Nightmares ft. Lutz

Third person POV:

After dinner, Luciano sent (Y/n) back into her room. Luciano, Lutz and Kuro were sitting in an office like room. Luciano was throwing darts at a picture of Feliancio, Lutz was drinking some beer and Kuro was sharpening his katana.

"Vhat are ve going to do vith earth? She seems pretty harmless. Minus her aim." Lutz said. Luciano glared at Lutz.

"Shut up bastardo. I'm-a thinking." Luciano ordered. He aimed another dark before throwing it at the picture. It stuck right between Feliancio's eyes, making Luciano smirk.

"We-a can get close to her-a and find out her-a plan. Then kill her and-a use her dead body as-a bait for those stupid-a 1p's." 

"Great. Hov do ve do that?"

"Get crose then strike. Rike a snake." Kuro said, glancing up from his katana.



(Y/n)'s POV:

I yawned and stretched lying down on my bed. It's been about an hour since dinner and the house is too quiet. I yawned again.

"This whole experience is pretty weird huh..." I thought aloud, my eyes closing slightly. "I have been kidnapped too many times to count, been turned back into a kid, had my first kiss and I'm beginning to fade away... I don't think this kind of thing happens to normal people..."

"Yeah... But you're not normal. You're the personification of Earth." I looked up to see AG sitting on the roof.

"AG? What are you doing here?" I asked. AG laughed, sitting on the bed next to me.

"Just checking in. I can't figure out how to make what I want to happen in my book happen. So I'm going to force a change so it can progress." AG said, shrugging.

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" I asked. AG gave an apologetic smile.

"I'm reeeeeeaaaaaally sorry about this!" AG said before swinging her fist. After that, everything went black.

... DreAmsCaPe...

I looked around hopelessly. I was floating in an endless black void. There was a small tugging sensation coming from my left and my right. On my left was a glowing red ball of magic. On my right was a glowing purple ball of magic. Both were about the size of a basketball. I moved my left arm up and the magic ball moved to the same height. I moved my right arm down, the magic ball following. I moved both arms in front of me, making both magic balls combine. A bright light burst from the magic and images ran through my mind. Images of the 1p's and the 2p's fighting each other. Blood went everywhere and screams and cries came from all directions.

In one ending, Allen had his bat aimed at Alfred, who was kneeling on the grass. Arthur was attempting to get out of Oliver's hold, tears threatening to fall. Allen brought his bat back, preparing to swing. Alfred closed his eyes, a small smile on his face as he whispered a thank you. Allen swung the bat and Alfred's heart stopped, his blood staining the grass.

In another ending, Gilbert had Gillian cornered. Gillian was desperately trying to form words, but non came out. Gilbert had a sword held to Gillian's  throat. Lutz was stumbling towards Gillian. He had a gash on his leg, which was bleeding out and a bullet stuck in his left shoulder. Gilbert clicked his tongue before swinging his sword. Gillian's blood stained the wall behind him and Gilbert's clothing.

In a third ending, Mathias was standing in front of Lukas, Tino, Brewald and Emil, who were on the ground, bleeding out. Mathias was holding his ax with one hand while the other was putting pressure on a gash on his arm. The 2p Nordics stood in front of him, wicked smirks on their faces. 2p Denmark stepped forward and swung his ax at Mathias. Mathias collapsed next to Lukas, his blood staining the grass beneath him and Lukas' cheek.

In another ending, Feliancio and Lovino died. Feliancio getting stabbed between the eye and Lovino being stabbed with a poison covered blade.

A different time, Belarus took a hit for Russia and died in his arms.

Allen got shot by Alfred.

2p Spain died by Lovino choking him.

Mathew killed Lutz with his hockey stick.

Matt killed Arthur with the help of Kuma.

Francis stabbed Oliver.

Gillian killed Ludwig.

Oliver killed Emil.

Zao killed Ivan.

Yao killed Matt.

And every. Single. Time. I could't save them. No matter what I did, they all died. No matter what I tried, no matter what said, no matter what I though of... Nothing worked. It's all my fault. They're fighting over me. Always fighting, always yelling... The exact opposite of what my job in this world is. I'm suppose to bring everyone together! Not tear them apart! Not cause all this blood shed! It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It's all. My. FAULT!!!

Third person POV:

(Y/n) gasped and sat up. Tears streamed down her cheeks and her breath was choppy.

"No... No no no.... No..... Everyone is ok... No more blood... No more pain... No more pain..." (Y/n) mumbled, shaking her head. Her hands shook violently as she ran them through her hair nervously. (Y/n) shakily got to her feet and stumbled towards the door. She opened it up and went to the closest door to hers. Lutz' room. (Y/n) knocked on the door quietly, attempting to get rid of her tears. The door opened and Lutz leaned against the door frame.

"Vhat do jou vant...?" Lutz asked sleepily. (Y/n) laughed nervously.

"Heh... Sorry to wake you up Lutz..." She said quietly. Lutz looked down at her shaking form and sighed. He picked (Y/n) up and threw her onto his bed before closing the door.

"Vhat's vrong libling?" He asked, running a hand through his hair.

"I uh... Had a dream where the 1p's and you guys were fighting... Everyone kept dying... There was so much blood... So, so much blood... And... I couldn't do anything. Oliver died, you died, Gillian died! So did Allen and Matt! And no matter what I tried, no matter what I did... You all kept dying!" (Y/n) whispered. 

"Vhy do jou care if ve die? Ve're not 'perfect' like those 1p's. Jou don't even knov us." Lutz said, a dark glint in his eyes. (Y/n) looked up at him, wiping away her fresh tears.

"Because... We're friends right? Doesn't matter that we just met. If you wanted, you could've killed me at Oliver's house. You could've poisoned my food at dinner. You could've killed me when I was sleeping, or when I was standing outside of your room. But none of you did." Lutz blinked, the glint going away.

"Ja... I see jour point. Friends huh...? Don't think I've had one of those before... Only allies..." Lutz looked down at (Y/n) and gave her a small smile. "Let's go back to sleep ja? Jou look tired." (Y/n) nodded, yawning.

"Alright..." She said, attempting to get off Lutz' bed. Lutz chuckled and pulled her back down, wrapping hi arms around her waist.

"Vhere do jou think jour going libling? Jou voke me up. Nov jou have to sleep vith me~" (Y/n) yawned again.

"Whatever... But try to keep your hands to yourself... Kay...?" (Y/n) mumbled, her eyes closing. Lutz chuckled again and pulled her closer to his chest, drawing small designs on her side. (Y/n) hummed sleepily before falling asleep.

"I see vhy everyone is so attached to her... She sure has a vay vith her vords huh..."

This chapter was inspired by this video!

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