011┊chapter eleven

011, the calm

AFTER THEIR night swim together Bellamy and Carson grow closer sharing nights together sweaty, breathless in their shared tent.

Carson gasps coming down from the pleasure she just experienced, lying on the makeshift bed of hers and Bellamy's smirking at the breathless and sweaty Bellamy holding onto his head.

"You good?" Carson taunts seeing Bellamy sit up with a gulp seeing Carson facing him with the thin sheet barely covering her naked body underneath the covers.

"Yeah." Bellamy sighs catching his breath climbing out of the bed and putting on his clothes hearing Carson groan in displeasure.

"No. I can't believe you're leaving after that just happened." Carson groans hearing Bellamy chuckle.

"The grounders will still be coming even though it's been two days since the bomb. Come on, Angel. Get dressed and meet me by the entrance." Bellamy states pecking Carson's forehead before leaving the tent.

Carson mimics the male putting on her clothes for the day and exiting the tent seeing Bellamy and Clarke talking outside the entrance gate.

"First watch is over. Go relieve Monroe on the south wall. Keep your eyes open." Bellamy orders one of the delinquents who nod and rush over to Monroe's post on the south wall.

Bellamy turns towards Clarke seeing Carson standing beside the blonde now with her arms crossed.

"Anything?" Bellamy questions, "It's been two days. Maybe the bomb at the bridge scared them off for good." Clarke suggests.

"You believe that?" Bellamy wonders looking at Clarke with a look that says 'you cannot be serious'.

"No. They're coming." Clarke sighs nervously watching the woods outside the camp walls.

"Jasper thinks he can cook up some more gunpowder if he gets some sulphur. And Raven says she can turn that into landmines. So be careful where you step." Bellamy explains with a smirk looking at the woman he's sleeping with and Clarke.

"Ha! Funny." Clarke mutters, "What I really need is a thousand more of her tin can bombs I can roll into their village and blow those grounders to hell. That's what they want to do to us." Bellamy snarls.

"Can't believe we survived a hundred years just so we could slaughter each other. There has to be another way. Any word from the Ark?" Clarke questions seeing Carson sigh and shake her head no.

"Radio silence." Carson explains biting her lower lip, "Finally ran out of air." Bellamy shrugs.

"Maybe my mom was lucky being on the Exodus ship. At least it was quick. No one is coming down to save us." Clarke voices.

"Kyle too." Carson shrugs seeing Bellamy frown at the mention of her ex boyfriend with jealousy.

Carson stand on her tip toes pecking Bellamy's cheek and walking towards the food shed seeing Octavia waving her over.

Swaying her hips while walking knowing Bellamy is watching her walk towards his younger sister.

Going into the shed alongside Octavia, Carson sees Del enter with some wood feeding the fire a little too much.

"Let's get this party smoking!" Del exclaims excitedly.

"You don't want the fire too big. So maybe just try to knock it down with some wet leaves." Octavia suggests.

"You get that from your boyfriend. Grounder pounder?" Del taunts smugly.

"You jealous she's getting some and you're not? Get over yourself Del. Listen to her unless you wanna lose all of our food and be the one blamed for it." Carson snaps over everyone treating Octavia like someone who sleeps around.

"They're both right. A hot fire is not gonna preserve the meat as well." Murphy states agreeing with both brunettes.

"You can't take the heat. Get out of the smokehouse. Should be kissing our asses for being allowed back in this camp. Just keep working." Del states earning an eye roll from Carson.

"Just because you're sleeping with Bellamy doesn't mean you're in-charge. Freak blood!" Del mutters.

Carson laughs in the males face seeing Octavia stand up now growing pissed off.

"She is in-charge! She's just as important as Clarke and Bellamy. Or did you forget that?" Octavia sneers seeing Del gulp and return to working.

"Your brother couldn't get you a better job? Would think anything would be better than working in the meat furnace." Murphy states looking at the youngest Blake sibling.

"Oh. Probably. That just means someone else would have to do it and Carson volunteered to help me." Octavia chuckles looking at the brunette who shrugs with a smile.

Carson looks around smelling an extreme burning smell realising the smokehouse is on fire and that's she's trapped inside.

"Whoa! Guys! Fire!" a male delinquent shouts alerting the test of the camp who come running.

Octavia and Murphy rush out of the smokehouse before said male realises that Carson's still inside.

"Are you okay?" Bellamy questions looking at Octavia who coughs and nods in reply.

"Carson!" Murphy exclaims not seeing Carson anywhere around the burning small shed.

"Wait. Carson's inside?" Bellamy asks looking around panicked before hearing the brunette cough coming out from the side of the smokehouse and coughing before collapsing off her feet beside Octavia.

Bellamy bends down making sure Carson is okay, "I'm fine Bell." Carson sighs lying on the ground catching her breath.

"This is all your fault! We told you it was too much wood!" Murphy seethes running towards Del and begins punching him.

"Get the hell away from me." Del snaps pushing Murphy off him.

"Hey! Hey! Hey, stop! Save it for the grounders." Bellamy snaps handing both Octavia and Carson water to calm down being stuck in the smoke filled environment.

"Bell. Now what the hell are we gonna do? That was all the food." Octavia groans looking at Carson who coughs again from the smoke in her lungs.

"Any idea what happened?" Clarke questions while examining Carson and making sure she is okay from the smoke that's in her lungs.

"Murphy says that Del kept feeding the fire. Mostly because Carson and Octavia told him it was a bad idea." Bellamy explains looking at Clarke who nods silently telling him that Carson is fine.

"And we believe Murphy?" Clarke wonders, "I do." Bellamy confirms.

"Yeah. We have some wild onions and nuts in the drop-ship. It's only enough to last us maybe one or two weeks. What's left here?" Clarke questions.

"Nothing. It all burned." Bellamy sighs, "Then we have to hunt. Anyone we can spare goes out." Clarke states firmly.

"With the whole grounder army out there?" Bellamy frowns.

"Look... we can't defend ourselves if we're starving." Clarke states seeing Carson standing up and nodding.

"So we hunt." Carson smiles leaning against Bellamy who smirks feeling the brunette's body against him.

After explaining to the delinquents around camp who are happy with going out and hunting everyone surrounds the drop-ship stocking up weapons.

"Each group takes someone with a gun and they're for killing grounders, not food. We don't have the ammo. Use the spears for hunting... get what you can. Be back by nightfall. No one stays out after dark." Bellamy orders standing close to Carson who sharpens her knife for the hunting trip.

"You coming with me?" Bellamy questions seeing Carson nod.

"Well. I was planning on going with Finn and Clarke but if you're offering... sure." Carson smirks walking out of the drop-ship seeing Bellamy smirking at her retreating figure.

Carson walks around camp seeing Bellamy come out from Raven's tent.

"Rav?" Carson frowns entering the tent seeing Raven smiling at her while making some walkie-talkie's.

"Your idea?" Carson asks with a smile, "Bellamy helped." Raven states seeing Carson bite her lip nodding.

"Good luck with them." Carson says walking out of the tent confusing Raven who frowns at Carson's back exiting the camp.

ON THE Ark Marcus Kane wonders the halls of the dark and hot hallways hearing someone mumbling under their breath sitting by a double door with his arm stuck.

"Hey. Hey, can you hear me?" Kane wonders placing his hands on the male's face.

"What do you want?" the man shrieks frightened of the incoming before sighing realising it's Marcus Kane.

"Councillor. Sir?" the male frowns confused, "It's Wick. Isn't it... from engineering. Sinclair's apprentice?" Kane wonders.

"Yeah. Yeah. He had me come down here to override the containment codes to keep the doors open. Don't tell him I messed up." Wick mumbles.

"Hey... you didn't mess up. We need to get your arm free." Kane suggests motioning to Wick's trapped arm.

"Yeah. Let's do that. That sounds like a good idea." Wick mutters.

Kane pants trying to move the heavy door off the man's arm, "Did you see anyone else around here?" Kane wonders.

"No. Heard there was a hull breach in engineering." Wick states, "It was a breach?" Kane repeats.

"What the hell happened, anyway?" Wick questions taking deep breaths.

"We were betrayed. Councillor Sydney... she took the Exodus ship by force. Damage to the Ark was catastrophic." Kane explains annoyed.

"What a bitch. My mom voted for her." Wick states, "I'm not gonna be able to open these doors without some help. I'll be right back." Kane states looking at Wick.

"You can't leave me, man. I have to tell my ex girlfriend that I still love her." Wick pleads looking at Kane.

"I won't leave you here." Kane promises walking off into another hallway.

"All right." Wick pants watching Kane come back towards him pulling at the doors with a metal bar.

Groans and grunts of pain are heard from Wick himself before his arm is free.

"Ah. My god. Thank you. That was..." Wick pants grunting while holding onto his injured arm.

"I can hear the pumps. I think the vents are working up ahead." Wick explains grabbing some of his left over belongings from the floor and following Kane.

"Let's go. If you survived... there could be others." Kane states, "It's like a ghost ship." Wick mumbles before looking at Kane.

"Do you know if Carson Daniels is still alive?" Wick questions seeing the smile form across Kane's face at the mention of the Daniels girl. A secret... only the council knows about brunette and the adult.

"She sure is. She's on the ground though with the other 100 delinquents. Is she your ex girlfriend?" Kane questions.

"Yeah. We broke up before she was arrested. Quite messy too." Wick grunts while both of them continue exploring the Ark before finding a large amount of people huddled together.

Wick and Kane are distributing oxygen to the survivors huddled together in one of the corners.

"Hey. How's the air in here?" Kane questions.

"Crappy." Wick states, "I'm gonna check the next few compartments." Kane states walking towards the hallway.

"Whoa. Hey... are you sure you want to do that? This ship took a lot of damage. You walk through the wrong door... you could be stepping out into space." Wick explains.

"We need to keep moving. The air in here can turn bad at any time." Kane voices.

"At least we're breathing. The CO2 scrubbers down here have kicked back on." Wick shrugs putting towards the vents.

"They can restart themselves?" Kane questions, "No. The electrical fires blew out a DCDU. Everything is on manual." Wick explains following Kane towards the vents.

"Is it getting cooler in here?" Kane wonders, "I don't feel it." Wick responds.

"Could someone restart the central cooling exchanges on this level?" Kane asks, "No. That runs through the primary board." Wick explains.

"Earth monitoring. We need to get these people moving now." Kane states firmly.

"Move them where?" Wick questions, "The cooling air is a message. See, I think... I think there's someone alive in Earth monitoring." Kane comments.

"The air is a message." Wick repeats, "Yeah." Kane confirms.

"Okay. You have hypoxia, all right? So you're working with about ten percent of your brain." Wick explains looking at the man like his gone mad.

"We need to get them moving. Now, I am not gonna let these people die here." Kane firmly demands seeing Wick bite his cheek.

"Now I see where Carson got her sassiness and remarks from. Her ex boyfriend." Kane mutters walking towards the people seeing Wick look up at the mention of Carson once more.

Kane, Wick and the other survivors are walking around the Ark trying to access Earth Monitoring and find anymore survivors.

"Rest in peace. Earth Monitoring." Wick comments.

"Let's check passageway four." Kane suggests, "No. We got a jammed pressure door between us and pass... four. And we can't get through here. It's game over, man." Wick states.

"I need to talk to whoever is in there." Kane mutters, "A 'please' would be nice," Wick sighs walking towards the switch.

"Watch this. Ah. Ha!" Wick motions while connecting the tools he owns for his job with the communication device to the next section blocked by the door.

"Earth Monitoring. Do you read?" Wick states speaking into the speaker.

"We read you. Who is this? Where are you?" Jaha responds alerting Kane who rushes towards the communication speaker.

"Sir, it's good to hear your voice." Kane voices.

"Of course it's you, Kane. You're too stubborn to die." Jaha states, "I could say the same for you." Kane mumbles.

"What is your situation?" Jaha questions, "We have about a dozen survivors." Kane explains.

"That's good work, Councillor. Sinclair is rerouting power and air to the mess hall. Lead your people there." Jaha demands, "After we get you." Kane states firmly.

"No. A fire burned through most of our oxygen. We put it out. But we don't have very long. All access is blocked. We are reviving as many Ark citizens as we can before our oxygen runs out." Jaha explains weakly.

"I won't leave you to die." Kane denies, "As your Chancellor... I am ordering you to gather as many survivors as you can and lead them to the mess hall. Jaha out." Jaha demands.

"Lead them to the mess hall. And when you get there... organise a search station by station. Look for survivors." Kane suggests looking at the damage of the door blocking Jaha and Sinclair's exit out of the room.

"Let's go to the mess hall. Come on." Wick states turning the group of people around to lead them to the mess hall.

"Hey. The Chancellor is right. We all got to get out of here. This whole deck is an electrical fire waiting to happen." Wick voices watching the door wall spark from the electricity.

"That's why you have to lead these people out of here. Please." Kane pleads.

"So what... you're got to save everybody else but yourself? This is nuts." Wick mutters not liking the plan.

"No one else can die because of me. Go. Go... get yourselves to safety." Kane orders.

Kane tries to move the wreckage away but it's too heavy for him, Wick sighs before joining him feeling the metal weigh a ton.

The survivors gather around and help move the wreckage away, "On three." Kane states seeing that no one is leaving and that they're gonna help him get the others out of that room.

CARSON SITS by the campfire talking with Octavia and Murphy.

"I'm supposed to go hunting soon and I can't find Bellamy anywhere." Carson grunts annoyed standing up.

"Check his tent?" Murphy suggests looking at the brunette who sighs and nods walking towards the tent not needing to announce herself due to basically staying in the tent since their arrival on the ground.

Carson walks into the tent not expecting to see what is laid out right in front of her eyes, her cousin and Bellamy having sex.

"Fuck. Sorry." Carson gasps running out of the tent tears in her eyes knowing something was going on between the two of them and how she could be so goddamn stupid to think she was any different.

"Carsy?" Octavia shouts seeing the brunette rush out of the camp retching and throwing up outside the gate.

"You okay? What happened?" Octavia frowns seeing the state Carson is in.

"Raven and Bellamy." Carson voices not even needing to go into detail.

"What the heck." Octavia exclaims stunned by the news, "We should probably head back inside the walls. The hunting party is back and it's not safe out here." Octavia explains.

Carson nods wiping her mouth walking back into the camp sitting beside Murphy and Octavia at the fire for the second time that night.

"Are you okay Carsy?" Murphy frowns noticing Carson staring at the tent Raven exits out of fully dressed and looking around everyone before spotting Carson seated by the fire.

Carson looks away and gets up walking into the drop-ship not wanting to be near anywhere at the moment.

She looks at the guns loaded up for tomorrow's hunting session and exhales running her fingertip along the handle.

"You were always the best shooter on the Ark." Murphy voices standing beside her hesitantly.

"Yeah. Then I fucked it up and got arrested for something I didn't even do." Carson groans annoyed.

"I know. But his gone now though Carson. He can't hurt you anymore." Murphy states.

Carson closes her eyes and dusts off her pants thinking about how her adoptive father deserved to die like that.

He was an awful person and no one—not even his own daughter deserved to live like that.

"He didn't love me... Murph." Carson sobs thinking about the man who raised her.

Murphy embraces her and hushes her while holding her while she cries in his arms smirking at Bellamy who comes into the drop-ship looking for the brunette to apologise for what she saw with Raven and to tell her it wasn't what she's thinking it is.

AFTER MOVING the damage away from the door and helping everyone in the room with some oxygen.

"Any word yet on casualties?" Jaha questions.

"No. Sinclair still has teams out assessing the damage. But whole stations may have been lost. I estimate no more than 1,000 survivors. At least 1,500 dead." Kane explains.

"Hey... guys. I found something." Wick announces, "I'm sorry sir. Mr Wick has trouble with protocol." Sinclair states looking at the male.

"What did you find?" Jaha questions, "Data from the Exodus launch. The monitor says that service hatch beta was manually sealed before the launch from our side." Wick explains.

"There was someone in the service bay." Kane frowns, "But there are survivors? People jumped ship at the last moment?" Jaha questions.

"Maybe Sydney threw them off. Maybe they were a threat. Could they still be alive in the service bay?" Kane asks.

Sinclair and Wick share a look, "Well. Sure. If they hunkered down and got lucky... yeah. They could still be ticking. But they won't be for long." Wick states.

"Well, how do we get to them? How can we get to them?" Kane questions noticing the looks on Wick and Sinclair's faces.

"We could try the maintenance shaft. It's sealed on both sides... so you'd have pressurisation." Wick voices.

"And it's pressed right up against the fuel pods. Without power to the coolant system... it'll be hot as hell in there." Sinclair states.

"I have to try." Kane responds walking towards that area of the Ark.

Kane and Wick are standing in front of the maintenance shaft, "Hey. You'll need this battery to open up the door to the bay. Good? Yeah? It's not that hot. Sinclair doesn't know what he's talking about. It's a little warm." Wick rants before muttering in rambles feeling the warmth flow out of the shaft.

"So... you're not gonna talk me out of going?" Kane asks, "Nope. When you die... can I have your shoes?" Wick shrugs.

"God. No wonder why Carson likes you. You're both full of sarcasm and jokes and they're much too stylish for you." Kane states seeing Wick smile.

"She taught me a lot if I'm being honest." Wick shrugs with a smile remembering their relationship before he ended.

Kane taps his arm and enters the maintenance shaft and begins to crawl through it.

CARSON RUNS into Raven's tent after hearing about Clarke, Finn and Myles still being missing from the hunting party.

"You got the walkie-talkies?" Carson asks Monty who nods motioning to Raven holding the talkies in the air.

Monty looks around the tent noticing the tension between the two cousins.

"Yeah. We're going to look for them. Bring the walkies." Monty demands before rushing out of the tent leaving Carson alone with Raven.

Carson goes to walk out of the tent, "I'm sorry." Raven speaks up, "For what? You did nothing wrong. Bellamy and I aren't together." Carson shrugs.

"I know you like him. I'm sorry Carso." Raven states handing the brunette a walkie-talkie and gesturing for her to follow her out of the tent.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. I just feel like another one of his midnight sessions." Carson explains with a shrug.

"Carson... he only slept with me because he has feelings for you. He told me and he doesn't think you feel the same way." Raven blurts out mid conversation.

"Wait what?" Carson frowns suddenly overwhelmed seeing Bellamy and the others walking towards them for the search for Clarke, Finn and Myles.

Setting out of the camp into the woods looking around their surroundings for any clues.

Carson frowns standing with a gun strapped to her waist, "Where are they?" Raven questions.

"We'll find them." Octavia states, "I thought you said you were heading west. Where are you?" Monty asks over the walkie-talkie.

"Just keep the moon to your left... and you'll find us." Bellamy explains.

"This morning... all I could think about was how much easier this would all be if Finn was just gone." Raven admits panicked she'll never see her ex boyfriend again.

"You didn't wish this into being, Raven. Stop torturing yourself." Carson states firmly.

"Is anyone else hearing this signal?" Monty asks through the walkie-talkie hearing a weird static sound.

"Just keep your eyes open." Raven states into the walkie.

"I think it's the same thing we heard in the black box." Monty responds.

"Damn it... Monty. Pay attention! Do you see anything? Report." Bellamy demands not receiving a response from the male, hearing a branch beside them move.

Carson, Raven and Octavia all aim their guns at the bush, "There's someone in the bushes." Raven whispers into the walkie-talkie for Bellamy's sake.

All three girls walk towards the bush with their guns aimed high moving the bushes revealing an injured Myles groaning at them.

"Myles?" Octavia gasps, "Oh my god." Carson gasps seeing the arrows lunged into his leg and chest.

"Myles. What happened? Where are they? Clarke and Finn. Where are they?" Raven questions.

"Grounders took them." Myles weakly says breathlessly.

Carson looks up feeling Bellamy place a hand on her waist, Carson moves out of the way with a scowl on her face.

"Don't touch me!" Carson snarls before focusing on the injured male laid on the ground below them.

"Take it easy. We have to get him back to camp." Bellamy states still looking at Carson who's standing far away from him.

"Bell... what about Clarke and Finn?" Octavia asks.

"Raven. I'm sorry." Bellamy says softly looking at the woman seeing Carson glare at him.

"We need to make a stretcher." Raven states seeing Carson nod and stand up.

"Monty, we're heading home. You copy? Monty, can you hear me? Monty. Monty where the hell are you? Report." Bellamy repeats into the walkie-talkie not receiving anything back as a response.

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