Third person POV:
The countries all stared at the spot where (Y/n) was just lying. All traces of her pale and bloodied body were gone. Most of the countries were crying and embracing each other. A few like Viktor, Berwald and Markell were forcing their tears away, keeping their normal expressions. Allen stood up from his kneeling position and walked over to Antonio, who was frozen in place. His sword had fallen to the ground and his eyes still wide. Allen's hair cast a dark shadow over his eyes.
"You f**ker!" Allen yelled, shoving Antonio. "You f**king killed the only person who f**king excepted us!?!" He shoved Antonio again, making him fall into the blood stained snow.
"Allen. Stop it." Matt said, looking over at his brother. "It's not worth it." Allen turned to face Matt, tears threatening to fall.
"Not worth it? NOT F**KING WORTH IT MATT?!? WHAT THE F*** DUDE! SHE WAS THE ONLY F**KING THING FROM KEEPING US FROM FALLING EVEN FURTHER INTO INSANITY! FROM KILLING EVERYONE IN THIS F**KING PLACE!!! F***! SHE EVEN KILLED WITH US!" Allen yelled before breaking down. He fell to his knees and sobbed into the snow. Silence fell upon the countries for a few moments before a soft 'thump' interrupted it.
"(Y/n) wanted you guys to have this." AG said, leaning against the Nordic house. Her hair was covering her eyes and her hands were shoved in her jean pockets. Lying in the middle of the countries was a phone with a (f/c) case. Oliver grabbed the phone shakily and turned it on. The lock screen was a picture of the 1p FACE family, (Y/n) standing in the middle of them with a large smile on her face. Arthur was glaring at Francis, who was blowing a kiss at the camera. Alfred had one arm over (Y/n)'s shoulders and the other in the air, posing like a superhero, while Mathew was standing on the other side of (Y/n), hiding half of his face in Kumajiro's fur. Oliver slid the screen over and the phone unlocked, revealing all the apps.
"Go to the photos." AG said. Oliver obeyed and pressed the correct app, only to see one file labeled 'Memories'. Oliver pressed on the file only to have the screen glitch to static. The static lasted for a moment before a (f/c) mist came out of the phone. The mist surrounded all of the countries before disappearing. The snowy landscape around the Nordic house melting into darkness. AG had disappeared as well. The countries that were on the ground stood up as a teal colored hologram flickered to life in front of them. The hologram smiled and waved at the countries.
"Heya guys! It's me! If you're seeing this, then I'm most likely gone... Or Alfred tried getting into my phone again." The hologram of (Y/n) said, giggling. "But if I am gone, good job of working together! I'm so proud of all of you!" (Y/n) exclaimed.
"I don't have a lot of time... And I'm sure you all have a lot of questions. So I'll try to answer the important ones." (Y/n) said, putting her hands in her pockets. "Of course, I can't actually hear you guys, so I'll just guess some of your questions. So um... I never told you guys that I was fading because I knew that you would make you you never got along together. So... I'm really sorry about that... Ummm... What other question would you have...? Oh! Some of you might be questioning why I had two chibi forms! Well... It's a bit hard to explain... After WW2 my body sustained so much pain and destruction I had no choice but to go back to my chibi form. I was found by an orphanage one day and stayed there for a while before being adopted. Unfortunately... I forgot all about being a personification for a couple decades... AG taught me who I really was and I continued my search for you guys. And that's when I found Feli and Lovi! Then, everything just fell into place." (Y/n) explained. She rubbed the back of her neck a couple times awkwardly, glancing around the room.
"When the 1p's turned into chibi's during the sleepover, I realized I met most of you when I was first a chibi. I'm not too sure about the 2p's... But I have a feeling I met you guys when I was little too... It's a bit hard to explain... So I'll just show you. Her--" A hologram version of Andres walked on screen.
"Who the f*** are you talking to?" He asked, crossing his arms. (Y/n) looked over at him and smiled.
"Huh? Oh! Andres! I'm not talking to anyone! Just myself!" She laughed. Andres clicked his tongue and shook his head.
"I always knew you were crazier then us... Luciano told me to get you for lunch so hurry up or I'll have to drag you there myself." Andres stated before walking off. (Y/n) turned back to the countries.
"I have to go now! I know AG wouldn't have actually let me die. So please come save me! See you guys in hell! Love ya!" (Y/n) said, making a heart with her hands. Andres walked back into the room and grabbed the back of (Y/n)'s shirt, dragging her out of the room. The hologram of (Y/n) and Andres glitches out and was replaced with a large screen.
"So that's what she was f**king doing that day... Idiot..." Andres muttered, glaring at the ground. The screen flickered to life, catching the countries attention. AG leaned back from the screen and smiled.
"There! I think this thing is on!" She said, laughing. "You all must be upset that I'm not (Y/n). Sorry about that. I'm only here for a couple minuets before her memories start. A warning of sorts. Many of these memories will make you countries flustered, embarrassed, angry and happy. Please refrain from killing each other. I'm looking at you Allen!" Luciano and Alfred snickered. "You too Luci! Alfred!" Allen stuck his tongue out at the two as they crossed their arms, looking in two different directions.
"As for everyone else... Please TRY to hold yourselves back. I know it will be very tempting to kill each other. But if you want to see (Y/n) again you'll have to work together. I won't be able to save her a second time. Till next time~"
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