I'm faster!
(Y/n) put her hands on her hips as she stood in front of her mirror. She was wearing a (f/c) t shirt with a (favourite superhero) logo in the middle, a grey skirt that went to mid thigh (it also had a (favourite superhero) logo on it as well, just in the left hand side. Kinda small.), black tights and (f/c) roller skates. Her hair was put up in a (style) and her eyes sparkled happily. Faint scars lined her arms, legs and base of her neck. Some more noticeable then others.
"HAHA!!! Now I'm not bored!" She cheered happily before skating out of her room. She slide down the railing before grabbing a dark (f/c) hoody and skating out of her house.
"Dude, are you sure she's coming? It's been four minuets." A man with blonde hair exclaimed. He took a large bite from his Big Mac as he looked towards his albino friend.
"Chill America. Girls like to take their time." Gilbert replied.
"Woah, who's the eskler?" A tall man with spiky blonde hair asked, pointing towards a figure zooming towards the three.
"WATCH OUT!!!" The girl yelled before crashing into the tall blonde, sending them both to the ground. The two groaned. "Ughh.... I'm sorry..." (Y/n) groaned. The man under her laughed as the blonde holding the burger helped her back to her feet.
"It's ok eskler! It's not everyday pretty ladies like you fall for me. Literally speaking I mean." The spiky blonde said as he got back to his feet. (Y/n) dusted off her clothes as the blonde with the cow lick stared at her, his eyes slightly wide. (Y/n) grinned and rubbed the back of her neck nervously.
"I'm going to ignore that comment. But sorry again. It's not the best way to meet someone." She apologized.
"It's fine! Now let's get going dudes and dudette! I wanna get skating!" The blonde cheered, shoving the rest of his burger into his mouth and chugging his drink. Gilbert and the blonde laughed as the three began walking towards the entrance. (Y/n) skated casually behind them, her hands clasped behind her back.
"Hey, I never caught your friend's names Gilbert." (Y/n) commented as they payed to get in and got a dark blue stamp on one hand. Gilbert laughed and traded his shoes for some skates.
"The tall one is mien friend Mathias, and the one vearing glasses is Alfred." Gilbert replied, lacing his skates up. Mathias and Alfred were already zooming around the track. (Y/n) froze.
"Hey, so what's your name?" (Y/n) asked, tilting her head to the side. The blonde grinned and washed his bloodied hands. The rest of (Y/n)'s flesh wounds had been patched up. Her limbs were sore all over and some bones were broken. The bones that were broken were also wrapped with bandages and some wood in a makeshift splint, making (Y/n) look like a zombie.
"Huh? Oh! I'm the hero! Alfred. F. Jones! Part of the American army!"
"(Y/n)! Frau! Jou good? Jou zoned out there for a second!" Gilbert exclaimed, waving a hand in front of (Y/n)'s face. (Y/n) blinked before giving a sheepish grin, standing up.
"Sorry. I tend to zone out a lot. Don't take it personally." (Y/n) replied. Gilbert shrugged before skating onto the track.
"Vhatever. Nov let's skate! I bet I can go faster then jou!" Gilbert announced. (Y/n) laughed before zooming ahead.
"You wish!" She called before passing Alfred and Mathias, lapping Gilbert. Gilbert grinned and began to skate faster, Alfred and Mathias right behind him.
The three boys huffed in attempt to catch their breath as (Y/n) casually rolled towards them, her arms crossed.
"Skating is my game nerds. No one is better then me at it... Except for maybe Canada. He might be better at ice skating... I've never actually met him before though, so I wouldn't know for sure... But no one is better at roller skating then me. It's how I get around. I'm too lazy to use a bike and I hate the pollution cars produce. Plus, walking takes up too much time." (Y/n) rambled, ignoring the wide eyed stares she was getting from the three boys.
"Vait, vhat did jou say?" Gilbert asked.
"What?" (Y/n) asked, tilting her head to the side.
"About Canada dude." Alfred said, plastering a smile on his face to mask the worry in his eyes.
"What about Canada?"
"Canada is a country, Frau. Vhy talk about him like a human?" Gilbert asked nervously, picking his words carefully. (Y/n) shrugged.
"Because he is a human...? Well, not really. He's pretty much immortal." (Y/n) said tapping her chin for a moment before skating away. AG appeared out of no where and skated beside (Y/n), snickering.
"You sure have a way with words. Now those three will be wanting answers~" AG said in a playful, singsong kinda voice. She giggled as Mathias, Alfred and Gilbert began skating after (Y/n). (Y/n) shrugged before stopping. The three skated right past her and into a brick wall. (Y/n) turned around and began skating the other way.
"Well I don't really have to explain myself. I already knew the personifications of country's existed. I just didn't know who they were. Except for America. I found out who he was in WW1 when he helped me with my wounds. Once Gilbert said his name, I knew who they were. Simple as that." (Y/n) explained. Alfred skated the opposite way of (Y/n) so they would pass each other, his arms out and a large grin on his face as he laughed. He was trying to draw attention to himself as Mathias and Gilbert snuck up behind. (Y/n) sped up and jumped over Alfred before skating towards the bathrooms. Alfred crashed into Mathias, who fell onto Gilbert, causing a large dog pile. AG laughed before disappearing again.
"Dude, that was skill!" Alfred exclaimed, laughing as he struggled to get back to his feet.
"Ja! But hov did she knov ve vere country's? Or about Canada?" Gilbert asked before groaning as Mathias elbowed his stomach, attempting to stand as well.
"Why is your stomach so squishy?" Mathias asked, laughing. Gilbert scoffed.
"Vhy is jour elbov so bony?" Gilbert shot back.
(Y/n) skated into the girls bathroom, scanning the room.
"That crash will only buy me so much time... If they want answers, they'll have to play my little game of hide and seek!~" (Y/n) said, giggling. Her grin widened as she found a window. "Wait, why is there a window is a bathroom...? You know what... I'm not even gunna ask." (Y/n) mumbled to herself before skating towards the window. She opened it as Mathias, Gilbert and Alfred reached the girls bathroom.
"Dude, we can't just go in there! A hero wouldn't do that!" Alfred exclaimed, waving his hands around.
"Vhat else can be do?"
"The eskler has to come out at some point, right? Why don't we wait?" Mathias suggested. (Y/n) snickered before walking up the wall towards the window, climbing halfway through.
"See ya later nerds!" (Y/n) called. The three glanced at each other and nodded before bursting into the bathroom. (Y/n) laughed and stuck her tongue out before exiting out the rest of the window, a (f/c) mist closing it behind her.
"Woah... I wasn't expecting that..." Mathias stated, putting his hands in his pockets.
"Jou said it." Gilbert agreed. Alfred chuckled.
"Same old (Y/n)..." He mumbled to himself before putting one fist up. "Let's go find the dudette!"
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