
(Y/n) jumped out of the car and face planted on the snowy ground. Denmark laughed and got out after her.

"Nice landing eskler!" He teased. (Y/n) giggled and got back to her feet as Finland, Sweden, Norway and Iceland got out of the car. The sun was now fully risen and made the fluffy white snow sparkle, slightly blinding (Y/n).

"How did you get in the snow (Y/n)?" Finland asked as (Y/n) dusted the snow off her clothes.

"I tripped over nothing and face planted in the snow!" (Y/n) cheered. Finland giggled.

"Let's get you into some warmer clothes! You'll freeze out here in those!" Finland said. (Y/n) laughed again.

"Nah, I'm fine! Thanks anyways Finland!" She replied. Sweden hummed before putting one hand on (Y/n)'s forehead.

"Your skin is ice cold." He stated.

"Hm? Oh! That happens sometimes. I'm really ok." (Y/n) said. Finland put his hands on his hips.

"You are changing into warmer clothes right now young lady." Finland said, his motherly voice playing a part. (Y/n) nodded.

"Fiiiiiiine. I'm going..." She grumbled. Finland nodded before skipping inside, Sweden following close behind. Iceland ran inside and headed straight to his room while Norway went to go practice his magic. (Y/n) began making her way into the Nordic's house as Denmark rushed towards her, throwing her over his shoulder and running inside.

"Kah! Denmark! Put me down!" (Y/n) exclaimed as Denmark laughed and closed the front door. Finland glanced at the two and smiled, getting things ready to make cookies.

"Denmark, can you get (Y/n) some of Iceland's old clothes? They should fit her." Denmark nodded before dashing up the stairs. (Y/n) struggled in his grip as he rummaged through a small closet, pulling out a grey long sleeve with a chibi puffin, and some black pants. Denmark dropped (Y/n) in a large room and placed the clothes on the bed.

"You can change in here eskler! These are Icy's old clothes, they should fit ya. Come on downstairs where your done!" Denmark cheered before leaving the room, closing the door behind him. (Y/n) sighed and shook her head before changing into the clothes. The shirt was a bit big, hanging off one shoulder slightly, but the pants fit perfectly. And she could feel the difference in tempature. (Y/n) grinned and ran downstairs.


Once Finland's cookies were done, Denmark rushed to grab one, only for his hand to be smacked away by Finland.

"They still need to cool Denmark! You'll burn yourself if you eat one now!" Finland scolded. Denmark pouted unhappily and trudged into the living room, collapsing on the couch beside Norway, who glared at him. (Y/n) ran into the living room holding a large bag of licorice.

"Hahahaha! You can't catch meeee!" (Y/n) cheered, laughing loudly. Iceland ran around the corner, attempting to catch up with the energetic girl.

"Give me back my licorice (Y/n)! This isn't funny!" Iceland called. (Y/n) laughed and stuck her young out before running up one if the walls and onto the ceiling. "Hey! That's not fair either!" He added, turning around to chance the upside down girl. (Y/n) just laughed before jumping down from the ceiling and back onto the floor, dodging Iceland once more before running into the living room.

"Denmark! You gotta help me before Iceland finds me!" (Y/n) exclaimed, giggling. Denmark laughed and jumped up from his seat, holding (Y/n)'s arms down.

"I got her Iceland!" Denmark called loudly. (Y/n) struggled against his grip and giggled happily as Iceland ran back into the living room, his cheeks pink from running around. He took a couple deep breaths to regain his breath before running towards Denmark and (Y/n). (Y/n) giggled and hid the licorice in her shirt sleeve.

"You traitor! I trusted you Denmark!" (Y/n) exclaimed, laughing. Denmark shrugged.

"Oh well." He replied. Iceland put his hands on his hips.

"Where'd you put my licorice?" He asked. (Y/n) giggled.

"I ate it al! Mwahahahahaha!" (Y/n) exclaimed, laughing evilly.

"You did what?!" Iceland yelled. Norway sighed.

"It's in her sleeve little brother." He stated. (Y/n) got her arms free from Denmark and crossed her arms. (She was still being held captive)

"Denmark! The cookies are cooled off." Finland called, laughing. Denmark's eyes lit up as he let go of (Y/n) and ran into the kitchen. (Y/n) froze for a second as Iceland stared her down. Her left shoulder was showing a bit from running so much, (the sleeve fell down) her cheeks were a light red and it took her a couple seconds to regain her breath.

"Give me back my licorice!" Iceland exclaimed, tackling (Y/n). He pinned her legs down with his and pinned her arms above her head with one hand. (Y/n) squirmed around under him, a darker blush on her cheeks as she looked up at the Icelandic male.

"L-Let go of me!" She exclaimed. Iceland shook his head.

"Nie! I want my licorice back!" Iceland exclaimed as Denmark, Sweden and Finland walked back into the living room. Denmark burst out laughing.

"Man Icy, I didn't think you would do that in front of everyone!" He exclaimed. Iceland's face lit up as he jumped off (Y/n).

"It wasn't like that you idiot!" Iceland exclaimed. "I was just trying to get my licorice back!"

"It's true. I saw the whole thing." Norway stated, putting his phone away.

"Thank you." Iceland said, letting out a sigh.

"Big brother."

"No! Stop it!"

"Big brother!"

"Norway! Stop!"

"Big brother!"

"I'm not listening!"

"Big sister?"

"That doesn't even make any sence!" (Y/n) giggled and stood up, the package of licorice falling out of her sleeve and back into her hand. She grinned and took a piece out before handing the package back to Iceland.

"Here ya go! I only wanted one peice!" (Y/n) said. "You didn't listen though, so I stole the whole thing!"

"Awww! Why are you so adorable eskler?" Denmark asked, tackling (Y/n) in a large hug. Thankfully thus time, they didn't fall over. Norway stood up and began choking Denmark with his tie again, making the Danish man let go of the small girl.

"Right! We came out here for a reason! I made cookies and if you don't want Denmark to eat them all, I suggest coming to eat them now!" Finland cheered. (Y/n) jumped happily and ran into the kitchen, Denmark hot on her heels.

"YAS!!! COOKIES!!!" She cheered loudly, grabbing one and taking a bite. "Mmm! These are good! Thanks Finland!" Finland smiled.

"It's no problem Earth!" Finland replied happily. (Y/n) giggled and grabbed another cookie before looking over at Sweden, who was standing in the corner.

"Hey Sweden! Arn't ya gunna eat any cookies?" Denmark asked, waving his cookies around and accidently smacking Norway in the face. Norway glared at Denmark and began choking him with his tie again. Sweden hummed quietly in response. (Y/n) looked down at her cookie before walking over to Sweden. She stood on her tippy toes before frowning. She only reached his chest. Sweden looked down at her and blinked in confusion. (Y/n) attempted to get taller by jumping. It didn't work. Denmark burst out laughing while Finland hid his laugh behind his hand. Iceland snickered quietly and Norway's eyes held amusement. Sweden picked (Y/n) up with one arm, making her smile happily. She giggled and shoved the cookie in his mouth, making Denmark fall on the ground laughing, his laugh's coming out as choppy from Norway's grip on his tie. Sweden blinked again before taking a bite from the cookie, taking the rest of it out of his mouth. (Y/n) smiled.

"You looked like you wanted a cookie!"

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