Free day...?

Third person POV:

Three weeks passed and the countries had become friendly acquaintances with (Y/n). More or less at least. Feliancio and Lovino were the closest with (Y/n), just like before. Although, everyone else was becoming close too. Too close for Seven's liking.

(Y/n) walked onto the bus and gave a small nod towards the countries before sitting in her seat at the very front of the bus. Francis, Gilbert, Antonio, Mathias, Luciano, Flavio and Lutz were flirting with some of the girls at the back of the bus, Arthur and Lukas were talking about new books they read, Emil, Tino and Berwald were talking amongst themselves, Markell, Egil, Thurston, Loki and Bernard were talking about (Y/n), Hungary and Belarus were talking about one of the classes they had together, Oliver and Yao were talking about cooking, Ivan and Viktor were talking about sunflowers, Alfred was annoying Arthur, Mathew and Matt were talking quietly together, Francois and Andres were sleeping, Feliancio, Ludwig and Lovino were chatting/arguing and Kiku and Kuro were arguing about anime.

Once the bus stopped, all the regular people stayed seated on the bus, watching as (Y/n) got off first. The countries also made their way off the bus as well, kicking the sleeping one awake as they passed.

"Bella! Bella! Wait-a up!" Feliancio yelled, waving his arms around as he ran towards (Y/n), dragging Lovino behind him.

"Shut-a up idiota!" Lovino yelled, ripping his hand away from Feliancio's. "And don't touch me-a..." Feliancio laughed as he tackled (Y/n) in a hug, not noticing when she flinched. Lovino noticed but didn't say anything.

"Get off Feliancio." (Y/n) muttered, walking towards her locker, Feliancio hanging off her back.

"Silly bella! I-a told you to-a call me Feli! We're-a amici!"

"Yeah. Whatever you say Feli..." (Y/n) muttered. Feliancio smiled and jumped off (Y/n)'s back as she unlocked her locker.

"See you-a at lunch, si?" Lovino asked, glancing at (Y/n). (Y/n) hummed in response.

"Si." She agreed, nodding. Lovino blushed lightly before muttering a goodbye before dragging Feliancio away.

"ADDIO AMICI!!!!" Feliancio yelled. (Y/n) smiled slightly and gave a small wave before heading towards English class.


(Y/n), Mathias and Markell stood up for 'O Canada', looking around their empty English room in confusion.

"Hello students! This is Mr Alric! Mr Alistor and I have decided to give you all a free day! Leave school, have fun, do whatever! As long as it's within the law of course. Classes will begin regularly tomorrow! Have a good day!" Alric cheered as the announcement cut off. (Y/n) looked over at Mathias and Markell, raising an eyebrow.

"What the f*** was that?" She asked.

"FREE DAY!!!! WOO!!!" Mathias yelled, jumping out of his chair. Markell groaned, narrowing his eyes at Mathias.

"Stop yelling. Idiot." Markell grumbled, grabbing Mathias' tie and choking him. Mathias immidiatly went quiet, trying to pry the tie from around his neck. (Y/n) snickered and grabbed her bag.

"No classes! F*** YEAH!" She cheered, walking around the table.

"Where are you going?" Markell asked, casually dropping Mathias to the floor. Mathias gasped for breath, rubbing his neck in attempt to smooth the pain.

"To work. I need the extra money." (Y/n) said. Markell glanced at Mathias, sharing a thought briefly. Mathias jumped to his feet and jumped over the table so he was standing in front of (Y/n). He grinned happily and picked (Y/n) up, throwing her over his shoulder.

"It's a free day eskler! No need to work yet! Come and have some fun for once, yeah?" Mathias said, walking out of the classroom. Markell followed behind, carrying their backpacks. (Y/n) attempted to get free, but soon found it fruitless and just glared at the floor. Mathias walked around the school for s while before stopping in the drama room. He set (Y/n) down on a chair, only to get kicked in the face.

"Don't go f**king picking random girls up like that you f**ker!" (Y/n) yelled, one hand hovering over her stomach instinctively. Mathias groaned from his spot on the floor as Markell stepped on his, dropping Mathias' bag on his face. "Why are we even in the f**king drama room anyways?"

"Everyone's already here!" Mathias yelled, recovering from his pain. 

"Yo dudes! Yo dudette! So glad you can make it!" Alfred yelled, bursting onto the stage in front of the three. He had his usual large grin on his face. 

"What the f*** do you want?" (Y/n) asked, narrowing her eyes at Alfred.

"Awwww! Come on Heroine! We're all buddies now! No need for the constant swearing!" Alfred said, laughing. (Y/n) rolled her eyes.

"I would like to go to work. May I please leave?" (Y/n) asked, sarcasm dripping from her words.

"Voah! Jou just said a vhole sentence vithout svearing!" Gilbert yelled, summersaulting on stage and pointing at (Y/n).

"I CAN GO A WHOLE F**KING DAY WITHOUT F**KING SWEARING YOU A**!" (Y/n) yelled, jumping down from the chair she was sitting on.

"Oh ja? Prove it!" Gilbert taunted. "If jou don't svear for the vhole day, I'll do one thing for jou. But if jou lose, jou'll do one thing for me. Fair?" Gilbert asked.

"Tch. Fine. But I'm going to win." (Y/n) stated, crossing her arms.

"Deal starts nov!"

"Now what do we do dudes?" Alfred asked.

"Anything within the law." Mathias said. 

"Where is everyone else?" (Y/n) asked.

"Huh? Oh, they're back here hiding in the curtians or something." Alfred replied, waving one hand towards the left. "But who cares about them right now? Let's go do something!" Alfred yelled, jumping off the stage. Gilbert jumped off as well, both boys making their way towards Mathias and (Y/n).

"Jou can sing, ja?" Gilbert 'asked'. (Y/n) narrowed her eyes at the albino suspiciously.

"Ja...." She muttered.

"Great! Vill jou preform for us?" Gilbert asked.

"No flipping way." (Y/n) stated, crossing her arms and looking away.

"Come onnn Heroine! We just want to see what we're up against in the talent show!" Alfred whined. (Y/n) clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes.

"Don't use my words against me..." (Y/n) muttered.

"Pleeeeeeaaaaaaaseeeeeeee????" The three begged. (Y/n) looked over to Markell for help, only to see that he disappeared. (Y/n) sighed before un crossing her arms, holding back the will to punch them all in the face.

"Flippin' fine! Just stop your stupid whining!" (Y/n) said. The three cheered and sat down on the floor as (Y/n) got on the stage.

"For the talent show, it's not just singing. It's dancing as well. But our talent show isn't like others. Since it's normally just the loser club performing, we made it so there are multiple rounds. The teams get mixed and matched together through the different rounds and whoever comes out on top in the judges point of view wins the whole thing." (Y/n) explained. "Seven says it like the show 'So You Think You Can Dance'. I wouldn't know." (Y/n) shrugged.

"I don't feel like singing... So I'll just dance. If you judge then you'll find a knife in your eye when you wake up tomorrow." (Y/n) stated, looking down at the boys. They all gave thumbs up. (Y/n) rolled her eyes as music randomly began playing. She looked to her left to see Alex standing there, his phone hooked up to the speakers. Alex winked at (Y/n), making her roll her eyes.

"Let's just get this done and over with..."

Once the dance ended, everyone who had been in the wings of the stage had walked off and sat in the audience. (Y/n)'s ears turned a bright red when everyone began clapping loudly.

"That was awesome dude!"

"Quiet extraordinary."

"How are we suppose to compete against that?!"

"I r-really like you da-"

"That was really well done aru! So cute!"

(Y/n) sat down on the edge of the stage and crossed her arms.

"All of you just shut up already." She stated. "There's no need to lie to my face..." (Y/n) muttered under her breath. No one seemed to hear what she said as they all began arguing loudly. Some of them even throwing a couple punches. (Y/n) sighed and shook her head.

"Why am I even friends with you...?"


  amici - Friends - Italian

Addio - Goodbye - Italian

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