Lunch Room Fight!

Third person POV:

The next day, (Y/n) woke up to a loud buzzing. Alfred and Mathew were already awake and waiting at the cell door.

"Ugh... Why is that so f**king loud." (Y/n) asked, sitting up.

"Come on sleeping beauty. It's breakfast. And then we have chores." Alfred said.

"I'm coming. I'm coming. Chill out man." (Y/n) grumbled, yawning as she stood up and walked over to the blondes. The three walked out of the cell and into the cafeteria. Most of the other criminals backed away when they saw the three, allowing them to easily get some food and sit down at a table. (Y/n) happily ate her eggs, almost at the same pace as Alfred. Mathew just ate his eggs normally, sweat dropping at the other two.

"Hey! Girl!" A man called from behind (Y/n). (Y/n) turned around to face the man and blinked in confusion.

"Me?" She asked, pointing to herself.

"Yes you! Who else would I be talking to?" The man asked. He was very muscular and had a scar going from the middle of his left eyebrow to his cheekbone.

"I don't know. For all I know, you could be insane!" (Y/n) said, shrugging. From the corner of her eyes, (Y/n) saw Gilbert at the other side of the room, shaking his head.

"You b**ch! You think you can just walk in here and act like you own the place!?! Like your above us!?!" The man yelled, cracking his knuckles.

"I don't own this place. The police do. And I'm also not above you, because your taller then me." (Y/n) stated before turning around to finish her eggs. he man growled and grabbed (Y/n)'s shoulder, making her face him.

"Don't turn your back on me you little sh*t! I was talking to you!" The man exclaimed.

"Oh, you were? I didn't notice." (Y/n) stated. The man brought his hand up and slapped (Y/n), her head turning left and her cheek turning red.

"You b**ch!" The man yelled. Alfred and Mathew sighed.

"Now he's done it." Mathew muttered.

"You had one job man!" Alfred complained. (Y/n) touched her cheek before giggling, her eyes flashing red.

"You know... I was trying REALLY hard to be nice." (Y/n) stated before sighing. "But now you've gone and me mad." (Y/n) looked back at the man and glared, a deathly aura surrounding her. She grabbed the plastic fork she was using to eat her eggs and pointed it at the man.

"What are you going to do with that? Feed me some eggs?" The man asked, laughing. (Y/n) smirked, a dark glint forming in her eyes.

"Something like that..." (Y/n) mumbled.

"Calm down (Y/n). Let's just continue to eat." Mathew offered, standing up.

"Yeah dudette. Chill out." Alfred said, standing up as well. (Y/n) looked at the two over her shoulder and smiled.

"I am calm." She replied before facing the man. (Y/n) glanced in Gilbert's direction and whispered 'Es tut mir leid' before looking back at the man. (Y/n) jumped at the man and tackled him to the floor. He punched (Y/n)'s face a couple times as they rolled around on the floor. (Y/n) finally got on top and put one hand around his throat, pressing down with all of her weight. While the man struggled to breath, (Y/n) stabbed the fork into his eye. The man let out a strangled yelp and he struggled to get out of (Y/n)'s grip. (Y/n) giggled and got off him. The man gasped for breath before getting to his feet. (Y/n) stood in front of him, her hands on your hips.

"You b**ch! You'll f**king pay for that!" The man yelled, throwing a punch at (Y/n). (Y/n) dodged and moved behind the man. She grabbed both of his arms and pulled back, putting one foot on his back to push his torso forward.

"Stop the fight!"

"She's crazy!"

"How many times do we have to tell you to behave?" The guards were running over now, only to be blocked by the crowd of criminals surrounding (Y/n) and the man.

"Now I'll make sure you can never hit another person again." (Y/n) stated before pulling his arms and pushing his torso away until a sickening cracking sound came from his body. The man screamed in pain as (Y/n) let go of his arms. They hung limply at his sides.

"My arms! My arms! My eye! You b**ch!" The man cried, falling to his knees. Some of the guards made their way through the crowd and rushed towards (Y/n) and the man. Gilbert was one of those guards. He put (Y/n)'s hands behind her back and began pushing her through the crowd. Alfred and Mathew watched the two leave.


"Vhat on earth vas that?! I jou couldn't even vait a day!" Gilbert exclaimed. He was standing outside of (Y/n)'s cell and pacing. (Y/n) was sitting in the cell, another pair of handcuffs on her wrists.

"I tried Gil. I really did." (Y/n) said, looking up at the ceiling. "But he kept yelling at me... And it reminded me of my father." Gilbert sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"I understand... The other officers vont though. Jou're going to be put in isolation. Jou'll have to vear a straight jacket." Gilbert said. "And it'll be much harder to get jou out of this dump." (Y/n) looked down at the handcuffs.

"I don't know if this counts for anything... But I'm sorry." (Y/n) mumbled. Thundering footsteps echoed from down the hall as four figures appeared. Arthur opened the cell door and walked in, grabbing ahold of (Y/n)'s ear.

"You bloody idiot! You just had to go and do the one thing I told you not to do! Why can't you just bloody listen to me for once!?" He asked.

"Ow! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" (Y/n) exclaimed. "Stop pulling on my ear!" Oliver walked into the cell as well.

"Poppet, you need to understand what is going to happen now because of your actions." Oliver said, more calmly then Arthur.

"I'm going to go into isolation and wear a straight jacket. I won't be able to leave in any legal way and I'll be watched 24/7." (Y/n) said. Arthur sighed and let go of (Y/n)'s ear. The two Englishmen walked out of the cell and the door closed again.

"At least you understand..." Arthur mumbled.

"What happened doll? They said you stabbed a guy's eye and broke his arms." Allen asked, leaning against the wall. (Y/n) shrugged and looked back up at the ceiling.

"I don't know. He came up to me all angry like and began yelling at me. I tried to ignore him and eat my food, but he wouldn't leave me alone. He slapped me and called me a b**ch." (Y/n) said. "He reminded me of my father and I sorta just... Snapped."

"That is understandable... I only vish the police cared about that." Ludwig said, sighing. "On good nevs, all five of us are jour guards. To make sure you don't do anything dangerous or stupid."

"Oh? We are?" Oliver asked. Ludwig nodded.

"Ve start at lunch." Ludwig stated.

"That's great! Then we can plan how to get you out!" Oliver cheered.

"Wait. What do y-"

"All in good time poppet!" Oliver said before walking off.

"See you soon love." Arthur said, following after Oliver.

"Wait! You never answered my que-"

"wir sehen uns!" Gilbert called, walking in a different direction.

"halt dich aus allem Ärger raus!" Ludwig added, following Gilbert.

"Allen! No one has f**king answered my question!" (Y/n) exclaimed. Allen shrugged.

"Not my problem doll. See you soon." Allen said before walking away.



Es tut mir leid - I am sorry - German

wir sehen uns - See you - German

halt dich aus allem Ärger raus - Stay out of trouble - German

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