Wonderland pt 2

HELLO EVERYONE!!!! I was wondering who you wanted to end up with in the end? I'll be making multiple endings and things, but I wanted to know preference. Also, I need to know who you want to see more of. Thank you! - AG

Third person POV:

The music teacher clapped her hands together, earning heads to turn in their direction.

"Alright everyone! Its two person a seat so get into partners! " The teacher said. "You'll need to stay with these partners at all times during the trip. Of course, you can always team up with other partners at any time during the trip." The teacher explained. Everyone began getting into partners. Most of the twins stuck together, like Matt and Mathew, while most of the girls in the class tried to convince them otherwise. One of the girls was tugging on Gillian's sleeve, getting very close to his face. Gilbert was caught up with talking to one of the boys in the class, who was also on the soccer team, meaning he couldn't go help. (Y/n) sighed and glanced around the class. Seeing that no one was going to ask to sit with her, she walked over to Gillian, yanking the girl off his arm.

"F**k off. Gillian is already sitting with me." (Y/n) stated, a deadly aura surrounding her as she glared at the girl. The girl shrunk back in fear before quickly running away. (Y/n) clicked her tongue and shook her head. "Sl**ty little sh*ts..." She grumbled before turning to Gillian.

"You alright? Her grip looked pretty tight." (Y/n) said. Gillian nodded

"I'm fine...." Gillian mumbled looking down.

"Ok. I'll be going then." (Y/n) said, turning to walk away.

"V-Vait!" Gillian called. (Y/n) stopped and turned around. "Do... Do jou vant... Vant to sit vith me? On the bus? J-Jou don't have to if jou don't vant to! I-I mean! Most people vounldn't vant to because I'm a nobody and a loser and stuff but... J-Just forget it..." Gillian rambled, turning away.

"I'll sit with you Gillian. I enjoy talking to you. You're more sane then the rest of these f**kers." (Y/n) stated. " And I don't see a loser anywhere around here. And if nobody was here then I would be lonely and looking more insane then I already look. Plus, if talking to you makes me a loser, then I'll become a loser. I'd rather be a loser and have fun with my friends then a somebody and have a bunch of fake friends." Gillian's face flashed with recognition. (Y/n) scrunched her eyebrows together.

"That sounds oddly familiar..." She mumbled before shaking her head. "Anyways. I'll be sitting with you and there is nothing you can f**king do about it." (Y/n) stated.

"J-Ja... Alright." Gillian mumbled.

"Good. Now lets go get in line before we're left behind." (Y/n) said, grabbing Gillian's wrist and dragging him towards the line.


The whole bus ride to Wonderland was filled with (Y/n) being passed out on Gillian's lap. Gilbert also ended up witting with them because the soccer player sat with one of the girls in the class. (Y/n) ended up lying on their laps. The other girls were gossiping, flirting or playing games on their phones.

Once the bus stopped, Gilbert gently shook (Y/n)'s arm.

"Time to vake up sleepy head!" Gilbert called. (Y/n) groaned and opened her eyes, wincing at the light before sitting up so she was fully on Gilbert's lap.

"Where the f**k are we again?" She asked, yawning.

"V-Vonderland.." Gilbert said, a dark blush forming on his cheeks.

"Oh... Right..." (Y/n) said before standing up. She stumbled off the bus, almost falling onto Matt. Gilbert and Gillian walked off the bus last and the bus doors closed. (Y/n) looked at Matt, who she almost fell into, before looking away. She took a couple steps and said a quiet apology before turning to face Gillian and Gilbert. Matt just sighed and shook his head.

"Alright. You need to have someone with you at all times. You'll need to pay for your own food and trinkets and we'll meet at the front gate at three o'clock." The teacher said, handing everyone a ticket. "Go have a fun time or something. Just don't bother me until three. Unless it's an emergency."They added. The class walked towards the front gate, emptied out their pockets to prove they had no weapons, walked through a metal detector, got their things back and spread out into the park. (Y/n) was standing with Gillian and Gilbert, who were waiting for Luciano and Feliancio. Luciano was held up because he had some sort of metal on him, which turned out to be his belt buckle.

"What happened to your knives? I though you never leave home without them." (Y/n) said as the group walked deeper into the amusement park. Luciano grinned.

"I-a have my-a ways on getting them in. This isn't my-a first rodeo." Luciano replied, twirling a knife around his fingers before putting it back in his jacket.

"Don't let anyone see jour knives!" Gilbert said.

"I-a know that. I'm-a not an idiot." Luciano stated. (Y/n) smirked.

"You sure about that?" She asked. Luciano frowned and crossed his arms.

"Fratello, it's-a ok. I-a don't think you're-a an idiot." Feliancio comforted. That just caused Luciano to frown even more. He flipped (Y/n) off and walked off.

"We'll-a meet up later." He called.

"Bye bella!" Feliancio called, running after his twin, leading Gillian, Gilbert and (Y/n) together.

"Vhat should ve do first?" Gillian asked.

"I vant to go on that one!" Gilbert exclaimed, pointing to the tallest roller coaster in the park. It was called 'Leviathan'.

"That's a really fun one. It has an 80 degree drop. More or less at least." (Y/n) said.

"LET'S DO IT!!!" Gilbert yelled, grabbing Gillian and (Y/n)'s wrist and running towards the line.


Two hours passed and the three had been on most of the rides. (Y/n) was forced on unwillingly and ended up staggering around the park most of the time because of all the rides and coasters. The three had met up with Luciano, Feliancio, Flavio and Lovino a couple times as well, challenging them to a couple games, which (Y/n) ended up winning most of the time.

"We still have like, five hours left here. Give or take an hour. What else should we do?" (Y/n) asked.

"I vant to go on The Guardian again!" Gilbert exclaimed, making a gun with his fingers.

"That one is-a stupid. Let's-a go on The-a Bat." Luciano said, crossing his arms. Lovino rolled his eyes.

"Those are-a both stupid." He stated.

"Jour face is stupid!" Gilbert shot. Lovino teared up slightly before yelling at him in Italian.

"I'm hungry. Let's go get some food." (Y/n) stated. Everyone went quiet, looking over at (Y/n).

"Me-a too! I-a wonder if they-a have pasta here!" Feliancio exclaimed.

"Si. I-a know they-a have pizza. Not the-a best pizza, but ok." Flavio added.

"That settles it. Food." (Y/n) said before turning on her heel and walking away.

"Vait! Vhere are jou going?" Gilbert asked.

"To get food. Duh. Now come on!"

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