The Beginning of a new
In a Galaxy far far far away, here lies earth the home of the Terrans. A fairly development civilization if compared to the rest of the Galaxy, it is quite weak to attack and cannot make changes to the corrupt, broken, and heavily religious system that compare to their systems, it looks like a paradise in contrast to the rest of this senseless Force battle of light and dark. However, given enough time, they will become something that not even the Force can predict and can't counter with it. Sure, they have their own down sides such as crime, rape, corruption of their own, and slavery, their small compared to the genocides, destruction, and loss of life and culture to what the outside of their world did.
Origins began
decades ago, an empress Tita ship discovered a hyperspace lane where it is directly connected to the Unknown regions in the galaxy. But on their way, pirates try to assault the ships to collect loot and enslave the people from that ship. Captain Klasha, order her crew to do a random hyperspace jump. However, the only one available that isn't a death trap that they set it off by the pirates, that they all knew that they need to go to, they're going to the unknown region and going there they shall. The Pirates tried their best, but failed as they all went into a hyperspace jump but got severely damage in the process. The way they escape is not fun, it is painstakingly and quite damaging to their systems. They can repair it in time, but their resources were limited and need new materials or supplies to get back. They explore until they found a back water planet called earth. Once they were there, they then heard contact with some communication where they see that English shows in the screen saying are you there. Because back from Earth which seeing ships or seeing signs of civilization beyond the star is both shocking and terrifying.
It took time, but eventually their brave enough to let the foreign interstellar travelers in and given them a chance as they were given a meeting in that Klasha have accepted it. They went into some place where arm military and some arm soldiers were station at on a place of the captain's choosing, and she tries Starbucks and Dunkin donuts shops. As they landed and into the destinated area, negotiators and state officials came to the seen, greeting them with English which surprise the crew more. They then sit on the table and observe their tech, as surprisingly, they're both advance and primitive when it comes to their machines and technologies. The same goes to the crew as they were sample to Earth's tech and needless to say, they have no clue on how this advance despite not reaching interstellar travel beyond their solar system yet. As they began to chat, the crew learn that these are basically similar to humans, even their insides, but they want to check it out later. The humans on earth, or Terrance as the crew called it for now on, learn about the galaxy that were booming with life, and the reason why they don't have contact for so long is because of the fact that they're the sections of the unknown region of the galaxy, making them unique.
Klasha and her crew also learn that this planet name Earth, is basically rich with unique ecosystems and rare materials not found anywhere else here, along having the unique placement within the galaxy. As they chat more, Klasha struck a deal with these Terrans negotiations. If they can fix their ship and help them out to come home, the Terrance can have hyperdrives along some aspect of their tech that would be beneficial to them which they gladly agree. They then enjoyed the meals that these shops called Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts provide as the food was this delicious.
News of a new planet wasn't new, but what it was new that this one is a unique planet, and it is located directly into the unknown region of space. The Terrans, were a fairly advanced civilization with their technology and culture being unique, as in the most unique one out there that dwarfs any that the galaxy has to offer. The Terrans went to work as space operation along building colonies that were develop by Nasa and other space organization. What would the future bring they don't know.
Years Later
Let's talk about the current status of the Terran's Earth and her colonies.
It has been years since the discovery of Earth within the unknown regions of space as they became the fastest and largest develop planet in the galaxy. Due to because of the fact that they're in the middle of the unknown region of space where the only hyperspace lane is the one that they first discover, along being unique, and factories build with a fusion of widespread tech and Terrans tech, the economy and their technological endeavors is one of the most potential and the highest one out of everyone else.
The Terrans have delt with their current problem of geopolitics and the current split of the nation and its systems, but the threat outside was serve more than enough to mend old wounds and united enough to where they can at least have more reaction time with their military operation. As for their military, space fleet doctrine was created to ensure that Earth and her colonies are safe and secure. The early days, Earth request a deal where republic protect them from pirates and other threats in exchange for their services which they did. As such, Terrans became the Outer Rim's alternative suppliers of basic needs, as the Republic protect Earth until the Terrans were strong enough to defend itself.
The medical field and civilian uses of technology have massively as Bacta and other medical methods were widely use as well finding ways to regenerate even lost limbs. Allot of cybernetic became standard implants on upgrading anybody, and self-defense purposes. While in civilian uses, speeders and thrusterless cars became commonly used as well traditional wheel ones. Holograms works in 3d field, both recreational purposes and even have 360 movement.
Because of Earth's history, most planets were not fond of a militarize planet with a trouble history but put up with it since they're the reason why allot of resources and aid that is coming in the first place. Their place causes the Mid and Outer Rim be more of a better place due to Terrance's cheap service and supply. What really complicate their relationship of Earth and the rest of the galaxy more is that they're the first planet in the galaxy to classified droids as individuals and not as tools like how the rest of the galaxy did.
Droids were developing emotions and thought pattern of any sentient beings by the time when they were in Terrans' possessions and as such, with Terran's culture of having lovable and good robots in their media and being made to empathize them, the people of Earth demand to have droid citizenship and rights which they did, which made the first planet where droids equal to organics. Because of this, technology development was through the roof due to their beneficial research and development as a new establish safe area of the Terran's territory, and here for droids who can do what they were made to do or what destiny they choose without abuse or memory wipe. There are even tons of colonies that were mostly made out of droids and with some organic town or city here and there. Even ships were given rights if they were given a chance to develop as most have built in droid bodies for the AI ships.
The colonies were classified into two types, Inter-Planetary Colony, or IPC, and the Inter-Stationary Colony, or ISC. The IPC is just a planet that were colonize by Terrans to be use for both housing and resources purposes. The ISC were large cylinder, or a circular donut shape space station colony that were design to house large population along with the IPC, and their either connected to the IPC or be independent in general. Their defense systems were in its infancy, but overtime will grow to something to not mess with, especially with their weapons being unique to all those within the galaxy.
As for their armaments, there are still debate of whether or not Blasters are better than Guns, or Slugthrowers as the rest of everyone calls it. But ultimately, they decided that their guns are more superior than actual Blasters in terms in everything, and only surpass in certain aspects. Plus, with their guns upgraded, more and more advantages that the Blaster have with their guns became a moot point, as even the Outer Rim is starting to prefer Guns then Blasters. The development of Railguns is on the way but will soon seek out mass uses due to the tech of the wider galaxy.
And then their military space vessels, as their design is small, but everything else is good as they were an all-in-one purpose striker ship that can do anything that can be an all types of class of Destroyers and Cruisers ships can do. This design mirrored that of their old see fair ships, but now was modified to become a 3rd dimensional design, with weapons and defense against threats from all 360°, with weapons on all fronts. Basically, it is a hybrid ships as they can convert into a Sphere mode where they can do 360 turns, and the ships mode for speed and focus firepower. Also, unlike most fleet, this one basically can do 360 position and terns as they even have crews who operate them be trained in 0 gravity field and even turn off gravity field to increase combativeness.
All-purpose-shields (or APS), are being develop as all-in-one shield, and while the issue is energy consumptions, but efforts to reduce power consumption or having increase in generator or fuel capacity increase is a one of the priorities they got. For now, their shields have a separate energy source entirety, ones that were designed to last for a long time and it can recharge by the main power if necessary.
Mass Drivers are also seen massive used and demand because how effective it is and how powerful it is as Railguns is, it became a popular choice for demand. The ships also fitted with some railguns and Mass Drivers were early standard fleets and even some development of minimize them to reduce mass and fuel consumptions. The Mass Drivers were different from the regular Mass Drivers as these ones are issue Terran's reverse engineering and improvements to the standard by using improve magnets to the point where it already reaches beyond the sound barrier as the damage is promising.
However, due to because of their small territory and planets compare the rest of the galaxy, as they are too small right now to make some changes. The small ships combine with small ships make Earth and the Terrans look small and weak by comparison to the rest of the galaxy. But the Terrans know that, as they want their weapons and military to be small to caught everyone off guard until it was too late. But again, their small forces.
Also, what makes it worse is that Terran's tech is still young, meaning that their somewhat primitive compared to the rest of the galaxy. Before, they don't have Hyperdrives, any improve medical work, and even droids and AI technology. But deep down, Terrans actually have an advantage compared to the rest of the Galaxy, as in orders of magnitude advantage. For one, unlike the rest of the galaxy, Terran's tech will never stop and will never stagnate in normal circumstances as the Republic hold back. What really hammer this is that most tech is a reverse engineered and worse version of a superior civilization once called the Rakatans. Basically, their basically once a powerful empire that fell from an unknown virus that ended their rained, and the ancestors used what remained of their technology for today. Second that allot of Terran's revolutionize technology like the digital data and advance computers. The Internet is also more advance HoloNet as while both are similar, like the rest of their technology, the only advantage HoloNet have over the Internet have been the sheer distance and how fast information can travel compared to the Internet, but that's about it. Everything is more available and more accessible than the HoloNet can ever done. Also, smart Phones, laptops, and any portable devices are being used and seen as superior to does in the wider galaxy have their hands on it as people slowly started to realize the potential these techs can bring.
Overall, the Earth and her colonies were basically becoming the fastest and ever-growing civilization ever gone through history of the Galaxy. But because of their small size population army forces, along with their tech being both still advance and primitive, due to because of that they were still developing. How their position in the wider galaxy is small, yet big enough to be noticeable as companies went to Earth to work with them, as in various companies, and new one's form. Because of this, allot of people within the wider galaxy were speculated about Terran's rapid developing civilization heading and how this would end. That is not the end of it, as there are rumors that the genetic slice code that dampen allot of Force abilities on them as the Jedai order have been research on Terran's DNA, but ultimately abandon it due to the fact that there are too little of information and little Terran and Force user's interaction to be actual research along having not going to Earth due to because of the huge dark force energy on Earth.
The relation with the Jedi is also complicated too as Terrans' home world is filled with dark side energy of the force. Not to mention that Terrans have zero faith to the force as the incident took place which made Terrans more suspicious about it. Terrans also believe that the Force is something to not taken lightly and always at a safe distance, as them researching on them would be the root reason why the attitude towards Jedi, at least the leaders are.
Then, the Mandalorian and Terran relationship became more interesting as the New Mandalorian see Terrans as the old selves, the Death Watch see Terrans as neutral, but the true Mandalorian came to Earth as in their eyes, their just like them, if not new and inexperience in the wider galaxy. The relationship between the True Mandalorians and Terrans were well known, and even work together more than one occasions. The Terrans even Save the Mandalorians as the battle of Snowfall occurred were Jedis mistaken them to be the one killing politicians as a warrior name Develin Willson and Jango Fett work together to defend off against Jedis who is trying to kill Jango and his men. After the whole misconception was over, both parties went closer after that, marking and sealing their relationship.
Speaking of relationships, companies came to Earth to do business, as Earth and its location sure made a ton of opportunities and resources present themselves as Terrans and their companies being cooperated and sometime even merge into something new. Because of this and along the fact that Terrans became an alternative to the Inner Ring's goods, Earth became a magnet and birthplace for new companies, for better and for worse.
As for political point of view, due to the fact that their still young, and the fact that their still divided, they can only observe on what is going on and prepare for the worst. The UNSC along with weapons companies will be help, but still have a feeling of not enough.
This, is the new beginning, a new era, and most of all, a new change compared to the original.
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