Taken by the awesome Prussia
(Y/n) wobbled to her feet, her face was pale and her eyes swirls. Feli stood next to her, hands on his knees as he attempted to catch his breath.
"Vell done Italy. Jou ran 20 laps vith out complaint!" Germany exclaimed. "Danke for helping (Y/n)." (Y/n) gave a small nodded before stumbling forward.
"Is the world spinning to anyone else or is that just me...?" She asked. (Y/n) stumbled around before face planting into Japan, who froze upon impact. His face turned red as he stood there, unsure on what to do. "Ha.... Ha.... Does anyone else see a little yellow bird?" (Y/n) asked before passing out. Germany took (Y/n) from Japan and gently placed her on the ground.
"T-Thanks Germany...." Japan said. Germany nodded once before continuing to push Feli to train, going a little ways away from (Y/n).
"Keseseseses! Vest vont mind if the avesome me takes Earth." Prussia said, watching the Axis train from behind a bush. Gilbird sat on his head happily.
"Mon ami, what are you doing is a bush?"
"Sì amigo. It's a bit weird." Prussia turned around to see Spain and France. He quickly pulled them down and pointed towards (Y/n)'s unconcious body, ignoring France's cries about his hair.
"The avesome me has come up vith a plan to get the Frau!" Prussia announced, earning two grins.
Prussia walked towards Germany while Spain and Frace got in position.
"Vest! Stop training so much, Ja? It's not good for the soul!" He exclaimed. Germany groaned.
"Bruder, vhat are jou doing here? And vhat do jou knov that's good for the soul?" As the two bickered, Spain and France ran towards (Y/n)'s unconcious body and picked her up, quickly running away. Prussia noticed and wrapped up his argument before running off. Italy gasped and pointed behind Germany.
"Fratello France and Spain took the Bella!" He yelled, running around in circles. Japan attempted to calm Italy down as Hermany yelled at his brother. Although, the BTT were too far away to hear his curses.
"Keseseseses! Ve did it! Nov, back to Spain's house!" Prussia announced, getting into the drivers side of the car.
"Sì! Wait, why my house?" Spain asked, holding onto (Y/n) in the backseat.
"Because Vest lives vith me! Ve can't have him take the Frau avay before ve get to hang out!" Prussia stated, starting the car up. France sat in the passenger seat, fixing his hair.
"Prussia is right for once mon ami." He stated, winking at himself in the mirror.
"Ja! Vait, vhat did jou just say?!"
(Y/n) yawned and sat up slowly, rubbing her head.
"Why is it that whenever I wake up with my head hurting, it's always somewhere else then where I remember being last?" (Y/n) asked herself before slipping out of the bed she was lying in, only to see Lovino standing in the doorway. He had a dark blush on his cheeks and his curl was in the shape of a heart. (Y/n) grinned.
"Heya Lovi. Just one question, where am I?" (Y/n) asked.
"Tomato bastardo's house Bella idiota." Lovino said, looking away from the girl. (Y/n) hummed in response before jumping onto Lovino. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist so he was carrying her. Lovino's eyes widened and his blush darkened as he backed up into a wall.
"What-a are you doing Bella idiota?!" He exclaimed. (Y/n) nuzzled her face on his chest happily, giggling happily.
"Your waaaarm Lovi~" She replied. Lovino rolled his eyes and looked away as his blush darkened. He wrapped his arms around the (h/c)ette so she wouldn't fall and stormed into the living room, where the BTT sat, laughing happily.
"T-Tomato bastardo! Get the-a bella idiota off!?!" Lovino yelled. Spain laughed.
"Awww! Roma has a crush~ Look at how red his face is! My little brother is growing up so fast!" Spain teased, wiping away an invisible tear. Lovino's face turned a darker shade of red.
"Shut-a up!" He yelled. Spain chuckled before walking towards the two, un prying (Y/n) from Lovino. Lovino cursed before running away again. (Y/n) giggled and latched onto Spain. Spain chuckled and patted her back before sitting down beside Gilbert.
"Well someone is happy, eh chica?" Spain asked. (Y/n) grinned and nodded.
"Yup! You guys are just so warm! Winter is coming soon so my body heat is dropping. By the time snow comes, I'll feel like ice!" (Y/n) exclaimed, looking up at the three.
"So whatever happens to the earth, it happens to you as well?" France asked. (Y/n) nodded.
"Correct! That's how I got most of these scars!" She said, pulling her shirt up a bit to reveal a bunch of scars.
"Voah, are jou ok?" Gilbert asked. (Y/n) nodded, letting her shirt drop again.
"Yup. It's in the past. As long as no more major wars happen I'll be fine! Just the ocasional pain from time to time." (Y/n) said, shrugging. The BTT's faces paled.
"The vars did this to jou?" (Y/n) nodded.
"Yeah. Since the world wars were so harsh to the earth with all the bombing, poison, smoke, and killing, it did a great deal on my body. If America didn't find me in the middle of WW1 the personification of Earth would have faded away. But like I said, it's in the past now. These scars don't hurt me. They just prove how strong I've become." (Y/n) said, giving the three a closed eye smile. "Onto another topic, why did you three take me away from Germany, Japan and Feli?"
"Because we wanted to hang out with you chica!" Spain cheered, hugging (Y/n). (Y/n) laughed and hugged back.
"Great! What will we do?"
"Why did I-a agree to this..?" Lovino asked, crossing his arms. Spain had forced Lovino to come out of his room and join the contest the BTT thought of. Luckily, it wasn't a drinking contest. Unluckily, it was a dancing contest. (Y/n) had changed into a dark (f/c) tank top, a multicolored hoody, and faded blue jeans. Spain had convinced (Y/n) to keep her curl untucked from the rest of her hair and France had braided the res of her hair, making sure not to touch the curl. (Although he was really tempted.)
"How did you guys even come up with this idea?" (Y/n) asked. Gilbert grinned.
"Ve just came up vith it on the spot Frau." He replied. France nodded, twirling a peice of his hair around.
"I just wanted to see you dance mon Cher~" France said, winking. (Y/n) rolled her eyes at his antics before pointing to Lovino.
"Then, why does Lovi have to dance? Everyone knows he's the master at dancing." (Y/n) stated, making Lovino's cheeks turn red again.
"Shut-a up Bella idiota! These bastardo's don't-a need to-a know!" Lovino exclaimed, slapping the back of (Y/n)'s head, making her fall face first to the ground. "And don't-a call me Lovi! It's-a Lovino!" (Y/n) anime cried and looked up at Lovino.
"But I like calling you Lovi! It's a cute nickname!" She cried. Lovino's blush darkened as he looked away.
"Fine! You-a can call me-a Lovi. Just-a stop crying!" He exclaimed. (Y/n)'s tears vanished instantly as she jumped to her feet.
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