The begining

A dull looking child floated in an endless abyss of nothing. Her grey hair floated and her eyes were closed peacefully. Her grey dress went down to her knees. A large gust of wind blew around the girl as she opened her eyes. Little balls of light appeared out of no where, burning brightly in the dark abyss. Her grey hair faded away to (h/c) as galaxies and planets surrounded the child. The grey melted off of the girl's skin and dress. Her dress became a midnight black with little white stars all over it, a small blue and green circle on the bottom left side. A medium sized planet appeared in front of the girl. There were beautiful blue seas and large green lands. Fluffy white clouds floated around. The girl smiled and slowly floated down towards the planet.


The young girl yawned and stretched. She was wearing her black dress, which was slightly dirty, and held a wooden stick in one hand. There was a diet smudge on her left cheek and her knees had grass stains. The girl grinned and walked through the deep forest, taking a deep breath of fresh air.

"Ah, the forest is so beautiful." The girl said softly, her hands trailing across the many trees. She passed a couple wild animals and waved to them happily before continuing towards a small little makeshift house. There were old logs for the walls and long leaves woven together for the roof. The girl walked into the makeshift shelter and lied down on the soft grass.

"Everything is so peaceful here..." She whispered before falling to sleep.


The small girl tied her long (h/c) hair back and grabbed a large spear before exiting her small house. A couple centuries had passed and she now lived in a small village. Her black dress had been replaced by a tiger skin top and skirt. She strapped the spear to her back and walked towards some of the village women.

"Ah, young tigress. How can we help you?" One of the women asked, smiling. She had long black hair, dark skin and beautiful brown eyes. She was wearing deer skin clothing.

"I'm great! Thank you!" The girl replied happily, speaking the native language fluently. "Where is the chief?"

"He is with his granddaughter." A second woman replied kindly. The other two women nodded in agreement. The girl nodded and smiled.

"Thank you." She said before walking towards one of the different houses. The young child knocked on the door before walking in. A old man with long white hair, dark skin and brown eyes sat on the floor with a young girl. The girl had short black hair, dark skin like the man and brown eyes. She was wearing a small dress made from deer skin. The girl smiled and sat down next to the other child and the old man.

"Ah, what brings you here young tigress?" The old man asked, smiling. The girl grinned as the young child hugged her happily.

"Just a visit chief." The girl replied, hugging the smaller child back. "Hello young buck. How are you?" The young child grinned and looked up at the young girl.

"Young tigress! I'm so glad you came! I am very well!" The young child exclaimed happily. "Papa said he will take me to the pond later!" The girl grinned down at the child.

"That's great! The pond is a very beautiful place." She said. The little child giggled happily and clapped her hands before the door burst open, one of the village warriors standing there.

"Chief! A tiger is attacking the village people!" He exclaimed. The girl stood up, handing the small child to her grandfather.

"Get everyone to safety. Young tigress, can you take care of the tiger please?" The chief asked. The girl nodded as the warrior shot her a worried look.

"Chief, should young tigress really take care of the tiger herself?" The warrior asked. The chief nodded firmly.

"Young tigress got her name by saving my granddaughter, young buck." The chief said. The girl nodded before grabbing the spear from her back.

"I got this!" The girl said, smiling before running out the door. Frightened screams echoed through the village as the tiger neared a group of children. The girl tackled the tiger away from the children, stabbing the tip of the spear into the tigers left eye. The tiger roared in pain and flung the girl off. Village warriors took the crying children to safety as the young girl jumped at the tiger again. The tiger growled and slashed its claws at the young girl. The claws slashed at her stomach, leaving a deep wound. The girl winced in pain before stabbing the tiger's other eye with her spear. The tiger roared in pain again, falling onto the ground. The girl frowned slightly before stabbing the tiger's heart, killing it. The villagers cheered happily as they rushed out of their hiding spots. A couple warriors dragged the dead body of the tiger away while another helped the girl towards shaman of the village to fix up her wound.


Even more centuries past and human creations have evolved. Buildings were made from bricks, concrete and glass, electricity, phones and powerful weapons were invented. Unfortunately, with power comes want, and with want comes war, and pain, and suffering.

~~~ WW1 ~~~

The young girl stumbled through the forest. She was wearing a dark purple army uniform. One if the pant legs were tucked into her calf high black boots while the other pant leg was over her boot. The army jacket was unbuttoned to reveal a (f/c) tank top. Blood seeped through the tank top from multiple wounds and her jacket was ripped in multiple places. Her pants were covered in dirt and blood and there was blood smeared on her cheeks. The girl took a deep breath as another wound appeared on her body, bloodying her shirt.

"A-Almost there..." She whispered, looking at the small house in the woods. The girl stumbled towards the house before collapsing to the grassy floor. Another wound appeared on her leg and arm. The girl hissed in pain, gripping her arm in pain. The door of the house opened to reveal an old woman. She was holding a gun, looking around cautiously. The old woman scanned the forest before her eyes landed on the bloodied girl. She gasped and ran towards her. The old woman half dragged half carried the bloody girl into the small house. The girl groaned in pain and closed her eyes as the old woman went to get a first aid kit.


The girl lied down on a small cot. She had stitches on her deep wounds and bandages covering her not as deep wounds. Her army jacket had been sewed back together and was resting on a near by chair. The girl looked down at her wounds, wincing as another deep one appeared on her back. The old woman rushed back into the room with a wet towel, stitches and a first aid kit.

"Now how did you get all these terrible wounds child?" The woman asked, flipping the girl onto her stomach so she could deal with her back. The girl gave a weak laugh.

"It's a long story..." She mumbled, wincing as the old lady placed the wet towel on her wound.

"We have time." The woman said, chuckling. The girl smiled and nodded.

"Ok then... Well, this might be a bit weird, but I'm the personification of the earth. And when the personifications of the countries have a war like this, especially this one this large, it hurts me a lot. I get the wounds the earth does." The girl explained.

"I see... Well, why would they have a war if it hurts you like this?" The woman asked.

"Well... They don't exactly know I exist. I haven't met any of the personifications yet. Although, I've been looking for them for centuries." The girl said before hissing in pain as the woman began stitching the wound together.

"Ah, well... I guess that's really complicated. I don't know how to help you once your wounds are healed, but I wish you luck!" The old woman said.

The front door was kicked open, revealing a tall blonde with blue eyes and glasses. He wore an American army uniform. The blonde held a gun in his hands as he walked into the house. The old lady rushed to the door, glancing at the girl.

"Stay in here and rest. I'll deal with the American." The woman said before closing the door. The girl quickly got out of the cot and grabbed her jacket. She put it on slowly so she didn't disturb her wounds, before grabbing her boots, putting them on as well. The girl left her jacket un buttoned as she opened the door quietly, peeking out to see the blonde and the old woman.

"There's a war going on! You need to evacuate to safety!" The blonde exclaimed, waving his arms around.

"This is my home. If it goes, I go with it." The old woman said sternly.

"The army is already on their way here. You need to get out!" He stated more firmly.

"I already told you my answer. Now leave before you get killed." The woman said, pushing the man out the back door before turning to the girl. "You too missy. I don't want you to die here. You need to find the people like you." The old woman said, gently pushing the girl out the back door.

"Good luck and be safe!" She called. The blonde glanced at the girl before grabbing her hand and dragging her away from the small house. The girl watched as army men began breaking down windows and doors.

"Come on! They'll be coming this way next!" The blonde exclaimed. The girl tore her gaze away from the burning house and began running as well. Another wound formed on her leg, making the girl gasp in pain. She gripped her leg as the blonde stopped. He looked at her before cursing under his breath. The blonde picked the girl up and began running again, glancing a couple times at the bloody clothing.

"We need to stop the bleeding. At this rate, you'll die." The blonde mumbled to himself. "The old woman did a good job with what she had, but it won't be enough..."

"Why are you helping me?" The girl asked, looking up at the blonde. The blonde glanced down at her and smiled.

"Because I'm the hero!"

~~~ Present time ~~~

"Hello! Welcome to Authors Bakery!" A short girl with (h/c) hair and bright (e/c) eyes stood at the counter of a brightly colored bakery. Cupcakes, cookies, cakes and muffins lined the display shelf in an orderly fashion. A large black board was tacked onto the back wall with all the orders and prices. Each order a different, neon color.

"Keseseseses. Hallo! The avesome me vould like a... Hot chocolate!" The man said. He had messy white hair, red eyes and pale skin. A small yellow bird sat on his shoulder. "And jour number!" He added. The girl rolled her eyes and grabbed a mint colored mug.

"Sorry, but I'm not interested." The girl replied, putting some got water in the mug and stirring, creating the chocolate mixture. She put some whipped cream on top with some colorful sprinkles and marshmallows before handing it to the man. "That'll be $2.50." The man grinned and handed the girl the change.

"Jou're the first frau not to fall for mien avesome charm." The man stated, grinning as he took the mug from the girl. She raised an eyebrow and leaned on the counter.

"Is that so? You poor soul." The man put one hand over his heart and nodded, looking off into the distance dramatically.

"I know... I know." The girl giggled before grabbing a chocolate chip cookie for herself, leaning against the back wall.

"It's just too bad your looks don't match your 'awesome' personality." The girl said sarcastically.

"Keseseseses. I know-- wait... That's not true! The avesome me has avesome looks and personality!" The man exclaimed. The girl laughed again and nodded as another person walked into the cafe. The girl quickly grabbed a peice of paper and wrote something down before handing it to the man.

"You seem pretty cool. Call me up if you wanna hang sometime." The girl said before grabbing a pair of (f/c) roller skates and putting them on. She waved before skating out of the cafe. The man looked down at the paper, a small smile on his face.

'###-###-#### - (Y/n)'

"Looks like she found you alright." The person said. She had long Galaxy hair, orange eyes and paper white skin. She was hovering off the ground casually. The man turned around, taking a sip of the hot chocolate he ordered.

"Huh? What are you doing here AG?" The man asked. "And vhat did you mean by that?" The girl grinned.

"First, this is my cafe! (Y/n) needed a place to work, so I created this place. She's a really good worker!" The Galaxy haired girl giggled. "And you'll find that later! Oh, and America should be calling you in three, two, one!" She added as the man's phone began ringing. She winked before floating behind the counter and falling asleep. The man picked his phone up to see a circle icon. A picture of a man with blonde hair, blue eyes, glasses and a cow lick was in the center of the icon. He wore a large grin on his face, the name 'America' flashed below the icon. The man picked up and sat down at a booth.

'Yoooooooo dude! Where are ya?'

'Author's Cafe. The avesome me just got some hot chicks number!'

'Ooooooo noice! Now get your butt over here bro! France and Spain are looking for you!' The man laughed and rolled his eyes.

'Vell, I'll be there in about five minuets!' The man said before chugging the rest of his hot chocolate.

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