Chapter 8: Vermillion City
Chapter 8
Vermillion City
I collapsed on stomach in the soft grass. Zoey fell right next to me on her back.
"I friggin' hate cave." She mumbled.
"Me too." I replied.
"Ah, come on guys. It wasn't that bad. It was really fun. I love caves. There so cool and there's a lot of Ground-Types!" Liam said.
"The only Pokemon were Digletts and Dugtrios." I said.
"One almost killed me. They just pop there heads out where ever," Zoey complained, "Why would anyone wanna go through that cave. It was dark, you can't see where you're going, there's Diglett tunnels you can fall into, and there's Digletts everywhere."
"Let's just go into town." I got up.
Diglett's Cave was on the edge of town. We walked into the small city. Ships and boats were docked in the water and many people were at the beach.
"Who is the Gym Leader of Vermillion City?" I asked Zoey.
"Misty Waterflower, she trains Water-Types." She answered.
"But wasn't she the Gym Leader of Cerulean?"
"She was. Things changed and the League positioned her here. It kinda makes sense because all the water here."
"Yeah, I guess. Where did Liam go?"
I looked behind me and saw Liam gawking at something toward the beach. We went over to him.
"You okay, buddy." I shook his shoulder.
He didn't respond and still had his jaw dropped. Drool trickled down his chin.
"Oh Arceus, what is it?" I looked in the direction of where he was looking.
An older girl in her late teens, early twenties, was stepping out of the ocean and onto the beach. She had orange hair that slightly passed her neck. She was in a bikini and I had to admit she was pretty.
She grabbed her towel and bag from her spot and was walking towards us.
"She's hot." Liam said.
"Don't do what I think you're going to do." I said.
"Should I do it?"
"Don't do it."
"I'ma do it." He ran off towards the red head.
"That idiot thinks he has a chance with Misty?" Zoey said.
"I'm in the mood for a laugh. Let's see what he does." We followed Liam from a distance.
Liam stopped in front of Misty.
"Hey, name's Liam. Do you come to the beach often?" Liam asked smoothly.
"Yes. Usually." Misty walked around him.
"Yeah, I love beaches," he caught up to her, "Wanna know what I love more then beaches?"
"Not really."
"Beautiful women."
"I'm too old for you."
"I like older women."
"Leave me alone."
"I can't, I need a band aid from you."
"I scraped my knee when I fell for you."
"Your gonna need more then a band aid if you don't leave me alone."
Zoey and I bursted out with laughter. Liam actually thought he could win over Misty.
"Could you two please take care of your friend?" She asked us.
"Sorry, he's an idiot." I patted Liam's back.
"Hey!" Liam pushed me.
"It's the truth." I pushed him back.
"How about a battle, Misty?" Liam asked.
"What's the catch?" Misty put her stuff down.
"If I win, I get your phone number."
"And if I win?"
"You can do whatever."
"What should I make him do?" Misty turned towards Zoey and I.
"Drown him." Zoey offered.
"Bury him in sand for twenty-four hours." I suggested.
"I like the sounds of that." Misty replied.
"Griffin! What the heck, man!" Liam shouted.
"What's your name again?" Misty turned towards me.
"Griffin Black." I said.
"I need to talk to you after I win this battle."
"Okay.......sounds good." I glanced at Zoey who shrugged.
"It'll be a one-on-one battle. Do we have a deal?" Misty asked, raising her eyebrow at Liam.
"Your on!" Liam pumped his fist.
"Let's get this over with." Misty sighed and took a Pokeball out from her beach bag.
"What time should I call you tonight? Liam smirked as he pull out a Pokeball as well.
"This should be fun." Zoey sat down in the sand.
"Very." I plopped down next to her.
"Go, Donphan!" Liam threw his Pokeball in the air.
A small but stout Pokemon popped out from the Pokeball. Tough hide covered its back. Tusks stuck out from under his armored trunk.
"Don!" The Pokemon cried.
"Let's make this quick, Starmie." Misty under hand tossed her Pokeball, not really caring.
A purple star with multiple points and a beautiful red gem appeared from the red and white capsule.
"Starmie, Water Pulse."
Starmie spun like a windmill in the air and a giant ball of water formed in front of it. The ball of water was sent in Donphan's direction.
"Donphan, use Protect."
Donphan curled up into a ball. The water dripped off uselessly against the armor.
"Now use Rollout!" Liam ordered.
Donphan was still curled up in a ball. Donphan started spinning and kicked up sand everywhere. The Ground-Type rolled towards Starmie and knocked it to the ground.
"Starmie, Psychic."
The gem in the middle of Starmie glowed and Donphan light up with the same color and collapsed on the ground.
"Donphan, Thunder Fang."
Donphan's tusks sparked with electricity. The armored elephant charged at Starmie and rammed the Water-Type.
"Starmie, Recover then use Water Pulse again." Misty commanded.
Starmie illuminated with a white light for a quick moment and was all healed. Starmie formed the ball of water as it did before and threw it at Donphan.
Donphan was too slow and was soaked by the sphere of water. Donphan struggled to his feet.
"Rollout, Donphan!"
"Rapid Spin."
Both of the Pokemon came spinning towards each other. They crashed up against one another and Donphan was sent flying across the beach.
Liam's Pokemon laid in defeat. Liam returned his Pokemon and pouted.
"Time to pay up." I said as Zoey and I stood up.
"You guys were just kidding about the whole burying thing, right?" Liam gulped.
"Nope." Misty approached him.
Liam backed up. "Well, there's no way that you can threw me in some hole and bury me. It's wrong and it wouldn't work anyway. I would escape your clutches like a wild encountered Abra."
Zoey decked him right in the face. He was out like a light with a bloody nose.
"I like your style." Misty and Zoey bumped fists.
"Be a dear and dig a hole for Liam." Zoey smiled innocently at me.
"He's gonna hate me for this." I muttered.
I pulled out a foldable shovel from my bag and started digging.
"Can we talk now?" Misty asked.
"Sure. I can multitask." I answered.
"Have you heard from Asher?"
I planted my shovel in the sand and looked at her.
"You know my brother?"
"Of course. We're Gym Leaders and we're good friends."
A thought of them being more than good friends flashed in my mind. I waved the thought away and continued digging.
"Haven't heard from him in almost a year. He's in trouble with some organization that attacked the school."
"He was here a couple of months ago. Haven't seen him since. But he did give me a call a few days ago."
"Really! How is he? What did he say?" I asked frantically.
"The picture was all staticky and u could make out what he was saying. Something about Lavender Town and a Mr. Fuji. I would go check it out but I'm busy being a Gym Leader. Maybe you should check it out."
"Our main goal is to find the thieves but if its fine with our leader to take a detour." I glanced at Zoey.
She gave a small smile and nodded. "Of course."
"Thank you." I widened the trench for Liam.
"I know, I'm awesome." Zoey grinned and twirled her hair.
I finished up the hole and dumped Liam in there. I buried everything but the head. I collapsed next to my partially buried friend.
"I can't believe you made me do the grunt work of burying my own friend." I complained. My fingers and back ached from the digging.
"Thanks, Griffin!" The girl's said simultaneously.
Zoey placed her hand on my head. I lowered my head and blushed from the gesture.
"Your hair is soft." She ran her fingers through my hair.
"Wanna know what shampoo I use?" I joked.
They both laughed and Zoey removed her hand from my head.
Liam snapped awake. He looked down at his non visible body.
"Come on!" He yelled.
"Bet's a bet." Misty wagged her finger.
"Your gonna dig me out when they leave, right Griffin?" He asked.
"How about you guys come over for lemonade?" Misty offered us.
"Lemonade would be grand!" Zoey dragged me by the hood to prevent me from even thinking to help my friend.
"Sorry bro!" I called.
A flock of Wingull descended upon home and he screamed in the salty air.
Misty lead us to her house on the edge of the beach. It was a pretty home and it was small. She poured us both a glass of lemonade and I took a big gulp of it.
"I'm gonna go change," Misty told us,"By the way, are you two a couple?"
With crimson faces, Zoey and I looked at each other.
Author note: Liam, Professional Player. XD LOL! I liked writing this chapter. Did you like? Huh? Huh? Did ya? Huh? Did ya? If you did please vote and comment! I like to see what you guys think so leave a comment whenever you like. Don't expect two a week updates like this. I just really wanted to update this. Okay? Do you like my incarnation of Misty? I'm going to stop asking you guys questions.
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