"Do you think Matt and J-Fred are still alive?" Ethan wondered aloud as him and Tyler walked on with no direction in mind, hoping to somehow find Mark, Matt, and J-Fred.
"I would've thought that Bryan would've stayed alive since he knows in depth first aid.....none of them are safe out here." Tyler admitted in exasperation as he scanned the horizon while absent mindlessly running a hand through his hair.
It was close to midnight according to Ethan's phone, meaning that Tyler and Ethan had been searching for their friends for three hours with little luck.
"Damnit!" Ethan cursed as his flashlight flickered feebly before dying out, leaving him standing in the darkness.
"Stay close to me." Tyler instructed in a calm tone, helping Ethan relax slightly.
Ethan moved to get closer to Tyler, only for him to lose his balance when he stepped on a loose rock, causing him to flail around wildly with his arms in hopes to keep from falling before eventually falling back with a cry of surprise.
Ethan let out a grunt as he hit the ground, landing on top of the bag sling on his back. His dead flashlight fell from his hand and rolled away into the shadows out of sight.
"Ethan!" Tyler called out.
"I'm least I think so." Ethan assured Tyler as he slowly stood up, making sure that none of his limbs were broken or twisted.
"Here." Tyler dropped his functional flashlight down to Ethan.
Ethan gladly snatched it out of the air, shining the light around him to see his surroundings.
Ethan nearly dropped the flashlight when he spotted something familiar beside him that made his heart sink, the smell making him gag.
"Hey Tyler?" Ethan spoke softly that Tyler could barely hear him, unable to tear his gaze away from what he was looking at.
"What?" Tyler replied.
"I found J-Fred." Ethan informed him remorsefully, taking a hesitant step forward towards him.
J-Fred's body looked like a broken doll cast aside, his body lying in an uncomfortable position with his head laying imbedded in a rock.
Dried blood stained his hat and the dead camera on his head over it, a small smile gracing his cold face with his eyes closed. He looked peaceful, as if he was only sleeping and would wake up at any moment.
But he wouldn't.
He was dead too.
His body looked like it was in rough shape since his Team Edge shirt was practically ripped to shreds, revealing parts of his skin where insects were residing and where bites were taken out of him by various ravenous animals.
"C'mon, I'll get you out of there." Tyler offered, laying down on the ground and reaching down into the pit.
Ethan cast J-Fred's rotting corpse one last somber glance before he grabbed onto Tyler's arms and managed to crawl up, using Tyler as an anchor.
"So it's just Matt and Mark that are still missing." Tyler muttered quietly once Ethan was up.
"We'll find them." Ethan stated firmly, mainly to assure himself.
"I'm sure we'll find them, it's just a matter of if they'll be alive when when we do." Tyler huffed bitterly.
"Mark's only been missing for a couple of hours, so he should be okay." Ethan nodded thoughtfully, biting his lower lip.
"And Matt?" Tyler prompted.
Ethan didn't answer since he already knew Matt's fate, judging by the state J-Fred and Bryan were found in.
He just hoped Matt's end was more merciful than Joey's or Bryan's.
"So what-"
"Shh, I hear something." Tyler cut off Ethan sharply, his eyes scanning the horizon.
Ethan and Tyler could faintly hear Matt and Mark yelling at each other, Matt sounding angry while Mark sounded calm and scared simultaneously.
"This way!" Tyler instructed, abruptly taking off at a sprint towards the large empty spread of mud with trees dotting the horizon ahead of them, hopping over a small stream to reach them.
"YOU KILLED MY BROTHER YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Matt screamed at Mark with such pure rage that it made Tyler and Ethan freeze a few feet away from him and Mark, eyes wide in shock since they never heard him curse and be this angry ever.
Matt and Mark were standing in front of each other, Matt wearing a backpack and armed with a multipurpose tool knife. His usually gentle, humor sparked, vibrant sapphire blue eyes were blazing with fury as he glared at Mark with loathing.
If looks could kill, Ethan was certain that Mark would already be on the ground.
Matt's faded white hair was caked in mud and sticking up in various places, his eyes wild and face unshaven. He still had his head cam recording somehow and attached to his head.
"Matt you're crazy, I didn't do anything to J-Fred. You're the one that killed him." Mark explained calmly, his eyes betraying his fear.
"I would never kill my brother on my own accord, he's my brother and I love him." Matt spoke in a dangerously calm tone tinged with a dark coldness that made shivers run up Ethan's spine.
"I didn't make you do anything." Mark argued in confusion.
"Like hell you didn't." Matt sneered, twirling the multi purpose tool in his hand.
"Matt you've been in these woods for eleven months now, we just saw your brother at the bottom of a ravine. Neither of you killed him." Tyler interjected in a soothing tone, eyeing Matt warily.
"Matt pushed him in." Mark spoke up quietly.
"No, he killed him!" Matt spat vehemently, pointing the wavering tip of the knife at Mark.
"I-I didn't, I swear, I wasn't even there!" Mark stuttered, raising his hands up so they were face level as a sign of peace.
"LIAR!" Matt snarled before charging towards Mark, slashing wildly at him with blind rage.
The knife grazed Mark's arms as he jumped back, causing blood to trickle down his forearm from the horizontal cut onto the ground, leaving small crimson droplets as he retreated back.
"Matt stop!" Ethan barked, moving to get between Matt and Mark.
"He's not Mark!" Matt argued, shoving Ethan aside to get to Mark.
As Matt moved to stab him, Tyler got in the way just in time before the knife could touch Mark, causing the blade to imbed itself into Tyler's chest dangerously close to his heart.
Tyler let out a gasp of shock mixed with pain as blood began to flow like a crimson waterfall down his chest.
"TYLER!" Ethan screamed, darting over to him and catching him before his body fell to the mud while Mark and Matt both stood and watched, paralyzed with shock.
"Tyler..." Ethan whimpered, jaw trembling with barely restrained tears as he ripped the knife out and tossed it aside, watching to see if Tyler reacted.
Tyler cried out in pain as more blood flowed out while Mark tossed Ethan his flannel so he could use it as a bandage.
Ethan gratefully snatched it out of the air with one hand with a slight nod of appreciation and pressed it to Tyler's wound, tears welling up in his eyes and blurring his vision.
"E-Ethan-" Tyler sputtered before breaking off, his breaths slow and shallow.
"I-I'm so s-scared." Tyler admitted tearfully, staring into Ethan's crystal blue eyes that were also shining with tears like his.
"I'm Tyler, I have no legs." Ethan joked with a tearful grin, earning a weak chuckle that sounded more like a wheeze from Tyler.
"I'm going to d-die." Tyler realized as he swallowed hard, his entire body shaking with the effort it took for him to he able to talk.
"No you're not we have first aid in your car I can save you're you're not going to die I won't let you die." Ethan blubbered in between sobs that wracked through his entire body.
"Smile...always." Tyler choked out, raising a bloodstained hand up to wipe away Ethan's tears with a weak smile before his eyes glazed over and the tears stopped trailing down his cheeks, his eyes staring lifelessly into Ethan's.
Ethan put a hand on his cheek, pulling it back to find Tyler's blood coating his fingers and his cheek with its warm stickiness.
"What have I done?" Matt whispered in shock, looking down at his own hands as if he couldn't believe that they were his own.
"I'll tell you what you did." Mark growled in a low tone as he picked the bloodstained knife up off of the ground and stormed over to Matt.
"You killed my friend." Mark stated emotionlessly before suddenly stabbing Matt in the chest, earning a sharp gasp from him as his eyes grew wide.
"Have fun in Hell Christian, God won't save you from it." Mark hissed as he leaned close next to Matt's ear before backing away.
Mark yanked the knife back out and watched the blood run down his dirty Team Edge shirt and stain the white in his name on the shirt before Matt collapsed to his knees onto the mud.
"Why Mark...I thought we were friends. Mark p-please." Matt whispered, heart broken. Matt looked up at Mark one last time as he fell backwards onto his back, his eyes fluttering close as his chest fell with one last exhale before he fell still.
"MARK WHAT THE HELL!?" Ethan yelled in a combination of sheer rage and terror as he shot up off of the ground and marched over to him.
"He killed Tyler-"
"He had a family Mark, he was your friend too!" Ethan interrupted Mark furiously.
"He wasn't my friend, and neither are you." Mark chuckled mirthlessly.
Mark stabbed Ethan in the heart before he could finish his sentence, causing Ethan's face to go slack as he collapsed to the ground with a soft thud.
"I've been on the edge of insanity for a long time," Mark remarked casually as he knelt down next to Ethan with an amused expression.
"Its about time I stepped over the edge." Mark finished as he yanked the knife out of Ethan's chest before walking away without a glance back.
Mark's eyes flickered from chocolate brown to pitch black as he walked back to his car and drove off towards home, leaving his dead friends behind without a care.
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