Memories (part 2)
Third person POV:
(Y/n)'s laughter faded away and was replaced by the sound of war. A young woman with short (h/c) hair and bright (e/c) eyes leaned against a tree. Her purple army uniform was soaked in blood and there were some bullet wounds in her right leg.
"Damn it.... This war better be almost done...." The woman cursed as another gash formed on her neck, trailing down to the collar bone.
"(Y/n)! (Y/nnnnn)!!!!" The woman looked around the forest she was hiding in, only to see a man with black hair, blue eyes and freckles running towards her. He wore the same dark purple army uniform with an earth patch on his shoulder. His tie was a baby blue and both of his pant legs were lucked into his boots. He had a gun attached to his back and two smaller guns attached at the hip. Behind the man was a couple of German soldiers.
"Alex! Duck!" The woman called, grabbing her gun. The man dropped to the floor as she shot the men following him. Alex got back to his feet and ran towards (Y/n). He scooped her up bridle style and ran through the forest.
"Hang on (Y/n)!" Alex said. He stumbled through the forest before coming across a man with blonde hair and green eyes. He was wearing a Swiss army uniform and pointing a gun at the two.
"Don't come any closer! We don't want your war s*** here!" The man yelled.
"Please! I need to get my friend to safety! She going to die if she keeps bleeding out!" Alex pleaded. The man lowered his gun slightly.
"What's a girl doing on the battle field?" He asked.
"She snuck into help. Please help us!" The man hesitated before lowering his gun fully.
"Fine. But try anything funny and you're both dead." Alex rushed to the man who cursed loudly when he saw the state (Y/n) was in.
"What the f*** happened to this woman?!" He asked, dragging Alex out of the forest and towards the Swiss border. They let the three through and the man brought them to a large house.
"Set her on the table. LILLY!!! GRAB THE FIRST AID KIT!" The man yelled, clearing off the table. Alex placed (Y/n) on the table and she groaned, another wound forming on her stomach. A young girl with short blonde hair rushed into the kitchen, holding a first aid kit.
"What happened to her big brother?" She asked, setting the kit down. The man opened it and began taking off (Y/n)'s army jacket and cutting off her tank top.
"Mostly looks like gashes. What from, I can't tell. And that's just on her upper body." The man said, grabbing a cloth. Lilly soaked the cloth in water before handing it back to the man, letting him clean up the wounds.
"Can I help with anything?" Alex asked. The man glanced at him, narrowing his eyes slightly before signing.
"Go rest. You can't help your friend if your going to pass out any second." He stated. Lilly linked arms with Alex and dragged him off.
A couple hours later, (Y/n)'s wounds had been tended to and she was now lying on the table, staring at the ceiling.
"My body hurrrrrrts...." (Y/n) groaned, attempting to get up.
"Stop moving. You'll open your wounds." The man stated, walking into the kitchen.
"Ah, sorry..." (Y/n) mumbled, setting back down on the table. "My name is (Y/n). What's yours?"
"Basch. Now shut up."
"That's a nice name."
"Didn't I just tell you to shut up?" Basch asked, walking over to (Y/n).
"Yes. Yes you did. Your point?" (Y/n) asked.
"You know, for someone who was close to dying four hours ago... You're pretty talkative." Basch said, rolling his eyes. (Y/n) grinned.
"What can I say? I don't like silences."
"Big brother! Mr Alex is awake and asking for the pretty lady!" Lilly cheered, skipping into the kitchen. "Oh! She's awake! I'll go get Mr Alex!" Lilly added before running off. Basch sighed and shook his head.
"She sure is lively huh." (Y/n) said, looking over at Basch. Basch nodded.
"You can say that again..." Basch muttered. Lilly ran back into the kitchen, dragging Alex behind her. Alex rushed to (Y/n)'s side while Lilly hugged Basch's arm.
"You're ok! Thank the stars!" Alex exclaimed. (Y/n) laughed.
"Thank the stars? Really?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "It would take more then a war to kill me off. You should know that." Alex chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yeah. I know..."
The large house switched to a large field of grass. A small child with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes stood in the middle of the field. Her grey dress was tattered and stained and there were faint scar like lines all over her body.
"Oh my! What is a young child doing out here all alone?" An old woman asked, wobbling towards the child. She picked the child up and looked over her. "Where do you live sweetie? Where are your parents?" The child blinked.
"Par....ents...? I don't have any of those..." The girl said. The old woman gasped slightly.
"Oh my..." She whispered. "I'm going to take you somewhere safe. I promise." The woman wobbled back to her car and drove the child to a large, worn down building. As the woman and the child left, a young man with black hair, blue eyes and freckles ran into the field.
"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Where are you?"
The woman walked inside the worn down building and set the child down.
"Excuse me? Miss Gnome? I have found a child. She doesn't seem to have parents and looks about... Seven years old." The old woman called. A young woman with a skeleton like body walked into the room.
"Ah~ Mrs Love! It's so very nice to see you again!" The young lady said, a large, fake smile plastering itself on her face. "You said you found a child?" Mrs Love gently pushed the girl forward.
"Here she is. I found her wandering around a field by herself."
"Ah, thank you so much! I'll be sure to take care of her! You can go now. I know you have lots to do." Miss Gnome said, pushing Mrs Love out the door.
"Bye bye dear!" Mrs Love called. The door closed and Miss Gnome smirked, a dark aura swarmed around her as she turned towards the child.
"Let's get this over with brat." Miss Gnome spat, dragging the child further into the building, her nails digging into her arm. "You are to do your chores, stay quiet and not bother me. If we run out of food go buy some more at the market. It you don't get food, tough luck. Better luck next time. Don't get into any fights and when the inspector or any adopters come, act like your being taken care of. Got it? Good." Miss Gnome said before tossing the girl into one of the many rooms.
"You'll share this room with all the other girls. All the beds are taken already so just ask for an extra blanket or something so you can sleep on the floor." Miss Gnome said before walking off. The girl walked over to the window, the floor creaking under her weight. She sighed and watched the sun set slowly.
A couple years later a man and woman came to the orphanage.
"Someone's here!" One of the girls cheered, gathering by the window.
"Do you think they'll want a girl?"
"I sure hope so!" The girls chattered happily as Miss Gnome slammed the door open.
"Alright brats. Downstairs now." She ordered, walking off to get the boys. All the girls raced downstairs, giggling together. The young girl at the back stumbled after them. Her (h/c) hair was all messed and her knees were covered in bandages. There was a band aid on her cheek and dirt on her clothes.
"W-Wait for me!" The girl called, stumbling after the girls. Some of the boys walking behind her shoved her as they passed.
"Freak." One of the boys muttered. Some of his friends snickered. The girl puffed her cheeks out before running into her spot in line. The man and woman walked in and scanned the room. The man spotted the young girl and smirked, pointing her out to the woman. The two walked closer to the girl and the memory glitched out. The screen turned a rainbow of colors before turning into a small cafe. A young woman with (e/c) eyes sat at a table, looking out the window. She had a cup of hot chocolate sitting on the table next to her.
"(Y/NNNNNN)!!!! (Y/NNNNNN)!!!!! CAN WE SIT WITH YOUUUUUUU?????" A girl called, rushing over to the woman. She had galaxy hair and bright orange eyes. The girl was dragging two men with brown hair behind her. One of the men had his eyes closed and a happy smile on his face. The other man had green eyes and an unhappy expression on his face. The woman turned towards the girl and smiled.
"Sure thing AG. You and your friends can come sit." (Y/n) said, giggling. AG sat next to (Y/n) while the brunettes sat across from the two.
"(Y/n), this is Feliancio and Lovino. Boys, this is (Y/n)! One of my best friends!" AG cheered, giggling. The green eyed man threw a wink at (Y/n) and gave her a flirty smile.
"Ciao bella~" He said. (Y/n) blinked once before bursting out laughing.
"C-Ciao Lovino! It's very nice to meet you!" (Y/n) said, sticking her hand out. Lovino took her hand and kissed the top of it. Feliancio then grabbed (Y/n)'s hand from Lovino and shook it happily.
"Ciao bella! You're-a much prettier then-a what AG told-a us!" Feliancio cheered. (Y/n) giggled again and took her hand away, taking a sip of her drink.
"You-a look familiar bella..." Feliancio said. (Y/n) nodded.
"You two look familiar too.... I just can't place my finger on it..." Feliancio shrugged.
"Ve~ I'm-a sure it doesn't matter."
The cafe melted away and (Y/n) was now at the Italian brothers house. There was a plate of freshly made pasta, pizza and (favourite food) on the counter and (Y/n) was looking at her phone.
"This picture is awesome! I'm going to hang it up when I get home!" (Y/n) cheered, giggling. Lovino rolled his eyes while Feliancio cheered.
"Vee~~~ Can we-a eat our pasta now? I'm-a hungry!" (Y/n) nodded and grabbed her plate of (favourite food).
"Loooooooviiiiii. Can I have a bite of your pizza? You can have a bite of my (favourite food)!" (Y/n) said, waving her (utensil) around. Lovino shook his head.
"No-a way bella idiota. You-a have your own food. I-a have mine." Lovino grumbled. (Y/n) stuck her bottom lip and pouted.
"Pleeeeeeeaaaaase?" She asked. Lovino looked away from her face, blushing. He shaved a slice of pizza in her face.
"Fine! Just-a stop with that-a stupid face!" Lovino exclaimed. (Y/n) grinned and grabbed the slice. She leaned over her plate and kissed his cheek before happily eating the pizza.
"Thanks Loviiii~" She cheered.
"My-a name is Lovino! Not-a Lovi!" Lovino yelled, his face turning a deeper shade of red. Feliancio laughed from the kitchen.
Around midnight that night everyone was sleeping. They had changed into pyjamas and made a makeshift bed out of pillows and blankets on the floor in the living room. Feliancio was sprawled out on the floor above (Y/n) and Lovino, snoring quietly. (Y/n) had one hand covering her mouth, her cheeks a bright pink. Her curl had come un tucked from behind her ear and was some how tangled with Lovino's and Feliancio's. Every time she attempted to get them untangled, Feliancio or Lovino would make some sort of noise. And it was getting harder to keep her own noises under control. (Y/n) sighed and looked longingly at her phone, which was across the room charging. (Y/n) ended up falling back asleep uncomfortably.
"We'll deal with this in the morning..." She mumbled before passing out.
The three melted away and scenes from when (Y/n) met Gilbert began playing. Followed by everything that had happened that past couple months. Playing hockey with Mathew and Matt, training with Ludwig, Feliancio and Kiku, watching anime with Kiku, playing just dance with Lovino, Antonio, Gilbert and Francis... As well as playing FNAF with Alfred and Mathew, taking care of the chibi countries, meeting the 2p's, firing a gun with Allen and Matt, reading manga with Kuro, nightmares with Allen and Lutz, baking with Oliver, burning a house down with Loki, talking with Romania, stealing Emil's licorices, being kidnapped, killing the man in the 2p F.A.C.E Family's house, Lutz stealing her first kiss and helping Luciano with his mafia papers.
All the memories flickered to a stop and the screen in front of the countries disappeared.
"You stole her first kiss dude! What the heck!" Alfred and Allen yelled, glaring at Lutz. He shrugged, making the male countries glare at him.
"What was the-a point of-a showing us this?" Lovino asked, wiping his tears away. "To-a make us remember all the-a fun times we've had? SHE'S-A DEAD!" Lovino yelled. The darkness around them glitched out and everyone fell back onto the snow covered ground by the 2p Nordics house. A man with black hair, blue eyes and freckles stood in front of them, his hands in his pockets.
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