Ice Heart (Killer frost)
5 years ago, Central city hospital
Harriosn Wells walks into the hospital with an middle age woman with blond hair, pale skin, and icey blue eyes.
Wells walks up to an desk with an nurse.
"Hello were here to see Dr. Caitlin Snow" Wells said.
"She's in the middle of an surgery, Do you have an appointment with Dr. Snow ?" The nurse asks.
"Yes" The blond hair woman said.
"Follow me" The nurse said as she leads them to an hallway with an large square window where it shows an surgery was going on down below.
Wells notices the brown hair woman with light green eyes doing heart surgey on an paient. Wells turns to his blond hair company.
"Crystal is that her ?" Wells asks.
Crystal looks at the young woman carefully.
"Yes that's her" Crystal said as she sees they both have pale skin.
The surgey was sucessful. Caitlin Snow walks out of the operating room as she's greeted by an nurse.
"Dr. Snow they are two people who want to talk to you" The nurse said.
Caitlin makes an confused face.
"I don't have an meeting secdule today" Caitlin said.
"Do you want me to call security ?" The nurse asks.
"No I'll talk to them to see what they need" Caitlin said.
Caitlin walks over to Wells and Crystal. Her face lights up with exitment.
"Dr. Wells it's an pleasure to meet you, I've read your article on the power excluiar and how it needs an component to work" Caitlin said.
Wells shackes her hand.
"Caitlin this is my acossite Crystal" Wells indrounces.
They shack hands as Caitlin feels some connections to Crystal.
"It's nice to meet you Caitlin" Crystal said with an smile.
"Likewise" Caitlin said.
"Caitlin we know you study bio chemist and engering in Gotham unvistey before becoming an doctor" Wells said.
"Yes I did but that was an long time ago" Caitlin admits.
"I would like you to work with me on my themor frost camber in the artic" Wells offers.
"The artice ? Wells I don't know I have everything going well for me here in central city, I'm engaged" Caitlin said.
"Caitlin this is once and life time opportunity, you might not get this chance to improve on your reputation as an great doctor" Crystal said.
"How long will I be in the artice ?" Caitlin asks.
"3 months" Crystal said.
Caitlin thinks about this before saying.
"Alright I'll do it" Caitlin said.
"I'll look foward to working with you Caitlin" Wells said with an smile.
Wells and Crystal walk out of the hospital and get into thire car.
"That went well" Crystal said as her hair turns white and her eyes turn an glowing icey blue.
"All acording to plan" Wells said as he takes off his mask to revel Harrison Wells was really Eboran Thrawn from earth 1.
"Thrawn I won't have that much time, I'm dying soon" Crystal said.
"Don't worry will make sure she'll become you once we get the themor chamber working" Thrawn said.
"Will have to break her so she'll become the new Killer frost" Crystal smirks.
"Are you sure you want that ?" Thrawn smirks.
"We don't have an choice" Crystal said.
3 weeks later in the artice labs,
Caitlin arrives with Crystal as they enter the lab. Inside they was an chamber.
Caitlin carries an bag of tools over to the unfinshed chamber.
Crystal sits on an table and starts smoking an cigar as Caitlin begins to work.
"So Caitlin tell me an little about yourself" Crystal said with an smile.
"Well besides I'm engaged to a good man, I went to collage for 8 years to get my doctor-it" Caitlin said as she works on the chamber.
"What about your family life" Crystal asks.
Caitlin pauses.
"My dad died about 7 years ago and I never knew my mom,I'm actually an only child" Caitlin admits.
"I'm sorry to hear that" Crystal said.
"What about you ?" Caitlin asks.
"I use to be an scientists before I got into an indicent with an co woker then Wells took me on as assistant" Crystal said.
Caitlin nods before seeing an problem with chambers wiring.
She begins to fix it.
For over the past 2 month Caitlin began to know about crystal even finding out they liked the same tea. The more Caitlin talked to her the more she felt closer to Crystal. It was like there some sorta connection between them, like she knew this woman all her life
Over the past two months Caitlin worked around the clock even finishing the chamber an month early.
Caitlin smiles at her work as she felt pride in her work.
"You down well Dr. Snow, I couldn't have down this without you" Wells said.
"It's been an pleasure working with you but I have to get back to prepare from my wedding" Caitlin said.
Wells expression changed.
"Caitlin you can't leave" Wells said.
"Wells I know we're early on scedule but my job is done" Caitlin said.
"I'm sorry Caitlin but your staying here" Wells said.
"Wells your starting to scare me" Caitlin said.
"I haven't been honest with you the reason your here isn't the themor chamber it's to help Crystal who's dying" Wells said.
"What's wrong with her ?" Caitlin asks.
"She's dying of cancer and it's embolizaing her system" Wells said.
"Then I can help her, get her the treatment she needs" Caitlin said.
"No that's not why I need you" Wells said.
"Wells if she's dying we need to get her help before it's too late" Caitlin begs.
"It's already too late, Your here becuse you'll becoming her replacement" Wells said.
"Replacement ? What are you talking about ?" Caitlin asks.
"I haven't been honest with you Caitlin, my name is Eboran Thrawn" Wells said as he takes off his mask to show his face.
"Your not Harrison Wells ?" Caitlin gasps.
"Wells is someone I knew years ago and let's just say I borrowed his identity" Thrawn explains.
"Why tell me all this" Caitlin asks.
"We're going to be partners,there should be some trust between us" Thrawn said.
"I... I gotta go" Caitlin said as she walks towards an door.
Suddenly an cloth is pulled over her eyes and she feels her arms tied behind her back. She finds herself carried by someone big.
Caitlin gasps awake as she finds herself tied to an chair and blindfold. She struggles within the ropes she hears foot steps. Crystal takes off the blind and Caitlin looks at her.
"Crystal thank god,listen Wells isn't who he says he is" Caitlin said.
"Oh I know he's the one who planned for you to come here" -Crystal smirks.
"But why ?" Caitlin asks.
"Ever heard of Killer frost ?" Crystal smirks.
"That no good snow witch !?" Caitlin snares.
Crystal smacks Caitlin across the face. Crystal's hair turns white and her eyes glow.
"How dare you speake to me in that manner !" Crystal growls.
"Oh my god your Killer frost !" Caitlin shouts.
"Do you even remember me Caitlin" Crystal asks.
"What are you talking about ?" Caitlin asks .
Crystal shows her an old photo of herself when she was younger. The picture looked excatly like Caitlin.
"Is... is that me ?" Caitlin asks.
"No its me when I was younger, I looked like you when I was younger" Crystal said. "Caitlin your my daughter" Crystal said
"NO! Your not my mom" Caitlin asks.
"We have done much in common Caitlin... you even got into medical field like your grandmother did" Crystal said.
"That dosen't mean..."
"You have my skin tone and hell you have my hair color before I colored it" Crystal said.
"You are my daughter" Crystal said.
"Then why come back after all theses years" Caitlin asks.
"Becuse you are going to be the new Killer frost" Crystal smirks.
"I'll never be like you" Caitlin snares.
"After an week of no food and water will see because sooner or later you and I will go in the thermor chamber together" Crystal smirks.
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