
% is used by the printf() function to identify conversion specifications. 


A flowchart can have any number of start and stop points. False 

A FLOWCHART grammatic representation that illustrates the sequence of operations to be performed to arrive at a solution. 

A LOOP or iterative construct is basically the execution of a sequence of statements until a particular condition is True or False. 

A/An EXPRESSION consists of a combination of operators and operands. 

An expression can be forced to be of a certain type by using a CAST. 

A BUFFER is a temporary storage area in memory. 

A NESTED IF is an if statement, which is placed within another if or else. 

A SEMICOLON is used to separate the three parts of the expression in a for loop. 

An array name and a variable name can be the same. False 

A String can be defined as a character type array, which is terminated by a NULL character. 

ADDITION and SUBTRUCTION are the only operations, which can be performed on pointers. 

A POINTER provides a way of accessing a variable without referring to the variable directly. 

Arguments appearing in the parentheses are termed as FORMAT PARAMETERS. 

A FUNCTION is a self-contained program segment that carries out a specific, well-defined task. 

Arguments are said to be passed BY VALUE when the value of the variables are passed to the called function. 

A FUNCTION PROTOTYPE is a function declaration that specifies the data types of the arguments. 

A new data type name can be defined by using the TYPEDEF keyword. 

A STRUCTURE groups together a number of data items, which need not be of the same data type. 

ARRAYS can have more than one dimension. True  


Bitwise logical operators are &, |, \~ and ^. 

Bubble sort, the ADJACENT elements are compared. 


C allows compartmentalization of code and data. True 

C is case sensitive. True 

CONDITIONAL statements enable us to change the flow of a program. 



Escape sequence can be placed outside the control string in printf(). False 

Each element of an array cannot be used where a variable is allowed or required. False 

Each member of an array is identified by the unique INDEX or SUBSCRIPT assigned to it. 


Flowcharts help us review and debug programs easily. True 

FORMAT SPECIFIER specify the form by which the values of the variables are to be input and printed. 

Files on which fread&() and fwrite() operate must be opened in BINARY mode. 


Getchar() is a function without any arguments. True 

GLOBAL VARIABLES are visible to the entire program, and can be used by any piece of code. 



If the return is ignored, control passes to the calling program when the closing braces of the code block are encountered. This is termed as CALLING ROUTINE OR CALLING FUNCTION. 

In CALL BY REFERENCE the function is allowed access to the actual memory location of the argument. 

In Call by REFERENCE the function is allowed access to the actual memory location of the argument. 

Individual structure elements are referenced through the use of the DOT OPERATOR. 

In insertion sort, if an unsorted element has to be put in a particular sorted location, values are swapped. True 

It is impossible to have one structure within another structure. False 




LOGICAL OPERATORS are used to combine or negate expressions containing relational operators. 

LOOP allows a set of instructions to be performed until a certain condition is reached. 

LOCAL (VARIABLES) can be referred to only by statements that are inside the code block, which declares them. 


MIXED MODE EXPRESSION is one in which the operands of an operator belong to different data types. 

Maximum number of characters that can be input into the char arr[15] is 14. 

Modification of the string pointer can lead to data loss. True 



OPERATORS are the tools that manipulate data. 

Open files are closed when a program crashes. False 


PRECEDENCE establishes the hierarchy of one set of operators over another when an arithmetic expression has to be evaluated. 




Scanf() uses POINTERS to variables rather than variable names. 

SCOPE RULES govern whether one piece of code knows about or has access to another piece of code or data. 

Strcmp() returns ZERO if two strings are identical. 

Strings are terminated by the NULL (\0) character. True 


The number 10 is a WHOLE number. 

The unary arithmetic operator are ++ and. 

The VOID data type is used to indicate the C compiler that no value is being returned. 

The precedence of operators can be overridden by enclosing the required part of the expression in PARENTHESES. 

The formatted I/O functions are prinft() and scanf(). 

The else statement is optional. True 

The SWITCH statement is a multi-way decision maker that tests the value of an expression against a list of integer or character constants. 

The EXIT function causes immediate termination of the program and control is transferred back to the operating system. 

The RETURN statement causes execution to return to the point at which the call to the function was made. 

The DO..WHILE LOOP loop checks its condition at the end of the loop, that is after the loop has been executed. 

The GOTO statement violates the rules of a strictly structured programming language. 

Two arrays, even it they are of the same type and size, cannot be tested for EQUALITY. 

The comparison of two strings is done with the help of STRCMP whereas the interchanging is done by STRCPY 

The two special operators used with pointers are * and &. 

The TYPE of the pointer defines what type of variables the pointer can point to. 

The allocation of memory in this manner, that is, as and when required in a program is known as DYNAMIC MEMORY ALLOCATION. 

Two pointers can be compared only if both these variables are pointing to variables of different types. False 

The function, which calls another function, is known as the CALLING FUNCTION and the function, which is being called, is known as the CALLED FUNCTION. 

Two pointers can be compared only if both these variables are pointing to variables of different types. True 

To use the strcat() function, the STRING.H header file must be included in the program. 

The FOPEN function opens a stream for use and links a file with that stream. 

The two types of streams are the text and BINARY streams. 

The current location of the current active pointer can be found with the help of the FTELL function. 

The fgets() function considers a new line character as a part of the string. True 

The REWIND function resets the file position indicator to the beginning of the file. 

The function used for writing characters to a file is FPUTC. 


Using the type FLOAT saves memory as it takes only half the space as a double would. 

UNARY AND BINARY are two classes of arithmetic operators. 


Values of one structure variable can be assigned to another variable of the same type using a simple assignment statement. True 


WHILE LOOP loops check the condition at the top of the loop which means the loop code is not executed, if the condition is false at the start. 

When an array is passed to a function, only its ADDRESS is passed. 

Whenever a character is read from or written to the stream, the FILE pointer is incremented. 

Which of the following switch statement is are illegal NONE ARE ILLEGAL 




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