Lunch time fight
Third person POV:
The second bell rang, signaling that second period was over. (Y/n) turned around to face the countries and grinned.
"And this is where I leave you all. I would wish you luck, but I really don't care." (Y/n) said, shoving her hands in her pockets. She turned to walk away before pausing. "Oh and, I would recommend some of you to stay away from the jocks. They'll rip your head off before you can say 'bloody pasta'." (Y/n) added before walking away. The countries glanced at each other before walking towards the cafeteria.
"Her attitude was a complete 180 dude! Are we sure that's our (Y/n)?" Alfred asked. Hungary smacked the back of Alfred's head.
"Of course it is you idiot! Don't you know anything?" She asked. Alfred rubbed the back of his head.
"Ow! You didn't have to hit me so hard dude!" He whined. Allen laughed.
"Serves you right pork chop!"
"Vhat do ve do nov?" Ludwig asked. Hungary scanned the cafeteria before dragging Belarus towards one of the empty tables.
"I brought us some lunch~ Let's go eat!" She cheered.
"But I want to help big brother find little sister." Belarus mumbled.
"It's going to take a while before we can get close to her. So let's go eat our lunch and make a plan, ok?" Belarus sighed.
"Alright..." As the two girls walked away, the 1p's and 2p's sat down at one of the other empty tables. The 1p's on the left side, the 2p's on the right. Most of the countries were pulling out packed lunches from their bags.
"Yo! New kids!" Alex called, walking towards the group. He placed his lunch tray on the table and sat down. "How are you liking the school so far?" He asked.
"It's different then the ones in America!" Alfred said, laughing. Alex rolled his eyes.
"Of course. We're in a Canadian school." He stated. "What classes do you all have? Mr Alistor said that all the twins would be in the same class." Collective groans were heard from around the table.
"Well, I guess we have math, art, history and Gym!" Alfred said, looking at his time table. Allen rolled his eyes.
"History, Food and Nutrition, Math and English. Oh joy! I'm so excited!" Oliver cheered, looking over at Arthur. "Arn't you Artie?" Arthur groaned loudly, glaring at Oliver.
"Oh! I-a have art, music, math and-a food and nutrition!" Feliancio said. "I-a love art!"
"All of that sounds-a stupid." Luciano grumbled, crossing his arms.
"Oh look Lovino! We-a have drama, music, fashion and math!" Flávio cheered. Lovino clicked his tongue in annoyance.
"English, science, food and nutrition and gym." Ludwig said, sweat dropping.
"Sounds like too much vork..." Lutz muttered, sighing.
"History, art, gym, and a free period." Kiku mumbled, looking at his paper.
"Aw, no fair! I want a free class too!" Alfred whined.
"Sewing, music, dance and English. Sounds fun, da?" Ivan asked, looking over at Viktor. Viktor shrugged and continued eating his lunch.
"English, Math, sewing and gym! Awesome!" Mathias cheered.
"The avesome me got the avesomest classes! Music, drama, yearbook and gym!" Gilbert announced. Tino opened his mouth to say his classes when he got interrupted by a loud crash.
"Oi! Watch where you're going freak! You could've spilt my drink on me!" Someone yelled. Everyone at the table turned, only to see (Y/n) sitting on the floor, her bangs covering her eyes. Standing in front of her was a tall, buff looking guy wearing a letterman jacket. The guy had brown hair and ice blue eyes. Alfred went to go stand up when Alex put his hand out.
"Just watch man. This is the best part!" Alex said, stars in his eyes. Alfred opened his mouth to say something when (Y/n) stood up. She wasn't even half the size of the jock.
"Watch your f**king mouth you dirty b**ch. You walked into me so don't try to f**king blame it on me." (Y/n) said, a dark glint in her eyes. The jock pulled his hand back and slapped (Y/n), making her head fly to the left, a red hand print on her cheek. The slap echoed through the now quiet cafeteria.
"Stop trying to be cool b**ch. No one at this school even likes you, so back the f*** up. Or maybe, go f**king die." The jock stated. (Y/n) stayed quiet for a moment before she burst out laughing. She faced the jock again and smirked.
"You messed with the wrong b**ch then." She stated before yanking his lunch tray away from him. (Y/n) placed the tray on the counter before punching the jock's face. He went flying into a wall, making a large dent. (Y/n) walked closer to him and shoved her hands into her pockets before kicking him into the air and into another wall. The jock groaned as (Y/n) took his drink from earlier and spilt it all over his head. "Whoops." She said, tossing the can at his head before walking out of the cafeteria. The countries all sat there in shock (besides Viktor, Berwald and Lukas) while the rest of the students in the cafeteria began whispering about (Y/n). Most of them too terrible to write down. Alex burst out laughing.
"Classic (Y/n)! That's the fifth jock this month! The month only started last week!" Alex exclaimed. "They should just learn not to mess with her!"
"This-a happeneds often?" Feliancio asked, tears in his eyes. Alex nodded.
"Yeah. At least once or twice a day. One time she sent a kid to the hospital!" Alex exclaimed. "Although, once you get to know her she's pretty chill. (Y/n) just doesn't like this school."
"Vhy doesn't she transfer then? Can't be that hard." Lutz asked. Alex scoffed and stood up, taking his tray with him.
"No one here has a choice. We're all sent here because our parents don't care. Disowning us would put shame on their names. So they send us to thus dump." Alex said, rolling his eyes. "On the plus side, two months in this place and you become pretty tough." Alex grabbed his backpack and gave a slight wave.
"Take luck with your last classes. Don't forget to check out the after school clubs and teams!" Alex said before walking off. He tossed his trey on top of the pile before walking out of the cafeteria. The countries glanced at each other before cleaning up their mess and heading towards their third period class.
(Y/n) groaned and slammed the classroom door closed. Her bag dropped to the floor as she collapsed into the wheelie chair in front of a computer. A red head wearing black and orange glasses glasses rolled over to her, holding an ice pack.
"He hit you pretty hard, huh defender of spirit." The red head said. (Y/n) rolled her eyes and grabbed the ice pack, placing it on her cheek.
"This is nothing man. You should know that Seven." Seven chuckled and shrugged before rolling over to his laptop.
"Whatever. So what class are you skipping this time?" Seven asked, his eyes focused on the computer screen.
"Music class. Didn't feel like going." (Y/n) replied, turning on the computer.
"How's work? And what was up with like, the twenty kids following you around the school?" (Y/n) clicked her tongue in annoyance as she moved the mouse around in circles a couple times.
"Work's fine. Same old, same old. Although, if I get in one more fight I'll be fired." (Y/n) said, laughing. "And those were some new students or something. Mr Alistor told me to show them around so I did... They seem kind of familiar though..." (Y/n) muttered. She shook off the thought and went back to typing random things onto the computer. Complex codes popped up almost immediately.
"I still can't get over the fact that you can't read for s*** but you can hack like its nothing!" Seven exclaimed, taking a sip of his Dr Pepper.
"It's called talent my friend. Something you still lack." (Y/n) said, shrugging. Seven gasped in fake hurt as he clutched his chest by his heart.
"You wound me, defender of spirit!" Seven exclaimed. (Y/n) rolled her eyes at the red head as the codes on the screen disappeared and the school website popped up, revealing grades and whatnot for each student.
"Anything new on the site?" (Y/n) asked, looking at all the numbers. Seven shrugged.
"Eh not really. More news on the talent show. That's about it. Grades haven't been updated yet so we can't mess with them." (Y/n) groaned and turned the computer off.
"Damn. There goes the only joy in my life." (Y/n) grumbled, leaning back in her chair.
"Aww. Come on. You know you love the group Rika put together! We're the highlight of your day~" Seven said. (Y/n) rolled her eyes and spun around.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night Sev."
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