Work ft Lovino, Oliver and Egil

Third person POV:

The countries, Kitty, Lizzy and Steph were surrounding Matt and (Y/n). (Y/n) was still fast asleep and Matt was shooting glares at whoever came close. Lizzy, Kitty and Steph were complaining and trying to get the countries attention on them.

"Can't we just leave her here? Let's go somewhere~" Kitty complained, tugging on Alfred's arm. Alfred shrugged her off.

"Yo dude! We gotta wake her up!" Alfred exclaimed.

"Shut up! Jou'll vake her." Lutz stated, smacking Alfred's head.

"Ow! No need for violence dude!"

"Stop yelling or I'll stab you!" Thurston exclaimed, glaring at Alfred, who shrunk back and hid behind Allen.

"She has work soon, da?" Ivan asked, tilting his head.

"Big brother, is little sister ok? яна спала на некаторы час." Natalia said, looking down at (Y/n).

"Da. у нее была трудная пара недель." Ivan said. Natalia nodded before bending down over (Y/n) and poking her cheek.

"прачынаюцца. Вам трэба ісці на працу, малодшая сястра." Natalia said. (Y/n) groaned before falling off Matt's lap and onto the floor, wincing in pain as he back came into contact.

"малодшая сястра...?" (Y/n) asked sleepily.

"You need to be at your work in five minuets." Loki stated. (Y/n) jumped to her feet and attempted to stumble sleepily out of the crowd, only to fall on her face when Kitty stuck her leg out. (Y/n) groaned and lied on the floor as Kitty, Lizzy and Steph laughed. Elizabeta and Natalia glared at the three, making them run off, still laughing to themselves.

"Ingen nytte. Jeg bliver bare fyret alligevel..." (Y/n) muttered. "Bare lad mig være her for at dø."

"Ikke sker."

"kom op." Markell said, pulling (Y/n) to her feet and shoving her towards Egil. "Take her to work. You know the way." He added. Egil's eyes brightened as he held onto (Y/n)'s arm happily.

"Já herra!" Egil cheered. "Come on elskan. To work we go~" Egil began skipping towards the exit, dragging (Y/n) behind him as she cursed loudly.

"Wait for me!" Oliver called. "I have some new recipes I need to try!" He added before running after the two, giggling.

"You go to Lovi~" Antonio said, shoving Lovino towards the exit.

"No-a f**king way bastardo!" Lovino yelled.

"You know... I still have that secret over  your head, no?" Antonio began, tapping his chin. Lovino's face turned red as he began walking towards the exit.

"Ti odio Tomato bastardo...." Lovino muttered, storming after Oliver and Egil. Antonio grinned.

"Love yah too!"


Egil, Oliver and Lovino hot wired a car that was abandoned in the school parking lot, shoved (Y/n) in the backseat and drove towards the cafe. (Well, Lovino sped the whole way and lost all the cops that chased after them. Oliver and Egil were turning paper while and (Y/n) was knocked out.) Once they got to the cafe, Egil and Oliver crawled out of the car, gasping for breath. Lovino rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue in annoyance before grabbing (Y/n) from the back seat and carrying her into the cafe,

"Weak bastardos...." Lovino muttered before setting (Y/n) down in a chair and grabbing a cup. He filled it with cold water and dumped it on (Y/n)'s head. "Wake up idiota." (Y/n) straightened up and burst out coughing. Her hair was dripping wet and her clothes began to stick to her figure. A curl popped out from the rest of her hair, refusing to go back.

"What the f***!?!" (Y/n) yelled, glaring at Lovino. Lovino shrugged and sat down.

"You're at-a work." Lovino said as Egil and Oliver walked into the cafe.

"Hello poppet! We've come to help you work!" Oliver cheered. "Isn't that wonderful?" (Y/n) clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes before thinking back to AG.


"I have some new workers so don't be surprised if they just pop up out of no where."


"AG hired you?" (Y/n) asked, raising an eyebrow as she stood up. A small puddle was forming under her. "That f**king idiot....." (Y/n) muttered before walking behind the counter as she took off her school jacket. The three boy's turned away, their faces bright red. Egil's nose was also bleeding. (Y/n) rolled her eyes and grabbed her work outfit before going into a changing room and changing, drying her hair. She then grabbed three male uniforms and tossed them at the three boys.

"Put these on. Changing rooms are behind the bed in the back. I'll show you how everything f**king works when your done..." (Y/n) muttered. The three boys nodded and rushed to the back, glaring at one another.

Once the boys were done changing, (Y/n) showed where everything was and what to do before lounging around. Lovino was lying upside down on a table, Oliver was icing some cupcakes, Egil was drawing (Y/n) without her knowing and (Y/n) was drinking some hot chocolate silently.

"It's so-a boring today...." Lovino muttered, sitting up and turning around so he was facing the group. (Y/n) and Oliver hummed in agreement.

"I've iced and re iced all the cup cakes twice now..." Oliver muttered. Lovino shook his head in disappointment. (Y/n) sighed but looked up from her cup when the door opened and a little bell went off.

"Hey. I decided to come check up on you guys." Emil said as the door closed. "You all look depressed." He added.

"No one has come in today." Egil said.

"How can we help you?" (Y/n) asked, standing up. Emil scanned the treats before noticing a cupcake with liquorice on it.

"The liquorice cupcake please." Emil said. (Y/n) nodded and grabbed the cupcake, placing it on a small plate.

"That will be $3.50." (Y/n) said. Emil pulled out some coins and placed them on the counter before grabbing the cupcake. (Y/n) put the change away before picking her mug back up and sitting down. Emil began eating the cupcake as the taped up brick wall broke open and AG walked in casually. Her hair was a mess and her clothes were somewhat ripped and covered in sparkles.

"Hey everyone! Hope your day was good! Be careful of this hole! It'll be hard to get back to where you need to get." AG said. "Nice curl (Y/n). You should keep it out more often. Thanks for coming today boys. Come work here again!" AG rambled before walking into the back. (Y/n) gasped and attempted to hide the curl by tucking it behind her ear, only to have it pop back out into the open. Her ears turned red as she looked down at her cup.

"Stupid.... Idiotic.... B**ch....." (Y/n) muttered. Egil watched her and smiled softly, taking out his phone and taking a quick picture. Lovino looked away in embarrassment, knowing full well what the curl does, Oliver giggled and Emil continued to eat his cupcake. A small blush on his face.

"We'll be having a sing off tomorrow come come prepared!" AG called from the back, making (Y/n) groan.

"Just fix your damn wall!"

яна спала на некаторы час - She's been asleep for a while - Belarusian

у нее была трудная пара недель - She's had a tough couple of weeks - Russian  

  прачынаюцца. Вам трэба ісці на працу, малодшая сястра - Wake up, you need to go to work, little sister - Belarusian 

Ingen nytte. Jeg bliver bare fyret alligevel - No use. I'll just be fired anyways - Danish

Bare lad mig være her for at dø - Just leave me here to die - Danish

Ikke sker - Not happening - Danish

kom op - Get up - Danish

Já herra - Yes sir - Icelandic

Elskan - Darling - Icelandic

Ti odio - I hate you - Italian

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