
Third person POV:

A couple hours later (Y/n) groaned and opened her eyes. She was now in a baggy white t shirt and a pair of sweatpants. Her wounds have all been tended to, leaving a sore body.

"Where am I...?" (Y/n) asked, looking around. She was lying on a couch with a thick blanket on top of her.

"You're awake! You gave everyone a large scare for a while." Antonio said, walking into the room. (Y/n) narrowed her eyes at Antonio for a minuet before looking away.

"Thanks..." She muttered quietly. Antonio grinned lazily.

"Gilbert and Gillian were the ones who fixed you up chica. I just carried you here." Antonio said, shrugging. "Everyone left a couple hours ago. o they'll be glad to know you're awake." (Y/n) paled as she rolled off the couch.

"Holy s***! I'm going to be late for work!" (Y/n) yelled, scrambling towards the front door and grabbing her beat up running shoes.

"Slow down chica! You should rest." Antonio said, rushing towards (Y/n). (Y/n) gave him a small smile.

"Tell your friends I say thank you..." (Y/n) began before her expression darkened. "But next time, let me die." She stated before running out the door. Antonio blinked, watching her run off.

"What's happened to you chica...?"


(Y/n) threw open the door to a bar and rushed into the back.

"You're late again (L/n). We have paying customers who have been getting impatient." A man said, throwing a black tank top and black pants in (Y/n)'s direction. "Next time you're late you'll be fired." (Y/n) nodded.

"Yes sir. I understand." (Y/n) said, grabbing the clothes he threw at her before walking into the change room. She changed into the clothing, using some make up to cover up her bruises before walking onto the stage in the bar. The crowd cheered loudly, raising their mugs of beer.

"Hello everyone and welcome back to 'The Sunny Side Up'!" (Y/n) announced. "The only bar where you can drink and have quality music live!" The crowd cheered again.

"It's also the only bar that serves underage kids!" Someone in the crowd yelled, making others laugh.

"My name is (St/n) and I'll be singing again for you guys! Are their any requests for songs?" (Y/n) asked.

"Cake! Sing Cake!" One of the women yelled, glaring daggers at one of the men in the crowd.

"Oooooooo~" The crowd cheered. (Y/n) did a signal to the DJ and took the mic off the stand.

"Cake it is!" (Y/n) announced.

Once the song ended, the crowd cheered loudly, throwing tens and twenties at the stage. (Y/n) grinned lazily and bowed, collecting the cash from the stage.

"Any other requests?"


(Y/n) changed back into the baggy t shirt and sweats before waving goodbye to the manager and walking out of the bar.

"$50's work in tips. Impressive..." (Y/n) muttered, shoving the money into her pocket. She walked quickly down a couple blocks before entering a brightly lit cafe called 'Angel's Retreat'.

"Hello! Welcome to the-- Oh. It's you..." The preppy girl at the front said, narrowing her eyes at (Y/n). (Y/n) waved towards the girl lazily.

"It's nice to f**king see you too Kitty..." (Y/n) said, rolling her eyes. Kitty scoffed and looked away as (Y/n) signed in and got changed into the mint green dress and apron. She grabbed a notebook and pen before walking towards a group of friends that just walked in.

"Hello! Welcome to Angel's Retreat! What can I get you today?" (Y/n) asked, plastering a smile on her face.

"I would like a uhh... A number 3 with no tomatoes and a Sprite." One of the kids said.

"A number 5 please! Chocolate milk to drink!"

"A number 10 with bacon and mayo with Root Beer to drink." (Y/n) write everything down before handing the cook the paper. (Y/n) went towards the next table, only to be tripped by one of the other employees, making the manager shoot her a sharp glare. (Y/n) bit back a string of colorful curses as she got back to her feet, dusting off her outfit. The other employees snickered quietly as (Y/n) walked towards the next table.


(Y/n) cursed silently as she counted up her tips.

"Only 15 f**king dollars!?! What the f*** man! I was f**king tripped all day and ended up spilling a coffee on a costumer! One more mess up and I'll be toast!" (Y/n) exclaimed, kicking a rock angerly. She looked up at the sky, noting that the sun was almost setting. Meaning it was around 7 at night.

"Only more more job to go... Dad should be getting home around nine tonight, meaning I'll have an hour to get home if my shift ends at 8." (Y/n) muttered shoving the tips in her pocket with the rest of her earnings.

"E-Excuse me miss... D-Do you have any spare cash? My m-mommy is sick and needs medicine." (Y/n) turned around, only to see a small girl tugging on her pant leg. She had torn clothing and dirt on her face. (Y/n)'s eyes softened slightly as she crouched down.

"Here kid. I hope this helps." (Y/n) said, taking the 15 out of her pocket and handing it to the girl before messing up her hair. "Stay out of trouble." The girl's face lit up happily.

"Wow! Thanks miss! You're so nice!" The girl exclaimed, hugging (Y/n)'s legs before running off. (Y/n) smiled slightly before continuing on her way towards her next job.


"Sorry I'm late!!!!" (Y/n) called, rushing into the building. The manager narrowed his eyes at (Y/n) before clicking tongue and shaking head head.

"Just get ready. One more screw up and you'll be kicked out." The manager said, turning to walk away. He paused for a moment before looking over his shoulder. "Oh and, the make up on your face has been smudged. No one want to be served by you if you're all bruised." He stated before walking away. (Y/n) cursed under her breath and walked into the changing room. She quickly re did her make up before changing into a maid like outfit. (Y/n) plastered her fake smile on and went about to serve more customers. Biting her lip every time someone cat called towards her or tried to slap her butt.


(Y/n) let out a sigh of relief as she walked back towards her house. The sun had set and in total, (Y/n) was payed $70 in tips alone. Taking out the 15 she gave to the small child.

"Now I need to make it home before Dad and make him some diner." (Y/n) nodded to herself before opening the front door of the house. All the lights were off except the kitchen lights. (Y/n) paled as she closed the front door. She quickly kicked her shoes off and walked into the kitchen, where a buff man sat, drinking his third bottle of beer. He had shaggy brown hair and dark, soulless looking, brown eyes. (Y/n) set her money on the table, making the man's head shoot up. His face twisted in rage as his eyes narrowed on (Y/n).

"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU!?! YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO BE HERE HALF AN HOUR AGO WITH MY F**KING DINER ALL READY!" The man yelled, throwing one of the empty beer bottles at (Y/n). It crashed into leg, shattering upon impact. (Y/n) let out a quiet yelp of pain, tears pricking her eyes.

"Who's f**king clothes are these?" The man asked, stumbling over to (Y/n) and picking her up by the collar of her shirt. "Some man wh**e you were f**king sleeping with? IS THAT WHY YOU WERE F**KING LATE COMING HOME!?!" The man asked, throwing (Y/n) into a wall.

"I ONLY ASK FOR A FEW F**KING THINGS YOU B**CH!!! I GAVE YOU A F**KING HOME AND A F**KING LIFE!!! AND YOU GO AND F*** EVERYTHING UP!!!" The man yelled, grabbing the second empty bottle and throwing it at (Y/n). "YOU'RE GOING TO REGRET THAT SO F**KING MUCH YOU WH**E!!!"

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