Welcome to Hell~

Third person POV:

The next day Oliver woke up at 6:30. He quickly took a shower and got changed into the male uniform (A white button up shirt, a black pull over vest or button up jacket, a red tie and black pants), mentally gagging at the style as he went to go cook a breakfast of eggs, toast and tea. Arthur woke up soon after, taking a shower as well and getting changed into the uniform before walking downstairs.

"Morning Oliver." Arthur grumbled. Oliver smiled and handed Arthur a cup of tea.

"Morning Artie~ I made you breakfast! I hope you like it!" Oliver cheered, giggling. Arthur raised an eyebrow and looked suspiciously at the tea.

"You didn't put anything in it... Did you?" He asked. Oliver smiled and began eating his food.

"As much as I would love to poison you, I don't think AG and (Y/n) would be very happy with me if I did it. So I wont for now." Oliver replied. Arthur sighed in relief and sipped the tea.

"Mmm... This is good Oliver." Arthur said. Oliver smiled.

"I'm glad you think so! It's my own recipe! Now hurry up and eat! The bus is going to be here soon!"Oliver said before pulling his plates away. Arthur quickly ate and the two brushed their teeth.

"What time is it?" Arthur asked, pulling on a green jacket.

"7:00! We should be meeting everyone at the bus stop!" Oliver cheered, grabbing their backpacks before linking arms with Arthur and skipping out of the house. Arthur stumbled along after him.

"Stop bloody dragging me around Oliver!" Arthur exclaimed.


Alfred yawned and stretched. He rolled onto his side and grabbed his phone from the nightstand. The light momentarily blinded him as he checked the time.

"Hmmm.... It's only seven..." Alfred yawned. He fell back onto the bed before realisation dawned on him. "HOLY S*** IT'S SEVEN!!!" He yelled, falling off his bed. He grabbed the school uniform and threw it on before grabbing his bomber jacket and throwing his shoes on. His glasses were on crooked, his tie wasn't tied and his shoelaces weren't tied.

"ALLEN! WE HAVE FOUR MINUETS TO GET TO THE BUS!" Alfred yelled. There was a crash from Allen's room followed by multiple colorful curses. A minuet later, Allen ran out of his room, tripping over his shoelaces. Hi sunglasses were on top of his head, his white button up shirt was half un buttoned and his tie was tied loosely around his neck and tilted to the left. The Americans both grabbed their backpacks and stumbled out the door, running at full speed towards the bus stop.

The Americans barley got to the bus stop on time. Arthur pulled Alfred into the seat beside him and began helping him with his tie. Oliver did the same with Allen, both Brits scolding the boys for not waking up earlier. Matt and Luciano snickered at the two as the bus pulled off. Luckily the countries were the first people on the bus. Meaning, they all got the back of the bus. While the countries chatted/argued with one another while the bus picked up a bunch of other kids.

At the last stop, a girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes got on the bus. She wore the girl uniform, which was a white button up shirt, a black jacket, a red tie and a black and red plaid skirt that went down to her knees. She wore beaten up (f/c) running shoes and knee high white socks. The girl sat at the very front of the bus, taking a random book out from her beaten up backpack.

"Hey! That looks like (Y/n), da?" Ivan asked, nudging Viktor. Viktor scanned the bus before spotting the (h/c)ette. He blinked before nodding.


Once the bus stopped at the school the (h/c)ed girl walked off the bus before walking calmly into the building. The rest of the kids piled off after her, shoving each other and laughing loudly. The countries walked off and the bus doors closed, the bus driving off at the speed of light.

"OIIIIII! NEW KIDS! OVER HERE!!!" The countries look around, only to see a kid with black hair, blue eyes and freckles. The boy winked at them as they walked over. "Glad you all made it on time! I'll be leading you to the principles office. You'll all have different classes too. Be sure to check out the different clubs and after school teams. There's also a Talent Show coming up soon." The boy said before leading everyone into the large worn down building.

"Oh yeah. I'm Alex Star! Pleased to meet you all!" Alex said, winking at them before stopping outside of a door. "Here's the office. The principle will call someone down to show you around. Welcome to hell~" Alex said before walking off. Oliver opened the door and everyone walked in. The secretary looked up from her desk before pointing on a red door.

"Go on in there." She said before going back to work. Most of the 2p countries rolled their eyes at her as they passed. Arthur knocked on the door before walking in, only to be greeted by a red head with green eyes and a cigar between his lips. The red head smirked as the countries walked in.

"Welcome ta Sunshine High. I see ye got here ok. You'll have four classes a day, plus an hour and a half for lunch. Try not ta pick any fights. I'm already in trouble with the law because of this school." The red head said, waving the cigar around before placing it between his lips. "These papers have yer locker number, home room number and yer schedule for the year. Once half the year is done you'll switch to four new classes."

"Well that's confusing." Alfred said, grabbing the paper with his name on it.

"It sure is. I'll call someone ta show ye around the school. I expect ye to be in yer third period class." The man said before pressing a red button on his desk. While the countries got their different papers, the office door opened and the girl with (h/c) hair walked in, her hands shoved in her jacket pocket.

"I swear, whatever you think I did, I didn't do it." The girl stated. The man smirked.

"Ah, if it isn't the music nerd and one of the most feared students in the school." The man mused. The girl smirked.

"What's up Mr Alistor?" She asked.

"Got a bunch of new students I need ye to show em around. There's roughly about... 26 students."

"That's a lot eh? I'll get on it. But make sure I'm excused from class. Last time you forgot and I got in huge s***." The girl said. Alistor waved his hand dismissively.

"Yeah yeah. No go." The girl nodded and walked out of the office, the countries following behind her. Too speechless to say anything. The girl turned to face them and put her hands on her hips.

"Welcome to your worst nightmare newbys. Since you're all hot, the s**ts will be all over you. Be very careful cause you mess up once and there will be gossip about you immediately. Teachers are all laied back and wont attack you if you hand in homework. Gaining friends in this place is crucial. Know the right people and you could survive." The girl said before walking off. "Oh yeah. And I'm (Y/n)."

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