There For Eachother


( At Edd's house)

Edd's p.o.v

It was, minutes to 2:00 am. Edd was still waiting for Eddy's arrival. He sat on his couch by the door in silence, the only sound that was heard was the ticking of a clock. He had tried calling Eddy's many times, but soon gave up when he realized.

' of course Eddy's not answering his phone! If he had it on him, or if it was working. He wouldn't have wasted his money on an old payphone to call!' And now Edd felt stupid, ( very very.. Very very stupid). So he continued to sit their in silence. Since he had nothing to really do but sleep. Which even though he valued his sleep, he refused to until Eddy arrives.

He let his mind wander,
why did bail on our date? I mean, HE asked ME out. Told me, no, threatened me not to late. And now, he didn't show up?! I don't even know how to feel. I'm kind of angry at him for bailing. And kind of disappointed I won't be going on my first date after all. And extremely frustrated because of the effort I put up to be ready!

*sigh* Oh well, I'm going to try my best not to think about it. What about Eddy? What happened to him in the time I was gone? When I left, we were having an amazing time. And then I get a call on an unknown number, that sounded like Eddy was crying on the other side of the phone? This was an odd day indeed!

Then, I heard my phone go off.

I checked the screen. 3 text messages.

I checked the number, it was
647-287-7747 ( I just made up this number, so please don't call it T_T)

Strange, I do not recognize this number
Perhaps they have the wrong number.

#- Hey Edd!
#- oh! Its me Chris, remember?
The guy w\ the scetch book. Oh, & sry 'bout that.😖

His grammar... ( Edd: smh)

#- I was just wondering if u wanted 2 hang out. With me. & my friends 2. But mostly me. ☺

I thought about it. Then I thought about Kevin, and how he bailed on the date. But I still like him, I don't know why. I thought hard about my response. I guess it couldn't hurt, since his friends will be there.

Edd: Alright, it sounds like fun. Just send me the details, OK? ☺

#: OK!! 😊😊 gn. Er.. good morning.

I rolled my eyes at the text he sent back. Then I saved his number into my phone as -Chris 😜

( time skip)

It was now minutes to 3:00 am, I not getting any sleep tonight, am I? What's taking Eddy so long, did he forget to come over? No, it can't be that.

I hope he's alright! Then, I let my minds wander to all the horrible things that could possibly happen.

Why do I always do this, I always think of the worst possible outcome for everything. And I mean everything! That's why I was always so cautious when I was younger and still am.

What if.. Whiles he was on his way here.. HE.*gasp* WHAT IF.....

Then my train of thought was interrupted when I heard the door knock. Which was OK by me, because I didn't like where my thoughts were going. It was to...intense.

I shot up from the couch and scrambled to the door.

Then I flattened out my clothing and answered the door.

I saw Eddy, well thank god he's alright....

He was completely soaked from head to toe, and for dome reason smelt like bacon.... And gasoline. ( I know, I know, odd combination)

I didn't care though, I practically lunged myself at him. We both almost toppled over. I held onto him very tightly... This isn't like myself. Maybe I'm just tired.

" OK, OK.." He said in a groggy tone.

Then my behavior quickly went from extatic, to solicitous.

I pushed him off quicker than I should have been able to.

" What happened to you!? What going on!? AND WHY DID IT TAKE YOU SO LONG TO GET HERE!!!??"

Eddy looked very shocked at my sudden outburst.

" ..... I-"

" you what!? What happened."

"I'll tell you in a minute"

Then I grabbed him.

" NO!! Tell me now!!"

He looked away.

" can I take a shower first?"

" ...."

I quickly let go of him.

" OK...."

He walked out if the room, I looked down, I don't know what I'm feeling right now.. After I saw Eddy.. My heart was pounding.. What it concern? Anger? Suspicion? Sadness? What ever it is, I didn't like it.

He quickly walked back into the room, did he shower already. He had a box of tissues in his hands. Then he walked closer towards me, we were now face to face. He pulled out a tissue and held it towards my face.

"..Eddy, what are you doing.."

He pulled his hand away paused for a moment.

" .. ...... Your crying"

My mouth fell open slightly, I'm crying? I didn't even realize.
He then preceded to dry my tears. He was very gentle and had a soft expression on his face.

Then I crummple up the tissue in a ball...

" there... All better"

He through out the tissue then walked away to take his shower.

Time skip.. ( sorry , there's gonna be a lot of time skips)

( in Edd's bed room... And no..its not what you think.. Perverts )

" YOU WHAT!!" I screamed at him, I could barrily contain my anger.

" Edd, I can explain, I-I...."

( Eddy's p.o.v)

He screamed at me.

"Edd, I can explain, I-I.."

I tried my best to come up with a quick excuse. One that'll make him not angrier than he already is at me.


I haven't seen him thus angry since..

" I THOUGHT!!" he took a deep breathe obviously trying to calm himself. I know he likes acting all calm and not letting his anger get the best of him.. But he was clearly failing.

" I thought you were done with scams!!"

He said lowly, in a icy cold tone. It gave me the chills.

" I said.. I can explain."


OK... I couldn't explain.

" WELL?!!?"

I really like Edd. I don't like it when he's mad at me.. I really fucked up this time.

" ....I'm sorry..."

I whispered.

" Your what?!" he said sharply.

"I SAID I'm sorry....." (😔) .

He let out a deep sigh. He took a seat on the bed next to me and leaned his head on my shoulder. I felt my face heat up.

" Eddy... "

" Ummm. Yes Edd?"

" I'm sorry.."

" for what??"

" For yelling at you" the he lifted his head and looked at me.. "But you shouldn't have done that though".

" yeah, I know.."

And then..... He looked me in the eye as we leaned closer and closer.. Until our lips met and we passionately made out...

OK.. Maybe that last part didn't happen.. And maybe he didnt lean in my shoulder...But he did apologize for 'raising his voice at me' ... *sigh*

" .. Since you'll be spending the night. You can either share a bed with me, or if you want more privacy, sleep on the couch."

Well, if you ask me the first option sounds better. I get to
1. Sleep in a nice bed and
2. Sleep with the guy I like

"Uh, I'll jus share the bed with you.. If that alright.. I suppose...." I mumble to last bit.

" O-ok.." I saw a blush spread across his face. And a smug smile spread across mine... (😏😎)

[ emojis= inner feelings]

( Edd's p.o.v again)

I really thought he would chose the couch over sleeping with me... Maybe its the fact that its a bed over a sofa.

( Me: Oh. Honey that's not the only reason my love)

That's probably the only reason.. But. Now I have to sleep with.. My best friend.

He then got into the bed with me and moved around trying to get comfortable.

" Aaahhh. G'night sockhead"

I crawled in bed next to him.

" G-good night E-Eddy"

He turned off the light from the lamp, the romn quickly became next to pitch black.

They then both dozed off.

( In Edd's dream..)

They we both laughing together.

" hahaha higher!!" Said a 6 year old Edd as his dad pushed him on the swing.
" OK " he said as he gave him a big push on the swing.

He let out a sqeal of pure joy.

~time skip~
" yay!!" He said when he said after he saw the big chocolate birth day cake that had his name written on it in cursive. He blew out the candles. He was now 8 years old.

" What did you wish for honey?" Said his mom.

" I can't tell you" he said she n an adorable voice.

" And why is that?" Said his dad.

" Because then it won't come true."

Both his parents looked at each other then let out a laugh.

" if you say so honey.."

~ time skip~

Edd was crying his pour little eyes out, holding onto his moms shirt with is feet firmly planted on the ground.

" Darling please" said his mom.

" But I don't want you to leave."

" I know but we have to"

" but you'll be gone for a really really really long time!"

" We'll be back in 3 weeks dear."

" But that's a really really long time."

She yanked him off of her shirt, and  knelt down to her crying 8 year old sins height.

" I know honey, but we will have returned before you know it."

" but who's gonna make me my favorite diner? And make me feel better when I have a tummy ache. And tuck me in at night?"

" .. You'll manage."

" BUT IM GONNA BE ALL ALONE!! " He said and fully broke down into lowder sobs.

She looked over to her husband for assistance. He simply shrugged. She then stood up , and kissed her son on the forehead.

" I love you Eddward"

"I-I *sniff* love y-you to-oo mommy."
He said between sobs.

She then stuck a sticky note on his forehead. It fell off. He bent down to pick it up. It said.
- love Mom.

He sniffled and wiped his tears. Before he knew it.. They were out the door.

~ time skip ~

First, they left for weeks, then weeks turned into months , then the lefts for almist years at a time. And Edd rarely ever saw his parents ever again, all they left were sticky notes.

They promised they'd be back the next day, but they never came. It was Edd's tenth birthday, and his parents weren't home. The only present he had was the jaw breaker Eddy gave him and dive bucks. It was supposed to be special because Eddy loved money AND jawbreakers, but was giving it away to his friend. Almost as if he was saying, ' I really care about this, but I care about YOU more. Edd smiled and saved the jawbreaker for later. He went to the fridge.. There was a sticky note attached to it....

It read..
Sorry we missed your birthday. Just write down what you

Then he sat at the table and wrote..

You to come home.
Then he heard a knock at the door.
It was Eddy,

He saw him crying.

" Why are ya cry'n sockhead?"
He said and put an arm around his shoulder.
" * sniff* no reason Eddy."

Eddy didn't look convinced.

He picked up a box if tissues and dried his eyes.

" there.. All better"
Edd smiled and gave him a big hug.

( time skip)

Edd was violently pushed to the ground.
" Hahahaha!! Dork!"
Laughed a certain redhead.

" Hey! Leave double d alone shovel chin!" Eddy said whiles raising his fist in the air.

Kevin walked up to him until they were only a couple inches away from each other.

" what'r you gonna do 'bout it, shorty?"

Eddy grumbled know he can't to anything to stop the boy who was much taller than he.

He walked away and pulled up Edd. ho
Who was now in tears because he had scraped his knees and palms when he fell. And Edd had very low pain tolerance ( Author: ... Unlike me..)

He practically dragged him all the way home.
When he reached Edd's house.
" Lemme see your hand sockhead"

He hesitantly showed Eddy his injuries. He had scraped and was bleeding, and still had tears in the corner of his eyes.

" Jeez, don't cry sockhead"

I-I'm S-Sorry EdDy.."
Eddy looked away from him and muttered under his breathe.

" Don't apologize for it..."

( in Eddy's dream)

A memory from his past.
He was at Edd's house after Kevin pushed Edd and called him ' shorty'

He looked at Edd's bleeding hand, he had tears in his eyes.

" jeez, don't cry sockhead" trying to cheer him up in his own way.

" i-i'm S-Sorry EdDy~"

He said between silent sobbs.

" don't apologize for it..." He said to himself. He took a band-aid and put it on his hand and knee.

He started laughing
" Want me to kiss it better for ya?"

Edd looked completely flushed

" W-what!?"

Then Eddy pulled his bandaged hand to his face and kissed it.

" mmmwaa" ( lame kissing noise)

He laughed at Edd's embarrassment.

" there! All better?" He said in between his laughter.

Edd then looked down and twiddled his thumbs and nodded.

Eddy saw his nod and blushed.

( back to Edd and Eddy sleeping)

They both had shared the same dream, which was really a memory.
But, why did they have the same dream? And what did it mean? That they were best friends? Or that they were meant to be more?

Edd cuddled closer to Eddy in his sleep, and nuzzled into the crook if his neck.

" I love you Eddy...." 

He said unconsciously.

Eddy in his sleep, held Edd closer.

" please don't cry, Edd..."

He said unconsciously.

Weeelll thats it for now!!

Plz read below..

I feel like this plots going no where. I mean.. I know how I want it to go, but I feel like its taking forever to happen. I'm gonna try to move the plot along, and build up the drama. Make sure leave me ideas so mt next update comes a lot sooner!!!

Oh! And, don't forget to leave your characters. I already said the necessary information in my previous updates!!


Love Kitten1134~😘

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