Round One

Third person POV:

The next day, after announcements and O Canada, all students went to the cafeteria. Chatting excitedly. Basch, Hercules, Hermes, Alistor and Alric were standing on the stage.

"HELLOOOOO!!!! WELCOME TO THE FIRST ROUND OF THE TALENT SHOW!!!" Alric yelled into his mic. He had a large smile on his face and his eyes were sparkling. Alistor rolled his eyes and took the mic from his brother.

"Shut up." He stated before looking at the students, tiredness written all over his face. "Students will be paired up randomly and will be given three hours to create a dance or memorise song lyrics before the actual round starts. Regular students can go to classes or just come back for round one. I don't really care." Alistor explained.

"Oh! Oh! I want to read the teams! Can I? Can I?" Alric asked, jumping around on the stage. Alistor handed him the mic and a sheet of paper, making Alric grin. "Alright! For the first round we will only be singing! Next round will be both singing and dancing. So be prepared!" Alric warned before looking at the paper.

"Team one! Yoosung, Loki, Andres and Lovino! Team two! Mathias and Lutz! Team three! Zen and Matt! Team four! Natalia and Egil! Team five! Alfred! Team six! Luciano! Team seven! Jumin Han and (Y/n)! Team eight! Gillian and Ivan! Team nine! Zao, Kuro, Emil, Seven, Arthur, Nathan, Francois and Feliancio! Team ten! Kitty, Elizabeta, Chris, Koko, Steph, Gilbert and Flavio! Team eleven! Allen, Thurston, Lizzy and Mathew! Team twelve! Yao and Tino! Team thirteen! Lukas and Tyler! Team fourteen! Kiku and Francis! Team fifteen! Antonio and Bernard! Team sixteen! Berwald, Oliver and Markell! Team fifteen! Ludwig and Viktor! And last but not least! Team seventeen! Kara!" Alric announced loudly before gasping for breath. Some of the students groaned as they made their way to the groups they were assigned. (Y/n) and Jumin smirked, high fiving.

"Basch, Hercules and Hermes will be going around with random songs for your group to choose from. Choose one or make a mash up. We still don't really care." Alistor said. "Once you get your song, leave and come back in three hours. If you're late you'll be disqualified." He added.


Once Hercules wandered over to (Y/n) and Jumin, they both grabbed the first piece of paper they saw.

"Why don't you just choose a song you both know?" Hercules asked. (Y/n) shrugged, a slight smile on her face.

"It's more fun this way." She replied before walking off with Jumin. The paper in her hands was shaking. Jumin noticed and took the papers from her hands, sending her a warm smile before leading her into the losers club room. Closing the door behind them.

"Are you ok? You're hands are shaking badly." Jumin pointed out, setting the papers down on a music stand. (Y/n) forced a smile and nodded.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I've just had a lot of sugar." (Y/n) lied. Jumin bought the lie and nodded.

"Try to eat a healthy diet." He said. "Now lets get working. Three hours is not a lot of time."


Three hours passed quickly and everyone gathered back in the cafeteria.

"Welcome back! I hope you all had enough time to practice!" Alric cheered. Basch stole the mic from him and shoved him aside.

"Teams will go up in the proper order. So Team one get up here before we disqualify you." Basch stated. Alric sighed as Alistor dragged him off the stage, muttering under his breath. Basch, Hercules and Hermes left the mic in the stand before walking over to the judge table. Yoosung, Loki, Lovino and Andres walked on stage.

"Let's just get this f**king over with..." Andres muttered. Lovino nodded in agreement, looking away with his arms crossed. His cheeks were a dark red.

(From left to right) Loki, Lovino, Yoosung, Andres

The students in the audience clapped and cheered as Team one bowed and walked off stage. Immediately walking towards people they're more familiar with.

"Those guys were so hard to work with! None of them wanted to work together!" Yoosung complained to the losers club once he sat down. Lovino was cursing the whole time, Loki was playing with fire and Andres was glaring at anyone who tried to talk to him! They're all so scary!!!"

"You guys did good. Great job Yoosung." Jumin said. Yoosung grinned and nodded.

"Thanks Jumin! I'm jut glad it turned out ok! I was worried for a while!" Yoosung said as Hercules walked on stage.

"Next up is team two." He said before dragging his feet back over to the judge panel, sitting between Hermes and Basch. Mathias and Lutz walked on stage, each grabbing a mic.

"Alright! I'm so pumped!" Mathias cheered. Lutz yawned and stretched as the music started.

(left to right) Lutz, Mathias

The crowd clapped and cheered again as the two bowed and walked off. Team three, Zen and Matt walked on stage, taking the mic's.

"You ready?" Zen asked. Matt hummed in response, looking like he wanted to be anywhere else but on the stage.

"Sure... Whatever..." Matt muttered.

(left to right) Zen, Matt

As soon as the music stopped, Matt jumped off the stage and walked towards Oliver and Allen. Allen was laughing and pointing at Allen, making Matt nudge his ribs roughly. Zen walked towards the losers club and sat down, sighing.

"He has no motivation for this... But at least he cooperated." He said. Yoosung nodded.

"I feel yah man. Those new kids do not like to work with one another." He said as Team four, Natalia and Egil walked on stage, glaring at each other.

"She's mine." Natalia hissed under her breath. "You can't have her."

"Too late. You can't keep me away from my love. I'll kill you if I have too." Egil replied quietly before turning out to the audience and grinning once he spotted (Y/n). Natalia huffed and crossed her arms, standing in front of one of the mic's.

(left to right) Natalia, Egil

The music ended and the two walked off stage, bickering and nudging each other before. As they left the stage, Alfred ran on stage happily. He was dressed in the school button up shirt and pants, but the jacket was replaced with suspenders and a black bow tie. He even had a plastic pistol attached to his belt. Making him look like a hit man of sorts.

"The hero will blow you all away! Hahahahaha!!!" Alfred exclaimed, grabbing the mic. His eyes seemed to sparkle happily as the music started.

Alfred laughed as some of the girls in the audience screamed, holding onto each other.

"Hahahaha! You all look so scared dude! I really got you!" He exclaimed before running off stage, high fiving Mathias and Gilbert as he joined them. Luciano walked on stage next, his hands in his pockets.

"Let's just-a get this f**king over with-a." He grumbled.

Or if you want the full song...

Once Luciano finished he walked off stage, ignoring the praise he got as he walked towards Lutz and Kuro. His cheeks had a slight pink tint to them. Jumin nudged (Y/n).

"It's our turn." He said. (Y/n) nodded and they stood up, walking on stage. (Y/n) grabbed a mic and tossed it to Jumin, who caught it easily. (Y/n) grabbed the second mic as the music started.

(left to right) (Y/n), Jumin Han

(Y/n) and Jumin grabbed each others hands and bowed before walking back off stage and towards the losers club.

"Great job guys!"

"That was awesome!"

"Paw-sitively amazing!"

"Seven! Stop with the cat puns! You're making me sneeze!" Seven laughed as (Y/n) and Jumin sat down.

"This whole this is a cat-tastrophy." (Y/n) muttered, making Zen groan.

"Not you too (Y/n)..." Zen mumbled as Gillian and Ivan walked on stage. A meter of space between them. Gillian looked somewhat uncomfortable while Ivan was smiling childishly.

"You're ready, da?"


(left to right) Gillian, Ivan

Once the song ended, Gillian inched off the stage and disappeared into the crowd. His whole face was a bright red. Ivan grinned and put his hands in his pockets and walked off the stage, his scarf blowing behind him. Team nine walked on stage. Most of the people sticking near people they're more familiar with. The music started once they picked up their mic's.

(top - left to right) Zao, Nathan, Emil, Arthur

(bottom - left to right) Seven, Kuro, Francois, Feliancio

The eight students bowed and rushed off stage, being replaced by team ten. Kitty, Elizabeta, Chris, Koko, Steph, Gilbert and Flavio. Elizabeta, Gilbert and Flavio were glaring at the jock and the three fan girls as they entered the stage.

"Alright~ Let's do this!" Kitty, the leader of the sl*ts cheered.

(top - left to right) Chris, Flavio, Gilbert

(bottom - left to right) Elizabeta, Steph, Kitty, Koko

Kitty, Koko, Steph and Chris bowed while Gilbert, Flavio and Elizabeta walked off stage to their friends, muttering things under their breath. Once the sl*ts and jock finally got off the stage, team eleven walked on. None of them said anything as they got in order and grabbed a mic.

(left to right) Allen, Thurston, Lizzy, Mathew

Allen clicked his tongue as Thurston stormed off stage, a light blush on his cheeks. Mathew tried to fade into the darkness or turn invisible, only to have Lizzy latch onto his arm and drag him off the stage, giggling. Allen bowed and walked off the stage as Matt pried Lizzy off Mathew and dragged Mathew away. Yao and Tino walked on stage.

"Are you ready, aru?" Yao asked. Tino smiled and nodded.

"Yup! Lets get to the next round!" Tino cheered.

(left to right) Yao, Tino

Yao and Tino high fived before bowing and walking off stage. Chatting together happily. As Lukas walked onto the stage, Tino wished him luck.

"You ready du-"

"Shut up. You're annoying." Lukas said, cutting Tyler off. Tyler clicked his tongue before taking a deep breath and smiling at the crowd. Causing fan girls to go crazy. Lukas rolled his eyes as the music began playing.

(left to right) Lukas, Tyler

Once the song ended, Lukas walked off stage, his hands in his pockets and his head down. Tyler waved at the crowed and bowed for a while before walking off as well and joining the other jocks. Kiku and Francis walked up next.

"I don't think I want to do this." Kiku muttered.

"Don't worry mon ami. We'll do amazingly~" Francis said, tossing his hair. Kiku sweat dropped and sighed, looking longingly towards the exit.

(left to right) Kiku, Francis

Once the two were done, Kiku ran off stage, a large blush on his cheeks. Francis blew a kiss at the crowd before walking off as well, his head held high. Antonio and Bernard walked on stage next. Both had large smiles on their faces.

(left to right) Antonio, Bernard

The crowd cheered loudly, just like they did for everyone else, as they bowed and walked off stage, going their separate way. Berwald, Oliver and Markell walked on stage as Antonio and Bernard walked off, setting up the stage for themselves. None of them said anything as the music began. Only thing common with them is that they kept glancing at (Y/n).

(left to right) Berwald, Markell, Oliver

The three bowed, exchanged glances and walked off stage. Ludwig and Viktor walked on stage soon after. Ludwig was fidgeting nervously and there was a pink tint on his cheeks. Viktor's face was stoic as normal, though, amusement could be seen in his eyes.

Viktor sings the rap stuff. Ludwig the normal music.

Ludwig and Viktor quickly walked off the stage and hid in the crowd as the crowd cheered for their performance. The last performer skipped on stage happily.

"I know it's running on long! But I promise I'll blow your minds!" Kara cheered, giggling as she spun around.

The song ended and everyone cheered. Basch, Hercules and Hermes walked on stage.

"Alright. One person will be eliminated for tomorrows battle. Now get outta here. School's over!" Basch said. Students quickly rushed out of the cafeteria, remembering Basch's gun. Basch nodded and followed after silently. Hermes shoved Hercules to the side before leaving a well. Hercules, who was sleeping peacefully, slowly got up from the floor and followed after Hermes.

"This is too tiresome..."

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