Waking up
"When do we start our f***ing plan?"
"Swear jar Allen!"
"Those stupid 1p countries have already grown too attached to Earth. We can't waist anymore time."
"We f***ing know that a**hat!"
"What did you just call me?!"
"Both of you shut up... It's too early for this..."
"Alright boys, we just need to be patient. If we act too soon the poppet will suspect something. The potion I made should last a couple days. Then we can come take the poppet~"
(Y/n) yawned and stretched briefly before rubbing her eyes sleepily. She pried her eyes open to see a normal sized Italy and Romano. One of Italy's arms were wrapped under her shoulders while Romano's arms were wrapped securely around her waist. (Y/n) yawned again before squirming out of their grips and hovering in the air above the two. (Y/n) giggled quietly before flying out of the room and into the confrance room, where she found a bunch of regular sized countries. America was sprawled out on England and France's legs, Canada was sitting next to France, his head leaning on France's shoulder. Prussia and Spain were hugging each other. Hungary was lying on Prussia's lap, Russia was in between his two sisters (Belarus hugging one of his arms while Ukraine had her head resting on his shoulder), Greece had fallen off the couch and had somehow rolled over towards Japan and China. China was hugging Japan and Japan was hugging a Miku doll that came out of no where. Germany was half hanging off the couch and half on the couch, while the Nordics were still cuddled up together. (Y/n) inwardly squealed before taking her phone out, taking a couple pictures of everyone before making her way into one of the many kitchens.
"This place is kinda like a really large house huh..." (Y/n) mumbled, getting out enough ingredients to make enough food for everyone. She hummed a soft tune to herself as a light (f/c) mist surrounded her. The mist began helping (Y/n) cook while making a large cup of hot chocolate. (Y/n) made sure some coffee was made and there was hot water for tea.
Romano yawned and rubbed one of his eyes, sitting up. The first thing he noticed was that Italy was fast asleep beside him. The next thing he noticed was that he was back to regular size.
"Oi! Idiota fratello! Wake-a up!" Romano said, shaking Italy. Italy yawned and stretched, sleepily opening his eyes.
"F-Fratello? What's-a going on?" Italy asked, looking around. "Where is-a (Y/n)?"
"Already-a up. Come on-a." Romano grumbled slowly getting out of the bed. Italy jumped off the bed happily, skipping into the hallway.
"I-a smell food!" He cheered before running off. Romano groaned and rolled his eyes before walking into the confrance room, only to see everyone else was still asleep. He cursed under his breath before walking towards the couch and slapping Spain's face a couple times.
"Oi! Tomato bastardo. Wake-a up." Romano ordered, crossing his arms over his chest. Spain yawned before going back to slee, making Romano glare at him. He mumbled more curses before shaking Hungary a bit. "Wake-a up." He grumbled. Hungary's eyes opened as she yawned, sitting up from Prussia's lap.
"Hmm...? Oh, Romano. What can I help you with?" She asked, stretching out her arms.
"It's-a almost time to-a wake up. And you-a were sleeping on potato bastardo #2." Romano stated before walking off. Hungary's face turned red as she jumped to her feet, almost stepping on Greece as she pulled a frying pan from no where.
"IDIOT!!!!" She yelled, smacking Prussia in the face with her pan, hitting Spain's face in the presses. This caused a chain reaction of everyone waking up. Prussia's eyes shot open and accidently kicked Germany off the couch. Spain smacked France in the face, causing him to jump in surprise, waking up Canada and America. Canada accidently kicked China while America head butted England. England fell off the couch and onto Greece, who stayed asleep. Norway woke up, a dark aura surrounding him as he shoved Denmark off his lap. Denmark accidently pulled Finland down with him, waking Sweden and Iceland, a dark aura surrounding Finland. Denmark scrambled away from Finland and Norway, stepping on Japan and China in the proses. Russia woke up and screamed before hiding behind the couch, (Belarus was hugging his arm and staring at him, mumbling 'Marry me big brother' over and over again), and Ukraine woke up to Belarus hugging her. (I think that's everyone!)
"Vhat the hell vas that for Hungary?!" Prussia yelled loudly.
"For sleeping near me you idiot!" She replied before smashing his face with the pan again.
(Y/n) giggled and shook her head, listening to the arguments from the confrance room as everyone woke up. She took a sip of her hot chocolate before pouring some coffee for Finland and Norway. The mist finished up cooking and disappeared.
"Ah, looks like everyone is up!" (Y/n) cheered, turning around to face the two Italians sitting in the kitchen. Romano was sitting on a counter while Italy had pulled up a chair and sat on that.
"Why are they-a so loud...?" Romano grumbled, crossing his arms. (Y/n) shrugged.
"Who knows. Why are you so grumpy?" She replied. Romano glared at her while she laugh.
"Everything smells good Bella! What did you-a make?" Italy asked, kicking his feet happily.
"I made..... PANCAKES!!!!" (Y/n) exclaimed, throwing one hand up in the air.
"Did you say pancakes?" (Y/n) turned around to see Canada standing there, Kumajiro sitting in the floor beside him. (Y/n) nodded and hummed happily.
"Where the heck did you-a come from?" Romano asked. Canada smiled shyly.
"I smelt pancakes." He replied. Romano sweat dropped as a (f/c) mist brought plates stacked with pancakes to the large table, along with silver wear, napkins, cups, maple syrup and butter. Once the Italians and Canadian sat down, the door burst open and the rest of the countries walked/ran into the kitchen, sitting down.
"Did jou make all this (Y/n)?" Germany asked. (Y/n) grinned and nodded, jumping onto the counter.
"Course! I love cooking. I learned how when I was little." (Y/n) said as a plate of pancakes floated towards her. She flicked her wrist and the two coffee cups made their way to Norway and Finland while the tea cup went towards England. Norway gave (Y/n) a small nod while Finland smiled happily. (After he took a large sip of his coffee at least.)
"Thanks love, but you didn't have to." England said, taking a sip of his tea. The rest of the countries nodded in agreement. (Y/n) just waved them off happily.
"GUYS!!! I JUST HAD THE BEST IDEA!!!" America announced, his mouth full of pancake.
"Shut up you bloody git! We've had enough of your bloody ideas!" England shot back. "And don't talk with your mouth full!"
"DON'T TOUCH ME YA PERV!!!" Hungary yelled, smashing Prussia's face with her frying pan.
"Keseses... Vorth it..." Prussia mumbled.
"Roma! Pay attention to me!" Spain said.
"Westerners are so weird aru..."
"Mien gosh..." Germany grumbled as the countries began fighting loudly. (Y/n) closed her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath before reopening her eyes. She smiled at Germany, making his cheek so turn a light pink, before hovering towards the table.
"SHUT UP!!!!" She yelled. The countries stopped what they were doing and looking at (Y/n), shock written all over their faces. "You guys don't have to fight over every little thing! You people are adults now. Start acting like it! Right now, you're acting like little children. Heck! You're chibi forms were more mature than you! At least they didn't yell at each other 24/7! Sure, it's fine to argue sometimes! It's natural! But this is just insane! You've been alive long enough to know that!" (Y/n) announced, putting her hands on her hips. A bunch of the countries looked down in shame.
"Now, if you're all done yelling, I'm going to go back to ma pancakes!" (Y/n) said cheerfully before flying back over and stuffing pancakes in her face.
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