
Third person POV:

(Y/n) yawned and fell back onto the bed. Muffled yelled could be heard from up stairs, making (Y/n) groan in annoyance.

"So before I can fade, I need to make these guys friends too huh?" (Y/n) asked herself, putting one hand over her face. From the tips of her fingers to her elbow began flickering between not existing and existing. She sighed and let her hand drop to her chest. "Whatever. As long as everyone is happy and gets along, I'll be happy." A soft knock came from the door, making (Y/n) sit up.

"Come on in! It's open!" (Y/n) called. The door opened and Gillian slipped in, closing the door behind him. (Y/n) smiled. "Hey! You're Gillian, right?" Gillian nodded, sitting on the floor in front of (Y/n).

"U-Uhh.. Yeah... That's me..." Gillian mumbled. (Y/n) sat down on the floor as well.

"I know I said this before, but it's nice to meet you!" (Y/n) said, giggling. "What can I help ya with?" Gillian stayed quiet, looking down at the floor. (Y/n) smiled softly.

"I like you." She stated. Gillian's eyes widened as he looked up at her, a pale blush on his cheeks.


"I like you!" (Y/n) repeated. "Don't get me wrong, everyone here and in the 1p world is great! But they're all... Kinda loud. Not that loud us bad or anything! It's just... Nice to have a break from loud somethings, y'know?" (Y/n) rambled, rubbing the back of her neck. Gillian looked down again.

"I'm sorry..." He mumbled.

"Eh? Why?"

"No one vould vant to hang out vith a quiet, loser like me... I'm pretty much forcing jou to talk to me. I should just leave... I'm sorry..." Gillian whispered, standing up. (Y/n) tilted her head in confusion.

"Ehhh? Where did that come from?" She asked as Gillian reached for the door handle. (Y/n) stood up and forced Gillian to sit back down. "Sit down. I enjoy talking to you! And you're not forcing me to talk to you. To be honest, you came at a great time! I was begining to think about the meaning of life. Not a pleasant thing to think about if you ask me." (Y/n) said, giggling.

"B-But... I'm the biggest nobody jou'll ever meet. A loser no one vants around!"

"Pff! I don't see a loser anywhere around here! And if nobody was here then I would be lonely and looking more insane then I already am." (Y/n) stated, putting her hands on her hips, a playful smile gracing her features. "Plus, if talking to you makes me a loser, then I'll become a loser. I'd rather be a loser and have fun with my friends then a somebody and have a bunch of fake friends." A small smile made it's way to Gillian's face.


"No problem! I love cheering up my friends!" (Y/n) said, giggling. After a moment, she paused. "Hey, could you tell me a bit about the Axis? I only learned about them today." Gillian nodded slowly.

~~~ With Oliver and Allen ~~~


"Growing attached to the victim won't help once we kirr her." Kuro stated, his face a void of emotions. "Remember the pran."

"F*** THE S***TY PLAN!!! WE CAN FIND ANOTHER WAY TO GET REVENGE ON THE F**KING 1P'S!!!" Pink swirled into Oliver's eyes, almost taking over the blue.

"Harm her in anyway and you'll see first hand what's in my cupcakes~ I have been running low on supplies recently~" Oliver said, giggling. 

"Jou need to relax. Ve vont be killing her yet. Ve vant to see vhat's so special about this girl." Lutz said, leaning on the kitchen table, a smirk on his face. "Vell, besides her body~"

"I-A FINISHED THE-A CLOTHING~" Flávio called, running into the kitchen. He held a (f/c) knee length dress, white, knee high socks and a pair of (f/c) Mary Janes. "I-a found the-a shoes in my car~" Oliver smiled, the pink disappearing from his eyes as he looked over at Flávio.

"The poppet should be in the spare room with Prussia!" He called. Flávio giggled and skipped off.

"Idiota..." Luciano mumbled, rubbing his temples. He looked up, narrowing his eyes at Allen. "We are-a taking her no matter what you-a bastardo's say." He stated.


~~ Back with you ~~~

"Bella~~~ I-a made you-a some clothes! Go try them-a on!" Flávio cheered, bursting into the room. Gillian jumped slightly, his face going pale. (Y/n) looked up from Gillian's phone, smiling.

"Heya Flávio! Thanks so much for the clothes!" She cheered. Flávio handed her the clothes and (Y/n) stood up. "I'll be right back! Stay right here!" (Y/n) called before running into the bathroom to go change. Flávio sat on the bed.

"What do you-a think of the Bella?" He asked. Gillian shrugged.

"Not like anyone else..." He muttered.

"Si. She-a seems nice... A bit too-a nice..." Flávio said.

"Jou think she's planing something...?" Flávio's look darkened slightly.

"Si..." (Y/n) skipped into the room happily, making Flávio's dark expression vanish.

"How do I look?" (Y/n) asked, twirling around. The dress went to her knees. It wasn't poofy, but it wasn't stuck to her legs either. It had rainbow sparkles at the bottom of the dress, fading away the further up it went and sleeves that went to mid bicep.

"You-a look fabulous bella~~~" Flávio cheered, clapping his hands together. He had stars in his eyes. Gillian looked back down at the floor, a dark blush on his cheeks.

"Jou look amazing..." He mumbled quietly. (Y/n) smiled and sat down next to Gillian.

"I'm glad! The dress is beautifully made Flávio! I thought I would look like a potato in it!" (Y/n) said, rubbing the back of her neck. "I tend to make pretty things look bad..." She whispered.

"No way! The dress won't-a ever compare to you're-a beauty bella! Don't-a think that-a way about yourself!" Flávio exclaimed, standing up. (Y/n) looked up at him.

"Aw, thanks Flávio! That means so much!" (Y/n) said. Flávio grinned before tackling (Y/n) in a hug. (Y/n) laughed before pulling Gillian into the hug as well, hugging them both happily.


(Y/n) laughed and walked back downstairs. Gillian and Flávio had left half an hour before and the yelling had stopped. Once (Y/n) reached the kitchen, most of the jaws dropped. Lutz and Kuro had a nose bleed, Oliver had a light blush on his cheeks, Allen had passed out surrounded by blood, Luciano had a smirk on his face, Flávio was clapping happily and Gillian was looking out the window, a light blush still on his cheeks.

"I figured I was aloud downstairs. The yelling had stopped." (Y/n) said, jumping up onto the kitchen counter.

"Ah, yes poppet... You'll be staying with the Axis for a while. They want to... Get to know you..." Oliver said, his smile looking more forced. (Y/n) nodded.

"Sounds like a plan! At least I know before hand. The 1p's kept kidnapping me." (Y/n) said, shrugging.

"Oh goodness poppet! That sounds terrible!" Oliver exclaimed. (Y/n) giggled.

"Eh. I got used to it. Plus, it was like a big adventure!" 

"All right then poppet... Go pack your stuff." (Y/n) nodded before running back upstairs. Oliver grabbed a kitchen knife from the table and pointed it at Luciano. His expression was deadly and a poisonous aura surrounded him. Baby pink swirled in his eyes. "If I find a single scratch on my poppet... I will not show any mercy." Oliver growled. Allen got up from his unconcious like state and put a hand on Oliver's shoulder, narrowing his eyes at the axis.

"F**king calm down Oliver. They promised not to f**king kill her. Remember?" 

"Fine, fine..." Oliver said, putting the knife away.

"Point your-a knife at me-a again and it'll be the last thing you-a do." Luciano stated coldly, glaring at Oliver. Oliver ignored him and began making more cupcakes. 


After a couple of minutes, (Y/n) skipped back downstairs holding a backpack.

"I'm all ready!" She called.

"Oh poppet! I'm going to miss you!" Oliver cried, tackling (Y/n) in a hug. (Y/n) hugged back.

"I'm going to miss you guys too! But I'll see you soon." (Y/n) said. " I also left my phone number on the spare bed so you can contact me whenever!"

"Thank you poppet!!!" Oliver cheered. Allen messed up (Y/n)'s hair.

"See you around dollface. Don't forget me~" Allen said, winking. (Y/n) laughed and hugged him before walking towards Gillian and Flávio. Lutz winked at (Y/n) while Kuro ignored her.

"See you guys soon! Tell Matt, Francois and Kuma I say bye!" (Y/n) called as Flávio dragged her out the door. (Y/n) paled slightly once she saw the car. Flávio jumped into shot gun while Lutz pulled (Y/n) onto his lap in the back. Gillian sat next to Lutz, Kuro sat next to Gillian, and Luciano was in the drivers seat.

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