
"I think introducing her to someone would be good for her." Iris says.

"Yeah, it could be." Barry says half-heartedly.

"She needs someone, Bar." Iris argues. "She's alone all the time when she isn't bugging you to study."

"I know, but I think she prefers that." Barry says.

"No one does. Look, there's this guy in my chem class that would be perfect for her. What do you say we go on a double date?"

"You don't know her. How do you know he's perfect?" Barry asks.

"Because he's single and good looking."

"That's it?" Barry asks.

"That's enough for now. Look, I'll ask him if he's interested tomorrow in class and you talk to Caitlin."

Barry sighs and heads off to class. He meets up with Caitlin in the library afterward. She smiles as she sees him walking toward her. This is the first study date he's agreed to since she told him how she feels.

"Hey." She says lightly, not wanting to seem too excited.

"Hey." He says half-heartedly back.

"Everything okay?" She asks, noticing he's nervous.

He smiles. "Yeah. I actually wanted to see if you wanted to do something this weekend with Iris and I."

Caitlin smiles. "I'd really like that."

"Good. She uh...she may be bringing someone too." He says. Caitlin just smiles up at him before going back to her books. "A guy." He clarifies.

"Okay." Caitlin says without looking up.

"A guy for you." He clarifies again.

She looks up. "She wants to set me up with someone?"

Barry nods, looking away. "Yeah. She thinks you two would really hit it off."

Caitlin nods. "And what do you think?"

Barry clears his throat and looks back at her with a half-smile. "I think it'd be good for you."

Caitlin's face drops, but she nods lightly. "Okay then." She dryly agrees.

Barry takes out his books and starts studying without saying anything else. When Caitlin is done, she stands, telling Barry to text her the details about the weekend and walking off. Barry watches her walk out and turns back to his book. He stares, unfocused at his book, until the look of hurt in her eyes fades from his mind.

That weekend, Caitlin shows up to the theater in a nice dress that didn't show off too much. After all, she wanted to look nice, but didn't want Barry to think she was trying to show off for this guy. Barry and Iris are already waiting with a boy she doesn't recognize. That must be him. She approaches them. Iris smiles widely and waves at her, tugging at the boy's arm. Barry smiles lightly as she gets closer to them.

"Caitlin, this is Ronnie." Iris introduces the two.

Ronnie reaches out to shake her hand. Caitlin shakes his, but he pulls her to him and kisses her hand. "Pleasure to meet you." He says with a charming smile.

Caitlin looks confused at him, not expecting the gesture. She gives him a half smile. He links their arms and they follow Barry and Iris to their seats. The play starts and Iris leans into Barry, latching her hand with his. Caitlin looks over and sees it, then looks back to focus on the play. During the intermission Ronnie asks Caitlin to join him outside for some fresh air.

"You look as uncomfortable as I am." He says.

Caitlin chuckles. "Am I that obvious?"

"Nah. I'm just very observant." He assures her. He offers her a cigarette as he takes one for himself and lights it. She shakes her head. "It'll calm you." She smiles and thanks him, but refuses again.

"It's not you." She says. "I just don't trust the intentions."

"Ah, yeah." He laughs. "She made them pretty clear to me."

"Really? Care to enlighten me?"

"She doesn't like the third wheel in her relationship. Wanted to pawn you off." He says dryly, letting out a smoky breath.

"Good to know. I figured as much."

"Why'd you come then?"

"Indulging a friend."

He chuckles. "You and me both."

"Iris?" She asks.

"Nah. Couldn't care less about her." He spits out. "My friends think I'm a loner. They overheard her make the offer and demanded I come."

Caitlin laughs and shakes her head. "Well, then at least we're on the same page."

"Are we?" He turns to her, smirking. "I have to say, I'm a little interested now."

"Really?" She asks, assuming he's joking. "Was it the awkward walk into the theater, the awkward first act, or the awkward confessional we just had that interested you?"

"What can I say? I have a thing for awkward people." He says, coolly, taking a final drag from his cigarette.

"I'm not awkward." She defends.

"Fine then. People who get into awkward situations." He corrects, grinning at her.

"I am that." She admits. He laughs.

"How about this. I promise to make the second act just as awkward if you promise to grab drinks with me afterward. Leave them behind."

Caitlin contemplates the offer. She didn't want to give Iris the satisfaction of this working out, but she also was, despite her better judgement, interested in what else there was to this guy.


Caitlin gets close to Ronnie quickly. He asks her for help on his studies and fills the gap of Barry not studying with her anymore. She doesn't get to do as much of her own studying since she is helping him, but she makes up for it in the evenings. She gets less sleep, but things get done.

As Iris and Barry's relationship progresses, so does Caitlin and Ronnie's. He starts staying over at her place, causing her to have to stay up even later to get work done.

After a month or so, the interesting, cool, clever boy she met at the theater came out less and less. The boy she saw more was the angry and demanding one who kept crashing in her bed. He would make her feel guilty if she didn't help him study or blew him off to do her own stuff. Any news of her contacting Barry from Iris would send him into a rage. He would drink by himself while she would work in the evenings until he passed out on the couch. She would take breaks to pick up after him. When he woke up, he would apologize and be sweet to her, helping her clean up for class and wish her luck for the day, kissing her deeply before she'd leave. He'd flash his charming smile and go back to bed after she left.

Barry started to notice her exhaustion in class. Her grades weren't dropping but her focus in class was. She didn't talk to him as much, but he noticed she didn't talk to anyone. He followed her out of class one day, hoping to talk to her. He found her at the side of the building.

"Since when do you smoke?" He asks, walking up to her as she takes a drag off the cigarette.

"I don't." She says, throwing it on the ground. "Just...the smell is calming."

"You must love Ronnie's smell then." Barry says harshly.

"No. It's usually covered up with the smell of beer." She says dryly.

"What'd you think of class?" He asks, trying to change the subject.

"I didn't pay much attention honestly."

"I noticed." He mumbles.

"Didn't realize you paid attention to me." She says, bending to pick up her bag.

"I do, Cait." He defends. "I'm sorry I've been so distant lately."

Caitlin scoffs. "Lately. As in...since the beginning of the school year?"

"Yes." Barry says, stepping to stand in front of her as she tries to walk off. She stares harshly up at him. "I am. I want to see you again, Cait. I miss talking to you. We barely even text anymore."

" didn't have much use for me when you got Iris. Guess I just don't have that much use for you anymore now either." She says harshly.

"I know I shut you out, and I'm sorry." He defends stepping around her again. "Iris doesn't trust me with you."

"Nothing to worry about." Caitlin mumbles.

"I know." Barry says, not noticing the hurt on Caitlin's face when he says it. "But she doesn't believe that. But she will. Just...let me make it up to you." He begs.

She sighs and stops trying to walk around him. She looks up at him, waiting for him to speak.

"Saturday. We can hang out at your place. Study, watch movies, whatever you want." He says.

Caitlin lets her mouth turn up a little. "That'd be nice."

"I'll be over around eleven then? I'll bring lunch." He offers. She smiles and nods. "Eleven it is then." He kisses her forehead and runs off.

Caitlin smiles at the ground and walks to her next class.

Barry shows up to Caitlin's Saturday. He's greeted at the door by Ronnie in his underwear holding a can of beer.

"The hell is he doing here?" Ronnie groans, walking away from the door.

"We're studying. I have my own classes to worry about, remember?" Caitlin snaps from the kitchen.

Ronnie just grunts and puts on his clothes. He crushes his empty can and drops it on the floor.

"Pick that up!" Caitlin calls from the kitchen.

"Later." Ronnie says nonchalantly as he walks out the door.

Caitlin sighs and puts her hands on the counter, dropping her head between her shoulders. Barry walks up behind her and hugs her. She turns and leans into him.

"Would you mind coming back later?" She says quietly. "I need to clean."

"I can help." He says softly, holding her tighter.

They spend the next hour cleaning up the apartment. Picking up beer cans and cigarette butts, collecting Ronnie's dirty socks and underwear, wiping cup stains, and doing dishes.

"Why do you let him treat your place like this? Treat you like this?" Barry asks when they're done.

"He's not always like this." Caitlin defends.

Barry decides not to question it...yet. They end up going out for lunch and come back to study. Barry is surprised to see that she hasn't fallen behind in classes, but he isn't oblivious to the dark circles, the dull hair, and the pale face.

"Maybe he should look at getting a tutor." Barry suggests.

"He wouldn't listen to one."

"Then that's his problem. He shouldn't rely on you. Especially if it's affecting you this much." Barry argues.

"How much?" Caitlin asks defensively, glaring at him. "How am I being affected?"

Barry just shakes his head. "You just seem tired."

"I am. Rough night. That's it."

"Are there a lot of those?" Barry asks. "Rough nights?"

"No, Barry." Caitlin argues, loudly shutting her textbook. "Most nights he is sweet, and he sits up with me studying. Most nights he asks me about my day and even tries to get me to call my mom. Some days he's angry. Some days he's stressed. Some days he drinks. But not most days. Unlike you, most days he cares." Caitlin snaps.

She takes a deep breath. "Look, if you're just to criticize my life, then go."

"I want to help, Caitlin." Barry says softly. "Tell me how I can help." He pulls her in for a hug. He can feel her shaking.

"Be here." She chokes out. " here every once in a while."

"I will." He whispers into her hair. "I promise."

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