~~~ Somewhere else is the world ~~~
Matt rolled his eyes as he watched the 2p world meeting commence. Allen was yelling about destroying the 1p's and taking over the world while Luciano yelled at him to be quiet.
"Don't tell me to shut up f***er!" Allen yelled.
"Allen! Swear jar!" Oliver yelled, throwing a jar at Allen. The jar hit his face, making him fall back into his seat. Luciano laughed as Allen payed the jar and threw it back at Oliver before standing back up.
"We-a don't need to-a take over the world. We-a can just torture our-a stupido 1p's." Luciano stated, getting a couple murmurs of agreement with some other country's. Allen scoffed.
"Then we can take over the world! That's what I've been getting at this whole f***ing time!" Allen exclaimed. Matt groaned.
"We can't take over the world when the earth has a personification, idiots." He stated. Everyone turned towards the Canadian.
"What do you mean Matt?" Oliver asked. Matt shrugged.
"I met the personification of Earth. She's with the 1p's right now."
"How do you know this a**hole?" Allen asked, glaring at his brother.
"Because Mathew brought her ice skating while I was there the other day. She's quiet fast, and pretty aggressive with hockey." Matt said, leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes.
"Wait, you knew about this and didn't tell us about it?!" Allen exclaimed. Matt smirked and shrugged.
"No one asked."
~~~ A couple days later ~~~
(Y/n) yawned and rolled out of her bed, dragging the covers with her. Her hair stuck up in different places, revealing a long curl on the left side of her head.
"Darn these mornings..." She mumbled unhappily, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes and patting her hair down, careful not to touch the curl. Sunlight poured in through the widow, reflecting off a couple empty chip bags. (Y/n) slowly got to her feet and stretched, throwing her blanket back onto the bed. She exited her room to be greeted by a loud banging at the door. (Y/n) slid towards the door and rubbed her eye again, yawning.
"Bella! Please-a let me-a in!" (Y/n) blinked and nodded, opening the door to let the hyperactive Italian inside. Feli ran inside before slamming the door shut, hiding under the table. (Y/n) shrugged it off and walked into the kitchen, making some pasta for Feli and some hot chocolate for herself.
"Shouldn't you be at your house in Italy? Or with Germany?" (Y/n) asked.
"Sì Bella! But Germany wants me-a to train! I don't-a want to-a train!" Feli cried, crawling out from under the table and tackling (Y/n) in a hug. (Y/n) used one arm to hug Feli back while she continued to cook.
"How about you help me make some pasta? It'll make ya feel better." (Y/n) suggested. Feli's eyes opened happily, a bright sparkle in his eyes.
"Pastaaaaa~" He cheered, taking over for (Y/n). She laughed and focused on her hot chocolate.
"So why do you have to train with Germany Feli? There isn't a war going on any more." (Y/n) said, wincing at the word 'war'.
"Germany just-a wants us to be-a prepared!" Feli said cheerfully, his eyes closed again.
"I see. Well, what if I train with you guys? Will you go train if I come?" (Y/n) asked, pouring the hot water into her (f/c) mug. As the mug warmed up, a colorful picture of (favourite anime) lit up. She placed some marshmallows into the cup and staired the chocolate-y mixture. Feli shook his head, his face paling slightly.
"No Bella! You-a can't suffer through-a Germany's training!" He cried. (Y/n) grabbed a large bowl for Feli's pasta before taking a sip of her hot chocolate.
"It can't be that bad." (Y/n) said, shrugging. She sat down at the table as Feli turned the stove off and put his pasta in the bowl, sitting down next to (Y/n). (Y/n) took another sip of her drink before another loud knock came from the door. Feli jumped out of the chair and ran into a closet with his pasta. (Y/n) giggled and walked towards the door. She opened it to see Germany standing there, his arms crossed. (Y/n) leaned against the door frame and looked up at the tall country as his eyes widened in surprise, a light blush on his cheeks. (Y/n) took a sip of her drink.
"What are you doing here Germany?" She asked.
"Umm... I vas looking for Italy. Do jou knov vhere he is?" Germany asked. (Y/n) nodded.
"Yup. He's eating pasta in my closet. Would you like any hot chocolate or anything? It might take a while to get Feli out of my closet." She said, moving aside. Germany sighed and nodded.
"Alright..." Germany said before walking inside. He awkwardly sat at the table while (Y/n) made him some hot chocolate.
"Feli! You can come out now. Germany decided to stay for hot chocolate!" (Y/n) called before turning towards the German. "Would you like any marshmallows?" She asked.
"No thank you." (Y/n) nodded and brought his mug over as Feli burst out of the closet, most of his pasta gone already. (Y/n) laughed and sat down next to Germany while Feli sat next to (Y/n).
"Ve~ Germany, how-a did you get-a here?" Feli asked, eating his pasta.
"I folloved jou." Germany replied simply. (Y/n) nodded.
"Ve~ (Y/n), you-a have a curl too?" Feli asked, pointing to (Y/n)'s curl. (Y/n) squeaked and jumped out of her chair, her face bright red.
"Y-Yeah... I uh... Normally keep it hidden though..." (Y/n) mumbled. Feli grinned.
"Now you're-a just like fratello and me!" He cheered before tackling (Y/n) in a hug, rubbing his cheek on hers. (Y/n)'s face turned an even darker shade of red.
"E-Eh!? Feli! Stawp!" (Y/n) exclaimed. Germany sighed before prying Feli off (Y/n) and flinging them both over a shoulder.
"Alright. Enough lounging around. Ve need to train." Germany stated before walking out the door.
(Y/n) groaned and stumbled out of Germany's car.
"Ugh... I hate... Moving vehicles..." She grumbled before falling on the ground, her spirit escaping through her mouth. Germany raised an eyebrow at (Y/n) before shoving her spirit back into her body and throwing her back over his shoulder, dragging Feli behind them as he walked towards Japan. Germany had a small blush on his cheeks.
"Sorry ve're so late Japan. Italy ran to (Y/n)'s house." Germany sighed, dropping Feli.
"Waaahhh! I don-a want to train!" Feli cried as Germany placed (Y/n) back on her feet. (Y/n) groaned again before falling back onto the ground, her eyes swirls.
"Um... What happened to (Y/n)-san?" Japan asked. Germany shrugged.
"I don't knov. She kinda just, flopped out of the car." Germany replied. Feli jumped to his feet.
"She-a has major motion sickness-a! That's-a why she teleports or skates everywhere!" He cheered. (Y/n) weakly nodded before rolling away. Feli ran after her.
"Bella~ Come back!" He yelled as (Y/n) rolled around the track, Feli running after her. As (Y/n) rolled towards Germany, she gave him a thumbs up.
"You owe me after this!" She stated before rolling away faster, making Feli chase after her even faster.
"Vell... I didn't see this comming..."
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