Phone calls
The next day, (Y/n) groaned and rolled off her couch.
"I'm so boooooaaaaed!" She exclaimed before rolling around on the floor. The living room had a couch up against one wall, two comfy chairs on the opposite side, a large window behind the chairs, and a tv. Pictures were scattered on the wall behind the couch. One picture was one of (Y/n) and seven other people, all gathered together for a group picture.
A red head had his arm slung around (Y/n)'s shoulder, grinning goofily as he almost fell over with (Y/n). On the other side of (Y/n) was a young blonde. He was attempting to help (Y/n) not fall over by linking his arm with her's. A guy with long white hair and grey eyes stood behind the red head, his hands on his hips as he laughed. Beside him was a guy with terquoise hair. He was taking pictures of the group and laughing. A guy with black hair and black eyes stood next to terquoise haired guy, a small smile on his face as he watched the group fool around. He held a white cat in his arms. A girl with long brown hair stood next to the guy holding the cat. She was staring at the man with white hair while laughing. And finally, a girl with long blonde hair stood next to the other blonde. She held was messing up his hair and laughing happily.
The picture next to that was just the red head and (Y/n). (Y/n) was wearing his glasses and hoody, her hands on her hips, while the red head was laughing his head off next to her.
Another picture captured (Y/n), a happy Italian and a grumpy Italian. The Italians had brown hair, amber eyes and a curl on opposite sides of their heads. The Italian on the left of (Y/n) was slightly more than then the other. The happy Italian was jumping around happily with a large plate of pasta on his right hand. (Y/n) was jumping next to him with some (f/f) in both hands. The grumpy Italian was holding a large pizza on his left hand. (Y/n) and the happy Italian had large smiles on their faces while the grumpy Italian had a small frown and a small blush.
The last picture was a picture of (Y/n) and a girl with galaxy hair and orange eyes. The girl was standing upside down on the ceiling with her hands on her hips while (Y/n) was mimicking the action while standing right side up.
(Y/n) groaned again before sitting up.
"(Y/N)!!!" A cheerful voice called as the galaxy haired girl appeared out of no where and tackled (Y/n) back to the ground.
"Uggghhhh..." (Y/n) groaned before pushing the cheerful girl off her. The girl hovered above the ground and laughed as (Y/n) got to her feet, rubbing her head. "What did you do that for?" She asked, anime tears falling from her eyes.
"Hahahaha! You should see the look on your face! You look so cute!" The girl exclaimed, pinching (Y/n)'s cheeks and pulling them around. (Y/n)'s face scrunched up as she swatted the other girl's hands, attempting to make her stop.
"Stwap! I'm trwing to thwink!" (Y/n) exclaimed. The girl laughed again and let go of her cheeks.
"Sorry! I'm just reeeeeeeally excited!" She cheered as (Y/n) rubbed her cheeks.
"Excited about what exactly...?" (Y/n) asked cautiously. The girl squealed.
"I'll be able to begin writing my story now! All because you met that guy at the cafe yesterday! Everything is falling into place now!" She cheered.
"Uhh... AG, calm yourself. I'm never gunna see him again anyways." (Y/n) stated.
"That's where you're wrong! You gave him your number! Now he has to call you! And that will lead to meeting his friends and finding the country's, then will lead to being kidnapped multiple times, being held hostage, killing some people and eating cupcakes! This year is going to be so much fun!" AG exclaimed happily. (Y/n) shook her head.
"Whatever you say AG." She mumbled.
"Your phone, your phone is ringing!" AG cheered, jumping around. (Y/n) picked up her cell.
"No it's no-" The phone in her hand began playing (favourite song), an unknown number displayed on screen. "Never mind..." She mumbled before picking up.
'Yellow!' (Y/n) cheered.
'Hallo! This is the avesome guy jou met at the Author's Cafe yesterday!' The voice exclaimed. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow before grinning. She winked at AG before humming.
'Hmm... I don't remember meeting an awesome guy yesterday. You sure you have the right number?' (Y/n) asked. AG snickered before covering her mouth with her hands.
'Ja! Of course the avesome me has the right number!' The man exclaimed. (Y/n) laughed.
'I'm kidding. This is the right number. What's up?'
'Keseseseses! Funny. Jou almost got the avesome me!'
'Hey, you never told me your name. I'm pretty sure you know mine, but if you forgot... My name is (Y/n)!'
'Keseseseses. Of course I remember jou're name! Mien avesome name is Gilbert!' AG snapped her fingers and a pillow appeared in her hands. She bit down on the pillow as she laughed, attempting to keep quiet. I giggled and shook my head.
'Cool name. Not as cool as mine though. My name is the awesomest name out there!'
'Ha! Jou vish! Mien name is the avesomest one!'
'Nu huh'
'Ja huh!'
'Nu huh!'
'Ja huh!'
'Nu huh!'
'Ja huh!' AG groaned and threw her pillow at me before snatching my phone. (Y/n) groaned and threw the pillow back at her.
"Gross AG!" She exclaimed. AG winked and smiled before putting the phone to her ear.
'Gilbert! Stop your idiotic fighting and tell (Y/n) why you called her!?!' AG yelled into the phone, a dark aura surrounding her.
'J-Ja! Just hand the phone back to (Y/n)!' Gilbert replied. (Y/n) laughed as AG tossed her phone back.
'Sorry about that. AG just hijacked my phone.'
'Keseseseses! Nothing the avesome me can't handle! Oh! And I vas vondering if jou vaunted to come hang vith mien avesome friends and I!'
'Depends. Where would we be going?' (Y/n) asked, raising an eyebrow. 'And who are your friends?'
'WE'RE GOING TO THE BEST PLACE EVER!!! ROLLER SKATING!!!!' A new voice exclaimed loudly, making (Y/n) take her phone away from her ear. AG laughed and rolled around on the ground.
'Sorry about that Frau. That vas Alfred, one of mien avesome friends.' Gilbert said, laughing.
'Sounds fun. I'll meet you guys three in about three minutes.' (Y/n) replied. 'See ya then!' She added before hanging up.
"Sooooooo. Are you going out with Gilbert?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows. (Y/n) made a face and shook her head.
"I literally just met the guy. No way. But we're going ROLLAR skating with his friends. Wanna join?' (Y/n) asked, grabbing her (f/c) roller skates and slipping them on before tying the laces tightly.
"Maybe. I might just pop in randomly and scare Alfred. It's always funny!" AG replied before giving a two fingered salute. "See ya on the flip side!" She cheered before disappearing. (Y/n) shrugged before relishing she was still in her pajamas.
"Uggghhhh..." (Y/n) groaned, untying her skates to go get changed.
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