The Final Round!

Third person POV:

(Y/n) yawned and sat back up, It's been about half an hour since everyone left the house and Lutz was sleeping outside the door.

"Now's my chance! Let's get the f**k out of here!" (Y/n) whispered to herself, carefully getting out of the bed. (Y/n) stretched her limbs before opening the bedroom window and skilfully climbing down. Once on the ground, (Y/n) burst off running towards the school.


Once (Y/n) arrived at the school, she looked like a mess and the talent show preparation time would be almost over.

"This better be f**king worth it!" (Y/n) stated before rushing into the cafeteria, where everyone was already gathered.

"Oh look. The freak bothered to show up." Kitty sneered. (Y/n) flipped her off.

"What are you doing out of bed? You should be bloody resting!" Arthur stated, walking over and grabbing (Y/n) by her ear. "You'll re-open your wounds you idiot!"

"I'm f**king fine! I've come to school with worse! Now let the f**k go of my ear!" (Y/n) complained.

"What do you think you'll do without any preparation time?" Hercules asked, looking over at (Y/n).

"I have a song." (Y/n) said.

"(Y/n) always has a song!"

"Don't underestimate her!" Seven and Yoosung piped up. (Y/n) shot them both a smile as Hercules hummed, sitting back down.

"Alright then. You can go first." Hermes said. (Y/n) nodded as Arthur let go of her ear. She lightly kicked him before walking on stage and grabbing a mic. (Y/n) took a deep breath before walking into the wings of the stage. She grabbed a keyboard and set the mic up beside it before grabbing a stool. (Y/n) sat down at the piano and began playing.

(Mathew joined in on drums)

Once (Y/n) was done, she looked at Mathew and gave a small, awkward smile.

"Thanks... For joining in." She said quietly, looking down at her shoes. Mathew smiled.

"It's no problem." Mathew said. "Don't overdue it today, eh? We need you in one piece." He said, chuckling before walking off stage. (Y/n) giggled quietly before turning to walk off stage as well.

"That was good. But if you really are prepared, sing us two more songs without thinking." Basch challenged. "If you can, you can stay in the talent show. If not, you'll be disqualified." A dark spark lit in (Y/n)'s eyes as she smirked.

"Challenge excepted b**ch." She stated before grabbing the mic again.

(Y/n) took a deep breath and forced her tear away, shaking out her hands and stretching her arms before grabbing the mic as well. She exhaled and grinned.

"Let's pick up the pace."

(Y/n) took a deep breath and let out a quiet laugh before bowing. The crowd of teens burst into applause. Mostly just the countries and the losers club.

"Alright. You're in." Hermes said. (Y/n) grinned and walked off the stage. "Others can go up now. I don't care who. Just don't bore me to death." He added. (Y/n) ran towards Seven and tackled him in a hug.

"I'm still in!" She cheered quietly. The rest of the club joined in the hug.


Mathew ended up walking on stage next. Francis was in the music booth, looking kinda sad at the music choice. Mathew grabbed a mic and glanced around.

"So uh... I'll be singing in French... Sorry..." Mathew mumbled into the mic before the music started.

Mathew bowed and walked off stage, only to be embraced by Francis. They made their way back to their seats and Feliancio skipping on stage, Luciano walked behind him, cursing Feliancio in Italian.

"Let's-a go Luci!" Feliancio cheered.

"My-a name is-a Luciano! Not-a Luci! Get it right bastardo!" Luciano snapped. Feliancio flinched back before grabbed two mic's and handing one to Luciano. Luciano clicked his tongue in annoyance but took the mic anyways. Luciano sat down at the keyboard and set the mic up so he could sing before he began playing.

(Don't mind the fact that they look like they're kissing while singing lol.)

Feliancio and Luciano bowed before walking off stage together.

"Good job. You-a didn't mess up like I-a thought you-a would." Luciano said. Feliancio grinned.

"Thanks-a! That-a means a lot coming from-a you!" Feliancio cheered.

"This-a doesn't mean I-a f**king like you-a." Luciano added before walking away from Feliancio. Feliancio just shrugged and skipped over to Kiku, Ludwig and Lovino.

"Your-a turn Lovi! You-a can do it-a!" Feliancio cheered.

"No-a way! I already have to-a go up with-a that tomato bastardo!" Lovino protested. Flavio chuckled evilly and whispered something in Lovino's ear. Lovino's ears turned red as he gaped at Flavio.

"You-a wouldn't dare!" He exclaimed.

"Oh... But I-a would Lovi~" Flavio said, wiggling his eyebrows. Lovino stormed on stage.

"You're-a as bad as the-a tomato bastardo..." He complained. (Y/n) stood up as well and walked on stage.

"You're dancing right? What song are you dong?" (Y/n) asked quietly, a light pink on her cheeks.

"Why are you-a helping me?" Lovino asked.

"Call it part of my payment back to you guys for saving me." (Y/n) stated, looking away.

"You-a don't need to-"

"I f**king want to. Tell me the f**king song and get dancing!" (Y/n) exclaimed. Lovino told her the song name and handed her a mic.

Lovino and (Y/n) bowed before walking off stage together.

"hai fatto bene." (Y/n) said, giving Lovino a small smile before walking back to the losers club. Lovino's ears turned red as he walked back to his seat.

"My turn! My turn!" Alfred cheered, running on stage. He quickly set up a mic and waved at the audience. Many of the girls waved back, hearts in their eyes. Alfred ignored them and winked at (Y/n) before the music began. (Y/n) looked away from him, her cheeks slightly pink.

Alfred bowed before jumped off the stage and high fiving Gilbert, Allen and Mathew. Mathias was in a corner, pouting since he was eliminated.

"We should go up next Lovi!" Antonio cheered, tugging Lovino on stage.

"No!" Lovino complained as he was dragged on stage.

(This is so their relationship. It's great! lolol)

Antonio laughed as Lovino walked off the stage, eating some tomatoes happily. Some of the sl*t's fan girled as he passed. Antonio bowed before racing after Lovino. Andres, Francois and Gillian walked on stage after Antonio and Lovino were sitting.

The three bowed quickly and walked off stage. They really just wanted to get that done and over with. Allen was then shoved on stage by Matt.

"Oi! What the f**k man!?!" Allen exclaimed. Matt just shrugged and walked away. Allen grumbled unhappily but got the stage ready anyways.

Allen bowed and jumped off the stage, going back to his seat. Kitty stood up from her seat and walked on stage, flipping her hair over her shoulder. Kitty blew a kiss to the audience as the music began.

(Just image one of the girls aren't there.)

Kitty bowed and blew some more kisses to the audience before being pushed off stage by Natalia and Egil.

"Natalia here will be singing with me! Hún er ekki eins góð og ástin mín en það er allt í lagi..." Egil said before tossing a mic to Natalia. She caught it and gave a nod to Egil as the music began.

(Male - Egil, Female - Natalia. Duh.)

(This is also, pretty mush their theme song. lolol)

The two bowed and walked off stage. Ivan was very pale and moving his seat away from Natalia's, and some of the countries were sending (Y/n) frightened glances, though, she didn't seem to notice.

"Alright... Egil, you're eliminated. That song was too creepy. You should really keep that type of stuff to yourself." Basch stated. Egil growled and went to attack, only to be held back by Emil.

"Just let it go Egil. Just let it go."

"But he is trying to keep me away from my love!" Egil exclaimed. Basch ignored him.

"We'll be eliminating people and we'll come back in an hour." Basch stated. "Now scram!"


hai fatto bene - You did well - Italian

Hún er ekki eins góð og ástin mín en það er allt í lagi - She's not as good as my love, but it's ok - Icelandic 

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