Third person POV:
~~~ In an alternate dimension ~~~
It's been three weeks since (Y/n) had disappeared from the 1p world. England, Norway and Romania had gotten together almost everyday to look through spell books for a way to open a portal to the 2p world. The rest of the countries were dealing with (Y/n)'s disappearance in their own ways. America stayed in his house, only leaving to attend the world meetings England called for information of their findings. Canada had gotten angrier and had been taking his anger out on the ice. Italy kept crying, Romano cursed even more then normal and stayed in the tomato patch. Spain, France, Prussia and Denmark got drunk at least three times a week, Russia stayed hidden in a sunflower patch, Belarus stayed with Hungary and Ukraine, Sweden was locked in his work room, Finland stayed in his room, only coming out to ask Norway for an update and to get coffee. Iceland listened to his music 24/7, barely getting any sleep, China and Japan stayed together, just sitting in silence by a phone. Germany trained even harder then before and Greece slept even more then normal, asking the cats that hung around him to look for any information they could. Pretty much, everyone that got attached to (Y/n) was depressed and too done with life to do anything.
The loud playing of 'Centuries' woke America up. He groaned and grabbed his phone from his nightstand. America's room was dark, making the phone screen blind America temporarily.
"Who the f*** is calling me at 2 in the morning...? So not cool dude..." America grumbled, sitting up. He yawned as he answered the call, not bothering to check the caller ID.
"Hello...?" He asked.
"America! We found a spell!" America's eyes shot open at England's answer.
"For real dude?!"
"Of course you bloody git! Get over here!" England ordered before ending the call. America ripped the warm covers off his body and stumbled out of his bed. He was wearing Captain America pyjama bottoms and a random t shirt that just happened to have an animated blue octopus on it. America grabbed his bomber jacket and threw it on before shoving his shoes on and dashing out the door. America jumped into his car and began speeding towards the closest airport, not bothering to put his seat belt on.
Once America arrived at England's house, he stormed inside, only to see all the other countries already there. They were all in their pyjamas or half dressed and waiting impatiently. Everyone's hair was sticking up all over the place and most countries had dark bags under their eyes. England walked into the room, Norway and Romania following after him. All three had devilish hair, pale skin and dark bags under their eyes.
"We found how to get to the 2p dimension." England said.
"The only downside is that it will take two to three days to gather all the power needed for the spell." Romania added. Norway and England nodded. There were a couple sighs and groans, but everyone nodded.
"You're all welcome to stay here until the spell is ready. There is a high chance we'll have to fight the 2p's. So everyone should be prepared."
~~~ In the 2p dimension ~~~
It's been a couple days since Viktor left and (Y/n) had gotten closer to the 2p Nordics. Not that any of them would admit to it aloud. (Except for maybe Egil.) Thurston and (Y/n) bonded over broken cups (Don't ask), Loki and (Y/n) bonded while setting a random house on fire, burning the citizens inside to a crisp, Bernard and (Y/n) got into a fight with some random 2p humans and ended up beating them up, watching each others backs so they wouldn't get too beat up. Egil and (Y/n) had more fun playing video games together (Egil even showed (Y/n) his secret chocolate stash in his room!), and (Y/n) helped Markell with building new chairs and designing others. (Just don't mention the broken chair in the corner of Markell's room. It's not a funny story...)
"Yo! Open the f*** up!"
"One dollar Allen~"
"Two dollars~~~"
"Stop swearing idiot."
"Don't f**king tell me what to do s***head!"
"Just-a f**king knock already!"
"Don't tell me what to do bast**d!"
"Five dollars!"
"UGH!" (Y/n) snickered quietly as she leaned out of the window in her bedroom. The Allies and Axis were standing at The Nordics house, shivering from the cold. No one has knocked yet, but the whole house knew they were here. Not that they wanted them there. (Besides (Y/n) of course.)
"Are they still arguing out there?" Loki asked, leaning on (Y/n)' bedroom door frame. (Y/n) looked over at him and nodded, giggling. Loki clicked his tongue and shook his head. "Idiots."
"Yup. Al owes about... $15 now.... Matt owes $3 and Luciano owes $9." (Y/n) said. "You think that if they kept paying money they would've stopped swearing by now."
"What do you expect? They're all f**king idiots." Thurston said, shoving Loki out of the way and walking into the room. He sat down on one of the newly made chairs while Loki leaned against one of the bedroom walls, grabbing his lighter from his pocket.
"My looooooveeee~~~ Those damn Allie and Axis think that they can take you away from meeeee!!!!" Egil whined, running into the room and tackling (Y/n) into a hug, rubbing his cheek on (Y/n)'s.
"They've been standing out there for a full five minuets. How long do you think it will be until they knock?" Bernard asked.
"Or freeze to death." Markell added, shrugging.
"I'm going to let them in. I'm getting cold just watching them." (Y/n) said, gently pushing Egil off her and standing up.
"You're body is pretty much f**king ice right now anyways. How can you still feel f**king cold?" Thurston asked, narrowing his eyes at (Y/n). (Y/n) giggled and shrugged.
"I just can." She replied, sticking her tongue out at the five before sliding down the railing and walking towards the front door. She opened the door, only to get a fist to the face. (Y/n) groaned as she lost balance and fell to the ground, one hand going to her nose.
"Aw man that hurt!" (Y/n) groaned, rolling around on the floor. "I think my nose is bleeding!"
"Oh my! Are you ok poppet?" Oliver asked, rushing to (Y/n)'s side. Flavio hot on his heels.
"How hard did you go to knock?!" Matt asked, narrowing his eyes at Allen.
"Not very f**king hard!" Allen replied, glaring at Matt.
"Well you-a obviously hit Earth hard enough to-a draw blood." Luciano stated, crossing his arms.
"Shut it pasta lover." Allen grumbled. Gillian quietly closed the door behind the group as The Nordics walked downstairs.
"Alright.... Alright.... I think I'm ok..." (Y/n) mumbled, sitting up. She took her hand away from her face and smiled. "Yeah! I'm good! I'm ok!" (Y/n) cheered happily. There was a trail of dried blood leading from her nose to her lips, and her right hand was bloody.
"My love!!! What happened to you?!" Egil asked, pushing Oliver and Flavio aside and embracing (Y/n) tightly. Oliver and Flavio glared at Egil, pink swirling into Oliver's eyes.
"What the f*** do you guys want?" Thurston asked, putting his hands on his hips as the Nordics stepped in front of (Y/n) in a protective like manor.
"Earth." Viktor stated. Egil stood up from his spot next to (Y/n) and walked in front of the others.
"No way! She's my wife! You can't take her!" He stated.
"WIFE! NO WAY!" Allen yelled, causing a whole uproar. Everyone was yelling except Gillian, Kuro, Lutz, Markell and Francois. (Y/n) frowned at their yelling, but her focus was on her left arm. Her arm from her fingers to her elbow was gone. Completely see through and non existent. The tip of her left ear had vanished along with half of her left foot. A small smile made it's way to her face as she looked back up at the fighting countries.
"It's all most time..." (Y/n) mumbled.
"Guess who just arrived~~~~" AG cheered, bursting into the house. All the yelling vanished as everyone looked at AG. AG glanced at (Y/n) and gave a knowing look before turning back to the Countries. "The 1p's are he-" AG began before one of the windows in the kitchen was broken, a bullet lodging itself into one of the walls.
"Lets go find (Y/n) da?"
"Keseseses! The avesome me can find her first!" AG sweat dropped as the 2p countries looked over at (Y/n).
"Someone needs to get her out of here." Francois stated.
"I will~" Oliver piped up cheerfully.
"I'll go too." Viktor added. Oliver looked over at him before nodding. Viktor picked (Y/n) up before walking through the house, Oliver following close behind. Viktor broke one of the windows and stepped through, momentarily waiting for Oliver before leading him into the near by forest. (Y/n) struggled against Viktor's hold.
"Viktor? Ollie? What's going on? Where's everyone else?" (Y/n) asked.
"Don't worry poppet~ Everyone will be fine. They're just take of some long over due business." Oliver said happily. Viktor nodded.
"Da. Don't worry little one." After a couple minuets, Viktor placed (Y/n) down on the foret floor, beside a large oak tree.
"Stay here poppet. Don't come back to the house until we come get you. Ok? Can you do that for me?" Oliver asked. (Y/n) puffed out her cheeks in annoyance but nodded anyways.
"Fine..." She mumbled. Oliver smiled and placed a light kiss on her forehead before running off. Viktor messed up her hair before following behind Oliver. (Y/n) sighed and sat down by the large oak tree. She looked back down at her arm to see that it was disappearing at a much faster pace. "I might not be here by the time you get back though..."
~~~ With the 2p's ~~~
Egil looked over at the 2p Axis and Allies as Viktor and Oliver left.
"What do you guys say to calling a truce to beat the 1p's?" He asked. Allen smirked, twirling his bat around.
"I thought you'd never ask~"
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