The Break Up


The next day...

It was Tuesday morning, classes were about to start soon, Eddy had decided it come to school early . Edd got a ride with Kevin on his motorcycle, and Ed had Foot ball practice ( I can't remember which day I said he had practices on and I can't find it without re reading the whole book. I tried, when I find it I will say. Also reading back I have a SHIT TON of grammar errors! I'm a real sucky typer. And I'm not even bothering to sensor out swear words anymore because it already too late. No use anymore. So if you sensitive to swearing. Then just ignore it! K? ) So Eddy walked alone.

( I was just walking around the hallway, alone, just to kill some time. I let my mind wander, but Edd just kept on crossing my mind. I just, can't help but feel like he sending me mix messages. Ya know? Like, one minute he acts all blushy and nervous around me. And the next minute he acts totally un interested. Why is he doing this to me?! It's driving me insane!! I mean, I know he doesn't really like me that way, but does he have to get my hopes up, only to carelessly toss 'em out the window. I may not show it, but have feelings, ya know! I'm made of flesh and blood just like every body else.

I walked around the corner, I saw Nazz walking down the hallway, I saw the way her hips rolled when she walked. There's no doubt about it, she was gorgeous, but still, she will never be as gorgeous as Edd, err, at least not to me she won't.

I looked ahead of me, there was Edd!
Ugh, but he's with .... Him.
That walking talking piece of trash, shovel chin.
God I hate him, he just can't give me a fucking break.

I looked at them, what is this? They weren't really walking together together. Double D seamed to be trailing behind him, and Kevin looked like he was walking faster, almost like he's trying to ditch Edd or something. Edd sped up and grabbed Kevin hand, and stopped trying to get Kevin to stop walking away from him. Edd had almost a sad and disappointed expression on his face. Trashy gritted his teeth and turned to face Edd. He looked almost like he was annoyed. Edd tried speaking to him, I couldn't quite here was saying, so I tried to listen harder, but still no luck. Even though I couldn't here them, it looked like Shit face was yelling at Edd. Edd looked upset, almost like he was hurt, what is this? Are the newest couple fighting?? I can't help but feel angry and happy at the same time. I thought back to when carrot top HIT my Edd, i felt my blood start to boil.

THATS IT!! I've had it up to HERE with shovel chin.

What the hell does Edd see in him!! He didn't change! He was an asshole then, and he's an asshole now!!!!

Edd shouldn't even be with him, he may not realize it, but I know that he's just not right for him.
I mean, he HIT Edd, actually HIT him!!
I can't let them be together, that's abuse!!
And he YELLED at him.
I can't let Edd date him, know that I know that he's abusive.
I would tell Edd what I feel about this, but I already upset him once, I don't need to do it again. I looked back at the fighting couple again, Edd looked like he was trying to explain something to Trashy. But then Kevin just rolled his eyes and stormed off.
See! He's disrespectful too!!

( Kevin's p.o.v .. Yup! His pov, let's see what he has to say for himself)

I rolled my eyes at him and stormed off. I love dorko, but he's just so goddamn annoying!! He never fucking shuts up, and he always goes on and on about lame shit, like school, and books, and feelings! Like geez. I can't take it anymore!! I need some space!! I thought maybe I needed a guy, I mean, all the girls I've ever dated when on and on about dumb shit like feelings. And since I was starting to kind of think about things like my sexual preference. I thought I'd give it a shot, but the dork is EXACTLY the same as all the girls I've ever dated. Annoying, ya know! All except for Nazz, but we broke up, or she broke up with me. I mean, what the hell! I'm like the greatest person to ever fucking live! It's not like she's gonna find someone better than me!

Like I was saying before, the dork is really getting on my nerves, I'm starting to regret asking him out in the first place. I'm mean, I asked him out in the first place just so I can get my mind off of Nazz. And I'm over her now, mostly. Maybe I'll break up with him, I don't really need him anymore. But I'd hate to break his heart, it'd probably crush him. *sigh*

( end of Kevin's p.o.v)

( Time skip after school)

( Edd's p.o.v)

As soon as school ended I decided to walk to Kevin house. He promised to give me a ride home this morning, but then he left for home without me. Lately he's been acting very strangely, I feel as though he's avoiding me at school. He also seams to also be in a bad mood, so I decided to go ask him about what's going on with him. Things were going very well with us for the first couple weeks we were dating, but I can't help but feel like things are going down hill for us.

I had finally reached his house, I put on a fake smile on my face and knocked on the door.

He quickly open the door but then looked almost disappointed to see that it was me.

This is very strange indeed, what did I do to upset him?

" oh it's you."

His words were harsh, and it felt as though they were pricing through my heart. I decided to just brush it off.

" Greetings Kevin, may I come in?"

" ugh, sure, why not" he said in a groggy tone.

I walked in to his house, left my shoes by the door, and took a seat on his couch. I figured i could make myself at home since we're dating and all.

He closed the door and then turned towards me.

" what is it?!" He said to me, why was he acting so hostile.

" I just wanted to talk"

" ....fine"

I took a second to find the right words to say.

" I just wanted to ask if you were....."

" ..I wanna break up"

He quickly cut me off.
I felt my whole body stiffen up, did he just say what I think he did.

" what was that?"

" I said I wanna break up, you make me sick" he said harshly.

I felt the tears start to pour out of my eyes.

" b-but w-w-why?? Wh-hat did I do-o w-wrong??"

Then he walked up to me and looked me in the eye.

" you did nothing wrong"


" because dork"

" because why?!"

" because I can't stand you anymore! You get on my nerves! I thought I loved you but I don't!! Ok?! Don't make this harder than it has to be!!"

" B-but I don't u-under stand."

" you don't have to, now get out of my face dork! You disgust me!"

I took one last look at him and ran out of there crying.
How could this happen to me?! I feel so ... Used!! Eddy was right!! He didn't change!! He's still a jerk!! Why would he leave me like this?! We haven't even dated for a full month and he already broke up with me!!

I was running towards my house, but then I saw that I ran passed Eddys house and stopped. I turned and ran towards his house, I just need someone to talk to.

( Eddys p.o.v )

I was sitting on the couch, eating a bag of potato chips and watching t.v, I worked out every day this week. I think I deserve a break. I took a long swig at my Diet Coke, but hen I heard I knock on my door. Who ever it was just kept on knocking and knocking with out even pausing.

" CUT IT OUT!! I'm coming, geez"

I dusted off the chip crumbs on my shirt and opened the door.

" H-hello Eddy" said Edd, he had tears steaming down his face, he looked like I wreck.

" may I come in??"

" yeah sure"

What's wrong?! What happened?! Who did this to him?!?!

" What's the matter?" I said in a soft, but concerned tone.

He just stared at me blankly before completely breaking down. He started to cry harder, and he practically though himself at me. I rubbed his back cooing at him, trying to calm him down. I then picked him up and gently seated him on my couch.

" ok, what's wrong?"

He looked at me.

" k-Kevin B-broke u-u-up w-with m-ee" he said in between sobs.

My eyes widened after piecing together his words.

Do my EARS deceive me!?!?

Well that's all for now!!

I promise that the next update will come very soon.
Make sure to leave suggestions on what you want to happen next.

Bye bye now!'

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