What to do now...

Third person POV:

After lunch, the rest of the teams demonstrated what they were able to do on such short notice. Basch, Hercules and Hermes were writing notes on the performances the whole time. Pretty much being board the whole time. Once Basch dismissed everyone from the cafeteria, they all ditched school and went home.

"See you tomorrow. Yeah?" Seven asked as (Y/n) adjusted her bag for a third time. (Y/n) forced a smile and nodded.

"Mhm. See you then. Don't forget to practice and memorise lines." (Y/n) said before walking off. Narrowing her eye at the school bus as she passed. Seven laughed and got into a red car. Yoosung and Zen were already in the car. Talking happily about talent show ideas.


Allen and Alfred pulled the 1p FACE family and the 2p FACE family back as everyone sat down on the bus. Chatting with other soccer players, sl*ts or each other.

"Did you guys find anything out?" Francis asked.

"We have a push-"


"-In the right direction." Alfred said, glancing over at Allen, who was sitting backwards in the school bus seat, his arms crossed.

"And that means...?" Matt asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It means we don't have a solid answer. And whatever Viktor tried didn't work either." Allen said, rolling his eyes. Francois clicked his tongue.

"All of this is so obvious." He stated.

"What do you mean? She hasn't given any hints as to whats going on at home." Arthur said. "If anything is really going on at home. We don't have any proof for any ideas."

"We don't need proof. Let's just f**king bust her front door down and see for ourselves." Matt grumbled. Allen nodded in agreement.

"Something is obviously going on at home. Why else would she come to school wrapped in bandages all the time." Mathew pointed out quietly.

"I think we should make our move soon. The poor poppet is suffering terribly and seems to be drifting farther and farther away from us." Oliver said, pouting slightly. "She's farther away from us then she was when we first came to this school!" He added. The school bus stopped and the last of the mortal students left the bus. Leaving the countries and the bus driver.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey guysssss!!!!!" AG cheered, appearing on the top of one of the bus seats. "Guess who needs more workers at her cafe!" AG exclaimed.

"Jou...?" Ludwig asked, raising an eyebrow. AG gasped.

"Woah! How did you know? Can you read my mind?" She asked, her hands flying to her head. A couple of the countries sweat dropped.

"What do you need?" Kuro asked, looking up from his book.

"Oh yeah! I need some more workers at my cafe! I only have one..." AG said, sweat dropping. 

"Oh! Oh! I-a want to-a help! I-a want to-a help!" Feliancio cheered, waving his hand around in the air.

"Me too dude! This sounds like a blast!" Alfred cheered, his hand shooting up as well.

"I love baking! Can I bake cupcakes? Ooo~ Maybe I can give some of those mean girls at school one of my special cupcakes! Hehehehe~" Oliver exclaimed, giggling.

"Yeh! All of you can come work at my cafe if you want! Just drop by! We might even do some cosplay stuff!" AG cheered. Kiku and Kuro's eyes sparkled in interest at the mention of 'cosplay'.

"When can we start?" Mathew asked.

"Whenever." AG said, shrugging. I got ta get goin'! See ya later!" AG yelled before disappearing. The driver looked between the countries and the bottle next to him in confusion. The bus doors were open and the bus was stopped. Meaning the bus driver saw AG disappear into mid air.

"D-Did you kids.... See that girl just.... S-She just...." The old man trailed off. Luciano scoffed and stood up, grabbing his bag.

"You-a need to stop drinking. You're-a seeing things." He stated, getting off the bus.

"And hearing things." Lutz added as everyone else trailed off. The old man blinked a couple times before grabbing the bottle next to him and tossing it out the window. He shook his head, muttering things under his breath as he drove off.


(Y/n) stretched and tossed her school bag behind the counter as she entered Authors Cafe. A small smile on her face as she changed into some cleaner clothes and began baking some fresh cookies.

"Afternoon! You're here early!" AG said as she walked into the cafe. The brick wall in the back was still held up with duck tape.

"Hey AG. How was your day?" (Y/n) asked, looking up from the batter.

"Pretty good. I have some new workers coming at some point. So don't be surprised if they just pop out of no where and start working." AG said. (Y/n) hummed and nodded.


"I heard a talent show was starting at our school. What do you think of the competition?" AG asked, sitting on a table.

"Eh. Most of the new students were better then I thought they would be. They could stand a chance at beating the losers club." (Y/n) shrugged. "They're all kind of annoying though. They keep trying to pry into my home life and pretending to be my friend."

"What makes you say that they're pretending?" AG asked. (Y/n) shrugged again, putting the cookies into the oven.

"No one would ever want to be my friend voluntarily. Plus. They seem like they've stalked me or something by the way they seem to know so much about me." (Y/n) said.

"That's not so bad. It's not like they're actually stalking you yet."


"Hm? Nothing. I didn't say yet. You're hearing things. Anyways. Your cookies are burning." AG said. (Y/n) rushed to get the cookies out of the oven before puffing her cheeks out in annoyance.

"They're barley cooked!" She exclaimed, putting them back into the oven. AG shrugged.

"Whoops." She said before jumping of the table and walking into the back.

"You're such an idiot..." (Y/n) grumbled, shaking her head and fighting the smile that tried to form.

"You know you love me~~~" AG cheered, giggling as she disappeared into the back once again. (Y/n) sighed before following AG into the back.

"Hey. Make me that drink again." AG raised an eyebrow.

"You mean Hot Chocolate? What do you say?" She asked teasingly. (Y/n) crossed her arms.


"Please what?"

"Please make me that drink again..." (Y/n) muttered, looking away. AG grinned and skipped back into the kitchen.

"That's all you had to say! You're such a tsunderella sometimes!" AG said, giggling. (Y/n)'s ears turned bright red.

"Don't f**king call me that you idiot! You make it sound like I'm f**king seven!" (Y/n) exclaimed.

"You know you like ittttt!" AG cooed, stiring the hot water. (Y/n) puffed her cheeks out and looked away. "Awww! You're almost as bad as Arthur, Lovino, and Lukas!" 

"I'm nothing like those nerds!" (Y/n) protested. AG just laughed. (Y/n) glared at her before turning away again. "I hate you."  AG picked up the mug and hovered it on front of (Y/n)'s nose.

"Forgive me?" AG asked. (Y/n) sighed but grabbed the cup, taking a sip.

"Fine... But you owe me three more mugs of this." (Y/n) said, sitting down at a table. AG pouted.

"No fair!"

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