
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANADA!!!! WE ALL LOVE THE SMALL CINNAMON BEEAAAAANNNN!!! I'm also thinking of starting a Hetalia one shot book. Any thoughts on that? If I do start, I think the first one shot would be for Canada's birthday. Again, any comments would be helpful. Now enjoy the chapter! -AG

(Also, if this getting boring? I think it is but I don't want to rush things. Should I move on soon?)

Third person POV:

Once everyone left to go home, Seven walked behind the school, leaning on the brick wall. He was humming a random tune to himself.

"Yo." Matt called, walking behind the school. Oliver, Arthur, Andres and Antonio followed close behind him. "Everyone else went home so it wouldn't look suspicious." He said. Seven looked over at them and nodded.

"Alright. So, lets get down to business. As you should know by now, (Y/n) opens up more when singing and dancing. She tends to sing her feelings out more when she's alone, or with people she trusts. So the songs she does in the Talent Show wouldn't reveal too much." Seven began. "Also singing something or doing something she enjoys will help her open up. What did she like doing in your time?" Seven asked.

"Shooting guns?"


"Playing Just Dance?"

"Bull wrestling?"

They all offered. Seven rubbed his temples and shook his head.

"For one, she's fifteen. She can't shoot a gun, or wrestle a bull." Seven stated. "And I don't know if you know this, but she cannot read. Meaning baking is out of the question as well. And getting (Y/n) over to someone else's house, or getting into her house will be close to impossible." He added. Everyone seemed to deflate.

"Then what does she like to do?" Arthur asked.

"Besides sleeping? I'm not quiet sure. (Y/n) doesn't like talking about what she does in her spare time. So I can't help you there." Seven said shrugging.

"Then how are you helpful to us?" Andres asked, glaring at Seven.

"Because I know other things she likes. When I first met (Y/n), she liked to eat. A lot. Though she doesn't eat ever now... She also liked climbing things like trees, being in nature and watching movies."

"Tomorrow Basch said they'll be doing themes for songs! Since lots of people got eliminated today!" Oliver exclaimed. "We can find more out about what things she likes through the themes!"

"Wow. That was actually smart. For once." Arthur said. Matt slapped Arthur upside the head.

"Shut up."

"I need to go. Come back if you have any other questions." Seven said before walking off.


The next day, everyone walked into the cafeteria. Basch, Hermes and Hercules were already on the stage.

"Yesterday, many people were eliminated." Hermes stated. "But we don't really care. Because we're running out of ideas, there will be themes and no time to practice." 

"Teams can still be used and people can randomly join in whenever." Hercules added.

"But like we said, we don't care." Basch added. "The first theme is 'Disney'.  If no one steps up to sing, we'll go straight for the second theme." Basch, Hermes and Hercules walked off stage, leaving it empty. The cafeteria fell into an empty silence, everyone looking around to see if anyone was going to step up first.

"I got this in the bag!" Alfred announced, jumping to his feet excitedly.

"I want to stay in this competition. Count me in pork chop." Allen said, standing up as well. Alfred shot him a look before nodding. The two walked on stage and quickly grabbed a mic.

"I wanna help too!" Peter exclaimed, running on stage. Allen groaned as he got a mic as well.

"Let's rock this stage!" Alfred cheered.

(Timon - Alfred, Pumba - Allen, Simba - Peter)

The three bowed and walked off the stage, Peter running to give Tino and Berwald a hug in excitement. Lutz stood up next with Oliver, Kuro and Luciano. Most people in the crowd looked surprised.

(Blue shirt - Kuro, Yellow shirt - Lutz, Red shirt - Oliver, Purple shirt - Luciano)

(Y/n), Seven, Yoosung and V stood up next. They passed Kuro, Lutz, Oliver and Luciano, only to receive a small nod in their direction from (Y/n). There was a small smile playing on her features as she grabbed a mic.

(Red - (Y/n), Green - Yoosung, Yellow - V, Blue - Seven)

Francis, Antonio, Oliver, Arthur, Andres and Francois looked a uncomfortable and avoided (Y/n)'s gaze. Yao and Kiku also looked highly uncomfortable.

"Hey! Does that count? They're not real Disney songs!" Kitty said, raising her hand.

"Do you think it should?" Hermes asked.

"No!" She exclaimed. Hermes smirked.

"Then it does count." He stated. Kitty gasped before pouting. Hermes rolled his eyes. "Continue on." The cafeteria stayed silent for a bit before Hercules sneezed.

"Next theme. Real and parodies." He said.

"What does that mean?" A random person in the crowd yelled.

"It means, you idiotic person, that someone sings a song and another person sings a parody of the same song." Basch said, rolling his eyes. "Matt, Mathew. You two go up first." He added. Alfred and Allen burst out laughing.

"HahahHahahHAhAAHha! You got volunteered!" Alfred yelled. Matt glared at the two before dragging Mathew on stage. He whispered something into his ear before grabbing a mic. Mathew nervously grabbed a mic as well and took a deep breath.

"This one's for you Alfred!" Mathew said before the music started.

By the end of the song, Alfred and Allen had their jaws dropped.

"Oh no you f**king didn't!" Allen yelled, standing up.

"You know I hate that song Mattie!!! Whyyyyy!!!!" Alfred whined. Allen grabbed his jacket and dragged him on stage.

"Fite meh Matt." Allen stated as the music started up again.

Allen flipped Matt off as he walked off the stage.

"Ha! In your face Mathew!" Alfred cheered. Mathew looked down.

"We're not THAT polite... Are we?" Mathew asked himself.

"You just declared war on all Canadians. Hope you know that." (Y/n) said, standing up. She narrowed her eyes playfully at the two Americans as she walked on stage. She grabbed a mic and smirked. "Be prepared to fall in love~ Cause I'm obviously more awesome then you." She added. Kitty and Lizzy's jaws dropped in surprise.

"No vay! I'm the avesomest!" Gilbert yelled from the crowd.

"Just shut up and listen albino!" (Y/n) yelled.

(Y/n) laughed as jumped off the stage as Oliver stood up.

"Sorry poppet, but you can't fall in love if you already are~" He said, winking at (Y/n) before grabbing a mic. (Y/n)'s ears turned red, not expecting that from Oliver.

Oliver giggled and bowed before skipping off stage to sit with Francois. Kitty and Lizzy stood up next, linking arms as they walked on stage.

"We'll show you how this is done!" Kitty said. "No offence boys!" She added.

"All offence (Y/n)!" Lizzy said, grabbing a mic. (Y/n) rolled her eyes.

"None taken!" She yelled.

"All taken!" Lutz added. The two winked at the crowd as the music played.

The two bowed, only to get pushed off the stage by Kuro, who was standing behind them.

"Shut up and get off the stage. No one rikes you." He stated. The two scoffed.


(The video is REALLY WEIRD! Just a warning. Thanks.)

Kuro walked off stage, ignoring the shocked faces. Lutz quickly hid his phone as he sat down.

"Ok then... Next theme is musicals." Basch said.

"Yes! Musicals are amazing~" Oliver cheered, jumping back up from his seat. He grabbed Flavio, Gillian, Luciano, Thurston and Zao.

"Do we really have to do this?" Zao asked.

"Don't touch me you a**hole!" Thurston exclaimed. Oliver shot him a look before handing everyone a mic. Luciano sighed.

"No-a use fighting it. Just being in this-a contest is-a embarrassing enough."

(They use the actual words btw)

Five of the six bowed and walked off stage.

"See! That wasn't so bad!" Oliver cheered.

"That was f**king hell." Zao stated.

"Swear jar."

Gillian nervously stayed on the stage, holding a mic.

"Go Gillian!" Gilbert yelled. "Vooooo!!!! That's my brother!" He exclaimed. Gillian looked down, his face bright red.

"T-This song has been stuck in my head. So hopefully t-this gets it out..." Gillian said, kicking one of his feet nervously as the music began.

(Y/n)'s eyes lit up as she stood up.

"That's from 'Be More Chill'!" She exclaimed, pointing at Gillian. Stars seemed to form in her eyes. "That musical is amazing! Michael is one of my favourite characters!" (Y/n) gushed happily.

"You did so well too! Oh wow... You're so cool!" (Y/n) continued before stopping. Her face turned bright red as she sat back down. "Never mind... Sorry... I'll stop now..." She mumbled. Gillian bowed and quickly walked off the stage, his face a bright red. Lutz and Gilbert patted his back, chuckling lowly. 

"The next theme is mash ups!"

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