Bodhi laughed, and leaned forward giving Grant a hug "You're such a good sport, you know you're having fun."
Grant felt embarrassed, and couldn't believe he allowed the girls to do this to him. All he kept thinking about was Logan, and what he was going to do to him when he came back. He was amazed with Bodhi, her determination to make sure he was having fun, and then laughed about the situation. If it were anyone else, he would never have walked in, and insisted they left immediately. He just hoped there was nobody there he knew, and saw what the girls had done.
The show was finally over, and Grant was quick to stand up wanting to get out of there. They started walking through the casino, and Bodhi stopped at the roulette table. She watched for a bit, and decided to throw her money down onto the table, asking the dealer for some chips. She was suddenly feeling lucky, and wanted to give it a try.
"Do you know what you're doing?" Grant asked, as he placed his hand on her shoulder.
"No, but I've always wanted to try it." she says, placing her chips down on the number twenty-eight.
Grant shook his head, and tried talking her into placing it somewhere else after seeing how much she put down on one number "If this is your first time playing, I suggest you try placing your chips on the black or red, you might have better luck."
"From what I saw and heard, that doesn't pay as much. For some strange reason, the number twenty-eight is calling my name."
Grant began rubbing his face, worried she was making a big mistake. He didn't want to see her lose all that money for nothing "You're betting a thousand dollars; on something you're not guaranteed."
"So." she says, shrugging her shoulders "It's a chance I'm willing to take... why do you think they call it gambling?"
Grant stood back and watched, and when the ball landed on her number, his mouth dropped, and dropped to the ground in shock. "Grant?" Bodhi screeched as she felt him fall. She quickly bent down and began lightly tapping at his cheek "Are you alright?" she asked, panicking.
He was in shocked and couldn't believe what he just saw. He opened his eyes, and gave her a surprising look "Do you realize what you just won?"
"No... I know I won my money back." she smiled.
"Payout is thirty-five to one, on a straight up bet, on a single number... do the math."
She tilted her head to the side, and thought about it. Seeing the people's facial expressions that were around the table looking at her, smiling, and clapping, she figured the math in her head, and covered her mouth, hiding her smile, and stopping herself from screaming.
"No way!" she yelled.
The croupier looked at Bodhi, and smirked. "Congratulations." he said smiling, and began counting out her chips to her.
Darla's eyes widened while watching the roulette dealer count Bodhi's chips out, and pulled her away from the table after she picked up her chips "We're out of here, let's go cash those in... I'd hate to see you lose that money right away."
Grant knew now more than ever, he had to watch out for her, and to make sure nobody started following them around. Bodhi walked up to the cashier's window, asking to cash in her chips, and was then tapped on her shoulder. Thinking it was Darla or Grant, she turned around, saw a tall man in a suit, that had a serious look on his face, and felt her heart starting to race.
"Can I help you?" she nervously asked.
"I'm with the hotel casino, and we're impressed with your playing. We would like to offer you and your friends, a night in one of our suites."
She was surprised they were offering her a free night at the hotel, thought it would be fun, but would rather stay at Logan's house. She smiled, and looked over at Grant "That's OK, I have somewhere else we're staying tonight, but I appreciate the offer... thanks anyway."
"All right" he said surprised, and sighed, hoping he would've gotten her and her friends to stay, and hoping to get their money back. "Enjoy your night... if you change your mind, come back to this window, and ask for Tony Martin."
"Thank you."
Grant rushed Bodhi and her friends out of the casino, and kept an eye out for any followers along the way to his vehicle. "I'm bringing you girls back to Logan's." he said, as they got into his car.
Bodhi crossed her arms, and pouted "But the night just started."
He started his car, and looked over at her "I'm not having you walk around Vegas, with a thirty-five-thousand-dollar check... you'll get mugged, attacked, or kidnapped for that check. People walk around casinos looking, and watching everyone's moves. They stand at tables, watching to see if anyone wins big, and when they see big winners, they'll do anything to get that money."
"Seriously?" Chloe asked.
"Yes, and if Logan were here, he'd be making you girls do the same thing."
"Bummer." Chloe said, sitting back in her seat "If anything, we could always drop the check off, and go head back out."
Bodhi didn't want to take any chances, and decided to stay at Logan's. She found his liquor cabinet, didn't see anything they would drink, and sent Grant out, picking up pizzas, some bottles of wine, and stuff to make margaritas.
Bodhi had Grant stay, figuring he had nothing to do, and wanted to see him drunk. Throughout the night, they played cards, hit the pool table for a while, then headed back to the living room, turned on some music, and began dancing, trying to get Grant to dance with them.
Grant sat at the table watching the girls talk, dance, and laugh away, feeling as if he were around a bunch of school girls, and thinking about how he was going to make Logan pay for this, and how he got talked into it. He poured himself another drink, and sat back groaning while sipping on his scotch.
Bodhi stopped dancing, and looked over at Grant, waving for him to come over to them. "No way." he says, shaking his head "You girls have your fun, I'll just sit right here, and sip on my glass of fine scotch."
She walked over to the table and sat down, placing her elbow on the table, while resting her chin in her hand, studying his face "Grant? Can I ask you a question?"
"Depends on what it is."
"Why aren't you married? You seem like a good guy... you're very handsome, and you have this amazingly sexy voice that would make any girl swoon."
He set his glass down on the table, and stared at it. He hadn't been asked that in a long time, and didn't know what to say. Bodhi noticed his expression and how quiet he gotten, and felt bad for asking "Sorry, I didn't mean to bring up something I shouldn't have."
"No, it's OK..." he says, rolling his glass between his hands "I was engaged once, a long time ago. This girl meant the world to me, and I gave her everything she ever wanted and asked for. Maybe I loved her too much, or possibly not enough to her standards. But one night, I came home after being out on the road for a couple weeks, and found her engagement ring, along with a letter sitting on the counter, saying not to come looking for her, that she had found someone else. Someone who could be with her 24/7."
"I'm so sorry." Bodhi says, wishing she hadn't asked.
"You don't have to be, it was my choice for the line of work I chose. After she left, I found out more about her and what she was doing the entire time we were together. I'm glad I never married her, she would have taken me to the cleaners, or given me something I never expected."
She reached her hand out, touching his, and gave him a sincere look "You know, we're all not like that... some women are just gold-digging bitches, sluts, and just plain evil. I'll bet you'll find a good woman someday." she winked, then smiled.
"Yea I know... I think with as much as I'm out on the road, it might be best to stay single. I wouldn't have to worry about if my girl is out screwing around, and spending my money like it grew on trees."
Bodhi giggled, and sighed "Like I said, we're all not like that. And if you're saying that's what she did, then it wasn't meant to be. We all have that one special person we're destined to be with, you just haven't met the one. And being who you are, I'll bet someone is out there waiting for you, you just have to open the doors, and let her come to you, quit being so damn stubborn."
Grant laughed, shook his head, and picked up his glass "Go on, and party with your friends, I'll just stay right here and enjoy my scotch."
It was nearing four in the morning, the girls finally hit the maximum their bodies would allow with the alcohol, and fell asleep, except Bodhi. She was missing Logan, and stumbled over to Grant hoping to get some information out of him.
"Please tell me where Logan is." she begged, as she sat down on the chair.
"Nope, I may have had quite a bit to drink, just like someone else here, but I'm not saying a word."
"Ah come on... I know you can tell me; I promise I won't tell him you said anything."
He smiled, stood up, and pushed his chair in "Sorry dear, my lips are sealed. You'll find out soon enough, and when you find out, you'll be glad I didn't say a word... but I'm going to lay my ass right on that sofa there, and get some shut eye... just like you should be doing. Goodnight."
The next morning, Grant woke up and immediately looked at his watch, saw it was after nine in the morning, and saw Logan had messaged him. He looked at the message, snuck out of the house, and quickly drove home to shower and change, before heading over to pick up Logan.
Grant sat in his car outside the baggage terminal, waiting for Logan, and thought about what Bodhi said to him about finding someone to love. She's right he muttered, maybe there is someone out there for me, one who wouldn't mind my job, and one who wouldn't mind coming on the road with me from time to time.
Logan opened the door as Grant was talking to himself, and chuckled "Who are you talking to?"
Grant looked at him and pointed "Talking to myself... which by the way, you're in deep shit."
"Me? What did I do? I just got here."
Grant looked forward, and drove away, chuckling as he drove "You owe me big time..."
"OK?" Logan said with a question "I'm guessing you had issues with the girls?"
"Nope, no issues... just what they made me do... That'll never happen again."
Logan ran his hand through his hair, trying to figure out what they possibly could have done, that had him talking the way he was. He looked at him, and didn't see he was pissed about it, just had a strange look on his face, almost like he was embarrassed by it.
"The girls didn't strip for you, did they?"
Grant snapped his head towards him, and widened his eyes. Last thing he wanted was for Logan to think Bodhi stripped naked for him, and kicked his ass for it "Oh God no, but there was stripping involved."
"What?" Logan asked shocked, cutting him off.
Grant sighed, and looked back to the road "Don't you dare go repeating this to anyone, I'm a little embarrassed by it... The girls drug me to the Chippendales show, and Bodhi thought it would be funny to give me a lap dance by one of the men." Logan turned his head, looked at Grant, and laughed, laughing so hard he had tears flooding his eyes.
"It's not funny." Grant groaned.
"Now that makes me wish I had been there; I'd pay to see that again."
"Never will it happen again... and to top it off, those girls had me up nearly all night with their girly ways." he says chuckling "Not to change the subject, but how did everything go?"
"It went great." he said smiling "Better than I expected it to."
Bodhi stood in the kitchen, making breakfast for everyone, and couldn't help but look at the time every five minutes. She didn't know when Logan would be home, was getting anxious to see him, and started worrying when he still hadn't called her.
She fed the girls, and headed to take a shower. She had a little bit of a hangover, and figured a long hot shower would help take her mind off things. She had just finished washing her hair, and rinsing the soap off her face, when she felt hands rest on her hips. She opened her eyes, was about to scream, saw it was Logan, and smiled "Logan, you're home!"
She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him, and feeling relieved, happy, and excited he was home. "I'm sorry I left like that... but I had to take care of something important."
"What did you have to do that was so important?" she asked, pulling away to look at him.
He smiled, and pulled her in for a kiss "You'll see..." he says, kissing her harder. Kissing her, seeing her, and feeling her naked body against his, made his heart melt. It felt like a hundred years that he hadn't kissed her, talked to her, or had gotten to make love to her. He couldn't wait any longer to make love to her, and lifted her up, pressed her against the shower wall, and thrusted into her, giving her all the love that he couldn't while he was away.
Bodhi couldn't wait to show Logan what she had won, and while they were getting dressed, he noticed the smile on her face. "I was only gone a day; you couldn't have missed me that much."
She walked over to her purse, pulled out the check, and sat down on Logan's lap, wrapping an arm around his shoulder "I know, but I still missed you... and there's something else I want to show you."
"Are you pregnant?" he asked in excitement, while looking down behind her, wondering what she was hiding. He could see she was hiding something, and assumed it was a pregnancy test.
She laughed, and kissed his cheek, as much as she would love to have his child someday, she knew it was too soon to even think about taking a test, and giggled. "I just finished with the Amityville horror, and you're asking if I'm pregnant?"
He lowered his head, and chuckled. He should have known, and couldn't believe he asked that. Curious, he started looking over her shoulder "I knew that, but the question is, what are you hiding from me?"
She smiled wide, and moved her arm forward, handing him the check "I had a little luck with the roulette table last night... thanks for giving me money to play." she giggled.
He took the check and looked at it in shock, not knowing what to say. "Say something." she said after all he did was stare at the check. She explained why she played, and how much she played to win the amount, and he still couldn't believe it.
"You seriously had no clue what you we're doing?"
"No... I've never played the game in my life. I stood, listened, and watched people play, before I gave it a try. Grant tried telling me to put it on a color, but I had a lucky feeling with that number, tried it, and won."
"That's unbelievably amazing." He wrapped his arm around her, pressed his lips against hers, kissing her passionately. "Every day you amaze me." He rolled her over onto the bed, and hovered over her, looking her in the eyes "Congratulations Hun, you deserve it... man it feels good to be back home with you, and with you in my arms."
"I'm glad you're home too... even though I was feeling upset you left me like that." she smiled "But... for whatever reason it was, I thank you for at least having my friends here with me."
"You're welcome, I'm glad you had fun, made money, and I'm also glad you took Grant out." he snickered "Next time you do something like that, make sure I'm with."
"He told you?" she asked giggling "I didn't think he would say anything."
He stood up, pulled her up with him, and grinned "Yes, he told me, then threatened me if I were to ever say anything to anyone about it, he'd kill me... I do have one more surprise, and would like for you to come with."
"I'm still waiting on the first surprise."
He smiled, and laughed while taking her hand "Just wait, it's coming." He walked her out of the room, and into the living room "We'll be right back, help yourself to whatever you would like." Logan said to her friends. Bodhi looked at them and shrugged her shoulders, letting them know she didn't know where they were going. "I guess we'll be back." she smiled.
Bodhi sat in the passenger seat, watching the road as they drove, and trying to figure out where they were going, she saw the airport, and scrunched her eyebrows, wondering why they were there "Where are we going? My friends are still at your place."
"Just relax, we're picking up someone..."
"Landon... he'll be joining all of us for Thanksgiving." He smiled, and looked at Bodhi "Darla has no clue, so don't even say anything to her."
She was in awe, and couldn't believe he was surprising Darla, her best friend, with the man Darla is always talking about, and one who she had been wanting to date for years. She was feeling happy and excited for her, and couldn't wait to bring him to her "I didn't even know you talked to him."
"Actually, we've been keeping in touch since he left the cabin." He looked over her shoulder and saw Landon walking toward his car. He was huddling down, checking to see if he was at the right car, and waved when he saw Logan and Bodhi.
Logan got out, opened his trunk, and shook Landon's hand "Glad to see you could make it."
"Me too, thanks for flying me out here."
Kinda a boring chapter, I know. But, I hope you enjoyed it anyway!🤗🤗🤗
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