Practice day!

Third person POV:

(Y/n) crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair. Alistor and Alric were standing in front of her. Alistor had a cigar between his lips and Alric had a lollipop in one hand, twirling it around happily.

"Why did you call me here? The third round is about to start." (Y/n) said.

"The third round is tomorrow~" Alric cheered, giggling.

"WHAT THE F***?! WHY THE F*** IS IT TOMORROW?!?" (Y/n) asked.

"We decided ye needed to get somethin' off yer chest. So we decided to let ye express yer self. Most people have left already." Alistor said.

"F***. No." (Y/n) stated, crossing her arms. "How many f**king times do I have to tell you f**king idiots? Nothing is f**king going on at home, I'm not, not f**king eating and I'm F**KING. FINE." (Y/n) said.

"Well then, just think of this as a full day for practice for yer singin' or dancin'. If ye want, the kids that stayed can 'practice' too." Alric offered, unwrapping the lollipop and sticking it in his mouth. (Y/n) glared at the two for a moment before before groaning.

"F**king fine. If it will make you both leave me the f*** alone..." She grumbled.

"YAY! I'll go inform the others! Ye can go on into the cafeteria!" Alric cheered, skipping out of the office. (Y/n) rolled her eyes and walked towards the door.

"You should all back off Mr Alistor. I know you're worried, but I can handle everything on my own. Please don't ask again. I might do something I'll regret later if you do. I'm warning you now because You're different then everyone else in this sh**ty school. Don't make me change my mind." (Y/n) said before walking out of the office.

"So she low key threatens me but also low key admits something is going on... Interesting..." Alistor muttered.


Alric burst into the cafeteria, (Y/n) following behind him. Instead of the whole school being in the cafeteria, there was only the losers club and some of the new kids. Rain, a girl with long blonde hair and a boy with dyed white hair were also sitting in the cafeteria.

'Alright! Change of plans everyone! Today will be used as a full practice day for singing and dancing! Not an actual performance day, so nothing can be judged today." Alric said before skipping off. (Y/n) sat down beside the blonde and the dyed white haired boy, who were sitting with the losers club.

"Hey (Y/n)! Glad to see that you're still running the losers club! How's it going without me?" The blonde asked. (Y/n) cracked a smile.

"Hey Rika. Things are going well... I guess. How's the all girls private school?" (Y/n) asked.

"It's ok. But it's nice to get a break from all those preppy girls and stuff." Rika said. (Y/n) nodded before looking over to the boy, who was sitting beside Seven.

"It's nice to see you again Saeran. I though you were out of the country for a while." The boy shrugged.

"I'm only visiting for today. I need to go to Toronto tomorrow morning. So I thought I would stop by and see everyone." Saeran said.

"Are you going to go sing today then Saeran?" Yoosung asked.

"Maybe." He said, shrugging. He looked over at the stage, where it was still empty. No one had moved since Alric left.

"Ughhhhhh..... You know what? V. (Y/n). Lets get this thing started." Zen said, standing up.

"Yes! I can't stand this silence!" Seven exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air. Saeran shook his head and rubbed his temples.

"Do I have to?" (Y/n) asked as V stood up as well.

"We can do the song I found a while ago." V said. (Y/n) sighed.

"F**king fine..." She grumbled, standing up as well. The three walked on stage and each grabbed a mic. Jumin was in the music booth. He gave the three a thumbs up as the music started. (Y/n) rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue in annoyance before starting.

(Blue hair - V, Green hair - (Y/n), White hair - Zen)

The three walked off stage and back to their seats.

"There? You guys happy?" (Y/n) asked, crossing her arms.

"Yup! Thank you~~~" Zen cheered. (Y/n) sighed and shook her head.

Jumin walked away from the music booth and back towards the losers club.

"My turn! My turn!" Alfred cheered, jumping up from his seat. Mathew went to the music booth and Gilbert joined Alfred on stage. Gilbert moved the mics away from the centre of the stage before standing in one corner of the stage with a mic in his hands. Alfred stretched a couple times before posing as the music started.

The two walked off stage, high fiving happily.

"We rocked that dude!" Alfred cheered.

"Ja! Of course ve did! Ve're avesome!" Gilbert cheered.

"Woah Porkchop, I didn't know you could dance that well by yourself!" Allen exclaimed.

"Hey! I dance just as well as you can, thanks!" Alfred said, crossing his arms. Allen rolled his eyes.


"Ve~~~ Come-a dance with-a me fratello!" Feliancio cheered, tugging on Lovino's arm and somehow dragging him towards the stage.

"No! I-a don't want to-a go dance! Lasciami andare, bastardo!" Lovino exclaimed.

"It will-a be fun fratello! Come-a on!" Feliancio cheered, somehow ending up on the stage. Before Lovino could run off, Feliancio gave a thumbs up to the new person at the music booth, who happened to be Flavio. The music started and Lovino groaned, unhappily dancing along with Feliancio.

Lovino pushed Feliancio away before rushing off stage. His face bright red. Feliancio laughed and jumped off the stage and skipping back to his seat.

"Saeran! Come up with me! Please????" Seven asked, widening his eyes in attempt for puppy eyes. Saeran shook his head, sighing.

"You look stupid." Saeran stated. "But fine." (Y/n) walked into the music booth, pushing Flavio and Mathew out before sitting down and hooking up a song. Saeran and Seven walked on stage and each grabbed a mic. Seven gave (Y/n) a thumbs up and (Y/n) pressed play on the music.

(White hair - Saeran, Red hair and glasses - Seven)

The two walked off stage and high fived (Y/n) and Yoosung.

"Great job you guys! That was awesome!" Yoosung cheered.

"It doesn't seem to matter how long you two are apart, you two can sing perfectly together." Zen said. Saeran and Seven shrugged, looking at each other.

"It's a twin thing." They said. Yoosung and Zen chuckled while Jumin sighed.

"You both are the exact same..." Jumin muttered. Seven threw an arm around his shoulders.

"You know you love us~" He said. Jumin rolled his eyes.

"Let. Go. Of. Me!"


"Jou should knov better then vandering around the hallvays vithout supervision!" Four people walked into the cafeteria. There was a teen with violet eyes and brown hair with a cowlick and a mole. He had glasses and was dragging two children by their ears into the cafeteria. One of the kids had blonde hair, blue eyes and thick eyebrows. He was wearing a white and blue sailor outfit. He somewhat looked like Arthur. The second kid had pink hair, green eyes and thick eyebrows. He was wearing an orange and red plaid shirt and purple overalls. The second teen had spiky blonde hair, sideburns, amber eyes and a scar on his forehead. He had a blue and white striped scarf around his neck. 

"Let go of me you tall idiot!" The pink haired kid exclaimed, wiggling around in the brunette's grip. The blonde was just bawling loudly, catching everyone's attention. Arthur clicked his tongue in annoyance while Oliver rushed towards the pinkette, picking him up from the brunette. 

"Peter! What are you doing here?" Tino asked, picking up the blonde.

"Yeah Paul. What ARE you doing here?" Thurston asked, narrowing his eyes at the pinkette. Paul glared at Thurston.

"Some orange eyed idiot dragged me here. Or else I wouldn't be here." he stated, crossing his arms.

"AG said you guys need help getting a new personification and sent us to help." The blonde muttered a he passed Oliver. Oliver nodded and skipped back to his seat with Paul.

"Since you're here, you four could participate in the talent show! I'm sure Mr Alistor and Mr Alric will allow you to join!" Oliver cheered.

"They don't even go to this school!" Seven pointed out.

"Ve do nov. Mr Alistor just signed us up." The brunette said.

"Why do we keep getting all the new students? They're not even trouble makers." Yoosung asked.

"Who knows?" Zen said, shrugging.


lasciami andare, bastardo - Let go of me, ba***rd - Italian  

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