Third person POV:
School returned as normal and a normal week passed with (Y/n) living with the Italians. She has grown closer to Lovino and Feliancio the most, but Flavio and Luciano are right behind them. (Y/n) hasn't talked to Alfred since their fight and has been avoiding the two Canadians and the two Americans the best she can.
(Y/n) stumbled off the bus, holding her head.
"Ughhh... I hate transportation..." She grumbled.
"Aww~ Don't-a be upset bella! We-a have the-a trip to-a Wonderland today!" Feliancio said, popping up beside (Y/n).
"Si. But that also means another bus ride. A long one at that." (Y/n) added, walking into the school.
"Stop pouting bella ragazza. It wont-a be that bad." Lovino stated, appearing on her other side.
"You both don't know how it f**king feels to be sick every time you go on a moving vehicle." (Y/n) stated, adjusting her bag.
"When do we leave for the-a trip?" Feliancio asked.
"Right after announcements, da?" Ivan said, walking up. Viktor stood beside him.
"That sounds about right." (Y/n) said, nodding.
"Tch. What are you-a doing here?" Luciano asked, walking over to the group with Flavio.
"They're-a going on the-a trip too Luci. They're-a in our class." Flavio pointed out.
"Yeah, yeah... What ever..." Luciano grumbled.
"You should be nicer, da? Или я причиню тебе боль." Ivan said, smiling as a dark aura surrounded him. Luciano flinched back slightly as (Y/n) snickered.
"вести себя Ivan." (Y/n) said. Ivan smiled at her, the dark aura fading away
"Da, da." He said. Viktor rolled his eyes.
"подчиняйся своему мастеру Ivan. Don't think for yourself or anything..." Viktor muttered, clicking his tongue in annoyance. (Y/n) ignored the comment as Ivan turned red and looked away.
"Guys! Guys! I have an question!" Gilbert called, running over. "Do ve go to our first classes or right to music class?"
"First class. Then they'll call you down." (Y/n) said.
"Danke Liebling!" Gilbert called, giving (Y/n) a quick hug before running off again, Gillian trailing after him.
"Nenn mich nicht so!" (Y/n) called after him, only earning a laugh. (Y/n) rolled her eyes.
"Ve~ Bella, school is-a going to-a start soon! We-a have to go to-a class!" Feliancio said.
"Oh yeah... Class..." (Y/n) grumbled. Ivan chuckled and ruffled (Y/n)'s hair.
"See you soon sunflower." Ivan said, walking towards his first class.
"Idiot girl." Viktor said, nodding towards (Y/n) as he passed.
"Addio bella!" Flavio called, kissing both of (Y/n)'s cheeks before skipping away, dragging Lovino with him.
"Addio! Ti amo bella!" Feliancio said, kissing both of her cheeks as well.
"Idiota! Don't just say things like that to people! Especially if you live with them!" (Y/n) called, a dark blush on her cheeks. Feliancio laughed and ran off.
"Tch. That's my-a idiot brother... I'll-a go smack some sense into him-a." Luciano stated, sighing. "I'll-a see you on the-a bus." He added before walking off. (Y/n) sighed and shook her head, making her way towards her first class. When (Y/n) walked into the classroom, Mathias tackled her in a hug.
"Elsker! You can't leave me!" Mathias cried. Markell sighed and stood up, grabbing Mathias' tie and yanking him off (Y/n).
"Leave you? What the f**k are you talking about?" (Y/n) asked, getting to her feet and crossing her arms.
"You're leaving school early to go on a trip with out me! What if your not safe? What if something bad happens? I can't let you go!" Mathias exclaimed, tears welling up in his eyes.
"Shut up idiot. You're not her boyfriend. Stop being so over protective of her." Markell stated.
"But Markell!!! What if something happens?" Mathias whined. "And she's my best friend! Of course I care for her!" He added. Markell sighed and shook his head.
"Who do you think I f**king am? Kitty? I can take care of myself thanks." (Y/n) stated. "And you, and everyone else has made it very clear that if I get into any trouble, you'll come save me." She added, rolling her eyes.
"Oh yeah. That's right." Mathias said, laughing. (Y/n) sighed and shook her head before sitting down in her seat. Markell shoved Mathias forward and went to go sit down as well. Mathias caught himself before he fell and grinned, running to his seat on the other side of (Y/n). The teacher, Ms Pink walked in and handed (Y/n) a small chapter book.
"Since you wont be here today, your homework is to read the first chapter of this book." Ms Pink said.
"Homework? Can't I just... Not do it?" (Y/n) asked, narrowing her eyes at the book. The two boys chuckled quietly.
"No. You need to do it. And you cannot just burn the book like last time." (Y/n)'s cheeks pink as she looked away.
"That wasn't my fault! I already told you that! This evil brown bunny took the book and set it on fire!" (Y/n) exclaimed. "Why would I purposely set fire to a book I knew I had to f**king return?! I had to pay fifteen f**king dollars to replace the damned thing!"
"Ok, ok. No need to get all worked up. It's passed. Let's just move on now." Ms Pink said, sitting down in her chair. (Y/n) huffed and slouched in her own chair, going back to glaring at the small chapter book.
Once the announcements and O Canada were over, (Y/n) shoved the book in her backpack and stood up.
"I'll be off now. Don't have too much fun without me, eh?" (Y/n) said, giving the two a small smile.
"Be safe! Don't talk to strangers! Stay with someone you know at all times!" Mathias rambled. Markell choked Mathias with his tie to shut him up.
"hav det sjovt." Markell said, nodding towards (Y/n). (Y/n) smiled and nodded.
"jeg vil." (Y/n) replied before walking out of the room. She walked towards the music room and knocked on the door. The door opened and Gilbert dragged her inside.
"Hallo! Are jou ready for the trip vith the avesome me?" He asked, laughing.
"The awesome you? I don't think so Gil." (Y/n) said, patting his shoulder as she walked further into the classroom. "But I am ready for the trip. It was one of the highlights in my year."
"Jou-- Jou just said Gil." Gilbert said.
"Hm? Did I? Sorry... I didn't realise. Do you want me to call-"
"No! Ich mean... Nein. Jou can call me Gil." Gilbert stated, his cheeks turning pink. (Y/n) looked at him before nodding.
"Hm. Alright then Gil."
Или я причиню тебе боль - Or I'll hurt you - Russian
вести себя - Behave - Russian
подчиняйся своему мастеру - Obey your master - Russian
Danke Liebling - Thank you darling - German
Nenn mich nicht so - Do not call me that - German
Addio - Goodbye - Italian
Ti amo bella - I love you beautiful - Italian
hav det sjovt - Have fun - Danish
Jeg vil - I will - Danish
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