Let the prelims..... BEGIN!
Third person POV:
Once all the students that were competing in the talent show got settled into the cafeteria, Basch stood in the middle of the stage, (that just happened to be in the cafeteria.) Hercules and Hermes standing behind him.
"Oi! Pay attention!" Basch ordered. Everyone imidiatly stopped talking once noticing Basch's glare. "Good. You're all here for this dumb talent show that's not really show of talent. It's a competition to see who's the best. There will be multiple rounds and you won't always be with someone you like. So suck it up or get out of here now. I won't be taking any complaints." Basch said. Hermes stepped forward.
"Today we'll be having a prelims where everyone gives off an example of what they can do. There will be a group song as well to warm everyone up." He added.
"We have the ability to kick anyone we seem unfit to participate out of the talent show at any time." Hercules added, yawning. "The people dancing for songs in this competition will not be choosing the songs. And the students singing will have a choice of songs to choose from."
"Is everyone ready?" Hermes asked. The crowd stayed quiet. Basch rolled his eyes and pulled out a gun.
"We said, are you ready?" The crowd cheered loudly. Basch nodded and put his gun away. "Good. Now start warming yourselves up before the group warm up." The crowd began forming into groups as everyone began warming up. The jocks going together, the sl**ty fangirls together, the 1p and 2p Nordics together, the FACE families, the Axis plus the Spaniards, Prussians and South Italians, Ivan, Viktor, Yao, Zao, Natalia and Elizabeta were in a group and the losers club stayed together.
"What a bunch of losers." (Y/n) said, stretching out her arms.
"Says you. You created the losers club with Rika." Jumin said, rolling his eyes. (Y/n) scoffed.
"That's different. We actually know how this thing works. Everyone else here is actually here to impress someone." (Y/n) said before bending down to touch her toes.
"Don't go underestimating these people just because they've never preformed before. You know just as well as all of us that most of these students are very skilled in dancing or singing." Yoosung said, twisting his back a couple times. Zen winced at the sound of the cracking.
"Relax you guys. We still have this in the bag." Seven said, bending backwards and flipping back onto his feet. Jayhee sighed and rubbed her temples.
"I'm so glad I'm a stage hand..." She muttered.
"I'll blow the competition away with my amazing looks and my awe striking acting skills!" Zen exclaimed. He was sitting on the floor with his legs spread, touching the floor in the middle of his legs by his toes.
"Yeah. But once someone dresses up like a cat you'll be off the stage in a second. Sneezing like crazy!" Seven exclaimed, laughing. Zen clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes.
"Like that will happen. Jumin won't let you dress up like a cat again. You'll get disqualified."
"It was worth it last year." Seven said, putting a hand over his heart dramatically. (Y/n) snickered.
"You know you love it Zen." She teased before doing a handstand and flipping back onto her feet. Zen stuck his tongue out at her childishly before doing the splits, using his arms to support him as he went into a handstand and flip onto his feet, stretching out his wrists once he landed on his feet.
"Alright! Everyone get up on stage! We're starting!" Basch announced, jumping off the stage. Hercules and Hermes were already sitting at a computer, which was hooked up to a bunch of speakers. Basch made his way over to them while everyone stood on the stage awkwardly.
"Since the losers club does this every year, they will explain how this will work." Basch said into a mic. Everyone looked over at the losers club, who looked at (Y/n). (Y/n) sighed and swore under her breath before stepping forward.
"Alright! Everyone listen up because I'm only going to say this s**t once!" She announced loudly. A couple of the girls continued to talk, only to get shushed by some of the countries. "Good. Normally for a group warm up we all stand in a large circle." Everyone stayed put.
"Make a damn circle!" (Y/n) yelled. A couple people jumped before getting into a large circle on the stage. "Whoever recognizes the music first can start singing the lead. Everyone else gets to join in once they catch on. You can dance in the circle, clap or stomp along to the music and switch roles once everyone is singing." (Y/n) explained.
"Does everyone understand?" Seven asked. Nods and 'yes'm could be heard. (Y/n) nodded towards the three judges before crossing her arms. The music began playing and Alfred's eyes lit up right away. Instantly recognising the music.
(Hugh Jackman's part - Alfred, Bearded Ladies part - (Y/n), Zack Efron's part - Allen, Zendaya's part - Elizabeta)
Once the song ended, everyone in the circle had red cheeks and were somewhat sweaty from all the singing and dancing. Basch clapped his hands to get everyone's attention.
"Great job. You all look stupid now." He stated, walking forward. "Since classes have been canceled for this dumb show, we'll be assigning the first groups to go first. Everyone else will preform after lunch. When I call your group name, step forward." Basch said as Hercules lazily handed him a clipboard. Basch nodded a thanks before reading off a bunch of group names.
"Kawaii, We Will Rock You, Allies and the loser club." Basch read out. "Go get ready. Everyone else, go make an audience." The crowd on the stage broke apart. Most people left the stage and sat on tables while the four groups stayed on stage and talked within their groups.
"What type of names are these?" (Y/n) asked, looking over the groups. "I mean, I expected dumb names from the sl*ts and jocks. But the new kids that were picked were called the Allies. And they're all from different parts on the world based off their accents. The exact countries that form the Allies in WW2..." (Y/n) said, touching her toes once more.
"I'm sure it's just a coincidence. Stop over thinking everything." Jumin said, rolling his eyes. Seven, Zen and Yoosung nodded in agreement.
"Yeah. You tend to over think things when you're nervous. Do you happen to think any of these people could defeat us?" Seven asked, raising an eyebrow.
"NO F**KING WAY!" (Y/n) exclaimed, putting her hands on her hips. "Never in a million years will that ever happen. I just can't wait to destroy them in my game! After so many years of being beaten up, its time for pay back!" (Y/n) added, a dark glint in her eyes for a moment as she smirked.
"Scary~~~" Yoosung cried, hiding behind Jumin. Jumin pushed Yoosung out from behind him.
"Where's V and Jaehee?" Zen asked.
"Jaehee always helps out backstage. And V said he was busy with lighting and taking pictures." Yoosung said.
"Alright! Up next is Kawaii. Hurry this up!" Basch ordered. All the groups except the sl**ty girls walked to the sides of the stage. The cafeteria darkened and a spotlight shined on the five or so girls.
"Alright girls. Let's show these losers how this is done!" The girl in the middle announced as the music began.
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