was sure was mirrored in his own eyes shone brightly in his brown eyes as he conveyed every thought he was having through his exasperated, anxious expression.
Suddenly, a body moved, unfreezing the scratched disc and continuing the story. Felix's head snapped in the direction of the movement as the tall onyx haired dancer approached him before engulfing him in an understanding, comforting embrace. It spurred Seungmin into action who joined the two eagerly.
Chan watched as the two boys pulled away from Felix slowly. A rosy pink floated amongst the stars resting on Felix's face. A small confused but happy smiled played with the corners of the younger's lips and caused the others in the room to smile, except for Minho.
The ravenette stared at the younger Australian with dull, heartbroken guilt. Jisung observed silently as the lonesome boy stepped quietly from the room. He hated that Minho was hurting more than before and slipped out of the room unnoticed after the boy. If anyone asked, he would tell them he was telling Minho how to fix things with Felix and encouraging him not to feel discouraged by Felix's jarring statement and involvement/reliance with/upon strangers.
It took a few weeks, but with the guidance of Jungguk, Felix found himself able to endure Minho's presence with little to no apprehension. And with the aid of Jisung, Minho found a way to vent his frustrations while also finding out how to rectify his mistakes. He smiled contendedly when the red haired boy voluntarily chose to sit on the couch adjacent to him. While not what he was hoping for, it was progress. Considering the boy used to avoid him like the plague and outright refused to exist in the same room as him, it was major progress. Minho glanced at Felix regularly, but the boy was absorbed in whatever game he was playing on his phone.
Minho sighed quietly before giving up on the notion of possible converstaion, laying back on the three seater, streatching out much like a cat would before settling in to see what Jeongin, Jisung and Seungmin were up to as the trio had left the house over an hour ago with excited expressions.
"Can you let Chan know that I will be out for a few hours once he and Woojin are done?" Minho started at the red head's sudden voice. It had been silent, save for the constant loud moans emanating from down the hall, but those easily became background noise- to Minho anyway. The ravenette looked up at Felix as he stood and started walking towards the front door while typing on his phone with sure fingers.
"Where are you going?" He queried, even though he was sure he knew where the boy was going. The terse answer twisted his heart tightly as it only confirmed his suspicion.
"Out." The finality of the statement shut down the ravenette effectively and the red haired Aussie strode out of the house without hesitation.
Minho chuckled humourlessly. There was no purpose to the sound. It simply existed because the boy didn't know how to express his frustration. He became acutely aware of Chan's and Woojin's pitched and breathy moans as they filtered through the house. No matter how hard he attempted to focus on his phone before him he could not stop the sounds of people pleasuring each other from penetrating his concentration.
Eventually, complete and utter silence reigned over the house but it took Minho a moment to realise that moans no longer echoed around him. The ravenette shifted uncomfortably as complete silence settled over the house. With the maknaes out of the house, Hyunjin and Changbin asleep, and Chan and Woojin no longer moaning, there was no sound except for the distant purring of car engines. It was unsettling to Minho who was used to at least the soft sound of someone breathing or the rustling of someone moving to get comfortable. He sat up, no longer able to relax or zone out as he had been before Felix enetered the room.
He stared at his phone blankly, not moving even as the screen went black. What was he supposed to do? He had no one. Many of the boys had become apprehensive around him and were wary to be around him too often. He knew it wasn't because they feared for their own safety. They just didn't want to upset Felix by hanging out with Minho. And it hurt.
The only person who was happy to be near him without a care was Jisung. But that only happened recently and the squirrel boy had already warned the ravenette that if he hurt Felix again, he would hurt him. Minho sighed. He really never meant to hurt Felix. He doesn't understand why he reacted the way he did when Felix came home that day. Something just snapped inside him without warning and red rage boiled his blood until he could no longer think beyond the stress and fear Felix had forced him to endure by leaving alone and going radio silent on everyone. But what he did to Felix was horrible and he hated himself for it. He missed Felix. Missed his deep voice, his carefree laugh, his cute pout when he wanted something but didn't know how to ask for it. It had messed up everything and despite Felix slowly associating with him more and more, everyone was still uncertain on whether this meant they could be openly friendly with Minho without upsetting the red haired boy. Although, Minho scoffed, it didn't really matter considering the freckled boy was rarely at the house. Ever.
The ravenette threw himself backwards with a huff. It was frustrating. He just wanted to fix what he had ruined with Felix and mend his relationships with everyone else (he missed the sex for crying out loud. He didn't like messing around with people outside their group. He didn't want something with feelings. He just wanted sex- that's what he told himself anyway).
A quiet voice startled him from his thoughts, causing him to drop his phone on his stomach in surprise. "Penny for your thoughts?" Minho glanced to his right and saw a peaceful looking Chan leaning casually against the wall, his bleached hair still partially wet from the shower he had just taken. When Minho didn't respond, the blond sighed and spoke again. "It will take time."
"I know," The ravenette sighed. "I know. I just..." Minho trailed off and dropped his head down to rest on the couch and stared up at the ceiling in annoyance.
"You regret it," Chan finished for him. Minho nodded. "That's good. You should."
The ravenette snapped his head to the side to stare at the blond in bewilderment. Chan's tone had morphed from warm and soft to cold and harsh, adding a nasty bite to his words. Minho went to speak but Chan's voice rumbled through the room before a sound could escape the confines of his throat.
"You didn't just fuck everything up for yourself. You ruined it for all of us. He trusts no one now- no one in this house anyway" The blond observed as Minho flinched and frowned at the reminder of Felix's new friends. "You ordered us to stay away from him- to keep him out of our fucking sessions because you wanted him and didn't want to lose him to someone else, and yet, you are the reason Felix is out there with people we don't know. People he trusts enough that he will leave the house alone to meet them or call them when he wants someplace else to stay. You did this. You pushed our Lixie away from us."
Woojin walked up behind Chan and slowly slid him arms around the blond's waist and rested his chin on his shoulder. The brunette's eyes settled on Minho without empathy. He stared at the gaping ravenette who was now sitting up as shock jittered through his bones. Sure Chan could be blunt, but he usually approached situations a lot more diplomatically and refrained from placing the blame entirely on someone. Two curious faces peered into the quiet living room shamelessly as they inspected the situation.
Minho's frown deepened. Chan was right. He had fucked up. Big time. But he already knew that. Jisung had told him, although in a kinder way, that everyone was mad at Minho for ruining their relationship with Felix by behaving so aggressively. However, Jisung had told him that while they were mad at him, it wasn't the reason why they kept their distance from him. In fact, it was because they didn't want Felix to mistakenly believe that Minho's behaviour was easily excused by everyone else.
Minho exhaled slowly, calming his agitated nerves. "It will take time," the ravenette muttered, relaying Chan's earlier statement back to the older. A muscle in the blond's jaw jumped and Minho knew his statment had come across wrong. To fix it he blurted out the first sentence he thought of to stop the peeved Aussie from yelling at him. "Which is why, I'm moving out."
Hello everyone! First and foremost I just want to thank you for reading this story. I appreciate you so much 💛
Okay, so! IMPORTANT part here -> The reason behind this being a teaser for chapter three instead of being the whole chapter is because chapter three is really long. Like REEEEAAAALLY long. Over 7000 words already and I am only just at the halfway point of the chapter with many, many more words to come. So, if this 2000+ word teaser seems like an extremely long teaser, its because chapter three makes this look like a small 600 word snippet instead of its own chapter.
Anyways, I honestly keep forgetting to check how many reads and votes I have but when I saw how many I have now, I was Jungshook! I am honestly so thankful that you are enjoying this story. I am also happy that you don't mind the addition of BTS into the story.
And please don't be shy to comment! I love recieving comments. Even if you just jump into the comments to let me know that your cat is named Cat or something. I like being able to talk to you and hearing your thoughts. I will always respond to your comment- even if it's with something hella awkward, I will respond.
Anyways, some changes to the plot changes have occured that I should mention.
PLOT CHANGES:- Both groups are currently living in Australia - Jisung is a jealous boy- Seungmin doesn't care if he is younger, he will discipline those who need it... even if they are his [jealous] hyung.
Some alterations were made to the café scene in chapter one as I decided to make it more Australian to fit their location.
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